View Full Version : The Art of Negotiation: Balmorra

Taylor Millard
Nov 5th, 2001, 03:01:33 AM
Admiral Taylor Millard of the Imperial Navy, stood on the bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior pondering the task set before him.

It was almost simple: Go to his home planet of Balmorra (a place he hadn't been in almost 34 years) and convince the leaders to rejoin the Galactic Empire. It was a challenge he looked forward to, and something he knew wouldnt' be completely simple.

I'm not the best at negociation. Tomar and Jaranda are, but both of them are on their honeymoon for another few days.

The new couple would, however, join Millard on Balmorra once they'd had their time alone. Taylor was actually happy for the Imperial General and his new bride. He'd been at the wedding, performing the ceremony before a medium-sized crowd; mainly Imperial Officers. None of Jaranda's family was there, but Tomar's parents were. Taylor wished the couple luck, hoping their marriage would be long and fruitful.

But he put the thoughts of his friends marriage away, focussing on the task at hand.

Three Dreadnaughts from Guild Fleet, join his three Imperial Star Destroyers (The Superior, Dracule, and Leatherneck) as they awaited the command to depart for Balmorra.

But there was one more person to wait for, Millard's new second-in-command. Someone who he was very familiar with. Taylor sat in his command chair, watching the shuttle Lambda VII dock in the Hangar Bay.

Ten Minutes later, he heard the doors to the bridge open. Not even looking over his shoulder, Millard said,

"Rear Admiral Laran. Welcome back to the Superior. I assume you've been briefed on the mission?"

Serena Laran
Nov 5th, 2001, 03:16:07 AM
She stood just inside the doors, her neatly pressed grey uniform in place and her hair tied up tightly above her collar. Seems like I never left. Serena stepped two steps forward, and halted again, saluting as Admiral Millard turned around. "I have been briefed, sir. A diplomatic mission to Balmorra, with the purpose of bringing them into the Empire's fold." She relaxed only after he motioned for her to take her ease, and she continued.

"It also came to my attention that you have three Dreadnaughts along for the ride." She raised a red eyebrow, and cleared her throat. "As I am now, for the first time, under your command, what is my assignment, Admiral?"

Taylor Millard
Nov 5th, 2001, 03:52:33 PM
"You requested command of a Star Destroyer, with the Imperial Leadership; and now you have it. Temporarily though," Millard's blue eyes flashed with their normal coldness, "General Tomar and Jaranda Piett, are on their honeymoon- having married while the former was on leave. They will join us on Balmorra in 4 days. Hopefully, our mission will be complete by then.

"The Superior is yours, Rear Admiral Laran. Treat her with respect. Your personal mission is to assist me in the negociations with the Balmorran Leaders. Governor Kiterix is not against Balmorra going back to Imperial Command. But, several members of the council are...shall we say, against the Empire regaining their territory."

Millard handed Laran a datapad with several holos of both older men and women, with their names next to the holo. It was a collection of three names, each with considerable power in the council according to Imperial files.

"We're either to make them agree with us; or the Balmorran people will have to hold new elections. There is one council member- Bail Timander," a picture of a young man with blond hair came up on the datapad, "who is very outspoken about his love of the Empire. Our orders are to contact him and prepare for a council vote.

"Are there any questions? Good. Prepare to depart Coruscant. Captain Putin, set course for Balmorra."

The red haired man sent orders to the rest of the ships, and the Imperial Task Force entered Hyperspace; re-emerging 3 days later at Balmorra.

"Prepare a shuttle. We will meet Governor Kiterix in 2 hours. Laran, Thomas with me. Let us prepare for Balmorra's re-intrigation into the Empire."

Taylor Millard
Nov 8th, 2001, 02:33:47 AM
As the shuttle descended into the atmosphere of Balmorra, Admiral Taylor Millard sat deep in thought.

Negotiation's not my best weapon. Most of my negotiation was with Clan Vitiku, and that was in battle. I suppose it is time I learned to use words instead of actions. Although, if I have to use force, I will.

The shuttle flew through the atmosphere of Millard's former homeworld. It had been long since he'd set foot on the soil of Balmorra, spending most of his time on Imperial Ships. Taylor wondered if it looked the same as his old memories had it. Dark with the occasional dust storm. Technology, though not as much as Coruscant, filled the ground with intermitant green fields of tall grass in between the factories. The Imperial Admiral hoped it remained the same.

Another odd feeling for Millard, was not piloting the shuttle. During his time in the Unknown Regions, Taylor always flew his own shuttle to preserve pilots. Now that he'd rejoined the Empire he had the luxury, he supposed, of letting others fly. A 'luxury' he hated sometimes.

There's nothing like feeling the flight stick between your hands, as you swoop down on a target. A wonderful sight.

But times had changed. Thankfully, he thought, Balmorra hadn't. The fields were still green, the factories still present. He'd been informed about the Empire's attempt to retake Balmorra with the Cloned Emperor's Executor, Sedriss.

Fool, Millard thought, Reducing an essential planet to rubble. Doesn't make the Empire look good at all. Balmorra didn't need to be crushed, only assimulated.

Grand Admiral Thrawn had taught him that. There are other ways of taking a planet into your grasp. Negociate, but use force if necessary.

And Millard wasn't sure too much force was necessary. Still, he'd requested two squadrons of TIE Devils to come as well.

The shuttle began its landing in Bin Prime, the capital city of Balmorra. A small delegation awaited them at the end of the ramp. It was a combination of men and women.

Most of the Council. And Governor Kiterix.

Millard had information on most of the rulers. Governor Kiterix was a good man, but wanted money and economy for Balmorra. He'd replaced the former governor, Beltane, after the latter had died in a machine accident three years prior. Kiterix wanted the Empire as an ally, both econamically and militarily. He knew how Balmorra had supplied the Empire during the Great War, and he wanted to continue it, apparently.

But four of the council, three men and one woman, wished it differently. They saw Balmorra's independence as a way of life. Two of the Council members were Beltrane's own children now grown up. The other two, were just along for the ride, Millard mused.

He exitted the shuttle with Thomas and Admiral Laran beside him. The trio walked the long, grey bridge to meet the delegation. Several large wardroids stood, guarding the area. The grey, hulking masses could only be the X-1 Viper Automatons. Or a varient at least.

These war droids...would be wonderful under the Empire's command.

As the trio reached the delegation, the largest man in the group, saluted them. Tall, with a red beard on his face, he looked at the delegation with honor and merit.

"Welcome home, Admiral Millard," he spoke, in a deep voice, "I am Governor Tyrl Kiterik. Welcome to Balmorra."

Millard saluted the delegation and the governor.

"It is a pleasure to be here Governor. I trust the arrangements have been made for our discussions?"

A thin woman with an angular face spoke, "Yes, Imperial, they have. We will start now to make it quicker huh?"

Cold, blue eyes met the eyes of the woman. Millard glowered at her, feeling his anger rise, "If you wish. Although I was hoping for a...warmer reception."

"Feh, you dream," the woman shot back, "My father got independence, and I will do what I can to keep it that way."

Millard glowered again, but before he could add another comment, the Governor spoke,

"Now, Clara, we have a feast prepared for them. It is custom to greet visitors...Come, let us eat and drink and be merry. The negotiations can wait for later."

"Or atleast," Millard thought he heard Clara Beltrane speak, "Until the Imperials destroy us."

Taylor Millard
Nov 10th, 2001, 03:43:25 AM
The delegation was led to an immense dining hall, filled with officers and government officials of every kind. The tall, purple banners signified the colors of Balmorra and its independence. Taylor hoped the banners would be replaced with the dark blue of Imperial might soon.

Governor Kiterix offered the trio of Imperial officers a seat at his table, signalling for food to be brought forth for them. A calamari dish was the main course, with some kind of four-legged mammal dish as the supplamentary course.

As the dinner went on, Clara Beltrane turned to Rear Admiral Laran.

"Why are you here? Balmorra has no reason to join the Empire, we can sell our stuff to private businesses. Why to the Empire? All you'd do is turn our weapons against us. Convince me at why we should join?"

Steven Drake
Nov 10th, 2001, 05:21:11 PM
As the delegation walked away from the shuttle, a small flame suddenly sprung up from the back. Steven Drake too several puffs from his glitterstim pipe, allowing the smell to permeate the interior.

"Whew!" he said to no one in particular, "If my ship wasn't so recognizable on Balmorra, I woulda taken it. Least I made it down."

Drake had pilotted the shuttle, taking Millard and the rest of the delegation to Balmorra. Slipping out of his pilot's jumpsuit, Drake tiptoed down the ramp, passing the stormtrooper guards silently. Although he coulda just simply walked pass them, Drake wanted to prove to himself he still 'had it'.

Silently, he ran across the ramp to the entrance to the palace. Using the massive war droid for cover, Drake fired a grappling hook up to the top of the roof. After checking his harness, he began a slow journey to the top of the palace.

Let's see what I can dig up on these dissenters to the Empire's command.

Serena Laran
Nov 11th, 2001, 02:47:45 AM
Serena laid her fork down, and turned slightly to face Clara Beltrane. "Why should Balmorra join the Empire?" The other woman nodded impatiently. "For security."

The older woman scoffed, "We need no 'security' from the Empire."

Laran raised an eyebrow. "On the contrary, you need it very much."

"How so, Admiral?" Beltrane leaned forward, her tone beligerant.

"You can sell bacta to anyone you want now, that is true. It is only a matter of time before another faction in the galaxy realizes what a gold mine Balmorra is, and conquers you. Then your 'stuff' will not be yours to sell anymore. The Empire does have guns, true. But they will be pointed towards your enemies."

Serena sipped her wine, "And if you have not heard of plots against your bacta production, then perhaps you might be interested in the Intelligence reports that could be made available to you. You see, the Empire has many resources beyond your one planet, which can be made available to you once you join the Empire."

Taylor Millard
Nov 11th, 2001, 09:40:26 PM
Millard could barely contain his smirk as he listened to Serena's response to Clara Beltrane's accusation/question. It was the reason he'd brought her along on this mission. Her abilities in negotiation and in wit made him even more impressed with her. It was a reason she'd been given command of the Superior.

"That is true, Madam Beltrane," Taylor joined the conversation, "Also, imagine what your economy would be once you rejoin the Empire? It would only increase by threefold, with your war droid production helping fuel it. The Empire would buy countless number of them, using them to fight the New Republic and our other enemies. It is time you smelled the burning fuel. Balmorra would be better with the Empire, than against it."

"Hardly," a grey haired man fired back, "We have plenty of private businesses buying from us. Our economy wouldn't do any better if you took over us. You won't succeed. Come Clara, let's go."

Rising, he and Clara stood up and left the banquet. The Imperials noticed two other council members make their exit as well.

"I'm sorry," Governor Kiterix stated, staring at the departing council members, "I'm afraid Troy Beltrane and his sister hold considerable amount of sway with the rest of the ruling council. I was hoping they wouldn't be this rude, but...it appears their hatred of the Empire is more than I expected it to be."

He smiled, "Ah well...Admiral Millard, Admiral Laran I woud like to introduce you to our rising star in the council. May I introduce, Bail Timander."

The blond haired man smiled as he shook both hands of the Imperials, "Pleasure to meet you both. I hope our negotiations go well. I do wish the Empire well in taking over this planet. The benefits to our economy would be wonderful. I do hope they go well."

With a smile, he took a drink from his glass and exitted.

Steven Drake
Nov 14th, 2001, 06:07:13 PM
Drake slipped across the roof of Clara Beltrane's house. He hoped Millard was doing his job and keeping her busy while he searched for anything 'unsavory' in her house.

He found her ventalation shaft...too small. Even the Sith Chick, Live Wire, wouldn't be able to get in. And she's pretty thin.

Throwing a rope off of the roof, Steven slid down the side of the wall coming to a stop at the first window. Buckling his harness to the rope, Drake began to cut the glass on the window. He watched it fall, smashing into the ground, and causing a large *Crash*.

Oops he thought sarcastically as he removed the inner glass pane, then slipped into the chateu.

Gotta be something around here.

The study the Imperial Commander stood was rather moderate in size. A few books and legal texts were on the table in front of him. A globe of Balmorra as well as a portrait of her father, the former governor of Balmorra, faced him. Also on the wall were Governor Beltrane's words "FREE BALMORRA".

She'd like to think that.

Drake moved to the desk in Beltrane's study. It was a dark, black wood with large drawers with gold latches. The Imperial Intelligence Officer removed a small, thin strip of metal. Sliding it against the latch, Drake broke the lock and opened the door.

Papers...that's all she's got it is papers?!? Drake was incredulous. There was no information, assuming she'd done anything wrong. Drake began pulling papers out, hoping to find anything that suggested of any foul play.

It was then he found the locked case inside the desk drawer. It was electronically locked.

Either this is the motherload, or I've really frelled up.

It was then he heard the door to the house open.

Steven cursed. Millard was supposed to keep the Beltrane's away from here. Moving to the window he replaced the inner glass panel, then hid in the shadows of the study. He watched, as Clara Beltrane and her brother entered the room. Fascinated, Drake turned a tape recorder on.

"The Imperials will not give up," Clara was saying as she took a seat in her chair, "Balmorra must remain free. If we are to supply the New Republic and the Pirates in Imperial Space, we much remain free. Were the Empire to take over...our operations would cease."

"You are correct," the brother (whose name Drake couldn't remember) replied, "The pirates must continue to be employed. Although, with the Empire growing stronger, we may want to stage a coup on the Governor.

"It's no secret he's open to the Empire regaining control. Hell, he's got the highest ranking Balmorran Imperial as the negotiator and Kiterix is treating him with respect!?! I warned him of this...it's time we took action. We have two other members of the Council on our side. If we can kill Kiterix and that fool, Timander- you or I would be elected Governor. And we would kick the Imperials out."

"Yes my brother," Clara said, sweat appearing on her forehead, "We would win. Bloody Mynock, I need a fix."

"I thought you said you'd kicked the spice habit?" Her brother glowered at the thin woman, as she opened a drawer to her desk. A drawer, moments earlier, Steven Drake had gone through.

"I did...but I need the occasional 'pick me up'," Clara said before gasping, "My...my spice...it's...it's GONE! It was right here!"

She began rummaging through the drawers, "It was here a minute ago!" she wailed, throwing papers away, "I need my spice!"

Her brother grabbed her by the arm, throwing her back. As she struggled, he slapped her hard. As she slumped in his arms, Troy Beltrane cursed the sky then carried her out of the room, shutting the door.

Drake wasted no time escaping through the window of the Beltrane household. Keeping to the shadows, he made his way to the Balmorran Palace, where Millard was getting ready for bed.

After Millard saw what was in the case, he said, "Get Admiral Laran here now. Tell her I don't care what state of dress she's in, I need her here now."

In the case was 2 kilos of Gammorian Spice, one of the most powerful hallugians in the Universe. And Clara Beltrane was taking it, fairly heavily by the looks of it.

As Laran entered the room, Drake reported what he'd heard and played the tape for the both of them. Millard sat back, stroking his clean-shaven chin thoughtfully.

Then he turned to both Drake and Laran, "Any suggestions at how we handle the Beltranes? I would prefer it if they didn't see the light of day. Or one of them atleast. Any suggestions?"

Taylor Millard
Nov 19th, 2001, 12:41:23 AM
The negotiations went well after the meeting between the three. Although, Millard's friendship with Laran possibly ended.

The two disagreed with the methods of the negotiation, ending with Millard relieving her of command, sending her back to Coruscant with the three Dreadnaughts from Guild Fleet. As she left, Millard handed her a datapad.

"Zorrin Hexes has requested your presence on Coruscant. I assume it is for you to be under his command again. You are to report there, Admiral."

As Laran left, Millard sat and wrote her a letter. He apologized for acting like a jerk, and for imprisoning her back at Bonhelious. But it was time for him to move on. He wished her luck, and wished their friendship had gone better.

General Tomar arrived later that day, and the negotiations went out without a hitch. With the realtilization of Clara Beltrane's spice addiction, and her brother's death from a spice overdose (in reality Steven Drake killed Troy Beltrane by placing spice in his sleeping tonic), the other members who disagreed with Imperial control backed down on their position.

Balmorra was back under Imperial control.

Thrawn gave Millard a medal later on in the week. Millard thanked him, then promptly retired.

"I apologize, Grand Admiral, I will always be there for the Empire if it should need me. My return to the Known Regions has been met with turmoil and death. I have seen my best friends marry, the Empire changed, and my brother killed. I wish to take a break now, and enjoy life...alone. It is time I took time to myself. I'm sorry, sir. But I must go."

Thrawn conceded, but told Millard to return when he felt it.

"You have served the Empire well. Be prepared to do it again."

Millard saluted, then left.

It was Tomar who reacted worst to it. But he understood.

"Admiral...Taylor. When you return, I will be waiting for you," the General spoke.

"Tomar, enjoy your life. And your marriage. It is time you went to your own now. Command a Star Destroyer...honor the Empire. Thomas is now under your command too. It's time for you to move on, and be fruitful."

Millard walked to his missile boat. With one last look at the Superior and a salute to his former crew; Taylor Millard left the Empire.

He flew to the Unknown Regions and Bonhelious. As he landed, he walked to the deserted Imperial Compound. He had two weapons with him. An Imperial Repeater Rifle...and his brother's sword.

Sitting in his old room, Millard sighed...and fell asleep.