View Full Version : A warning to admins

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:08:32 PM
do NOT let anything from the new (DVD) trailer be shown here. It is illegal. Was reading it at TF.N. They cant do icons or anything until the notice is removed from the Official site

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:18:50 PM

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:22:36 PM
I get the feeling it is because there's another next week that will basically have all the scenes in, so they dont want some to ruin it for all

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:24:25 PM
Probably has to do with the fact that it is intended only for people who purchased the Ep I DVD. I’m no lawyer, but I think that could have some legal ramifications. Distributing something that is supposed to be basically “paid for” content to those who didn’t pay.

Jedah Lynch
Nov 10th, 2001, 03:39:46 PM
Old Georgey boy likes to wear hats made out of money.

Shall wait to buy Ep 1 on DVD until they come out with yet another "Special Edition" sometime down the road.

*Downloads EP 2 trailers on Morpheous*:smokin

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:49:31 PM

I hate people who go on about Lucas and money. I really do. No logic, just mindless bashing. Grrrrr

Sanis Prent
Nov 10th, 2001, 04:08:52 PM
No...its a good point. Seriously...did they honestly think the DVD-locked trailer would be kept "exclusive". It was available for download within hours of release to all people.

Jedah Lynch
Nov 10th, 2001, 04:14:15 PM
Thus speakth the brit.

Really, if I wished to bash Lucas would point out the numerous cases of his dealings with theatres that has been rather demanding if nothing else.

Hell Jar jars existence is enough to say that Lucas has become a senile buffon who's lost touch, but thats another can of worms shall not go into.

Nuff said.

BTW the trailers for episode II and other items were said to be if not already are promoted on the special site that a person can access with the SW:EpI DVD which cost MONEY.


Even asked a person to make sure and starting today there is even a video preview titled "Mystery", features all-new Episode II footage, completely different than the teaser currently running in theaters

Guess what? To see it, you need the DVD. And guess what?

That cost MONEY.



The longer trailer is almost guarenteed to be on that site too soon enough. To access the site you have to spend MONEY for the DVD.

To see the longer trailer in theatres you need to spend MONEY.

Or sneak in when no one is watching.

Either way, it tends to include lots of greenbacks oh Fet ster which is another word for MONEY.

Of coruse if you do not wish to spend any currency you can use good ol Morpheous.

I hate people who talk about things they have no clue about. I really do. No comprehension. Grrrrr

Nov 10th, 2001, 04:24:45 PM
Hell Jar jars existence is enough to say that Lucas has become a senile buffon who's lost touch, but thats another can of worms shall not go into.
In your opinion. Lost touch? Not in my mind

Nuff said
If an opinion is enough for your nuff said, you need help :)

And no, the Harry Potter trailer wont cost money. That's the full trailer there. Again, your entire end was an opinion

Oh, and Jed, to use your DLer you need a computer which *GASP* costs money!

So, is Lucas the only person who makes people pay to see movies? Or makes you buy a computer, TV or however else you can watch it? I dont think so.

I hate peple who blindly bash. Grrr :)

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 10th, 2001, 05:06:40 PM
He has a comp anyway, for other purposed. . . like. . . say. . . GOING HERE!
If someone bought a comp JUST to see the trailer, you would have had a valid point, Fett, but because he already has a comp, that is defunct.

Nov 10th, 2001, 05:16:22 PM
but what if someone went and paid for a film ticket for the film after the trailer? Or the DVD for TPM, like most did? His points are as defunct as mine

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 10th, 2001, 05:17:56 PM
It's good point.
Both of you are now defunct!:evil :D

Nov 10th, 2001, 05:23:45 PM
Im always defunct. I just proved him defunct too :)

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Nov 10th, 2001, 06:16:19 PM
Fett...the computer is what is called an indirect purchase.

When you went to mexico this summer...you bought your plane ticket so that you could travel to mexico. I'm sure you didn't buy it so you could eat honey roasted peanuts on the flight. Its incidental, and not a primary motivator.

People buy their computers for home/work/ or school productivity, or maybe for games and web access. Getting a download online is an incidental. You don't pay for the computer so you can get the trailer.

However, in movies, we have a documented pattern (especially among us SW types) of going to a movie ONLY to see SW trailers. I myself think its stupid to do...but some of our people do this. Its no longer an incidental at this point. For the people leaving the theater, the primary purchase was the trailer, not the movie.

Those who have TPM on VHS...might be swayed to buy the DVD because of these features. The primary purchase in the TPM DVD then becomes, not the feature presentation, but the features...not least of which is access to secret trailers.

Its an intentional cash-in, and not really a nice one, I think.

Nov 10th, 2001, 06:21:00 PM
Sorry, but you paid at the theatre for THE MOVIE. Not the trailer. I think it dumb too. As dumb as only going to Mexico for the inflight entertainment. Same thing.

Besides, Lucas gets no money from a trailer at the cinema, does he? :)

And I rebought TPM for the crisp quality, superb sound and the fact itll never wear. Granted, I need to take it back for a scratch, but still :)

I didnt have to buy it, did I? There is always a Video and DVD release. This one had a gap. SO do some other films. My fault for buying the video when the rumours that it would be out before Christmas 2001 were rife, isnt it? I, like many other, bought to have on DVD. Not extras. Give me a blank disk, Id have still wanted that piece of the saga on my mantlepiece(well, pile next to the computer :))

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 11th, 2001, 12:05:03 AM
I completely agree with you Reaper and I bought the DVD for the same reason as you, I just saw the features as an added bonus. :) As far as the DVD trailer I think by Monday the site will let everybody download and it will be on all the entertainment shows as well.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 11th, 2001, 01:29:24 AM
We rented the DVD from Bbster. (along with a PlayStation2 to watch it on...oh and to play games on I guess ;)) Still haven't seen the movie, but seen the deleted scenes twice now.

So, people *could* go that route..and it wouldn't cost as much money, right?

What if you bought the DVD and then DLed the trailer from an "illegal" site...and then your computer was stupid and you could only watch it in jerky scenes anyway? Is that still bad? :cry please say no! :p