View Full Version : Jedi On the Hunt II: Back to Tatooine (Open Challenge)

Nov 2nd, 2001, 06:24:32 PM
Alpha walks through the busy streets of Mos Eisley, watching people as he walks. Finally finding his objective--the main cantina around the town--the Jedi walks into it, seemingly walking into a different world.

Inside it was pleasantly damp and cool, with smoke around the room at about ankle height. Taking a seat in a corner--the most defensible spot, as you don't have to watch your back if it comes to a fight--Alpha orders a Corellian Whiskey, using the Force to twist the waiter's image of him itno that of an 18 year old. The Jedi sits back and watches the room, looking for something in particular.

Rumors had reached him about a Sith or three lurking around Tatooine, and Alpha meant to try and take one, maybe two, out...

Tempist Opps
Nov 2nd, 2001, 06:48:47 PM
The waiter slowly walked to the back room, and out of Alpha's sight. As soon as he left, the servant's body melted to the ground in a metalic puddle, and remateralized itself into the form of a large lizard like man....

"And now to finish what was started...."

He drew his newly forged Black Blade, a large enchanted black broadsword with a serrated back edge and a hook on the handle. He kicked the door in, and waved his hand twards Alpha. The table infront of him slamed into his chest, a small greeting to the knight.

"Why hello there, long time no see. I have a new toy, ready to play?"

As he said this, he made a quick slash, and hacked down a nearby patron, to show the new blade's effects.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 11:30:56 PM
Alpha growls as the Sith hacks down the patron, and ignites his pure black blade with one hand, activating his energy shield with the other. His cloak forms into his normal body armor, revealing a sword on his back, two daggers on his belt, a blaster, and a pouch of shurikens, plus an extra lightsabre--his pure white one.

"Well, I see you're back. Ready for more punishment?"

Alpha jumps at the Sith, using the Force to clear the immediate area for the battle, table flying into the walls--but careful not to hurt anyone.

As the Jedi slices down, Tempist brings his sword up to block, and soon they are forced into a contest of strength, both of them grunting with the effort...

Tempist Opps
Nov 3rd, 2001, 03:12:22 PM
Tempist allowed a small grin, he had gotten much more powerful since when Alpha had faughten him. He pushed back hard, throwing Alpha off ballance some. He noticed the weapons the jedi had straped to him, and made a mental note about each of them. He remembered that Alpha loved using whis weapons whenever he could, and he didnt want to be caught off guard again... Tempist force lifted a glass off of one of the last standing tables, and it flew twards the knight's back.

Nov 3rd, 2001, 05:44:53 PM
Sensing something in the Force, Alpha brings his shield around, and lets the glass shatter off of it, and smiles.

"Nice try."

Using a Force shove that was significantly more powerful than Tempist remembered, Alpha runs at the Sith as he stumbles and is thrown back itno a wall. Slashing down with his sabre, he grins as it is blocked, and then sweeps the Sith's feet out form under him, Tempist hitting the floor hard.

Tempist Opps
Nov 3rd, 2001, 06:51:05 PM
As Tempist fell, he grabed Alpha's ankles, and pushed the back of his legs up, so his head slamed into the floor before the rest of his body did. Tempist landed, as did Alpha. He focused the new pain into energy, and fliped to his feet. He grabed a glass of water off of the counter, and concentrated on the coldness of his spirit.... the water froze into a block of ice. He threw it at Alpha as he was slowly rising, and it shattered against his head.

"Your still halfway decent I see, nice to know that there are still challenges out there."

Nov 3rd, 2001, 08:17:59 PM
Alpha uses the Force to block the pain, and sneers as he gets up.

"Half-way decent? So, I see you are in a mood to die then, baka."

The Jedi ducks under a slash from Tempist's sword, and quickly unsheathes his own--Tempest by name. The blade's glowing blue length of metal flashes out, pricking Tempist in the stomach. Alpha grins and dances away from the flurry of counterattacks.

"First blood."

Tempist Opps
Nov 3rd, 2001, 11:35:18 PM
Tempist cused low at the wound, then looked up with anger in his eyes. He lept at Alpha, attacking with Black Blade. He blocked with Tempest, but somthing changed in Tempest, somehow it seemed to be weaker now.

"You see these runes, jedi? They mean many different things, and because of a slight enchantment, they have a much deeper meaning than you think...."

As he said this, he kicked Alpha in the knees, and then made a shallow cut along the knight's belly. It hurt differently from any other cut, as the first rune took on meaning; plauge. Alpha's wound was infected from the moment the blade cut the skin.

Nov 4th, 2001, 07:55:46 AM
Alpha gasps, and rolls away, coming back up on his feet a few feet away, blocking the pain. The Jedi looks at his skin, sees the necrotic tissue around the cut, and wonders what else that sword has going for it. Palming a shuriken, Alpha runs back at the Sith, slashing left and right. All are blocked. As Tempist has his hands full in blocking, Alpha takes the shuriken and stabs it deep into Tempists shoulder, and jumps back, after slashing again...

Tempist Opps
Nov 4th, 2001, 11:38:03 AM
The shruken digs itself into his skin for a second time, as the slash conencts. Tempist kicked Alpha in the chest hard, sending him back about two feet. He loved his new sword, the runes and spells on it made it a worthy replacement for his father's sword. The enchantment made all runes take on a literal meaning, and deliver thiese meanings in the order of etching: plauge, famine, war, and death. He grined as he thought about the effects of this new blade....

ooc: im only gonna connect with the blade twice, since war makes inner demons rise up and you wind up fighting yourself, and thats a bit eccentric for right now.

Nov 5th, 2001, 07:33:38 AM
{OOC:Ok. I'm just wondering what famine and death (Wait, no I'm not wondering about death) do. :D}

Alpha looks quizzicaly at Tempist.

"You enjoy getting stabbed with throwing stars?"

The Jedi holds Tempest--his glowing blue sword--in a ready stance, prepared to defend against the Sith.

Tempist Opps
Nov 5th, 2001, 06:27:05 PM
"Its not getting stabed that I enjoy, it's the retaliation...."

As he said the last word, he dashed at Alpha, and made a quick slash at him. This was easily blocked, and then countered with an attack to his ribs. Tempist blocked this move, and pushed back, locking the two against eachother. He was no longer the patient man Alpha had faught last time, and wanted to get in another move as soon as he could... he slamed his forehead into Alpha's, having to duck low so he could hit him. Alpha stumbeled back a step, and Tempist stabed his blade into the jedi's abdomen, another shallow cut. This time the second rune took on meaning: famine. Alpha suddenly felt weak, and his stomach hurt as if he hadn't eaten in weeks.... the effects of starvation. Tempist steped back again, watching the knight.

"Interesting little thing, isnt it? By now you can probably see where this toy of mine is going..." he paused for a moment, as if considering an option of attack. He instead decided to allow Alpha to try to retaliate, assuming he could still move.

Nov 5th, 2001, 10:08:30 PM
Alpha moans, and opens himself to the force, gaining some energy, and, at the same time, hits a small comm beacon, signaling his modified Pyro-GX attack shuttle into the local vicinity. The Jedi gets slowly to his feet, and focuses into a small gem set in the pommel of his sword. One of many.

The gem begins to glow as Force energy reaches it, and soon is blinding bright. The gem unleashes its gathered powered at a surprised Tempist, and a forked lightning blast slams into the Sith, knocking him back into a wall. The Jedi breathes heavily, and opens a small pouch as Tempist gets up, taking out a stim. ALpha injects it into his system, and smiles, feeling the extra energy take hold...

Tempist Opps
Nov 6th, 2001, 10:37:49 AM
Tempist felt the lightning blast him into a wall, and the electricity flowed through him. He rose from the ground, seemingly unphased by this attack. A long, evil grin spread over his face, and he picked his sword up. It had acted as a lightning rod, sending most of the energy into the gound. The cells in his body, silicone based, acted as an insulator, absorbing the remaining energy. He was now full of energy, and ready to take this jedi on. He sheathed the Black Blade, and reached behind the bar counter. He pulled out a small water hose, and shot it at Alpha. The knight looked at him with a mixed look of confusion, and anoyance. It was the kind of look that asked "What the hell are you doing?!?" Tempist threw the hose back behind hte counter, and held his hands out, focusing on every cold thought he could, the cold darkness of space...... the mountans he had trained on.... his own soul... the water on Alpha began to grow cold, and crystalize. After a moment, lasting no more than 1.5 seconds, the jedi knight was encased in a thin layer of ice, stealing away his body heat and slowing him down.

Nov 6th, 2001, 06:17:06 PM
Alpha gasps in surprise from the cold, and quickly uses the Force to heat the air up around him, melting the ice, and giving him heat. As an afterthought, the Jedi Pyromancer makes a fireball, and sends it at Tempist, taking his sword back up.

"You've gotten some new tricks..."

As Tempist dodges the flames, Alpha quickly steps in, and slashes, opening a shallow, yet painful, cut on the Sith's chest.

Tempist Opps
Nov 6th, 2001, 11:45:13 PM

The wound filled itself over with metalic liquid, but still hurt very much. Since their last battle, he had learned the importance of sealing wounds, he had lost too much blood in his last match... He took a quick upward slash with his claw, while drawing a throwing dagger from a wrist mounted sheath. His claw missed, as Alpha dodged left, and landed on the dagger, as it imbedded itself into his flesh. It was a shallow cut, and did nothing but anoy the knight. This aggrivated Tempist, and he slamed his fist down on a bottle of brandy. He hit his dagger into the steel bar running along the counter top, and sparks flew into the puddle of liqour, igniting it, as the stream of fire dribbled twards Alpha. If he couldn't make this jedi hurt, then he would make this building fall.

Nov 7th, 2001, 02:37:04 AM
*Lord Firebird watches from across the street. Most people were watching from outside the Bar wondering what was going on. Lord Firebird had never seen Tempest fight before, and Alpha was entainering as ever. Firebird wondered how this would end.*

Nov 8th, 2001, 05:56:26 PM
Alpha looks at the approaching fire, and looks up, jumping, and grabbing hold of a small outcropping near the cieling. The Jedi spies Tempist's annoyed look, and jumps back down, kicking the Sith in the face, and kncking him down, his arm landing in the puddle of ignited liquir. The Jedi then puts out most of the flames, cutting off the oxygen around them, and then throws another shuriken at the Sith's sprawled form.

Tempist Opps
Nov 8th, 2001, 06:11:05 PM
As he fell, he realized he was going to land in the fire. He twisted so his arm would take the blow, as well as the flames. Since Alpha had put out the rest of the flames, there were reletavly few to worry about. Most of the remaining fire went out when Tempist laneded on it, cutting the air supply off. The last few were put out when he rolled on his back, killing the rest. The shruken drew close, and Tempist drew his boot dagger, quickly hitting and deflecting the thrower. It embedded itself into the leg of one of the remaining patrons, and the warior grinned. He fliped to his feet, putting the dagger away, but traiding it for a throwing knife. With a flick of his wrist, it was sent twards Alpha suprizingly fast. He drew Infinity, and ignited the black bladed saber, knowing that Alpha wouldnt go down that easily. He underestimated him last time, he wouldnt do it again.

Nov 9th, 2001, 09:43:04 PM
Alpha smirks and deflects the knife into a wall with a force shield, and then waits for the Sith to attack. Tempist comes in with a high slash, and Alpha brings his own Tempest up to blick, the blue aura around the blade flaring as the weapons come into contact with each other. The Jedi brings his left foot up, axe kicking the Sith in the jaw. Tempist reels back, slightly dazed, but quickly shakes it off, slashing to the left, Alpha rolls to the side, giving a high kick to Tempist's groin...

Tempist Opps
Nov 12th, 2001, 07:04:19 PM
His slash missed, but the knight was already retaliating. Alpha had gotten faster since they had fought. Tempist started to step back after his attack missed, and the kick twards his groin only hit his chest, but still very hard. Tempist stumbeled back a pace or two, and lashed out with Infinity at the last standing bar stool. The mixed wood and metal splintered into thousands of small shards, and were flung at Alpha through the force. Tempist lunged twards the jedi as well, making it a bit harder for Alpha to block.

Nov 12th, 2001, 08:11:26 PM
Alpha uses the Force to put Tempist in front of him, letting the Sith take the brunt of the assault, and grins. He takes a punch to the face for it, but then headbutts Tempist, knocking him off, and throwing him back. The Jedi lashes out with his feet, slamming into the Sith's ribs, and then gets back to his feet, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Tempist Opps
Nov 13th, 2001, 06:36:00 PM
The headbutt didnt hurt very much, a thirteen year old doesn't have much mass to slam into anyone. The kick to the ribs did though, and he felt one snap. Tempist rose from the ground again, now more angry than violent. The combination created a rage that was terrifying, even to the bravest of fighters, force users or not. He focused the new pain and anger into a massive force push, knocking Alpha's legs out from under him with very much power behind it. As the knight fell, Tempist ran at him, and lept into the air as he ran. His clawed foot caught itself under Alpha's jaw, and pulled his head back, before the Sith warior landed on his hands only to roll to his feet. In a manical voice, the kind only emited by the mad (insane, not angry) he screamed out six words that rang in Alpha's ears.

"Are we having fun yet, Jedi?"

Nov 13th, 2001, 06:54:55 PM
Alpha gasps at the pain, and gets slowly to his feet, grabbing a blaster from his holster, and fires quickily, one bolt searing Tempist's left arm, but the others missing the mad Sith.

"You're insane! I thinki the people at your place are adding drugas to your food."

As Tempist growls in rage and insanity, he charges. The Jedi Knight dodges to one side, and slams the butt of his blaster into the base of Tempist's neck, making him go down to the ground hard.

{OOC:I'm 14 now, btw. :D}

Tempist Opps
Nov 14th, 2001, 12:35:37 AM
ooc: happpy birthday! sorry it's late tho


As the blaster connects with his neck, Tempist grabs Alpha's ankle. If he was goin down then the jedi was goin with him. Alpha landed on a cussion made from the warior's claw, outstreached and digging into the knight's back. The Sith rose, and pulled his hand out from Alpha's back violently, leaving long, bloody gashes. He steped back, and chuckeled slightly.

"Insane? No, I'm quite sane. You'd be this way too if you had the memories I have. I am almost twenty times your age, and have seen more than you will ever understand. Get up, little one. I want to finish this with you on your feet, if you can."

After a moment, he added in an after thought.

"No drugs needed either, I am screwed up naturaly."

Nov 14th, 2001, 07:37:04 AM
Alpha feels himself beginning to black out, but opens himself to the Force gaining a little bit of energy,i and getting enough energy to stand. As the Jedi gets to his feet, coughing blood from the effort and says "So you get freilled up naturally? Figures..."

He gets into a weaki fighting stance, and prepares himself fro whatever might come next...

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:04:24 PM
:Graem debates with herself whether to come to Alpha's aid or not but decides to come to his aid if his situation comes too severe and he is unable to defend himself.

Graem lets her nearby presence be known to her young friend but waits out of sight in case he asks for her aid, which she seriously doubts.

Arms folded, she leans against a wall and lets her mind wander to the battle taking place nearby.....:

ooc: a belated happy birthday Tony :crack

Tempist Opps
Nov 14th, 2001, 06:11:11 PM
He could see that Alpha was growing weaker, and he probably could have impailed the knight where he stood, but even in his enraged state, his honor still took hold enough for him to spare the jedi his life for now. Alpha had gotten better since last time, but not as much as Tempist had been hoping. For one so young, he was a good fighter. It would be a waste to ruin a weapon like that, even if he was a jedi.

"Have at me if you still can. Otherwise go, before my generosity with your life fades."

Nov 14th, 2001, 10:56:13 PM
Alpha opens himself fully to the Force, and gains enough energy for one last ditch effort.

"Thanks, but let's try one last thing!"

Just before the Jedi attacks, he feels Graem's presence and smiles, then jumps at Tempist, slashing down with his sword. As Tempist blocks it, Alpha spins kicks, snapping back the Sith's head, and follows up with a smack with the edge of his blade into the Sith's stomach, cutting into the Sith's tender flesh.

Tempist Opps
Nov 15th, 2001, 06:28:38 PM
As Alpha connects with his foot, Tempist brings his hand up to slam into the jedi's stomach if he gets any closer. With his momentum, he lands on the outstreached appendage, and the warior's fist goes far into the belly without breaking the skin. That would be a big bruse later. Tempist had been distracted by this, and Alpha managed to land his blade in his stomach. His eyes flared blue, and the knight found Tempist's claws going accross his face. The bloody wound on Tempist's stomach filled in with a metallic looking liquid, his own blood, and solidified into a silvery scar. It would do for now. He pushed Alpha away hard, and looked on in pure hate. He wanted to ruin this jedi, he wanted to scar him for life, or shorten the second drasticly.

Out of seemingly nowhere, he sensed other force signatures as well, one of light and one of a powerful darkness. He couldn't see or sense where the lightsider was, but the fellow Sith was out in the open, watching with the crowd accross the street. Lord Firebird, whom Tempist had seen in the halls and council room of TSE, looked on as the fight wound down.

Nov 15th, 2001, 07:30:15 PM
Alpha screams in pain as the claws rake his face, one claw catching his right eye. The Jedi goes down, one hand over the eye, and the other slowly going for a blaster, desperate to end this anyway he could.

He looks up with his good eye, and aims his blaster as Tempist, setting it to stun, and then firing quickly, the blast catching him in the chest...

Tempist Opps
Nov 16th, 2001, 06:57:40 PM
Tempist saw the blaster as it was being drawn, and braced himself. The shot hit him square in the chest, and he looked at the jedi in wonder at first. No real pain, just shock that he would resort to a gun. Then the slow numbing throb of pain started to spread, and he found himself imobile. He looked at Alpha, and then thought spoke to him.

Good match, youve gotten better since last time. Just not good enough apparently. Enjoy your time here, next time we encounter eachother you may not be as lucky.

He then mentaly turned to Lord Firebird.

Lord Firebird, I can no longer move, and will soon pass out soon. Can you please bring me back to medbay if that happens?

Nov 16th, 2001, 08:38:21 PM
Alpha gasps in pain, ignoring the pain and Tempist's message, and instead sending a message to his friendly shadow. Graem.

Graem, could you help-- Was the partial message as he collapses from the pain, finally letting blackness overtake him...

Tempist Opps
Nov 19th, 2001, 07:54:09 PM
Alpha's blaster shot took full effect, and Tempist lost consiousness.

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 20th, 2001, 05:20:42 PM
ooc: sorry Tony for this late reply but university has had me swamped lately, plus gives me a BIG! :headache

ic: Graem hears Alpha's mental call for help which brings her back to the present in a hurry.
Pushing away from the wall she begins to run in the direction of the fight, pushing her way through the crowd of onlookers, not bothered in the slightest by the calls of protest in numerous languages as she focuses on her young friend.
He lays unconscious, as does his opponent, who no doubt has friends or allies nearby so she gives him a wide berth as she makes her way to Alpha and hauls him over her shoulder and makes her way swiftly to her ship's docking bay.
As she walks a sudden sand storm begins so she shields her ally and friend from the worst of the sand before reaching her destination, all the while hoping she could bring him back......

Nov 21st, 2001, 07:13:48 PM
Alpha slowly regains conciousness, and tries to get up, and into a proper fighting stance, but quickly groans as the pain in his head knocks him back down to the ground. He feels the stickyness of dried blood, and looks around with his one good eye, seeing himself in Graem's ship.

"Hiya...Graem..." Alpha says haltingly, coughing up blood, and then groans again, wishing he could just fall back into nice, peaceful, and painless, inconciousness...All he really wanted to do was sleep...

{OOC: It's ok Graem. I know how school goes. :S}

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 22nd, 2001, 04:10:28 AM
"Relax my young friend, you're in no shape to try anything except lying unconscious for the time being.
I'll aid you on your way then I can set about repairing the damage from your latest escapade, then we'll talk when you're in a better shape to do so without blacking out on me"

:Graem sends calming thoughts to Alpha as she urges him into unconsciousness and peace for the time being:

See you soon my young friend,you're as safe as you will get for now....but don't go dying on me, or else you'll be sorry...

:with those mental words echoing around his head Alpha slips into unconsciousness, void of dreams nor pain.

Graem sets about hooking Alpha up to monitring equipment and setting up the emergency bacta tank for Alpha's first dunking, hoping that would be some good:

Nov 22nd, 2001, 08:16:12 AM
Alpha falls deep into the blackness, his last thought was that he was safe. For the first time in a long time...

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 25th, 2001, 04:18:29 PM
:Graem watches Alpha as he lays unconscious, hoping her medical aid would be enough....:

Nov 25th, 2001, 05:38:35 PM
A few hours later, after the first bacta dunk, Alpha is out for a brief respite, and he smiles weakly at Graem. He looked better for his dunk, most of his small wounds healed, but the larger ones--namely the five long gashes on his face--and his destroyed eye remained. He was even thinking of keeping the scar across his face, the one that got his eye, as a reminder of being too cocky.

"Thanks for rescuing me Graem. So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Even this short expediture left Alpha breathing heavily, though he tries to ignore it...

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 25th, 2001, 05:46:53 PM
"We'll talk at length later, when you're more healed and back on your feet.
Is there anywhere safe i can take you? We're not exactly very safe here right now, for reasons I'll discuss with you when you're ready to hear them"

Rest now my young friend, you have battles to be fought ahead of you....sleep and be at peace with yourself....:

Nov 25th, 2001, 10:07:02 PM
Alpha struggles to remain concious long enough, and says in a hoarse voice, "Dragon's Roost. They have a full med bay, and it is as safe as I can get, with the exception of the Jedi Temple, and I don't want them knowing what happened to me here."

Alpha uses the Force, just before he collapses back into blackness, to float a nav disc over to Graem.

Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 26th, 2001, 05:35:19 PM
:Graem uses the nav disc to enter the co-ordinates and soon the Shadow-Dweller is enroute to the safe haven that Alpha had mentioned....:

ooc: Tony, know what you mean by having loads of work to do....I have 50% of my course to do in 2 weeks...pass this or fail university...some choice!

Nov 26th, 2001, 09:15:06 PM
{OOC:New Thread up for the recovery.}