View Full Version : Black Cat's Eye [Open Challenge]

Eve Siren
Nov 9th, 2001, 11:59:22 AM
The light snow fell down the sky silently. Eve leaned against the wall, outside a crowded restaurant, hearing the groaning and cursing of loud drunk men inside. She sighed. This is so boring ... She only had two ideas in mind to get rid of this boredom. 1) Destroy the restaurant and kill all the people inside. 2) A Jedi would come by and a little entertainment will be going on.Just going to wait a bit more ... Maybe a familiar face will join me in my little destruction game. She leaned her head back to look up, at the snow.

"Umm ... So pretty."

Artemis Ventrai
Nov 9th, 2001, 01:50:57 PM
The snow falls lightly on Artemis' cloak, layering him lightly in white. He steps slowly through the snow, wandering, looking for nothing. Before him lies a restaurant, with a woman outside its doors. He hears her comment about the snow and takes notice.

The snow is nice... but I have rarely seen a Dark Sider enjoy the simple things of life. Your type seems to wish to destroy more than contemplate.

Eve Siren
Nov 10th, 2001, 10:37:58 AM
Eve glanced at the man and closed her eyes, smirking lightly. Holding her Skull helmet in one hand, she held out her other gloved hand, snow falling down on it gently.

"Not all Dark Siders are the same."

She looked up at the man and shrugged her shoulders, smiling lightly.

"You shouldn't judge someone so fast, dear Sir."

Severen Morkonis
Nov 10th, 2001, 09:25:20 PM
The streets were empty all but a few people walking around from place toplace, few moterised transport went by as sieken peard round the corner from a steam filled ally, of the resturant, the steam from the air duct shrouded peoplle seeing him and he shelded his force signature...

'The remarable eve with her smart ass comments and hard look'.. he said quietly to himself..'Perthetic'..

he lifted his hood up and around his face covering it up all but shadows, still hideing his singnature his walked right on past the girl and into the warmth of the resturant

Eve Siren
Nov 11th, 2001, 09:27:36 AM
Though the man hid his aura, Eve knew exactly who it was. But she wanted to continue to talk to the Jedi, and not care about the other Sith Warrior. Hmph, Sieken. There is nobody more annoying than him, but she simply shrugged her shoulders, telling herself that he wasn't worth it. She had learned that hate was just a waste of energy. And that Sieken wasn't worth anything more than dirt. She looked back at the Light Sider and tilted her head to the side.

"Tell me, Jedi, why are you on the Light's side ?"

OOC-Seriously, Sieken, I ... Damn, I don't even want to talk to you OOC.

Nov 11th, 2001, 11:17:15 PM

Artemis Ventrai
Nov 12th, 2001, 01:34:15 AM
I follow the Light for many reasons. The Light holds the truth. When in the Light, one may see clearly. The Darkness, by its very nature, obscures the sight. Why do you follow the Dark?

Eve Siren
Nov 12th, 2001, 03:51:35 PM
"Because ... The Dark understands me. It understands what I do, what I am and what I feel."

Eve spoke with a very monotone, deep and serious tone. She looked at the Jedi, emptiness in her eyes.

Artemis Ventrai
Nov 16th, 2001, 09:42:25 PM
The Dark understands nothing. It is a void, a hole, a vacuum. The Dark Side offers nothing. It is simply a lie. Why do you think the bodies of Dark Siders are so ravaged in such a short time?

Artemis softens slightly... there are those who have been led astray by the Dark Side, only to become champions of the Light later in life. He asks, more softly this time...

What was it that turned you to the Dark Side? What is it you feel?

Eve Siren
Nov 17th, 2001, 12:47:15 PM
"The Light Side ... Only lament and pain ... sorrow and lies ... betrayal and death. Nothing useful. The Dark Side, however ... is different. They don't need a reason to fight. Fighting ..."

A dagger slid down Eve's sleeve and into her hand. She pointed it at the man, even though he was a few feets away.

"Fighting makes me forget. Everything that Jedi has taken away from me. Fighting makes my mind go blank. Nothing else matters. White, only white. Now all I need is the color of blood to decorate it ... But you. What was it that turned you to the Light Side ? It is nothing but rubbish."

Artemis Ventrai
Nov 22nd, 2001, 09:01:49 PM
The woman's words seem to hide something inside. The darkness inside must have been caused somewhere along the line. Artemis can understand her pain, her want of something to clear the mind. He had been that way before.

What turned me to the Light? The simple truth of it. I could no longer live with the lies. I once was a darker man... I fought, I raged, I destroyed. All to cover my own pains. To inflict pain on others seemed to take my own away. But I was empty. The Light was searing at first, painful. I saw what I truly was, what I had truly done. I thought I was undone. But I was wrong... instead, I was free. The guilt, the pain, so long locked inside, was finally gone. The Light can free you.

Artemis sees the dagger in the woman's hand, and raises his staff in response. He calls upon the Force, charging his staff with energy.

But if my words are falling on deaf ears, I will fight you. I would be willing to help, but I will not be a willing martyr.

Eve Siren
Nov 23rd, 2001, 10:55:58 AM
"Hmph ! Freedom !? Just a load of bullsh*t !"

Eve noticed his staff, but didn't care. Freedom ... She hated that word. There was no such thing as 'freedom'. She charged towards the man, lowering her upper body down as she pushed her elbow into his stomach, causing him to at least stumble back. The spikes around her elbow pad must have scratched him a bit, too.

"Freedom never existed, you fool ! Wherever you go, there will always be someone stronger, faster, smarter ! We live in a caged world, don't you see ?! All this .. this universe is a big fat prison !"

She twirled her dagger between her fingers, but put it back into her sleeve. She wants to keep that one for later. The 'Maiden of Silence' dagger was, after all, a gift from Tempist.

Artemis Ventrai
Nov 23rd, 2001, 05:40:25 PM
The blow sends Artemis back several feet, buckling him slightly. He has not yet learned how to absorb kinetic energy, so his talent does not protect him from the strike at all. Once he regains his breath, he stands and addresses his attacker once more.

You are wrong. You are indeed caged. You fear those stronger than you. You fear that those weaker than you may some day become stronger. You are trapped by your fears. Let them go! Then, there is no cage. For example, you may defeat me, but I do not fear you. I am free.

Artemis lowers his stance, raising his staff.

I will not be caught off guard a second time.

Eve Siren
Nov 23rd, 2001, 06:01:48 PM
"A life without fears is not a life. The fears are the things that makes you stronger ! Fear is like an energy ... That once, one absorbs, he becomes better. And ..."

Eve looked at Artemis getting into his stance, and she did the same, still glaring at him as she put on her motorcycle helmet. Her voice became more man-like, more serious, more furious.

"Don't think you know what I fear. You don't know me. You know nothing about me !"

Artemis Ventrai
Nov 24th, 2001, 05:07:05 PM
There is very little I need to know. You are a Sith, and you have already attacked me once. My path is clear.

Artemis takes the initiative, rushing the woman with Force Speed. He rushes past her, as if he is merely jockying for a better position. As he moves past her, he swings at the top of her helmet, attempting to dislodge it from her head.

Eve Siren
Nov 24th, 2001, 06:16:46 PM
Eve was startled by the Jedi's speed but quickly grabbed onto his staff, swifting down like in a monkey barrel, she flipped back to the front, holding onto the staff and, in the air, she managed to hit him in the head with her foot.

She landed down right next to him but then backed off of him. It could have been dangerous ... She brushed her gloved hand against her Skull helmet and got back into stance.

"Little, do you know ... Did you know I was raised by a Jedi ? That I was trained by a Jedi ? That I was miserable ... under the Jedi book rules ? That I suffered, because of the Jedis ?"

Artemis Ventrai
Nov 26th, 2001, 03:07:18 PM
And what, pray tell, did the Jedi do to you?

Eve Siren
Nov 29th, 2001, 12:01:59 PM
"A mere Jedi wouldn't understand my suffering. But the Siths do ! They know how I felt, they know what I want !"

Artemis Ventrai
Dec 1st, 2001, 04:22:05 PM
If you will not see reason, then you leave me no choice.

Artemis drops his stance, raising his staff. He sets himself, guarding himself, waiting for the woman to strike.

Eve Siren
Dec 1st, 2001, 05:13:48 PM
"So be it ! Have at you !"

Eve striked first, even though she knew that she shouldn't have, but sadness and anger were mixing in her body. She felt like crying, but she also felt like destroying everything. She released a punch into the Jedi's stomach and pulled her fist up into the air, hitting his chin up.

Artemis Ventrai
Dec 8th, 2001, 08:41:21 PM
The blow rocks Artemis, staggering him back. As he falls, he reaches out with the tip of his cane, hooking the back of her knee. Using the momentary imbalance on her part, he continues the fall, rolling with the assault. He regains his feet, and slowly advances on his opponent.

Eve Siren
Dec 9th, 2001, 02:44:04 PM
Eve looked up at the Jedi walking up on her, but she acted fast and took off her long trench coat. She threw it at him, at first to blind him, then quickly jumped up over him, grabbing the two sleeves of her coat, tieing it around his neck, strangling him. She tightened the knot as she spoke.

"Did you know that I was used for secret missions as a child and was forced to kill, even though I didn't want to ?! I was just a lost child ! I had faith in you ! I had hope ! But you never came to save me, haven't you ?!"

Eve let go of him and kicked him in the back, sending him flying into the restaurant's window behind them. She threw her coat to the side and glared at the Jedi, with the desire to kill in her eyes.

"You Jedis are all the same ! Talking about justice, light and force ... But you never came to save me or even tried to ! You left me there for 12 years ! You never came ! YOU NEVER CAME !!"

She stepped into the broken window, stepping onto the glass and stepping forward to the Jedi, panting from all the screaming of the scars of her childhood.

Artemis Ventrai
Dec 13th, 2001, 11:25:35 AM
Staggering up from the blows, Artemis uses the Force to calm himself, drawing strength from the Force. He keeps his cane charged, in case of another attack. Artemis is saddened by her plight.

We did not know. We are not omniscient. The Light may be stronger than the Dark, but we do not know everything. We cannot help everyone. But we know now. We could help you if you wish.

Artemis kicks a shard of glass into the air toward Eve. At most, the glass will give her a small cut. But it will also draw her attention for a split second. Artemis, staying low, uses Force Speed to rush behind the woman. He locks his staff around her neck, trying to subdue her without doing too much damage.

But as much as I am sorry for what has happened to you, I cannot let you run rampant. You say you never wanted to kill... but now you nearly kill bystanders! Calm yourself... there is no need for this fight.

Eve Siren
Dec 14th, 2001, 12:00:52 PM
And you said the justice was on the Light's side !

Eve couldn't calm herself down. The anger has gotten the best of her. She bent down on the front, holding onto his staff, dragging the man with her and threw him down in front of her.

After panting for a brief moment, she looked down and closed her eyes, trying to chill down. Then she opened her eyes and looked at the man.

Can you turn back time ? Can you ...? I didn't think so ...

She then began laughing silently, but ended laughing hysterically. Her twisted laugh scared away bystanders but she didn't care.

You're sorry ? Hahaha ... He's sorry ...

Artemis Ventrai
Dec 15th, 2001, 04:46:16 PM
Your illogic is your downfall. What did you truly expect? That the Jedi are supposed to fix all your problems? That we are magic genies, able to fix everything with a wave of our heads or a special phrase? We're not. But we do offer you one thing the Dark Side can never give you...

The glow around Artemis' cane fades, and he lowers his arms. He focuses on the Force, ready to absorb if she sends a Force attack his way. Perhaps she will see reason.

The Light offers forgiveness. No matter what you've done, no matter what has happened to you, you can be redeemed. Your demons can be exorcised. There is no reason to continue down the path you travel.

Eve Siren
Dec 15th, 2001, 09:03:47 PM
Eve continued laughing, lowering her head, shadows covering her eyes. She saw a scared thin man run by but grabbed him by the back of his neck, lifting him up in the air with one hand.

Forgiveness ...? Why should I be forgived for what you people did ? The man who forced me to kill ... He was a Jedi as well. My demons ? What are demons ? Aren't they the same as angels ..? Do they even exist ? So many unanswered questions ...

Eve then suddendly cracked the cared man's neck, hearing a loud snap. He was dead now. She let go of him, listening to the sound of his fall of death.

... So little time.

Artemis Ventrai
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:43:30 PM
He was no Jedi! No Jedi could ruthlessly murder another. You have lost your mind...

Artemis charges his staff quickly, swinging at Eve's ankle. As soon as she is off balance, he locks his arms around her, and begins absorbing. His ability allows him to absorb Force attacks directed at him. When in contact with another, he can pull some of the Force strength from them. He cannot pull much, but maybe he can drain her enough to subdue her.

I am sorry to do this, but you must stop!

OOC: Really sorry for the delay... just graduated, so kinda been busy.

Eve Siren
Dec 24th, 2001, 04:13:39 PM
OOC- Oh, it's alright :) Congrats ! Oh, and there's a huge possibility I'm not making any sense right now, in this post. -__-

IC- "Let me go ! Argh !"

Eve felt her strength leaving her body, and she had to get away from him fast. Fighting to push him away, Eve was getting weaker and weaker. ARGH ! She finally got him off with a elbow attack in his stomach, causing him to stumble back. She was panting heavily ... She felt like falling down, but she couldn't. Jedi ...

" ... Jedi. You cannot stop me. It's Karma. Hahaha ... KARMA !"

With that, she pulled out the dagger that she hid, written Maiden of Silence on it, and rushed towards the Jedi, sinking the silver metal into his chest, but she made sure she didn't reach the heart.

"KARMA !!"

Artemis Ventrai
Dec 26th, 2001, 12:54:06 AM

Artemis feels the searing pain lance through his chest. Using all the concentration he can muster, he releases what Force energy he had drained from the Sith. The energy is manifested in the form of a rough Force push. The sudden attack sends the woman flying back, taking her dagger roughly with her. The removal of the weapon nearly drops Artemis, leaving black spots dancing before his eyes. Before the woman can rise and attack again, he turns to run. This fight has to be conceded. He cannot continue in his current state.

OOC: Don't worry, made perfect sense. :)

Eve Siren
Dec 26th, 2001, 06:03:03 PM

Eve tried to stand up, but she could hardly walk. Concentrating the little strength she got left, all she could do was yell and scream at the Jedi to come back. Then she remembered that she had never got his name, and he never got hers ... Though she had won the fight, in her soul, she still felt lost. She fell back against the wall, marks of blood showing on those walls as she slid down on her back.

"Karma ..."

Sipharus Forldorn
Dec 26th, 2001, 07:08:39 PM
Sipharus was on his way back to The Sith Empire...after all he was gone for a long time and it was time to get back into the swing of things, he needed to speak with his master, Dalethria anyways. His training was in dire need, and he felt angry that he couldnt find his past assailants...but he will, in time. He heard yelling as he walked underneath the dark sky, the cold air, and the small flakes of white snow. He turned to the right and he saw a young woman yelling, he moved closer and realized that it was Eve Siren. What was wrong with her, she looked drained. She must have fought someone, but who? He moved closer to her to see if she was ok, and to see if she need help.

"Eve? What happened to you? Who did this?"

He managed to spit out, he wondered if she would remember him since it had been a while since he had been to The Sith Empire, but maybe she would.

Eve Siren
Dec 26th, 2001, 07:15:39 PM
"Eve? What happened to you? Who did this?"

Eve opened her eyes slowly as she heard her name and found Sipharus ... One of the first people she knew when she joined the Sith Empire. She tried to speak, but was too tired. The Force blow that she got from that Jedi was too strong.

"Sipharus .. I ..." She murmured, trying to speak properly.

Sipharus Forldorn
Dec 26th, 2001, 07:24:09 PM
Sipharus looked towards Eve as he was kneeling next to her, the snowfall became steadily more and more heavy, he frowned and hushed her up quickly as he looked about and saw no one, and nothing. He took off his leather Trenchcoat and wrapped it around her, and started to pick her up. She was weak, that much was apparent...she needed to get back to the HQ, and now. He held her as he walked through the snow, a slight breeze moving over with the snow storm.

Sipharus thought to himself..."Time to go back"...