View Full Version : Family Reunion...(open)

Master Yurza
Nov 1st, 2001, 07:26:09 PM
::Yurza walked into a cantinee(sp?) that he hadn't been in since he was a small boy. He was on Tatooine, a planet that he lived on for quite some time before moving to live with his freind Chaos Alexander. There is where he and his brother, Shade Magus, had first been intoduce to the Force and since then they have both taken different roads. Shade chose the Jedi and Yurza made the choice of the Sith..the right choice::

"Bartender give me some whiskey."

::He had left a note at the Jedi's bar telling his brother to meet him here because his master, Miryan no Trunks, had told him to take a Jedi's lightsaber and bring it back to him and he could think of no one better to take from than his very own little brother. He sat in the bar until it was almost time for his brother to arrive and he left towards his old house hoping it was standing so that his brother could find it::

Shade Magus
Nov 2nd, 2001, 03:58:18 PM
Shade had a million thoughts racing through his mind as he landed his small space craft near the setlement on Tatooine that he had grown up near.What could his brother possibly have to prove? He just had to know. Once he got his ship landed he quickly dashed out and hopped on his small speeder. He then took off in the direction of his old house and as he got nearer he could feel the presence of Yurza.

After about 30 mins of riding his house came inot sight and with it also came the familiar outline of his brother. He put his speeder to the test as he hit top speed and started slowing down just before he got there. He came to a complete stop right in front of his brother and jumped off on the opposite side.

"Yurza.......what...what do you want? It has been so long since we have spoken. Why all of a sudden do you come up with this urge?"

He looked over his brother as he spoke. He could tell that Yurza had gotten a lotstronger since the last time he had seen him, but so had Shade and there was no telling what the outcome of this meeting would bring. All either of them knew was that this was a life-turning experience.

Master Yurza
Nov 3rd, 2001, 11:35:30 AM
::Yurza smiled as Shade questioned him. It had been a long time since he had heard his younger brother's voice and it amused him that the first thing he should hear is his questions. He then reached over and backhanded Shade and sent him to the ground and started to speak quite calmly::

"I'll be the one asking the questions and giving the orders here. You will do as I say and nothing else."

::Yurza then hopped over the speeder and landed just in front of his brother laying on the ground::

"I was sent here to retrieve a Jedi's lightsaber and lucky you have been choosen. Now you can choose to give it to me freely or you can have me take it from you, but either way I will not leave here without it."

::Yurza watched as Shade definitely stood up and unclipped his lightsaber and held it in front of him. Yurza then saw the look his Shade's eye and realized that this was going to be done the hard way and he smiled::

Shade Magus
Nov 4th, 2001, 08:07:14 PM
Shade held out his lightsaber and looked at his brother and then at his lightsaber and then back to his brother.

"Take it if you can."

Shade then stomped his foot on the ground and kicked some of the dust into Yurza's eyes and then lashed out and punched him in the face. He then spun aroudn and ignited his lightsaber and stood with one foot in front of him and holding his lightsaber behind.

"You think you can take it then go ahead and try."

Shade let out a deep sigh and looked hard at his brother as he contiued to regain his sight.

"This is not the way I wanted to meet, but if you insist it will be this way."

Master Yurza
Nov 5th, 2001, 06:08:28 PM
::Yurza shook his head as he got the last bit of dirt out of his eyes and he looked at Shade. He was surprised at his brother's ferosious attack. It wasn't like him but it was interesting none the less::

"Why did you not expect this? Did I give you all the signs? It will be this way. From now until the end of our lives."

::Yurza closed his eyes and let al his teaching rush forward and he put them in use as he reached out his hand and used the force to push Shade.He then jumped into the air and kicked out at his brother's head. He then twisted and landed another kick in his ribs. When he landed he grabbed his lightsaber from his belt and ignited sending the two into a clash of sparks. Each oen was as strong as the other and their blades met without end::

Shade Magus
Nov 5th, 2001, 10:08:45 PM
Shade fell back on the ground after dodging Yurza's lightsaber attack and rolled to his left. He then jumped to his feet and brought his sabe rjust in time to block a downward slash and the blow brought Yurza dna Shade face to face. Their faces were on the insides of the blades and each of them looked into the other's eyes. Each one knew what it would take to win this fight, but neither knew if they had it in them. Finally, Shade brought his knee up into his opponent's tomach and then he head-butted Yurza.

"Why are we doing this? Over my lightsaber? You can have it if you want it that bad."

He deactivated his saber and threw it at the ground in front of Yurza and he walked over and kneeled in front of him in a last attempt at a plead of mercy.

"Please, let's not fight. We are brothers and we shouldn't be doing this. It is not the way it should be. Come let us be a family again."

Master Yurza
Nov 5th, 2001, 10:14:14 PM
::Yurza looked up as a trickle of blood ran down his face. He stared at his brother, bewildered. He could not believe that Shade hadn't gotten the fact that he was going to prove that he was stronger, that the darkside was stronger. He was angered by the fact that his own flesh and blood could not see it as he saw it. He then looked into the eyes of Shade::

"We will fight to the end. Nothing can stop us. I will not accept this victory, there is no honor in it."

::Yurza then stood up and took a few steps back before lashing out with the palm of his hand and he lifted Shade's lightsaber off the ground and threw it at him. He then jumped back and kicked at Shade his foot falling in close behind the lightsaber::

Shade Magus
Nov 17th, 2001, 08:00:27 AM
Shade brought his hand up to catch his lightsaber, but he failed to move completely before Yurza's foot caught him in his left shoulder and sent him spinning. He quickly rolled over on his side and used his other arm to push him up from the ground. He then held out his arm and used the Force to call back his lightsaber, for he had dropped it when he got kicked. When it was back in his hand he ignited it and jumped into the air using a downward slash at Yurza.

Master Yurza
Nov 17th, 2001, 12:53:43 PM
::Yurza looked up at his brother and took a breath. He allowed the teachings of his master to enter his mind and helet the Force flow thorugh his body and mind. He could feel the world slow down as he increased his speed slightly. He then brought his lightsaber up to block his brother's and he Force pushed Shade back into the air before jumping and landing a spinning kick on him::

"Come on Shade. I know you are stronger than this. If not then you cannot truely be my brother, but if you are then here is a reminder of your weakness."

::He then walked over to Shade and lifted his foot and brought it down on his brother's side. He let a grin come across his face as he heard a grunt come from his opponent's mouth. He then brought his saber up to Shade and went to lightly draw his saber across his brother's chest::

"So this is all you have and here I was worried that you might actually be a challenge. Too bad for you."

Shade Magus
Nov 17th, 2001, 10:40:30 PM
Shade opened his eyes and looked at his brother's eyes and then lifted his leg up and hit him in the knee. He was happy to see his brother fall backwards, giving him just enough time to leap to his feet and back up a few steps to allow him to get some breathing space. he then turned on his lightsaber and threw it at Yurza. As Yurza recovered from his knee kick, he saw the saber and brought his hand up to catch it, but what he didn'tsee was Shade follwing in close behind the saber, with his elbow that was going to connect with his jaw.

Master Yurza
Nov 19th, 2001, 09:36:25 PM
::Yurza's head popped back as the elbow connected with his jaw and he went flying back atleast three feet. He laid on the ground for a few moments before regaining his senses and climbing back to his feet. he put his hand up to his mouth and when he pulled it back he noticed a small trickle of blood and he started to laugh insanely::

"It seems that you have proved that you are my brother, but unfourtantely I must end this right now."

::Yurza looked directly into his brother's eyes and before Shade had a chance to re-act a stone hit him in the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconious(sp?). Yurza then lifted his hand and called his brother's lightsaber to his hand and started to walked away before looking over his shoulder one last time and laughing::

Shade Magus
Nov 19th, 2001, 09:49:47 PM
Shade laid on the ground for a few hours until he finally startd to stir. When he was completely awake he looked aroudn for any site of his brother and when he could find none he sat down on the ground and rubbed the back of his head. He could not believe that Yurza had just left him like that. It just wasn't like him.


Shade kept muttering that over and over until it began to get dark and he walked over to the old house and walked inside. He was gladf to see that there was still a bed and he laid down on it still dazed and confused and there he fell asleep.

The next day Shade took the speeder back to the docking bay he had gotten it from and left for the GJO to try and explain this problem.