View Full Version : Teaser Poster

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2001, 12:17:51 AM
According to Dark Horizions this below is the Teaser poster

they say the text says this A JEDI SHALL NOT KNOW ANGER. NOR HATRED. NOR LOVE

They had part of it up the other week but most people thought it was fake. This could be fake too but I guess we will find out tomorrow because they are suppose to be putting them in theaters then according to this source. From what I can make of it the poster does look cool and it does set up the romantic elements of the film nicely.

Nov 9th, 2001, 08:55:40 AM
NOR LOVE?? Well I guess we know what finally sets Anakin over to the Dark Side. Yoda telling him he's got to dump a hottie like Natalie.

I like the poster, but I still doubt it's legitimacy because of the red saber. But who knows, it may symbolize the saber Anakin ends up with.

Nov 9th, 2001, 10:09:33 AM
I was just about to say the same thing, EB. What's with the red saber? Obviously it could be a hint that he is going to go to the dark side (if you didn't know that already), but it just doesn't feel right in that poster... My guess would be that it isn't authentic.

Besides, the tagline "A JEDI SHALL NOT KNOW ANGER. NOR HATRED. NOR LOVE" doesn't really strike me all that well. I thought that one of the important themes of SW was that "life" triumphs over "machines" (in the figurative sense, not like in Terminator) - life being the Jedi and the rebellion, and the machine being the Imperial Empire... This tagline for a Jedi makes him seem like nothing more than a machine - a being who does his duty and feels nothing... Just doesn't seem to mesh with my take on SW...

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2001, 11:07:09 AM
It might not be legit but if it is there should be a story up today about theaters getting the AOTC poster. I'm not sure about the love part either but I heard a rumor on theforce.net a long time ago that I did not believe at the time that Jedi could not get married, maybe its true I have no clue.

Nov 9th, 2001, 11:11:56 AM
It's looking more and more like the poster is legit. But that red saber raises some questions. The tag line certainly implies that the Jedi are suppose to lead solitary lives. Qui-Gon did say it was a hard life. That tag line certainly makes it seem like one. They could just be referring to Anakin, but if they're referring to sacrifices all Jedi have to make then you'd understand why the Jedi start their training when they're so young and why so few are able to become Jedi Knights. I'd never become a Jedi if it meant living like a celebate monk.

Nov 9th, 2001, 11:13:34 AM
I don't know anything official about Jedi not being able to marry, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case. I think it almost follows the priesthood, in that they must devote themselves fully to the Force and cannot have the distractions of married life. That said, though, there is a big difference between saying that "Jedi cannot marry" and "Jedi cannot love". I think that by saying the Jedi cannot love, it degrades them into mere machines...

Oh, just saw your post EB. That's a good point, it could just be referring to Anakin and his relationship with Padme. I think that makes a little more sense, as opposed to saying that no Jedi will ever know love...

Nov 9th, 2001, 11:20:22 AM
I share your sentiments about forbidding love McBain. I don't want the Jedi to be some damn Vulcans. Denying them love makes the Jedi way seem distant and cold.

Nov 9th, 2001, 12:44:42 PM
I always has a feeling that this poster was legit, red saber and all. I really like it. And for the record, I would defy the jedi for Natalie too.

Doc Milo
Nov 9th, 2001, 02:59:08 PM
Pure specualtion here, but could it be that the Jedi have come to a point where they try to surpress all emotion, even positive ones, because that leads to passion, and passion can lead to more negative emotions like jealousy and anger?

And if so, if they have come to try to surpress positive emotions in the hope that the surpression of all emotion leads to better control, then could that be a sign of an imbalance? (I know, I try to bring everything back to the Balance of the Force theme.) But bear with me, if there is an imbalance, that means what we see of the Jedi now is sort of corrupted in some way. So this type of rule about the Jedi not knowing love could be a sign of that imbalance...

Nov 9th, 2001, 03:13:18 PM
We can only guess if this "denial" of emotion is something new to the Jedi or something they've always done. If it's something new that will unwittingly contribute to their downfall then that would be tragic. I hope the "NOR LOVE" doesn't refer to a Jedi policy of celebacy or even lack of emotion. Controlling your emotions is one thing, denying them is something completely different. It's rather unhealty if you ask me. Anakin can't be the only Jedi to ever fall in love. There must have been hundreds of Jedi around the galaxy who've left the order to follow their hearts.

Nov 9th, 2001, 10:09:46 PM
I also think the saber is red just to go with the color scheme. Seriously, a blue blade would look way out of place there. Maybe they should have just had Anakin without a lightsaber in this poster...

Nov 10th, 2001, 11:51:38 AM
I agree, the poster would look nicer without the saber. But I guess dull normals need to see the saber to associate it with star wars.

Perhaps the red color symbolizes love and foreshadows anakin's future?

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 13th, 2001, 12:45:47 AM
SW.com just announced the official teaser Banner/poster. I guess they decided to make it more like a banner so here it is


Nov 13th, 2001, 09:59:34 AM
Looks like it was official after all. Interesting that in the first post it is shown in a tall format, but the official one is landscape... I wonder if that is just for the Internet to make it more like a banner or if that is how it will be released. It would be interesting if that is how it is released, because I don't think I've ever seen a movie poster like that before. Most movie theaters have slots for their posters in a tall format... They would have to re-do them to accomodate this one.

At any rate, cool poster. Natalie is, of course, looking hot... I am still not sold on the text they used, but if it pertains only to Anakin and not to the whole Jedi order, I guess it isn't as bad...

Doc Milo
Nov 13th, 2001, 01:14:42 PM
Do you mean, by referring just to Anakin, that they'd have special rules just for him? Because we know that Anakin will know anger, hate, and love.... Perhaps, because of his unorthordox beginnings (the midi-chlorian-conception) and because Yoda has sensed so much anger in him when he was young, as a method of teaching him to control that anger, they forbid him a romatic relationship until he has his anger under control? That's the only way I can see it referring to just Anakin rather than the entire order.

I think this text (and we won't know for sure until the movie comes out) gives some credence to the people who said that Jedi aren't allowed to marry (which would, BTW, contradict some EU stories with Ki-Adi Mundi in them.)

Doc Milo
Nov 13th, 2001, 01:48:22 PM
I just thought of something: Is it possible that the text isn't referring to all Jedi, but specific Jedi -- like Padawans only?

So, rather than talking only about Anakin (which to me seems unlikely, because we know that he does feel those things...) perhaps there is a rule that forbids romantic entanglements to Jedi Padawan, because the Padawan is in that precarious stage where he is learning how to control his/her/its emotions -- romatic entanglements may make that part of their training a lot tougher, because romantic entanglements lead to the experiencing of many different emotions, from very postive ones to very negative ones, and if the Jedi is not in a position to control those emotions, as arguable, Padawans are not, then they are in danger of falling to the dark side. But once the Padawan is elevated to Jedi Knight, which is a sign that he has mastered his emotions, has faced the test of the dark side and moved past it, then the danger of romantic entanglements would have passed. The Jedi would then know how to control those negative emotions that may come out (jealousy, for example) and not be in danger of falling to the dark side.

So, perhaps "A Jedi shall not know . . . love" is referring to a ban on Padawans from romnatic entanglements/marriage...

Nov 13th, 2001, 01:52:52 PM
Very good points Doc. I especially like your idea of it pertaining to padawans. What I meant before about it pertaining to Anakin was not that the Jedi council imposed this rule only on Anakin, but that the poster is just telling us a little bit about Anakin's story - not that it was a hard and fast rule imposed by the council.

Another wrinkle to consider in this is when Qui-Gon meets Shmi and asks who the boy's father was. It implies that Qui-Gon assumed that the boy's father was a Jedi (maybe not, of course, maybe just strong with the Force), but it could be construed to make us to think that romantic feelings are not forbidden to Jedi.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 13th, 2001, 02:51:22 PM
You might be right Doc, it would make since that Padawan's would not be allowed to get involved romantically, it is really hard to say the movie should clear this all up though.

Nov 13th, 2001, 03:14:08 PM
Oh how the EU will be thrown into a fit if AOTC reveals that Jedi are not allowed to marry! It's not just Ki-Adi Doc, it's Luke and Mara, Corran and Mirax, and a few other couples. Although I'm some far fetched explanation will pop up to explain that inconsistency.

I think the tag line could easily be referring to just Anakin's story. Not only may the Jedi path be creating obstacles between him and Padme, but what about Shmi? Hasn't Anakin been denied a mother's love for over a decade? I'm really looking forward to AOTC's explanation of "NOR LOVE." If for no other reason than the havoc that it will wreak on the EU. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 13th, 2001, 03:22:22 PM
Of course if this is true I don't think it contradicts Luke because Yoda or Obi-Wan never told him about this rule so he would have no knowledge of it. And as I remember in some of the other novel Luke could find very little records of the Jedi, he explained the Emperor destroyed most of them. Now its also possible the Jedi didn't not originally have this rule as Doc said earlier and it could be something new and that is why the Jedi order is corrupted and needs to be destroyed (just the order not the Jedi) in order to restore balance in the force.

Nov 13th, 2001, 06:47:14 PM
I've always taken the poster for what it says; A Jedi shall not know love. I've always likened the Jedi to priests in that they must remain celibate all their lives (yes celibacy and love are different and can lead to different things but you get my point).

It is interesting though, if the rule applies only to padawans or Anakin in specific, especially if the love triangle rumor proves true. It would help to fuel his eventual hatred of Obi Wan if he showed any feelings to Padme and she reciprocated to him.

Nov 13th, 2001, 07:45:54 PM
Maybe the line has a darker meaning.

Nov 14th, 2001, 02:13:23 PM
Of course if this is true I don't think it contradicts Luke because Yoda or Obi-Wan never told him about this rule so he would have no knowledge of it. And as I remember in some of the other novel Luke could find very little records of the Jedi, he explained the Emperor destroyed most of them.

It was during the Jedi Academy trilogy that Luke was searchign in vain for records of the Jedi. But the reason he couldn't find any was because LUCAS HADN'T CREATED THEM YET! C'mon, we're suppose to believe that in just 20 years Palpatine erased ALL records of the Jedi? Think of how many people came into contact with them, or worked with the Jedi. Think of all the people that would have known about no "marriage rules" or simple terms like "Padawan learner." Killling the Jedi is one thing, but wiping out common knowledge of their ways from the minds of BILLIONS, EVEN TRILLIONS of beings is ludicrous. There are several lifeforms in the SW galaxy for which 20 years is but a blink of an eye, hell any 30 year old human would have knowledge of Jedi customs (stories, news reports, etc.) But enough of picking on the EU, I still love it, I REALLY DO!

I think we're looking at a "Can't marry rule." This is really going to make the love story bittersweet.

Doc Milo
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:16:53 PM
I think we may be looking at one of these scenarios:

1. No Jedi can marry. (While possible, I don't think this will be it.)
2. Jedi Padawans can't marry. (I think this is the most plausible.)
3. Obi-Wan, frustrated at Anakin's lack of focus, creates this rule for his padawan only, because he feels a romanitic entanglement will only lead Anakin to feel emotions he's not capable of controlling yet (like jealousy etc...)

#3 I thought of after viewing the Mystery trailer again. When Anakin is telling Padme, "We will find out who's trying to kill you Padme, I promise (BTW -- eerily similar to "I will come back and rescue you, mom. I promise) Obi-Wan is looking at Anakin with a "what the heck are you talking about" look of frustration on his face. I can see in my mind's eye, the next scene possibly being with Obi-Wan and Anakin alone, Obi-Wan turning to Anakin, frustrated at his Padawan, seeing Anakin's feelings for Padme, and saying, "What was that about, Anakin? A Jedi shall not know love."

Just to point out, #3 would also fit into Obi-Wan's character -- where we see him in TPM always trying to avoid tangent and remain focused on the job at hand. "Master, there isn't much time." etc... This type of heavy-handedness, or short leash that Obi-Wan may have Anakin on may also be a source of resentment later on ...

Nov 14th, 2001, 08:14:34 PM
Geez, this whole thing is giving me a whole other idea...
what if Anakin is plagued by all of his unfulfilled promises? He promises to free his mom, apparently shmi dies before he does so. He promises to find who's trying to kill Padme. But what if thy never find out who's trying to kill her? Padme apparently dies soon after episode 3 (a few years after). What if Palpy is setting up all these other people to look like her killer? Then finally at the end of ROTJ, he figured out that Palpy is behind EVERYTHING. His mom dying, Padme's death and whatever else may come...
I guess this belongs in a new thread huh? :\

Nov 14th, 2001, 10:06:10 PM
I noticed Obi-Wan's expresssion as well Doc. My impression was that Obi-Wan thought Anakin was speaking out of turn. Making promises he didn't have the authority to. Maybe he was making a decision that was up to the Jedi Council. Perhaps he felt Anakin was letting his emotions speak for him.

I tell you something, this poster, these trailers are making me anxious. I can't believe we're finally going to start to get some answers. One of the things I felt was lacking from TPM was signs of Anakin's dark side. But it seems that we're going to get several in AOTC. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!1

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 14th, 2001, 11:41:18 PM
C'mon, we're suppose to believe that in just 20 years Palpatine erased ALL records of the Jedi? Think of how many people came into contact with them, or worked with the Jedi. Think of all the people that would have known about no "marriage rules" or simple terms like "Padawan learner." Killling the Jedi is one thing, but wiping out common knowledge of their ways from the minds of BILLIONS, EVEN TRILLIONS of beings is ludicrous. There are several lifeforms in the SW galaxy for which 20 years is but a blink of an eye, hell any 30 year old human would have knowledge of Jedi customs

It is possible that the Emperor wiped most of the records out. It would be simiarly to what has happened in our world in the past. I can think of a couple of examples in Egypt, the egyptains erased all knowledge of ancient religion based around one of the Pharaohs named Ankenaten(sp) it dealt with only one god, but the the next Pharaoh dislike the idea and wiped everything about the old religion and now we know nothing about it at all, except that it revolved one diety. And then there is the Romans they did a pretty good job in wiping out another powerful empire called Carthage to the point it has taken centuries to find out about them. There are probably other examples, I would have to think hard about it. Really the Emperor wouldn't have to wipe all knowldege of the Jedi just some. Obvisoly it would be easy to wipe out the written record and then there is the what people know about the Jedi. It is possible that few people know about this rule and it may not be public knowlege, I admit that is probably unlikely. Then there is another possibilty. Maybe Luke decided to ignore this rule for some reason. He may felt that it was wrong for what ever reason (besides a lot of the Jedi he recruited were allready married) That really is a more likely scenerio that would have to work for the EU.

Nov 15th, 2001, 11:15:37 AM
But how do you wipe out information in an information age? The Nazis couldn't wipe out all traces of their crimes and that was in an age without video cameras, satellites, the internet etc... Wiping out records is one thing, but how do wipe out the people who wrote and read them? Do you hunt down all the people who saw the award winning documentary on the Jedi Council? Do you kill the author of Yoda's unauthorized biography? Do you destroy all of the copies, both paper and electronic versions on every world they were transmitted to? And then you've got to track down all the people who read them and wipe them out to. Another thing working against the record wipe theory is that we're dealing with a short amount of time, 20 years. In 2,000 years civilizations rise and fall, generations come and go. It's easy for information to get lost or forgotten. But 20 years doesn't allow that to happen very easily. You're bound to have living historical witnesses all over the galaxy.

What I'm saying basically is that the EU writers are at a tremendous disadvantage because they're writing stories without a complete history for them to draw on. It's inevitable that issues are going to arrise that will contradict things they've written. It's unavoidable. JMC, your explanations are as good as any the EU writers can come up. They HAVE to come up with something. As much work as someone puts into a plausible explanation another person can do the same to break it down.

Nov 15th, 2001, 06:18:47 PM
It could easily be that the Ways of the Jedi were not very well know to non Jedi.

Has anyone else noticed that Anakin's braid is on the wrong side in the poster? :p

Nov 15th, 2001, 06:27:35 PM
I never pay close attention to another man's hair. Unless he's balding, then I mock him at will. Is it really that strick a rule that the braid has to be on a certain side? Or is just that Anakin's is on his right and we're dealing with a flipped image?

Nov 15th, 2001, 09:40:49 PM
Well in a lot of shots in the trailers and a lot fo stills, it's on the other side.

It's on both sides in the Mystery trailer. :p

Nov 16th, 2001, 10:41:17 AM
It looks like Trailer A has answered a few more of the "NOR LOVE" questions. This was one of my favorite pieces of dialogue; "Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi?" It certainly doesn't sound like that aspect of a Jedi's life is a state secret. I thought this last trailer touched on each of the lines in the teaser poster. The two go together VERY well.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 02:11:34 PM
As far as Padme's concerened it could be that she assumes that because they can't get married it doesn't mean they can love others in a more platonic way Then there is Obi-Wan's line " You have made a comment to the Jedi Order one not easily broken" that line tells a lot I think. Still this does not mean that this has always been so it could be that the Jedi had recently (when I say recently I mean last 200 years) installed this code and it could be wrong and that might be part of the reason the Jedi are really corrupted and that with combined with the sith might be why there is not balance in the force and why Anakin is the chosen one. Sure he does it by falling to the darkside, if that was the only way to fulfill the prophesy who knows, it was probably possible to do it other ways we will never know. I think an interesting parallel would be the Reformation because the Jedi are similar to the Catholic Church then which was corrupted and unwilling to change to fit the changing times and then the Reformation hit destroying much of Catholic Dogma forever (with the Council of Trent) and completely changing Christianity forever. And one could say there were dark powers at work then too with people like the Habsburgs and the French monarchy looking to expand their powers much like the Sith tried to do. And there is another parallel they too were corrupted as all Absolute Monarchs generally are and similar to Emperor was destroyed with the French Revolution and in that rose democracy and in Sw universe the New Repbulic.

Nov 25th, 2001, 05:59:52 PM
Greetings everyone.

Can some one inform me of how I can post up pictures while posting up articles?


Nov 25th, 2001, 06:23:07 PM
Hi AuroraKnight - welcome aboard... As an FYI, your request probably belongs in the General Discussion Forum (Mods, would you agree?), but don't sweat it...

As far as posting pics, you need to have them up on a site (do you have a personal website where you can store pics, such as GeoCities?) and then in your post, just create a URL to the pic you want to post.

Again, welcome aboard, we're always glad to get new members...

Nov 25th, 2001, 06:45:02 PM
I thank you for your reply, and I apologize for the inconveniences of asking how to post up pictures.

My motive to to post up a poster of episode 2 and I am now at a point where I need specific instructions as to posting up a picture.
The picture is on the a website and all I need to know is how convert the picture into the html code thing.

If you can provide me with specific instructions, it would be mostly appreciated.


Nov 25th, 2001, 07:26:34 PM
The HTML code for inserting a picture is:

{IMG SRC=http://www.blah.com/image.jpg }

Where www.blah.com/image.jpg is the URL you want and you need to replace the {} with <> (I couldn't do it here, as it would try to inline a picture into this post...)

Hope that helps.

Nov 25th, 2001, 10:48:00 PM

This is supposedly one of the movie posters of AOTC.

I can't be certain of whether it'll be used though, but I think it should be because of its vivid depiction of the Dark Side in Anakin.

This is so far my favorite poster for episode 2.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 25th, 2001, 11:34:56 PM
It does look cool, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't it show up somewhere, it would make a great video cover.

Nov 26th, 2001, 09:46:00 AM
That is very nice, but I can't see that being an official poster, because with both faces, and awful lot is given away...

Nov 26th, 2001, 11:07:50 AM
I think it looks pretty neat, but I too can't see it being an official Ep. II poster. I could be mistaken, but all of the images have been reused from other sources. The shot of Anakin looks like it came from the Forbidden Love trailer, the shot of Vader could have come from anywhere, and the saber looks like it came from one of the earlier Ep. IV posters. Given that, it would seem to be more of a fan-made poster rather than an official poster. I would think on an official one they would have images that weren't seen elsewhere...

Nov 26th, 2001, 03:05:16 PM
That's an image that's going to be used in used in conjunction with SW Celebration II in Indy. Retailers have been sent packets regarding the convention and that pic was on the cover. I don't know of any other plans to use it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it made into some kind of poster eventually.

Nov 26th, 2001, 07:32:30 PM
It's also being used at the Official site,at the episode 2 section.

Nov 26th, 2001, 08:59:58 PM
Really? Wow, that's interesting!

Nov 26th, 2001, 11:07:17 PM
Ok who Whized in JMK's corn flakes? I didn't ,Did I ?:huh

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 27th, 2001, 04:08:28 AM
I think it makes sense for the poster to have the parts in it that it does: Luke's hands are in the center between Darth Vader's mask and Darth Vader unmasked. It seems sort of appropriate. To me, at least.

Nov 27th, 2001, 10:01:12 AM

Nov 27th, 2001, 10:20:16 AM
Hey Buff. Where is it on the official site? I didn't see it there - only the one with Anakin and Padme with the lines of the Jedi Code.

Nov 27th, 2001, 12:36:55 PM
I looked for it too and couldn't find it. I think maybe that dastardly Buff may have been blowing a little smoke up our arses! :)

Nov 27th, 2001, 01:13:17 PM
:lol :lol

:o :o :o

ooppss I mistook this pic for that pichttp://www.starwars.com/episode-ii/

Sorry guy's .You know I think what little grey matter I have left ,is leaving:( Gosh DARN Roids!!!!!!!J/K

Nov 28th, 2001, 10:23:07 PM
You guys sure reply alot.
In ASAP, it takes a little while for replies to go around. But either way is fine with me.

Oh, the hands holding the lightsaber can't be Luke's because the hands are holding an MPP lightsaber, either Vader's or Anakin's AOTC.

Is this forum the same as the regular SWfans.net forum?
If so, then why does this backgound color set as gray, and member accounts can't access the posts in the regular SWfans.net forum?


Nov 28th, 2001, 10:35:43 PM
I have my doubts about those hands being Luke's as well. It's similiar to the ROTJ poster, but I don't think they're Luke's hands.

If your having trouble accessing any posts then you may want to go to the Communications forum, they may be able to help you there. You can change the background you use by choosing one of the style settings at the bottom of the main forum. Try starting at http://www.swforums.net/forum/ . We did switch boards awhile back so that may be part of your problem. Hope this helps.