View Full Version : Desert Dragon [Open Challenge]

Eve Siren
Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:18:50 PM
Eve has been walking for a few hours through the mountains of sands. A lot was on her mind ... The only to get rid of it all was to battle. That's when it becomes all clear ... Goggles over her eyes to prevent the wind to throw sands into her eyes, she continued walking. It was deserted ... But it's a good thing. Here, she could fight without bothering with the damage she was causing. A strange Sith she was ... Too nice for a Sith, too mean for a Jedi.

She sighed. The whole Ying Yang thing of her life was getting too complicated. Boredom was getting to her slowly. She sighed once more and shook her head.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, little Jedi .."

crono katon
Nov 2nd, 2001, 01:32:54 PM
A man comes through a big dust of sand he came barly see any but a outline of a figure standing little a head of him yelling somthing. he grabs his sabers just in case the figure was wanting to fight and he was hoping it did. When he was close enough he yells "Hello who are you and what do you want".

Nash Stolar
Nov 2nd, 2001, 01:39:31 PM
OOC: Aww damn.... I wanted to take up this challenge... *shrugs* have fun with Crono, Eve..

crono katon
Nov 2nd, 2001, 01:51:39 PM
ooc-- frist time ive done this so if I mess up to bad just smack me.

Eve Siren
Nov 2nd, 2001, 05:02:01 PM
OOC: :rolleyes Thanks Nashy.


Eve turned around suddendly, swifting a kick in the air, hitting the man in the cheek with the back of her boot. She was a very paranoid person ... And the man made the mistake of startling her.

She bring her hand up and pulls down the goggles off her eyes, letting it around her neck. She looked at the man rub his cheek as she tilted her head to the side, letting her leather trench coat fall down. Now, she was only wearing leather pants, with a black sleeveless spandex turtleneck.

"Who am I ? My name is not important ... But now, you're messing with Rama Sha's apprentice, Sith Warrior of the Sith Empire. Meaning ..."

Eve stretched her arms and leather gloved fingers, rotating her neck lightly, hearing it crack.

"... Big trouble."

crono katon
Nov 2nd, 2001, 08:12:25 PM
Rama dont no him, pusses his light sabers button but I guss it wont matter soon.

Eve Siren
Nov 3rd, 2001, 11:27:34 AM
"A lightsaber ?"

Eve grinned as she got into a fighting stance. She hardly ever used weapons. She bent down, still in fighting stance and quickly grabbed sand in her hand, throwing it into the Jedi's face. And as he stumbled back, she kicked in his left knee sideways, causing him to fall on the left. She then stood up, backing away a bit.

"Aww, come on. You can do better than that."

She grabbed his lightsaber and twirled it around in the air for fun. Afterwards, she simply threw it towards the Jedi, looking at it land next to him.

"You're not even trying."

crono katon
Nov 3rd, 2001, 12:29:52 PM
Crono looks at his saber laying on the ground and figure it would be unhelp full so he rans at the women jumps up and kicks her in the head with all his strengh, then when he lands he sweeps her feet out from under her.

Eve Siren
Nov 3rd, 2001, 05:36:54 PM
Eve groaned lightly of pain after his kick but quickly regained concentration and dashed towards him slightly, gripping her fingers into his thigh as he tried to kick her, digging her nails into his flesh. She grinned, as she let him go, backing away quickly.

She ran her slightly bloody hand once her bruise, where she got the kick and unclipped her motorcycle helmet from under her trench coat. Putting it on her head, she grins through the heavy helmet.

Then she gets back into fighting pose, seeing as he poses back his attention on her but she already dashed towards him, stopping right in front of him and bending down quickly. She then jumped out the next second, her fist hitting his chin in the jump. She backflipped in the air and extended her leg as a kick, and before she landed down, she hit the man on the head with the metallic back part of her boot.

She pushed him down right after, away from her, rotating her neck once again, hearing it crack.

crono katon
Nov 3rd, 2001, 08:28:36 PM
Crono reachs down to wipe the blood off his face then laughs and rans under eves right arm, grabs her right arm twists it tell the elbow is up and with all his strength smash his fist into her elbow and breaks it. Then jumps back "so eve was that trying enough" then stand ready for her attack.

Eve Siren
Nov 4th, 2001, 09:43:41 AM
She groaned again of pain but quickly grinned as she grabbed the man behind her by his shirt and threw him over herself, sending him flying into a mountain of sand.

She moved her right arm lightly and laughed warmly.

"It's just that ... I don't really care since I'm a lefty."

She slipped out some daggers from in between her fingers and threw them upwards in the air. They started floating as she used the Force and sent them right through the mountain of sand the Jedi was in. Only 5 of the 6 daggers hit him. One across his cheek, the other into his chest, the three others into his knees (one in the left one, two in the right one), enabling him to walk. Or at least, walk with a lot of difficulty.

She laughed again, harder. This is so much fun. she thought. Waiting for him to get out, she ran her hand on the Skull figure of her helmet.

"You shouldn't worry for the scars. Since I don't hate you, they'll disappear but if you don't get out of there quick and the sand will get into your wounds, then it'll have an infection and that won't be my fault if you lose a leg."

OOC-Ok, two problems, bub. 1, Eve still hasn't told her name so how can Crono know it ? 2, after each post, click on the spell check, it'll help you.

crono katon
Nov 4th, 2001, 12:15:56 PM
ooc-- ya good point about the name thing and spell check i will work on that.
ic--*After a few minutes Crono use all his strengh to slowly stands he has a glare of anger in his eyes , he see the nifes in his leg so he reachs down bites his lip and pulls out the nifes as fast as he can. then looks at the woman*so you want to play tough*Crono points to his light saber and uses the force to throw it though the womans left leg, and as she unbalanced he ran as fast as he can with his injures and kicks her in the side and punchs her in the face hard enough to break the glass on her helmet. Then uses the force again the throw his self back far enough to have a good chance of blocking her next move.

Eve Siren
Nov 4th, 2001, 09:08:57 PM
Unfortunately, he broke the glass of her helmet but it didn't hurt her inside, even though the hit was hard. She stood back up, holding her side with her left hand. She noticed the touch of anger in his eyes and grinned. She took his lightsaber and twirled it around again. She then noticed that he can only move with the Force.

She ran towards him, and dived at him, digging the hilt of his lightsaber into his neck, making sure that it doesn't do anything else but make him pass out. Sending him flying back, she started to breathe heavily.

Deciding not to let go of his lightsaber just yet, she kicked sand at the man's face and backed off, stepping on his knee on purpose to wake him up in pain. And as soon as he woke up, she backed away quickly to avoid any sneak attacks.

"Wake up already."

crono katon
Nov 4th, 2001, 11:51:59 PM
the man lying on the ground in alot of pain he can berely see but he wasnt through just yet. He use the force to make the dust come off the ground and swill around the woman so she couldnt see then looks for the womans nifes. When he sees them he uses the force to throw them at her like she did to him.
One hit her right nee the one hit her in the left nee and two in the chest and the last one miss her.
"how does your nifes fell"

Nash Stolar
Nov 5th, 2001, 01:57:50 PM
ooc: Sorry I know I am being rude... but its spelled knifes and if you hit her voice box with a knife won't she die? I mean you have a knife going into her neck.. besides are you really useing the spell checker, chrono? I mean after each sentence there is a spelling error... Umm... :\ sorry... *goes back to watching quietly like a good little dragon half* >D

crono katon
Nov 5th, 2001, 04:40:44 PM
Nash thanks for the tip I will go back and fix it. But I get the point I can't spell get over it ok and anyways I use spell check, plus if you want get picky and bug me about spelling go back and fix the miss spelled words in your bio.

O ya I no how to spell chrono but i wasnt try to spell it the same OK Plus if I didnt no how dont you think that I would just look at the games box.

Eve Siren
Nov 5th, 2001, 07:09:56 PM
OOC-Eve only has six daggers on her, she used them all up. O_o

IC- Eve looked at the two daggers into her chest and saw little electricity shocks coming out of where the daggers got hit. It looked like she got hit from the front, but sideways, a sort of invisible shield was there, yet, there was still tiny shocks.

"Gospel !"

The invisible form started to appear. A little ghostly ball with two huge hurt eyes opened and little, unattached to the body, metallic hands appeared. But it fell down. Eve caught the poor thing, despite the pain in her knees. She held the robotic ghost in one hand and pulled out the daggers with her other hand. She bent down, watching Gospel's program getting weak.

Remaing silent for few moments, she finally looked up to him. Holding one dagger tightly in her hand, she stood up, still holding Gospel and walked towards the man, slowly because of the pain in her knees. Arriving, she kicked him in the face and bent down, looking at him.

"You've hurted Gospel ...."

She digged the dagger right next to his face and pulled it up fast, slashing across his face.

"That scar won't disappear for a long time, Jedi ..."

She kicked sand in his face again and walked to her motorcycle, to put Gospel on the seat.

crono katon
Nov 5th, 2001, 10:51:50 PM
ooc-- That what i figured but I was talking about the ones you use on him.

Crono wipes the blood of his face and he use all his strengh to stand up he looks at the woman and says you win I give up. He truns away form the woman and walks into the desert to the nearest city.

ooc-- sorry, but I can't fight anymore you was winning anyways.