View Full Version : Out on a ledge...

Anakis Moreven
Nov 4th, 2001, 06:35:48 AM
Anakis Moreven, Jedi Knight of the GJO, who had been absent from the wilderness for a while, staying in the GJO HQ for months, had finally stepped out. He was resting over a canyon on Tatooine, peering out over the long horizon, squinting as the twin suns burned his eyes and thinking of the olden days, when he was a Padawan to Jedi Boricua. Now he was a Knight, a defender of the galaxy, and was expected to go out and fight big angry villians...

He then heard a racket and turned around quickly, the dust flying up in his face... and he saw a figure standing there. the dust in his eyes was fogging his vision and he couldn't make out the figure... just in case, he reached for his saber.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 5th, 2001, 04:54:17 PM
"Yes Jedi, you will need it"

There is a snap and the dust is lit up by a single crimson sabre. The figure moves the weapon into a defencive stance.

"Come Jedi, try and destroy me...before I destroy you, which I will, of that there is no doubt"

DarkStar called the Force around him, hightening his senses and powers, this was the first battle since his resurection, he had better be careful, just incase

Anakis Moreven
Nov 5th, 2001, 06:04:19 PM
Anakis tightened the grip on his saber. It has been so long since he had fought a Sith, and never had he fought such a high-ranked one.

He brought his saber up, diagonally, from the left to the right, then turned around and slashed sideways, again from the left to the right. Anakis then buried his heels into the sand, and leaped over the Sith, sending sand flying into the sith's eyes. Anakis then twirled around and faced the Sith's back, sweat pouring down his face and his knuckles white as he held his saber.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:39:25 PM
OOC/What makes you think i'm Sith?\IC
DarkStar blocked the first two blows with contemptus ease and closed his eyes as the hail of dust rained upwards. Falling into the Force he spun round without looking and crashed his sabre against the Jedi's, forcing him backwards, moving DarkStar away from the ledge and the long drop below it.

Anakis Moreven
Nov 7th, 2001, 06:06:54 PM
OOC: Uh, I dunno... maybe it's because your a council member of the Lone SITH Tribe?:rolleyes

IC: Anakis grimaced as the powerful darksider pushed agaisnt him. He concentrated, and in a burst of Force Strength, he managed to push the Sith off of him, then he gathered the force in his arm and delivered a powerful uppercut to DarkStar's chin.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 8th, 2001, 05:21:53 PM
DarkStar reeled back, the blow has caught him by suprise...that was unacceptable. He righted himself and looked at Anakis,

"That you will pay for"

Anakis felt a pressure on his chest, moments later he was hurled backwards and DarkStar advanced towards him, his sabre seeming to come from all angles at once, pressing Anakis further and further back as the Sith, yes DarkStar mused, he supossed he still was one at heart, enhanced his speed and strength with the Force

Anakis Moreven
Nov 9th, 2001, 06:15:21 PM
Anakis tries to keep up with the quick Sith. Anakis then twists his saber so DarkStar's blade cannot reach him. Then, as quick as possible, Anakis grabs his vibro-spatula and slaps DarkStar across the face with it. DarkStar falls back into the sand as a cloud of dust raised.

"Betcha didnt see that coming..."

Lord DarkStar
Nov 10th, 2001, 05:31:58 PM
Looks at Anakis

"No and you did not see this comeing"

He says it in such a way that the Jedi has no idea what is coming, then he feels the silent thunder, a hybrid Force power created by DarkStar from the powers push and pull. The first wave strikes Anakis and knocks him from his feet, just as he is begining to stand the second wave knocks him over again, before he even hits the floor though the third wave knocks him through the air. Almost as soon as he hits the Sith is on him again.

Anakis Moreven
Nov 11th, 2001, 06:07:29 AM
Anakis parried the Sith's blows and began to rest in the Force. His parries became not guided by his concious thought, but by the Force. He closed his eyes and rested...then kicked DarkStar in the stomach, kncoking the wind out of him and surpising him. Anakis then gatherred the force in his arm and released it, pushing Darkstar closer to the canyon.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 12th, 2001, 04:07:48 PM
DarkStar moved back towards the cliff edge. Rather than attacking the Jedi directly he attacked his mind. DarkStar reached out with the Force and created an illusion in his mind, in it DarkStar changed from being humanoid, he became a huge rearing Dragon, forty feet long he reared above the Jedi, to compound the illiusion DarkStar insilled fear into the heart of the Jedi, normally emotionless even the Jedi was forced to tremble as DarkStar battled him in his true area, the mind.

"Foolish Jedi"

The Dragon rumbled,

"Did you really believe you could challenge me?"

While Anakis was completly consumed with this illusion DarkStar was moving around him, putting him between DarkStar and the cliff

Anakis Moreven
Nov 12th, 2001, 04:36:42 PM
Anakis dropped his saber, and fell to the ground in fear, the sweat dripping into the sand. He trembled, and closed his eyes, when he heard a familiar voice telling that a Jedi knows no fear...not even a dragon can make a Jedi afraid. Anakis then got up shakily, and glared at the beast as he called his saber to him. Then, he walked back from the dragon and tripped over a rock, and came down hard. He looked up at the lookimg beast and took a deep breath, tapping into he force and remembering his lessons when he was a padawan. He looked up at the dragon, closed his eyes, and concentrated, and fianlly managed to shake off the illusion. He then stood there, half-ready, still nervous...

Lord DarkStar
Nov 12th, 2001, 04:44:50 PM
Anakis could hear the hum of the sabre behind him now and turned to face DarkStar once more.

"Impressive...it takes a strong will to overcome my illusions, you possess a strong will, saddly I will relieve you of it when I relieve you of your life"

DarkStar takes a step forward, but instead of attacking he kicks up a spray of dust into Anakis's eyes, before the Jedi can react to the dust DarkStar Force throws a rock into his chest, knocking him back towards the ledge

Anakis Moreven
Nov 12th, 2001, 04:52:54 PM

Anakis got to his feet, and leaped over DarkStar, using a Force Leap, then turned around quickly, and ran up to him. As DarkStar Got up, Anakis hit him with his saber hilt in his face, then kicked him towards the cliff.

"Your a big meanie..."

Lord DarkStar
Nov 12th, 2001, 04:59:07 PM
DarkStar's spare hand lashed out and grabbed Anakis around the kneck. The Sith was a big man, but stronger even than he looked with almost no effort at all he lifted Anakis from the floor. Turning slowly, he held the struggling Jedi above his head and then flung him towards the ledge. Rubbing his face he advanced on the Jedi once more.

Anakis Moreven
Nov 13th, 2001, 07:29:49 PM
Anakis flew past the cliff then grabbed on the ledge, then force leaped over DarkStar's head, and twirled around, slashing sideways at DarkStar's middle section.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:12:25 PM
DarkStar spins out of the way with ease, his sabre coming down onto Anakis's sabre, pushing it to the floor. His left hand lashed out with blinding speed to catch Anakis in the face. As the Jedi realed back the Sith pressed his advantage, on the attack once more.

Anakis Moreven
Nov 14th, 2001, 04:27:06 PM
Anakis concentrated and the Jedi uses Force Strength as he pushes the Sith's blade out of the way. He then kicks him in the chest, knocking him back, then slashed DarkStar's chest with the saber, slicing through his armor, robes, and piercing and burning his skin. The Sith Master yowled as Anakis stepped back and stood defensively.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 14th, 2001, 04:47:01 PM
DarkStar fell backwards, landing hard on his back, the blow had taken him by suprise, the Jedi's sudden strength even more so he would have to be careful from now on. He flipped back to his feet, the pain in his chest pushed back by his rage. Anakis could not have realised his mistake in wounding DarkStar, he'd never seen him angry. There are few things in the universe quite like an enraged Sith Master and DarkStar was normally calm when he faught so when he did get mad, it was a sight most only ever saw once.

DarkStar attacked, with single minded fury, the jedi must die. His sabre crashed into Anakis's as he tried to block, but it was no good, the Sith Master was stronger and he pushed the Jedi's weapon aside. Reaching out with his spare hand he grabbed the Jedi's wrist placing it in a vice like grip he began to squeeze till he dropped the weapon with a clang to the ground. Dropping his own weapon DarkStar grabbed Anakis by the throat and belt and lifted him above his head, with the struggaling Jedi held above him DarkStar walked to the ledge.

"Now you die Jedi" he hissed

Anakis Moreven
Nov 14th, 2001, 05:00:39 PM
Anakis thought of what to do with the powerful Sith holding him above the cavernous ledge. He concentrated with all his might and he looked down,seeing the Sith's back. Concentrating even further, he aimed his hand at the sith's back and shot a small beam of concentrated Force at it. A Force Bolt. Suddenly, the sith's whole back exploded in flames. Frantically the sith dropped Anakis down into the ledge, but Anakis grabbed onto a rock and flipped back up to the top, called his saber to him, and ingited it.

"Whew...try to put that out, buddy..."

Lord DarkStar
Nov 14th, 2001, 05:13:53 PM
DarkStar feels the bolt tear into him, the Force ripples through him, causing him imence pain, his mind fell back to when Lordess Dara had used Force lightning on him almost killing him, Force based attacks were the Master's only weak point, the medichlorines he stole from others reacted violently with attacks made against them. Calling all his rage to him DarkStar snuffed out the flames and pushed the pain into a small area, he looked at Anakis

"You hurt me...now feel my pain"

DarkStar put the pain into Anakis's mind, crippling pain that threatened to consume the Jedi. DarkStar stood slowly, his powers consentrated on causing the Jedi imaginary pain, DarkStar ignited his second sabre and advanced to where Anakis was stood. Releasing Anakis from the pain he smiled as the Jedi took a deep breath. His fist careered into the Jedi's face, knocking him backwards. DarkStar moved himself into a better stance and called his other lightsabre back to him, belting it once more

Anakis Moreven
Nov 15th, 2001, 05:28:45 PM
Anakis got up from the sand, and squinted at the Sith, the twin suns burning his eyes. Anakis force gripped his blade and charged in, in a barrage of saber slashes, slowly forcing DarkStar towards the cliff, although not aiming to hurt him, just to occupy him. Anakis then concentrated, letting the force guide his blows as he began to search through DarkStar's mind, seeing all the horrid images of death, fear, and hate. He decided to lighten it up with some images of rainbows and bunnies. This had always been one of Anakis' favorite moves, although if he wasnt too good at it. He had heard of his former master using this type of attack against Big Bad Naga, though Anakis knew at this stage in Knighthood, he could never have one as potent as his master's, especially against a Master.

As Anakis left the Sith Master's mind, he saw him reeling in agony, the happy, joyful images making it hard for the Sith to concentrate, though he soon shurgged them off. This had caught DarkStar off guard though, and Anakis leaped in with a flurry of punches, kicks, and slashes, scarring the sith several times and pushing him within a few feet of the ledge. Anakis stepped back farther, ready to stop the Sith's next attack.

"You're not the only one with mind games..." Anakis smiled.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 15th, 2001, 05:53:47 PM
DarkStar formed a thought in his mind and the image of a sherman tank rolling over the bunnies and leaving a trail of blood and gutts behind. DarkStar smiles as the bunnies are exterminated. He looks at Anakis,

"Not bad, with more trainnig you could be good"

DarkStar smiles again

"But alas you won't live long enough to get any more training"

DarkStar takes the image of the squashed bunnies and imprints it on Anakis's mind, but not in the normal place, the concious mind. DarkStar pushes it deeper, as deep as it will go until it is burned so deep into Anakis's subconcious that forever afterwards even the slightest thing that reminded him of the bunies would reduce him to tears. Anakis screamed as the image was burned into his mind

Anakis Moreven
Nov 15th, 2001, 06:14:32 PM
Anakis looked at the Sith.

"We need to finish this, sith. When you run over bunnies with a tank, it's personal."

Anakis reached into the force, closing his eyes, and getting intoa deep trance. Soon, the sand began to blow in Darkstar's face, stinging his eyes, and making stumble backwards. Anakis looked up, opened his eyes, and pointed at the Sith master as the wind increased to severe gales, blowing DarkStar to the edge, the wind continued to increase. Darkstar was now blinded, and the stinging sand, high winds, and force powers sent waves of pain throughout the Sith's body. Suddenly, the Sith flew out over the canyon, while rocks behind Anakis flew towards him, pummeling Darkstar. Darkstar hit the other side of the canyon with a thud, his body bleeding all over, and his eyes blinded from the sand, and his body being racked from the pain of the force powers as the immense power fo the wind held him in place. Suddenly, the wind came to sudden stop, and Darkstar plummeted hundreds of feet into the canyon, hitting the ground with a sickeneing crunch. As the hurricane came to an end, Anakis looked down the ledge, barely making out the Sith's battered body. Anakis backed up, sat in the sand, and began to meditate, his body completely drained from the devastating force move.

Lord DarkStar
Nov 16th, 2001, 02:42:14 AM
The bloodied and battered body stood slowly, one arm, the left one, hung loose and broken. DarkStar snarlled, his rage reaching new hights. Propping his arm up with his knee DarkStar touched his arm piece, moments later a lambda class shuttle landed near by. DarkStar limped his way over to it, by the Force he hurt. The Lambda raised off the ground and landed again next to the meditating Jedi. DarkStar hobbled out.

"One good turn deserves another"

He mumbled and gave the Jedi a shove over the ledge, DarkStar bent slowly and picked up the lightsabre the Jedi was no longer using. He smiled then sat down in the sand. He didn't have the energy to look over the cliff but he suspected that the Jedi had survived, a draw he surmised. He sighed and fell backwards into the sand, no so bad concidering. He smiled again as two stormtroopers imurged from the Lambda and carried him back into it. The door closed and the lambda left in a dust cloud.

Anakis Moreven
Nov 16th, 2001, 03:58:11 PM
Anakis grabbed onto a jutting rock and flipped back up to the top. he looked around for DarkStar, but he was no where to be seen. Anakis reached for his saber, but he realized it was gone. Sighing, he headed back to his X-Wing so he can fly back to GJO and become healed. Anakis was actually quite amazed he managed to defeat a Sith Master, but he knew this wouldn't be the last time...and next time, he might not be so lucky...