View Full Version : Hey, Sweet, got an e-mail from a Sports Writer at MSNBC!

Nov 2nd, 2001, 06:15:35 AM
I wrote Mike Celizic at MSNBC.com (I read his sports articles a lot), and he actually responded. I told him he made a small error in his article, saying that Anderson pitched game four, not Schilling, and he said it was a deadline error, hehe, understandable given the time they have to do their job.

Also, another guy said Soriano made his catch in the 12th. No, the 11th...

Anyway, I asked him what he thought the best World Series' were...

First, here is what he said about the last two games, "But I can say without equivocation that games four and five were the best I've ever seen, back-to-back. Anybody who has seen better is hallucinating."

Here is what he mentioned for best World Series':

1987 Minnesota vs. Braves
1997 (agreed!)

He says that the measure of a great series, of course, is seven games and if this one goes seven we'll see where to rank it :)