View Full Version : Silent Night

Gia Van Derveld
Nov 1st, 2001, 02:58:58 AM
I pulled my hood down over my face, throwing my features into shadows, and nervously tapped the fingers of my left hand against my thumb. The comm pinged, startling me, and sending me dashing for the console. "Gia here."

"Gia? Its about frelling time, girl. I've been calling and calling. Where the krasst have you been?" I shrunk into the metal chair opposite the console.

"I've been right here, baby." I hoped that the tremble in my limbs didn't translate into my voice. "I was taking a shower a few minutes ago..."

"I'm leaving the stadium in ten minutes, and I'll be right home. Don't you frelling leave before I get there Gia!" There was a crackle of static on the frequency, and then nothing. He had disconnected. I sank back into the uncomfortable chair, running a shaking hand over my face.

I had met Jahn a year and a half ago in a small bar on Corellia. It was one of those stinky, hole-in-the wall joints, small enough that the Sith Order didn't pay it any attention. He was a regular, and I was a visitor... in fact, come to think of it, it was my first time in a bar. What insane luck I have. I adjusted my cloak, and then threw it off. I couldn't go out now, he would be home soon.

Running to the mirror in our room, I checked my face, and added a little more makeup around my right eye. The puffiness would go down in time. Hopefully Jahn wouldn't notice -if he did, I'd probably get a matching shiner on the other eye. My hands still shook as I tried to screw the cap on the concealer, and I nearly upset it all over the dresser in my haste.

Haste makes waste, Gia. I forced myself to slow down..to do it right. Ours was a classic story: Jahn befriended me in the bar, protecting me from a few unruly drunks, and swept me off my feet. I was so starry eyed that a month or so later, when he asked me to come with him off planet, I agreed without a second's hesitation.

I twisted the ring on my left hand as I picked up the living area. It was already clean, but it didn't hurt to check it again. To make things worse, I had left my family behind on Corellia, and hadn't been back since. Mother must be so worried about me. I kept the tears back, although there was nothing I wanted more than to weep. Jahn hated it when I cried...said it depressed him. He was right, of course.

When the door pinged softly, I ran to it, ready to wrap my arms around my man. Jahn shoved me away, stomping inside, goop from the racing stables on his boots. "Not now Gia. Where is dinner?"

I pointed to the table, where two plates of steaming food awaited us. He threw his jacket on the floor, and sat at the table, picking the utensils up and shoveling the bantha stew in his mouth. I walked over to the coat on the floor, bending over to pick it up. This was the four hundreth and fifty-sixth time he had done that. And it was the four hundreth and fiftieth time I had picked it up after him. Five times I had forgotten, or gotten distracted by something else. One time I had left it there on purpose. I touched my swollen eye. It hadn't been the smartest thing I'd ever done.

I was Alderaanian, raised on a collective on Corellia with several other Alderaanian refugees and their families. My father was a former officer for CorSec, and my mother was a housewife. I had dark hair, brown eyes, and a memory that wouldn't quit. Mom sometimes joked that I was "Targeter" reincarnated -but we didn't believe in reincarnation anyway. Targeter had been the code name for a woman from Alderaan who assisted the Rebellion against the Empire years ago. Apparently she had the ability to instantly recall anything she had ever heard or seen: photographic memory on stim.

Hanging up the coat, I walked to the table, and sat to the left of Jahn, quickly eating while he recounted the day's losses at the Arena. His anger was evident, and so when he had finished, I swallowed the last bite of food I'd get that night, and cleared the table. Jahn walked to the 'fresher, and when he exited, zipping up his pants, I was ready for him. The table held a small wooden box, and I sat in my seat as usual. He sat down heavily. "You always know what I need, Gia."

I smiled quietly at the compliment, flipping the box open, and handing him a small package wrapped in photoresistant black paper. Every month he spent his meager winnings from the Arena on spice. Jahn deserved it, he worked so hard...he just needed it to relax. I closed the lid as he exposed the glitterism to the light, causing the chemical reaction which sent sparks along the spice. Putting it in his mouth, he shuddered, light sparks tickling around his lips.

Jahn reached for me, and yanked me against him tightly in an embrace. The glit still in his mouth, he kissed me, sending thrills through my body. While we kissed, the spice was shared between us, and I shivered with pleasure and the mind numbing affects of the spice. Sure the guy had his bad points, but in this department he never was lacking. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he picked me up, landing us both on the couch and a night of carnal pleasures.

Gia Van Derveld
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:20:30 AM
I lay quietly under Jahn's arm, his heavy breathing indicating that he was asleep once more. Blinking, I tried to remember what had happened. Ohh...glit again. The spice fuzzed up my normally perfect memory, leaving me with a neural version of cotton mouth. Jahn hugged me against him in his sleep, a small pool of drool congealing by his chin. I shivered, finding myself to be entirely naked. I shifted slightly, reaching gently for some of the covers. Jahn snorted in his sleep, and rolled away from me, taking all of the blankets with his body.

I hopped out of bed, grabbing a nightshirt from my dresser and throwing it on. My stomach growled, and I remembered the dinner I hadn't quite been able to eat. Not to mention that glit biting was known to enhance the appetite. I padded barefoot into the kitchen area, opening the refridgeration unit as carefully as I could. Pulling out some bread and cheese, I set the two items on the table, turning away to grab a knife.

When I turned back, Jahn was standing there. Startled, I dropped the knife on the floor with a loud clatter that pierced both of our ears. He bellowed, "Pick that up!" and I hastened to comply, dropping it twice more as my hands shook too hard to hold it properly.

Jahn grabbed it from me and threw it behind me where it stuck into the wall. I stammered, "I th-th-thought you were asleep-p! I-I'm sorr-ry, Jahn, I was hungry..I thought.."

He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me against the table, the edge digging into my thighs painfully. "You thought! That was your first mistake! Can't you do anything right?! Can't a man sleep in his own house anymore?!" He slapped me hard across the face, rocking my head back. It was the forty second time he had done that. "You bitch!"

I bit back my tears, knowing that would just anger him more. The only thing I could do was cover my head, and wait until he passed out, or decided to go back to sleep. He had ingested more of the glit than I had, and it was still affecting him to some degree. If only I had been more quiet! Jahn grabbed my shoulders, and shook me, yelling the whole time. "I can't believe I married you, you worthless piece of krasst!" He threw me to the floor, where my body skidded into a chair. I lay there, curled up into the fetal position, trembling.

He shouted more obsenties, threw the bread at me, and then stomped away. More heavy footsteps...and then the front door opened and slammed shut behind him, shattering the once silent night. I let myself cry after he left, huddled on the kitchen floor in my torn nightshirt.