View Full Version : An Iron Shell (open challenge)

Draken Chakara
Oct 31st, 2001, 08:12:08 PM
OOC: This is my first fight, so someone of Padawan rank, please.

IC: The desert is strewn with rocks and sand dunes, harsh under the bright sunlight. The large man moves slowly, learning to work with skill more so than force. He draws the Force into himself, feeling it flow throughout his muscles and sinew. He continues through the movements until he feels the presence of another. He stops and turns in the direction of the disturbance.

Slayn Rainyer
Nov 1st, 2001, 12:17:21 AM
* Slayn stood against the landscape. His body stiff and somewhat ominous. He had been watching this jedi closely for quite some time. Dracken was still growing in the force and would make for a good toy. Slayn had been longing for a new toy. His last doll had bitten back. Slayn was about 3m from the jedi and spoke maliciously. *

A tool... It is good to see such a thing. My skills must be refined...

Draken Chakara
Nov 1st, 2001, 12:33:25 AM
"As should mine, dark one. Let us test our skills together, shall we?"

With a short, barking yell, Draken calls on the armoring abilities of his race. His body quickly glows with light as his skin turns to a metallic substance. He drops into a crouch.


Slayn Rainyer
Nov 1st, 2001, 01:05:23 AM
* Slayn watched the jedi change; He wasn't impressed. Slayn could seance a weak mind in this one. As he began to enter the mind of the jedi he slowly approached him. The sands around Slayn twisted and shifted fiercely as he pass. Slayn's force aura dramatically increased. Calling his saber Eternity from belt to hand he lit the double saber. The blades crashed threw the air with a hiss and Slayn leap at the jedi. A rush of sand proceeded his atack. The sand blinded the jedi Slayn landed a strike to his neck. Much to the sith's amazement the saber clashed against the jedi's skin in the same way it would a saber. Slayn Simply spun his torso around and his saber with it. He struck Draken's midrith then followed through with another strike to his head. Still no damage was done. Slayn hopped back a few steps and circled. *


* He spoke in astonishment. Then though " I will have to fight him from the inside out. " *

Draken Chakara
Nov 1st, 2001, 01:22:08 AM
Draken rushes the man as fast as he can, arms wide. He slams into the man, crashing to the ground with him. The Sith's saber is still lit, and Draken is beginning to feel its heat. Though he can withstand a saber strike with ease, prolonged contact can eventually burn his skin. He slams his head into the man's chest as he pops back to his feet. He stays close, not wanting to give the man any leeway.

Slayn Rainyer
Nov 1st, 2001, 02:14:41 AM
* Slayn gave Draken a powerful shove through the force sending him back 2m. Jumping to his feet Slayn felt himself seeping farther into the jedi's mind. He began to give him the impression of a headache. He closed in on the jedi and began a second barrage of saber strikes. His saber was sent acros the jedi's chest once in a slash to the left. The sith used inertia and the force to gain momentum for his next move. As his center of gravity reached it's kilter Slayn hopped into a flying inside crescent kick. The inside of his right foot met with Darkens head. As his feet neared the floor Slayn began to swing his saber across in a slash again to the midsection. The left end of his Eternity was sent across Darken's midrith as the right side slashed into his chest. Slayn sweep the right side back up as his arms went over his head. The saber maid two compleat turns and slashed his armour every time. The jedi had yet to notice the inky darkness that had been creeping up from the sand. It floated up from the floor like oil. Slayn then brought his saber down and right in the beging of a repeat attack. *

Draken Chakara
Nov 4th, 2001, 02:24:20 PM
Draken feels the Sith's attack deflect off his armor, but more importantly, he feels the mental attack. Draken knows he is weak to the attacks of a mentalist, but perhaps if the man can can be distracted...

Draken uses the Force to calm himself, ignoring the pain caused by the mental attacks. He crosses his arms in a blocking manuver, launching himself straight at the man's torso. He aims a punch squarely at the man's neck, hoping to disrupt the attack.

Slayn Cloak
Nov 10th, 2001, 02:41:21 AM
Slayn was jarred by the blow and sent into a mild daze. He took a few steps back the sand benith him churning. Waving his right fist vilently a swoon of sand was hurled at Draken. This atack did little damadge but pushed the padawan back a good ways. Slayn focused more on the man's mind and ripped through it like a bird through the meat of it's pray.

Draken Chakara
Nov 16th, 2001, 10:14:31 PM
Draken drops to his knees as the mental assault hits home. He drops his physical armor, armoring his mind instead. The pain and daze in his mind slowly clears, as the mental armor blocks most of the mental assault. However, his body is now completely undefended. As Slayn attempts to get back up, Draken fires a Force blast at him. The compressed Force push hits the man square in the chest, sending him backwards. He cannot let the man get to close; without a lightsaber, he will be in trouble.

Slayn Cloak
Nov 16th, 2001, 11:30:45 PM
Slayn was struck so hard he lost his grip of Eternity. The weapon flew from his grasp and off to the right. Slayn hit the floor with a crash. He rolled over and stood back up calling Eternity back to hand. The double saber fell into Slayn's grip with great spead. Nothing could be seen but sand dunes and small desert life. It had become abnormally silent and the men could hear eachother breath. The men took long deep breaths of air. A moment of that pasted and a dark feeling had overthrowned the serinity. A black substance oozed out of the desert substrate and any close life forms. Slayn lit Eternity and sped toward Darken with speed pushed onward by the force. He appeared as litle more than a blur to darken and slashed at his legs.

Draken Chakara
Nov 22nd, 2001, 09:11:05 PM
With the removal of his physical armor, Draken is now much faster. However, the lightsaber in Slayn's hand is a much more formidable threat. As the man slashes low, Draken leaps back, dodging the saber strike. The rapid attack is still to fast to completely avoid as his right leg is caught by the saber's tip. He lands several feet away, clutching his leg. Before Slayn has a chance to attack again, he reaches down, pulling a very large rock from the ground. He flings it straight toward the man, firing another Force blast into the rock to send it on faster.