View Full Version : DVD Trailer-Mystery=awesome
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2001, 11:11:12 AM
Is there anybody else out there waiting for the DVD trailer from the official site. I waited up to 3 Am est time thinking they might release it 12 am PST thinking they might release it. They I get up at 10 expecting to be it up now its almost 11:30 and still no trailer. Whats going on are they trying to mess with our minds.
Nov 9th, 2001, 11:17:02 AM
The only DVD Rom I have access to is at work, but it's a Mac so I didn't even bother bringing in my DVD to school. I'm wondering if this version will end up on the net so the less fortunate of us will be able to get a chance to see it. Anyway, if you see it please discuss it with the spoiler tag. I want to be surprised!!!!!
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2001, 11:24:53 AM
Don't worry I won't spoil anybody. Also I am sure they will everyone else download at least by Monday, I just wish they would hurry up and get the thing up so I can see it.
Nov 9th, 2001, 03:08:11 PM
The trailer is finally online. I can't access it on my Mac and i believe you need that Interwhatever software on your PC to access it. I'm sure it will get downloaded and shared somewhere by the end of the day. Hopefully I'll be able to see it on my PC tonight. If someone does come across a link, post it here!
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2001, 03:35:58 PM
Yep and I already saw it now three times it is incredible, a lot better than the one on Monsters INC. First the trailer is called Mystery and I also want to add its got music and dialogue and it might be 15 seconds longer than the last one, I really couldn't tell. For the rest of it I am going to cover it up for those who may not want to read it.
The trailer begins showing scenes of coruscant and than Tatooine, somebody is talking saying something about it came out of nowhere, and then we see Slave one shooting and then a huge explosion, it looks like a ship and I think it involves Padme because the next scene is her talking saying "You have any idea who is behind this attack." We see the back of Jar Jar's head and then Obi-wan and Anakin sitting and Anakin says, "We will find out who is behind these attacks." Then we see a few more shots of courscant and then Mace tells Anakin and Obi-Wan, "Escort the senator back to Naboo." Padme then complains to Anakin about not wanting to hide Padme is wearing this weird outfit and it looks like she has hair buns just like Leia in ANH. Anakin then says, "Sometimes we must do what is requested of us. Then we flash to a nightclub and some fighting Obi-Wan I think and flashes of some ships and then Yoda who looks very real, better than TPM, says, "Dangerous and disturbing Puzzel this is." and we see what looks like Padme's bedroom. Obi-Wan tells Anakin, "You are using her as bait, and then we see her wake up in a nightgown:D and then a probe droid attacks but Obi-Wan goes after it and jumps on it while it goes out a window. Then the DOFT comes booming on and we see what appears to be Anakin and somebody fighting with their lightsabers (still can't figure out who it is). Then we go see Tatooine and Anakin talking to watto, he tells him, "I'm a Jedi." Watto replies, "A Jedi what do you know." Then we see Anakin and Obi-Wan racing after somebody in a speeder. Anakin tries to take a short cut but runs into somekind of energy field with Obi-Wan yelling at, "Anakin, how many times have I told you to stay away from the Power cuplings(sp), and then we see some kind of sea creature coming out of the water. Then a lot of quick shots first of Jango, slave 1 Obi-Wan fighting somebody in the rain, Anakin fighting somebody again. Obi-Wan in that forcefield with Count Dooko(christopher Lee's character) talking to him, Jango shooting, Anakin getting bolted with electric bolts (looks like the same stuff the Emperor used in ROTJ. THen one final shot in an arena with Anakin get handcuffed with Obi-Wan tied to something, Anakin tells him, "I decided to come rescue you." Obi-Wan looks around and says, "Good Job." That line I thought was very funny especially the way McGregor spoke it.
Overall its incredible and really makes you want to see the movie now. So if you have the DVD I find somebody with a DVD rom drive or even a bootleged copy. Hopefully they will have able to download on Monday for everybody and then it will be on all the TV shows as well. (I hope so I really would like to tape it).
Figrin D'an
Nov 9th, 2001, 05:03:04 PM
I've seen the 'Mystery' trailer as well. Much more descriptive and informative than the first teaser trailer. Some very well done action scenes.
The one thing that is missing from this trailer was the clear 'love interest' scenes with Anakin and Padme. Considering that was the big selling point of the first teaser trailer, it's kind of an interesting move on Lucas' part. It's likely we'll see more of that angle in the trailer playing in front of 'Harry Potter.'
And, the man Anakin is dueling (the one with the red sabre) is Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus. Christopher Lee confirmed that it is indeed him in that scene with Anakin.
More scenes with Jango Fett... very nice. :D I hope he has a big role... I'm going to be kind of disappointed if they hype his character, then give him far too little screen time (like Maul in TPM).
Another thing I look forward to is the development of Obi-Wan. Now that he is the teacher, he seems to be more outspoken and critical about situations... which is great. His sarcastic response to Anakin at the end of the trailer makes me quite hopeful of this. :)
Again... very little of Jar-Jar, except brief glimpses in some scenes. He is supposed to have a reduced role in the film, compared to TPM, but it does seem that the trailers have avoided showing him as much as possible.
Overall... I like what I see. Of course, it's presumptious to judge anything about the film based upon a few 3 second snipets spliced together... but, those snipets do look great. Let's hope the rest of the film is too.
Nov 9th, 2001, 05:14:08 PM
I don't have a DVD ROM so all I've been able to see are some stills posted on a german site. They also have a .wav file of the trailer. It certainly sounds better than the Breathing trailer! :mad
Here's the link for anyone that's interested.
Nov 9th, 2001, 09:27:17 PM
Well it seems LFL has listened to the cries of Mac users. You can now see the new trailer if you're a Mac user. My problem? The Mac I have access to is at work and I won't be able to get to it until Monday. Oh the fates mock me............. :mad
Figrin D'an
Nov 9th, 2001, 10:19:40 PM
There are DivX versions of the trailer available for download on certain file sharing networks. I think DT mentioned that he found it using WinMX on P2P. If you look around, you might find it.
Nov 9th, 2001, 10:53:45 PM
It was a quicktime movie of the trailer. All I can say is WOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!! It's gorgeous! I liked the Breathing trailer, I really did, but this one blows it away! It's got action, dialogue, and humor. I got that link from someone at the TFN forums. While I was there someone commented that they thought the acting in the trailer was "horrible." Until I actually saw it I thought that some of Hayden's lines sounded a bit wooden (I had a .wav file to listen to). But after seeing the dialogue and the visuals together I have to strongly disagree with that poster's assessment. Some of the lines are written in that formal, old fashioned SW style (think of Leia's lines to Tarkin in ANH), but Hayden does an admirable job of delivering them. The action sequences look as if they're going to be simply brilliant!
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2001, 11:04:37 PM
I agree the trailer made me really read for the movie, now I can't wait to see it. My favorite part still is the end, Obi-Wan's line to Anakin that was really funny plus from the looks of I think McGregor is going to be terrific in the movie
Nov 10th, 2001, 01:38:06 AM
It certainly looks like Ewan will have a more active role than in TPM. I also get the feeling that the humor in this one will come more from the Jedi than Jar Jar. And what the hell was that force field he was suspended in? When I saw it in the Breathing trailer I thought it was some kind of hologram. Actually I don't want to know what it is yet. This is going to be great...
Nov 10th, 2001, 01:41:57 AM
I noticed a couple of new things in this trailer. There is an alien riding the beast that comes out of the water, its head looks similar to one of the Jedi Council members from EP I. And I also noticed that when they show Anakin taking the Force Lightening attack, the saber he has at that point is greem. :huh
Gerald Tarrant
Nov 10th, 2001, 02:47:18 AM
I can honestly say that I'm pleasantly surprised. Even the teaser trailer didn't impress me much, and I was expecting the movie to be a redux of Ep1. But the full trailer certainly has raised my hopes for the movie.
Also, I might be reading into this too much, but...
Did anyone else think that, when Anakin said "I've decided to come and rescue you", he sounded a bit... cold?
Nov 10th, 2001, 10:03:33 AM
These are my impressions of Anakin so far:
He's a handfull! He seems headstrong and Obi-Wan appears to be exasperated with him on more than one occasion; "Good job!" "Anakin, how many times have I told you..." I think we're going to see Obi-Wan struggling to guide and train Anakin. And we know where this failure of Obi-Wan is going to lead us.
Nov 10th, 2001, 12:21:42 PM
The relationship between Anakin and Padme will more in focus in the next trailer with Harry Potter, I think.
And I was floored by this trailer. I can't wait for this!!!
Nov 10th, 2001, 06:23:38 PM
A REDUX of Ep 1????
Was ESB a redux of ANH? Was ROTJ a redux of ESB?
Hell No! Each movie will be different.
The trailer definitely looks a lot more like an OT movie though.
Sanis Prent
Nov 10th, 2001, 08:08:57 PM
Notice that Padme' is also chained up in that last scene
Also...the water beast scene...I believe the rider might possibly be none other than Boba Fett.
And in the breather trailer, where you see Obi hanging from something as he flies through the skies of Coruscant...I think its the sith probe droid.
The fighter you see being chased by Slave 1 through the asteroid field is a Republic fighter (curiously dagger shaped, with the familiar Imperial gear symbol on it). It could quite possibly be piloted by Obi Wan. Also, notice where the blaster fire from the Slave 1 is originating from...not at all where the normal Slave 1's blaster cannons are.
Also...Watto's color scheme seems to have changed from blue to green.
In the Naboo ship explosion...possible victims seem to be Padme's stunt double, her new bodyguard (Captain Tycho) and R2-D2.
In the chamber where Obi is restrained by blue energy...a figure can be seen that looks very much like Count Dooku.
Jango Fett looks like he's wielding two chrome Naboo blaster pistols.
Nov 10th, 2001, 08:20:43 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Jango Fett looks like he's wielding two chrome Naboo blaster pistols. I actually saw a replica props site a couple days back in relation to Jango's dual blasters. They are in fact chrome versions of those wielded by the Cloud City personnel from the original trilogy.
Sanis Prent
Nov 10th, 2001, 08:24:36 PM
ahhhh....very interesting!
but in a passing glimpse...looked very similar at least.
Nov 10th, 2001, 08:29:21 PM
Here is <font color="#808080">a picture</font> ( that I also saw on the replica props site earlier this week.
Nov 10th, 2001, 08:37:37 PM
Upon a frame by frame scrutiny of the trailer/teaser, the alien riding the creature out of the water still looks to me more like this species. pic link</font> (><font). the neck just looks too long to be Fett to me.
Sanis Prent
Nov 10th, 2001, 08:39:57 PM
WEIRD...they look kinda like old one-shot WW2 guns we dropped into france called "Liberators"
Gerald Tarrant
Nov 10th, 2001, 09:10:21 PM
Originally posted by Darth23
A REDUX of Ep 1????
Was ESB a redux of ANH? Was ROTJ a redux of ESB?
Hell No! Each movie will be different.
The trailer definitely looks a lot more like an OT movie though. That's not what I meant. What I itended to express by saying that was that "I thought Ep2 was going to suck as much as Ep1", but in nicer words. :p
Nov 10th, 2001, 10:17:20 PM
GT just said he thought TPM sucked. For the love of Yoda people let's not start flaming him at will!!! It's just an opinion! ;)
I thought that's what you meant GT. I think a lot of fans who were dissapointed with EP1 think the Mystery trailer shows promise. They may be forgetting that the trailers for TPM probably had them stoked too. I think a lot of bashers or dissapointed TPM fans are going to have their faith restored by EP2. Some people are still going to be dissapointed however. And here's something to ponder, someone out there is going to say; "I miss Jar Jar! How come he wasn't around as much?"
Gerald Tarrant
Nov 10th, 2001, 10:59:06 PM
I think a lot of fans who were dissapointed with EP1 think the Mystery trailer shows promiseThat's exactly what I was thinking. :) To be honest, while I didn't like Jar Jar, I don't think he could have singlehandedly ruined the movie for me. I think what George Lucas really needs is a set color pallette for his films.
Pretty much every director usually sits down and comes up with a set of colors that he is/isn't going to use for his film: I didn't see any evidence of this in Episode 1. It seemed like Lucas' motto for the film was more along the lines of "Taste the Rainbow". The AOTC trailers seem to have a gray/blue color pallette to them, and I do hope that the whole movie sticks to that.
Also, TPM wasn't very focused: The action was constantly changing from one scene to the next, making it easy to get lost in the overall story. Halfway through the movie, you probably had all but forgotten about the Trade Federation. I'm hoping that Ep2 focuses strongly on the apparent attempts on Padme/Amidala's life while avoiding the politics as much as possible. While it is a vital part of the History to see Palpatine's rise to power, spending that much time dwelling on it doesn't sit well with me. And the numerous action scenes in Ep1 seemed rather contrived to me, like GL kept saying "Hey, it's been 20 minutes since Obi and Qui Gon have whipped out their lightsabres... time for another fight scene!"
Anyway... those are just some of my gripes with TPM. And I'm hoping that many of these things have been addressed in AOTC. And, although I think it's fairly safe to say that it happens in this movie, I think it would be an interesting twist if Anakin didn't turn until the next movie. Kind of keep people hanging a bit.
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 10th, 2001, 11:29:20 PM
Acutally I like to the political side of the story (being a historian I loved those kind of things) to me it is just interesting how Palpatine rose to power. Probably though we will not see as much of it in this film because Palpatine is now Chancelor so there is no need to show how he rose to the position. Still, we need to see how he becomes Emperor but I think that is being done in this movie through the role of Count Dooko, I read he is some kind of charasmatic leader so I think that he will start a civil war and through this chaos which will actually be contrived by Palpatine, Palpatine will be named Emperor .
Now how much Lucas will concentrate on this aspect is hard to say, he doesn't need to show a lot just how Palpatine was able to become Emperor, otherwise a huge piece will be missing in the story. Also Jedieb about Jar Jar, I know one person who will miss him not being in the film as much as he was in TPM, my nephew (he is only three but he still loves him) there are some kids who will too but since there kids there will still be plenty in the story to occupy them.
Nov 11th, 2001, 11:48:37 AM
Has anyone noticed from the Mystery trailer that there are some very ESB-like shots in the movie? Also, as GT has stated, AOTC seems to have a more grey/blue tone to it, as ESB had.
Nov 11th, 2001, 05:04:31 PM
I thought each planet in TPM kind of had its own tone and feel. Like ESB or ROTJ.
My only problem with JJ not being around as much is all the know-it-alls who will be sure that Lucas reduced Jar Jar's role because of the outcry of the fans, not because EPs 2 and 3 were always planned to be darker.
Nov 11th, 2001, 05:59:53 PM
Hear me Now,Believe me later.... Critic's and fans who didnt like TPM will call AOTC the movie TPM should have been.Of course I think TPM is the greatest to date.
Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 10:34:23 PM
TPM is my least favorite of the SW movies, beating ANH slightly on that:
1. ESB
3. ANH
4. TPM
I expect AotC to fall somewhere between ESB and ANH, roughly on ROTJ's level of coolitude.
And when I say TPM is my least favorite, I am NOT bashing it. I simply prefer the others more. Yes, there were things that I didn't like in TPM (Jake Lloyd's lack of acting, some Jar Jar antics, and the 2 headed announcer), but there were also things I didn't like in the others, like the fat pilot murder conspiracy, the token dead black guy (She gonna blow!), Carrie Fisher's lack of acting in ANH, Chewbacca's haircut in ANH, the ESB Emperor, and the relatively-light casualties of Ewoks.
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 11th, 2001, 10:47:50 PM
I agree with you about the ESB's emperor he is terrible in that film, maybe its because of what we see later I'm not sure. My order various since I saw the special edition in theaters I have always like ESB the best (I used to like ROTJ) then it would be either ROTJ or TPM they are nearly tied for me and then ANH which is really not far behind for me.
Nov 12th, 2001, 10:36:11 AM
Looks like some good conversation here... Once I've seen the trailer, I'll actually read the spoiler tag info that people have posted. I've got the DVD, just don't have the DVD-ROM drive, but a buddy of mine does, hopefully he brought in his laptop today...
Nov 12th, 2001, 05:59:35 PM
I think AOTC will rank after ESB and ANH for me. Would it be wrong to hope its better than the old classics?o_O
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 12th, 2001, 06:17:30 PM
I just wanted to let everybody know that E news daily comes on in about 5 minutes and it might have the new trailer. also Access Hollywood is another reliable source. Now all of this depends on if Lucas even allows it to get out yet.
Nov 12th, 2001, 08:59:03 PM
ESB Emperor
That's the only "fix" I would have made to Empire. The Emperor was actually played by a woman and the voice provided by another actor all together. Just get Ian in make up and have him read the old lines and you're in business. Back to the trailer, am I the only one who keeps watching it, and watching it, and watching it.... It's addictive!
Nov 12th, 2001, 09:23:00 PM
I'm watching it an awful lot as well!
Sanis Prent
Nov 12th, 2001, 09:23:16 PM
I watch it about 20 times a day.
Nov 12th, 2001, 09:45:39 PM
I'd have to say it's my favorite Prequel trailer to date. The only SW trailer that comes close is the trailer for the SEs. Whenever I see that X-Wing blast through the TV I'm in nerd nirvana. Speaking of OT trailers, one of the things I'm looking forward to in the eventual OT DVD's are the trailers and promotional material. I have such vague memories of SW comercials, I can't wait until I can see them again on DVD.
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 12th, 2001, 09:46:27 PM
I have watched it a lot too. Oh it wasn't on E News daily, I haven't watched Access Hollywood yet, it doesn't come on here until 1:00 AM for some weird reason. They might be holding it back a little longer because to let DVD owners have a chance to see it that would be my bet.
Nov 13th, 2001, 01:21:25 PM
I'm a little behind the curve - I just saw the Mystery and Choices trailers this afternoon... I don't have much to say on them that hasn't already been brought up on this thread, but I add my enthusiastic vote - THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!
I liked both of them, especially the Mystery one. I thought the Choices was good too - I thought that one quote was funny "What do Droids think about?" or something like that
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