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Lord Gue
Nov 6th, 2001, 11:10:49 AM
There are those who believe that the infamous murder of our benevolent Emperor would somehow bring the Empire to a rapid demise, nothing could be further from the truth. Beyond the vast territories, the impressive warships, the legions, the awe inspiring technology, the Empire is an ideal, it is indestructible, it is eternal. Even if every last planet were lost to the rebellion, every last warship smashed, every soldier slain, the Empire would continue in the hearts and minds of its loyal human citizens. Like an ancient Sith demon, it will rise up out of ashes to consume its enemies and once again, extend its dominion across the universe. Far from its intent, the death of Palpatine has only strengthened our resolve. Let the word go forth to every hiding place, every secret meeting, wherever the enemies of the Empire gather, we shall suffer their existence no more.
<a href="http://pub22.ezboard.com/bthegalacticempire">

Nov 6th, 2001, 12:54:30 PM
<img src=http://www.allspark.com/graphics/board/posticons/update.gif>

Gue and Co have been seen at 7-11's taking apart Slurpy Machines. Run For The Hills!!!

Lord Gue
Nov 6th, 2001, 09:02:35 PM
Purple hills....

Nov 6th, 2001, 09:10:35 PM
With Green Trees....

Heir Raktus
Nov 6th, 2001, 09:53:55 PM
a million faces...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Nov 6th, 2001, 10:14:57 PM


I like purple mountains betta

Sanis Prent
Nov 6th, 2001, 10:34:50 PM
I want to train a panda to catch frisbees!

And then I wanna train a T-Rex to catch pandas!

Lady Vader
Nov 7th, 2001, 05:07:40 AM
*Breaks into a song and dance number.*

"The hills are alive, with the sound of screaming..." :crack

On another "note" (haha, get it? :p)...

I want a T-Rex for a pet! :rollin

Lord Gue
Nov 9th, 2001, 07:45:26 PM
OKAY! Who's wearing my pants?!

Lor Pallen
Nov 10th, 2001, 05:27:32 AM
hums *we bring good things to life.....*

wait a second....G.E. is expanding? Holy crap!
*logs on to his E*TRADE account*
I'm going to be rich! muwhahahhaahaha!

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 10th, 2001, 05:16:14 PM
They won't expand for long. . .:evil :wings

Admiral Lebron
Nov 10th, 2001, 07:38:14 PM
Ron.. don't make me thwack you!

Varlon Konrad
Nov 11th, 2001, 01:25:31 PM
Ron, Lebron, get a room if yer gonna be thwacking eachother.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 11th, 2001, 01:49:13 PM
YOU DIRTY @&@$#@#!
:wings :verymad :cat :grumble

Admiral Lebron
Nov 11th, 2001, 02:43:38 PM
:shootin @ Konrad

I have a girlfriend for your information.

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:22:28 PM
Nobody's mentioning Sally Tubesock, Lebron :lol

Admiral Lebron
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:34:17 PM
:mad :headbash

She is real. I'm a whipped boyfriend, for your information.

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:48:07 PM
|I yes, I'm sure you are.

Lor Pallen
Nov 11th, 2001, 04:49:58 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Nobody's mentioning Sally Tubesock, Lebron :lol

Damnit, they better not be!
*Gives Sally T. a questioning look, then tosses "her" under the bed for later use*


Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 11th, 2001, 07:04:14 PM
That is even dirtier than what Konrad said.

Sean Piett
Nov 12th, 2001, 10:25:18 PM
And what I'm thinking is even dirtier.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 13th, 2001, 03:59:03 PM
You all are sick wannabes. Jealous are you, of me, for I have a real one! MWUAHAHAHA!

Khendon Sevon
Nov 13th, 2001, 05:03:14 PM
I hate girls that are vegetarians and don’t let you eat meat or drink milk… grr… or cheese, what about cheese! If you’re Greek (or Italian) you’ll never survive a girl like that… *looks around* wait... that's a little random... oh well...

*Hits Lebron w/ can of compressed and condensed cheddar cheese* No soup for you!

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 13th, 2001, 05:36:47 PM
I have a master plan to get the heart of the Queen of Death.
She is like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but younger.:crush

Admiral Lebron
Nov 13th, 2001, 05:47:49 PM
My girlfriend isn't a vegitarian. She's far from it. She is nowhere near fat(She's a twig), but she does eat more then me.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 13th, 2001, 06:36:36 PM
Lebron, she sounds like the anoying cherrleader wimp type.
I personaly rather the @$$ kicking could be a cheerlaeder but doesn't want to type that also has a soft side.
Only two exist, and one is only on TV.:) :D :angel :crush

Admiral Lebron
Nov 13th, 2001, 09:32:41 PM
Actually, she is the brute whack'em thwhack'em type. I think she's on the lacrosse team..

Khendon Sevon
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:00:38 PM
She knows alot about whacking...

Sure it's a she?

(Sorry, couldn't resist... No offense...)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:09:55 PM
o_O this thread changed from normal to this rather quick...... >_<

Admiral Lebron
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:28:15 PM
POSITIVE... VERY POSITIVE! You sicko! Thank god I don't talk about this place..

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:36:15 PM
odd little man you are.......

Khendon Sevon
Nov 14th, 2001, 05:26:16 PM
You don't know what sports she plays, you don't talk about this place with her...

Have you ever talked to her?

Wait... wait... It's an online AOL chat relationship, isn't it! Don't tell me... she's 5 and lives in Switzerland!


Is she your cousin?

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 14th, 2001, 07:16:49 PM
::Quote Or...

Is she your cousin?::


Nov 15th, 2001, 02:16:49 AM
*Walks into the thread.*

Ahh, for once I can relax and not go insane....

Reads thread....

Doh, what is this Redneck connection!


Admiral Lebron
Nov 15th, 2001, 06:52:43 PM
No... I don't think she lives in Europe. And of course I don't tell her about this place. Don't wanna scare her. Now stop dissing Virginians.. it's West Virginians that are that way.