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Tempist Opps
Nov 7th, 2001, 01:02:45 AM
The suns were hotter than usial today, blasting their heat upon the desert sand and all who walked it. Too damn hot. Tempist had heard rumors of a Jedi Master on Tatooine, and he didnt want to miss a chance to fight someone who may be a challenge. The shapeshifter continued through the dunes, searching for some truth to the rumor. He was in his lizardman form, his favorite. He stood 6'7 with blue scaly skin. He had a long, powerful tail, and claws that could tear the head off a man in seconds, although he prefered the Black Blade, his sword.
ooc: black blade is an enchanted runesword, the runes take on a literal meaning in the order of hits. i dont think im gonna be able to hit you though, so you dont have to worry about it.
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 10th, 2001, 05:43:31 PM
:: Overlooking the dune could see out for miles, or at least as far as the air didn't shimmer in its scorching waft across the horizon. The hovel that once belonged to Obi Wan Kenobi was old, but built to last. It had provided a suitable residence, and a solace to a man who'd rather stay away from people.
Anbira Hicchoru lived a simple life since his escape from Byss and return to the Jedi. He could have remained with the Order, and likely found the secrets of his past. But he knew enough...of the evil he had once embodied. Perhaps the search for such a missing thing was best avoided. If it meant keeping those demons buried, Anbira was content to his fate at living alone, and dying one day as a peaceful old man.
He had a modest moisture farm, and enough food to grow to sustain himself, with perhaps a trip or two every month to Mos Espa for other items. It was a simple life...and even though he could likely find greatness elsewhere in the galaxy, the old Jedi desired none of those things. ::
Tempist Opps
Nov 14th, 2001, 12:59:51 AM
ooc: this one was ment for warren, but since he is away for a while and i forgot to state that in the innital post, ill just go with it.
Tempist heard the sound of machines, loud and cumbersum. A moisture farm. No master of the light ways had unveiled itself, but he sensed the decaying remains of pure darkness.... very odd.... The warior made his way twards the sounds, growing bored form lack of a fight. As he did so, the ghosts of shadows grew stronger in his mind, sensing that their source was very close. He arived at a low ridge, overlooking the farm. A man was standing there, older than most from what he could see. The man looked very familiar, he had seen him before somewhere.... The feelings of slight tainting were coming from this man, and it confused Tempist somewhat. He knew about corrupted jedi, he had delt with them in the past. What was this man? Was he one of thiese? Was it an illusion? He had no idea, but there was only one way to find out.
"Hello down there!"
Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 23rd, 2001, 05:05:08 PM
:: Anbira's feelings detected a taint of darkness on the man. He spoke through the aid of his synthetic vocalizer, his voice sounding clipped and mechanical. ::
You_must_be_lost___so_far_into_the_desert, _stranger.
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