View Full Version : Jedi On The Hunt 1.5: Repast from Fighting...

Nov 9th, 2001, 10:09:22 PM
{OOC: This takes place in between Parts 1 and 2, and is just because I feel like having a second fight going on. :P}

Alpha sits in a bar, in a corner like usual, sipping on his drink, watching the going ons. The bar was a cheap one, mold and unidentifiable substances all over the place. Dim lighting, and a few other things made it fairly seedy. He had been here for about an hour, relaxing, and just hanging around to see what would happen.

A few minutes later, something did happen. Alpha saw one man--fairly respectable by these standards--being harrassed by a few thugs. And these were considered bad by bedrock level of Coruscant.

"Hey, I paid you already!" was the cry of the victim. "You don't need to take anything more from me!"

The biggest thug--aparently their leader--flexed his musles and sneered. "It was a week later. The way I see it, we need to flay some of the interest off your bones."

Alpha slams down his drink, geting the attention of the thugs, and says, "That's enough! Let him go!"

The leader throws the man to the ground, saying, "And why the frell should I listen to you?"

"Because. If you don't. You won't regret it for long..."

"But you're a shrimp! I'm supposed to be afraid of you?!"

"Yeah," Alpha says, taking out a metal cylinder from his belt, keeping his hood and cloak around him, the hood covering his face.

"You want to try it small fry?" The leader sneers, taking out a large sword from his back.

The Jedi's mouth gapes at the weapon, and then, as the leader charges, says, "As a matter of fact..." before extending the cylinder into a large metal quarter staff, blocking a clumsy downward slash from the large cutlass-style sword. With a quick twist of his staff, Alpha disarms the thug, and then smacks him in the head, knocking him to the floor. The thug tries a punch, but Alpha blocks it, shattering the man's fist, and then smacking the thug in the temple, knocking him unconcious.

The other two thugs go after Alpha, but the Jedi launches one heavily gaunletted hand at one, knocking him unconcious, and as he spins to face the last one, his cloak's hood coming down, and then the cloak falls to the floor, revealing the Young Jedi Knight's leather armor, and rank symbols of the Dragon Fleet and Jedi Order.

The thug grins a tooth-less grin and says, "A Jedi huh? It'll be good for me reputation to kill yeh!" And unsheathes a large vibro-blade, then lunges.

Alpha catches the vibro-blade on the tip of his staff, and kicks the thug in the stomach, making him double over. With another quick strike of his weapon, Alpha hits the man in the knee cap, shattering it. As the thug lets out a scream of pain, Alpha stabs him with the blunt tip of his staff in the solar plexus, both knocking the thug unconcious, and kncking him into the bar--about three feet back.

Loud clapping freezes the Jedi from his battle lust, and he frowns as he hears a cold voice from behind him, and a booth near the centre of the north wall, opposite of the bar on the south side.

"Very good Jedi Knight Capashen. I thought the Jedi were supposed to defend..."

By this time, when Alpha checks to see where the victim went, he had already taken off, so the Jedi turns to the robed figure at the booth. "I did. And I taught these people a lesson. You seem to know my name, so you might as well tell me, what's yours?"

"Well, there aren't many 14 ear old Jedi Knights who fight like that..." The robed figure pulls off his hood, revealing the face of...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 11th, 2001, 04:10:31 AM
Lord DarkStar. The Sith Master smiles, it is an evil thing to behold, like a crocodile smiling at you.

"You taught them a lesson, turn about is fair play so perhaps I should teach you a lesson in return"

DarkStar reaches down inside his cubical and brings up a perfect wooden staff, there is the sound of metal sliding smoothly along metal and twin blades imurge at either end of the staff.

"Now, you seem so good at 'defending' yourself...perhaps you should 'defend' yourself against me"

DarkStar arches and eyebrow and steps forward out of the cubical. He kicks a table out of the way, taking up a defencive stance as he does.

"Come Jedi, show me what you have, and we will see how you measure against a Sith Master"

Nov 11th, 2001, 09:11:56 AM
"As you wish..."

Alpha jumps at The Sith Mastre, bringing his staff up in a stab, which is deflected away. The Jedi quickly blocks a coutner attack from DarkStar, careful of the blades on the ends of the Mastre's weapon. As the two attack each other time and again, Alpha summons enough concentration for a Force push, knocking DarkStar off balance, and then slamming him in the gut with the end of his staff.

"That might hurt..."

Lord DarkStar
Nov 12th, 2001, 03:57:12 PM
DarkStar reals back but smiles,

"Jedi do not attack, your path should be that of the DarkSide, it is more to your style, perhaps you should concider a career change"

Without waiting for a reply DarkStar charges, Death Bringer comes up in an arc, just deflected by the Jedi. As the blow is turned aside DarkStar reached out with the Force and grabbed the table he has kicked aside earlier and propelled it at the Jedi's head with imence force.

Nov 12th, 2001, 08:07:19 PM
Alpha feels imminent danger and activates one of his wrist blasters, and funnels power into it, turning around and firing. A bright silver bolt lances out, and slams into the table, knocking the table back. He hits a button, jettisoning the blaster from his gaunlet, the weapon fused and useless. The Jedi Knight turns back to face the Sith Mastre, and grips his staff in a fighting stance.

"I've been a Sith before. Twice in fact. And I'm not gonna go back there. Call this proactive defense, and a way of ridding the galaxy of scum like you..."

Alpha jumps at DarkStar, slamming his staff down, and as that is blocked, uses the bottom part of his staff and slams DarkStar in the gut. As the Sith doubles over, one of Alpha's gaunleted hands flash out and slams into the Sith's head, knocking him backwards...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 13th, 2001, 05:43:29 PM
DarkStar reals backwards, but has the presence of mind to flips over the table behins him with his free hand. He looked at Alpha.

"I offered you a chance, now you die"

DarkStar reached out with the Force and grabed everything in the room that wasn't fastened down and flung them all at Alpha. The Jedi went down under a hail of tables, chairs and glasses. DarkStar took a moment to collect himself and then walked slowly fowards, his weapon raised to fend off any attacks.

Nov 13th, 2001, 08:58:30 PM
As DarkStar walks closer, the pile explodes outwards, a small table fragment hitting the Sith in the head. When DarkStar's vision clears, he sees Alpha standing at his feet, a white Force Shield around him.

"Nice try Dark. But not good enough!"

With that, the JEdi recalls his staff, and swings it to the side, which is deflected to one side. Alpha recieves a kick to the ribs for his troubles, and then uppercuts the Sith, knocking him backwards.

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 14th, 2001, 02:38:21 PM
Graem stands in the shadows watching her young Rogue friend in his battle. She has no intention of coming to his aid, she knows full well that he can defend himself quite adequately.

She waits patiently for him to finish his business so she can talk to him alone, for the first time in quite a while:

Lord DarkStar
Nov 14th, 2001, 02:57:43 PM
DarkStar moves back out of range of the Jedi, the last uppercut had hurt, but to a Sith pain was a way of life. He let the Force flow through him, it was then that he noticed the other prence in the room, another Jedi he sumised. A quick scan told him that the silent figure was not hosilte, at least not yet, but he would have to keep an eye on her if the battle went his way, for she was certainly a friend of Alpha's, not his.

DarkStar looked over at Alpha, managing to meet him eye to eye,

"Perhaps you have an advantage over me...being 700 years younger then me...but perhaps not"

DarkStar's eyes flashed with green fire and Alpha felt as though he was no longer in the bar but as though he was underwater, a long way underwater. The pressure threatened to crush his skull, as his vision began to clear he could see creatures out of nightmare swimming around him in a circle, an ever decreasing circle

Nov 14th, 2001, 11:01:24 PM
Ignoring the pressure, Alpha brings his second wrist blaster to bear on the creatures, and blasts at them, finding them to be Sith illusions. Looking confused, ALpha then gets slammed in the jaw by DarkStar's staff, slamming him into the wall, and clearing his head.

Hiya Graem. What's ya doin? Alpha asks, as he gets up, sending his question through the Force.

The Jedi Knight runs at the Sith Mastre, using his speed to his advantage.

"Try to keep up old-timer!"

Ducking a stab, Alpha takes out a shuriken, and throws it at Dark, only to have it deflected. As he delfects the weapon, Alpha jumps, slapping his staff against the inside of DarkStar's knees, knocking him to the ground, and then kicks the Sith in the jaw, knocking him backwards.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 15th, 2001, 02:40:28 AM
DarkStar falls backwards, his free hand coming behind him and pushing off the ground, flipping the Sith back onto his feet.

"You would do well not to waste your energy talking with that other Jedi. I assure you that you will need everything you have just to survive"

DarkStar reached out with the Force and grabbed Alpha by the throat, as the Jedi struggled for breath DarkStar charged, the wooden part of his staff smashed into Alpha's throat, winding the Jedi further. Even without oxygen the Jedi managed to parry DarkStar's next couple of attacks, but the third cut a faint line from his left hip to his right shoulder, a thin line of blood welled up to the surface as DarkStar stepped back awaiting the next attack he released Alpha from the grip.

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 15th, 2001, 02:31:50 PM
Graem mentally smiles at Alpha's question but hesitates in replying as she moves with speed to get closer to the battle, feeling that closer would be better, but she didn't like being called Jedi by Alpha's opponent, she had ditched that title some time ago.
Graem soon has Alpha and the Sith in distant view but doesn't draw closer....yet as she waits to see how Alpha has matured and grown since they last spoke:

Nov 15th, 2001, 07:37:04 PM
Alpha quickly gets his breath back, and then surveys the wound. Thanks to the leather armor it wasn't to deep, but it was long, shallow, and painful. Palming a shuriken, the Jedi retrieves his staff, and charges the Sith, slamming right, then left. Both are blocked. As the two charge again, Alpha ducks under a heavy swing of Dark's staff, and then, siezing his chance, stabs the shirken he held in his gaunletted hand into the Sith's stomach, making him double over in pain.

Grinning at his opponent's pain, Alpha sweeps Dark's feet out from under him.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 16th, 2001, 02:51:54 AM
DarkStar fell backwards, hitting the ground hard. The shurrikan had penetrated his armour, but not deeply. Siezing it with the Force DarkStar hurled it back. Alpha dodged the missle with ease but looked slightly supised when it smashed through the wall behind him. Alpha attacked the Sith while he was down. As he charged a table flew through the air. Ducking to avoid it Alpha noticed DarkStar dive under the table in a tackle. Alpha, already slightly off balance was born down by the Sith. Who pinned his arms with his knees and began to pummle Alpha in the face.

Nov 16th, 2001, 08:45:39 PM
Alpha growls, bit the sound is short lived as he gets pummled. Taking the abuse for not even ten seconds, Alpha gives Dark a Force push so powerful that it slammed him backwards three feet. The Jedi's Force presence flares as he does this, brighter than most, and as Alpha gets back to his feet, it returns to normal, and, instead of retrieving his staff, the Jedi ignites his pure black sabre with a hiss

"Let's go..."

Lord DarkStar
Nov 17th, 2001, 05:28:26 PM
DarkStar returns to his feet, noticing the lightsabre in Alpha's hand he decides to try a style he had not used before. Calling Death Bringer back to his right hand DarkStar ignited a lightsabre in his left

"This should be intresting"

He said with a smile. He moved the lightsabre into a defencive possition and began to spin the staff

OOC/Btw, your lightsabre won't cut through the staff\IC

Nov 17th, 2001, 07:02:28 PM
Alpha jumps to attack, and swings his sabre down, only to have it blocked by the staff. To his surprise his maginificant black weapon refuses to cut into the staff. The Jedi jumps back in reflex as the Sith swipes at Alpha with his sabre. Alpha, as he recovers his balance, ignites his pure white sabre with a snap. The two weapons are deep contrasts, and make Dark wince at the brightness of the white. Alpha grins, and jumps again, slashing up and down quickly, all of them being blocked. The two combatents keep on, neither finding an advantage...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 19th, 2001, 05:54:48 PM
DarkStar felt the brilliance of the white blade burning his eyes. In reflex he cast out his DarkSide powers, the light in the room dimmed noticably, even the light from the sabres was diminished. DarkStar smiled

"So you like lights that burn...then feel Darklight"

DarkStar raised the anchient Sith artifact, Death Bringer and thumbed the activation switch, the inate power of the weapon came to life, Darklight filled the room, blinding Alpha, even DarkStar had to avert his eyes for a moment. When the flash cleared Alpha's eyes saw stars and even Dark's vision was impared slightly

Nov 19th, 2001, 07:35:01 PM
The Jedi was temperarily blind, true. But sight isn't everything...

As Alpha loses his vision, he automatically taps into the Force, letting his danger senses in the Force take over. He ducks, feeling the swishing air above his head from a near miss, and counters with his black sabre...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 20th, 2001, 05:39:42 PM
DarkStar pushed the black sabre with his own and swung the staff down. Alpha rolled out of the way, only to find the Sith master above him again, attacking with both weapons symultaniously, forcing Alpha further back. His Force sense told him he was nearing a wall, or rather two, the Sith was backing him into a corner where there would be no escape from the two weapons.

Nov 21st, 2001, 07:22:03 PM
Sensing the corner behind him, Alpha summons up the Force, and jumps, flipping as he lands, and coming to his feet behind Dark. He slices down with his sabres, only to have them blocked. Kicking with his left, he knocks the sith Mastre into the corner, and blinks. He could see spots in the blackness. Blinking again, the Jedi could make out blurry shapes. His vision was returning...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 23rd, 2001, 02:57:50 PM
DarkStar's vision was returning to him, that ment the Jedi's would be as well. DarkStar reached out with the Force and slammed Alpha backwards. The Jedi braced himself but was pushed backwards anyway, his feet sliding along the ground like it was greased. DarkStar put a foot against the wall and pushed off from it, symultaniously he pushed Alpha back towards him. The Sith cannoned into the Jedi, shoulder first and sent both of them crashing to the floor

Nov 23rd, 2001, 03:29:05 PM
Alpha kicks DarkStar away, scrambling to get his lightsabres. As he gets them, he imediately rolls away, barely missing getting spitted by the Sith. He jumps back to his feet, igniting his sabres as he does, and sneers.

"You're not young enough to fight someone like me...Come on Old Timer!"

Alpha jumps up into the air, slashing down with his weapons...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 24th, 2001, 06:30:19 PM
DarkStar parried the blows and, much to the suprise of the Jedi, threw him aside, even with all the Jedi's weight on top of him. DarkStar smiled evily

"Age means nothing to my people, as you will soon see"

DarkStar threw his weight against the Jedi and they both fell to the floor, kneeing his opponent in the stomach DarkStar clambered ontop of his opponent, pinning his arms with his knees and pumling the Jedi's face with the hilts of his lightsabres

Nov 25th, 2001, 05:30:29 PM
After the first two blows, Dark's hands seem to hit on solidity, and he stops the assault, trying to force his way through the shield. The Jedi takes advantage of this, and strains, throwing Dark back. Alpha gets back to his feet slowly, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth, and he sends a Force message as he grabs his weapons up.

Graem, we can talk after I finish this Old One, kay?

As Dark charges again, Alpha ducks under the attack, and slams the Sith in the gut with his lightsabre pommel, breaking two ribs, and sending the Sith back a foot.

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 25th, 2001, 06:06:56 PM
:Graem smiles at the cocky attitude of her younger friend..:

I'm right here when you finish having no respect for your elders, need a drink though so make it quick

She slips back into the shadows, casting her eyes and all her senses for a presence which has eluded her for sometime, ever since she vanished to deal with someone who she truly believed deserved to die at her hands.
She had failed in that task after numerous batteles and tight escapes...but she dearly hoped she would succeed in one last attempt....it was success or death:

Nov 25th, 2001, 10:04:17 PM
Aren't I always respectful to those that deserve it? Alpha sends back, grinning.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 26th, 2001, 10:27:17 AM
"Stop your chatter"

DarkStar snarled and hit back, the blow of DarkStar's fist, unaided by his lightsabre pommel was like being struck with a shovel, Alpha felt something in his throat move where it shouldn't. Quickly he raised his hands to ward off the next attack but Dark's boot careered into his raised arms and sent him flying backwards. DarkStar reached down inside himself, the rips were painful, but he was a Sith, the pain only fueled his anger, and his power. He touched the rips with his power, resetting them with a snap and beginning the process of healing them, but that would take time and he needed to finish off this impudent Jedi first, a welcome task. DarkStar looked up as the Jedi began to rise. He smiled

"Lets finish this, all three of us have better places to be and things to do"

DarkStar ignited his lightsabre again and brought the Sith artifact up as well

Nov 26th, 2001, 09:12:26 PM
Alpha growls, and his armor changes, wrist sabres igniting, and he takes out a dagger, getting itno a fighting stance.

"Let's end this..."

With that, Alpha jumps into the air, slashing down with his sabre blade, which is easily blocked. As the Jedi lands, he dodges a kick, and sweeps the Sith's legs out, swiping down. Dark rolls away, but is hit by Alpha's foot, hitting him in the ribs. The two combatents speed it up a pace, both slashing and attacking furiously.

Alpha gets a few cuts a knicks, but he matches Dark wound for wound...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 27th, 2001, 04:34:19 PM
Dark matched Alpha wound for wound but soon realised that the Jedi would probebly out match him like this in the end. His agile mind soon formulated a plan. Reaching out with the Force he took a moment to compose himself, this would take split second timing. Touching Alpha's mind with his power DarkStar threw a darkness over his Force senses, it would only last moments, but moments were all he needed. Silent thunder rippled the air and Alpha found himself flung towards Dark, with a momentary Force blindness he could not anticipate what Dark did next.

As Alpha was thrown towards him DarkStar thumbed the gem on his sabre, the weapon turned a shade of purple and doubled in length, aimed straight for Alpha's heart, there was no way he could avoid it in time

Nov 27th, 2001, 05:57:39 PM
Maybe not avoid it, but he could certainly move a little bit. The Jedi adjusts his course slightly, and takes the sabre in the stomach, gasping, and coughing out blood. As Dark pulls the sabre out, Alpha falls to his knees, his armor flowing over the wound, and pumpiong painkillers, and bacta into the wound to facilitate the healing...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 28th, 2001, 04:00:26 PM
But for the Jedi, it was already too late, the Sith was on him before any of his regeneration techniques could take effect. DarkStar smashed his staff into Alpha's face and delivered a roundhouse kick to his neck even as he fell. Alpha felt and heard a sickening crunch as DarkStar stepped on his throat.

"Yield and surrender your sabre to me or die"

DarkStar increased the pressure on Alpha's throat until he could bearly breath and placed his sabre a few centimetres from his eye so if he tried to move he would lose his eye, and probebly his life

Nov 28th, 2001, 10:21:30 PM
Alpha slowly takes the white sabre's hilt, and floats it into Dark's hands. He gasps as he is released, and realizes that he needs to get those enhancements he has been thinking of...

"Good fight Dark...But just wait until next time..."

Lord DarkStar
Nov 29th, 2001, 04:26:38 PM
DarkStar nods slowly

"You fight well for a Jedi, suprising for one so young, I look forward to the next time we face each other, perhaps you will beat me to die by the hand of a Jedi is the way I want to go in the end"

He smiled at Alpha

"Now go see your friend, she is waiting for you, don't make her wait too long"

With that DarkStar stepped back and switched off his sabre, turning with a swish of his cape he left, disappearing out of the door before Alpha could respond

Nov 29th, 2001, 06:11:09 PM
Alpha grins, and then gets up, recalling the fallen weapons he had around the bar, and then heads to where Graem was.

"So, what's up?"