View Full Version : The World Series

Oct 31st, 2001, 12:05:17 AM
What do y'all think of this year's World Series? I was personally happy to see the Yankees win game three. I'm not sure I know who I want to win, but at least I want it to be a good close series.

I grew up close to NYC, and while I was always a Mets fan, I do have a fondness for the Yankees as well. So of course I am pulling for them in a way, but they've had such an incredible history of victory that it would also be nice to see another team get a chance to be victorious. I'm not much of a Diamondbacks fan, but they are a decent team and I could see them pulling it off. If their pitching can shut down the Yankees like it did in game 1, then the Yankees could be in trouble.

I think fielding will also be a factor in the series. It seems like both teams have had their bouts with errors on the field, which has contributed to the way the series stands now.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a good series, regardless of who wins. Who are you all for?

Mu Satach
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:32:23 AM
Oh man am I out of it... I had no idea the series was going on!

Oct 31st, 2001, 02:55:01 AM
LOL. That is hilarious. I have been watching almost every Yankees playoff game. How could you not know the Most Serious Event Ever, the World of Seriousness, I mean the World Series, is going on? Haha, j/k.

I am a big Yankees fan. Been going for them since I first started getting into baseball back in 1995 or so. 1996 being the first year this dynasty won...

My second favorite team is the Mets. I'm a NY baseball fan in general. The Mets rock. I was pulling for them to get into the playoffs, but ah well.

The Subway Series was so cool. Finally, I could say, "Well, I don't read the future, but I will tell you one thing: New York is going to win the World Series." I was obviously right. NY did :)

I still think the Yankees will come back and win this series. To me, there was never any doubt they would win game 3. Arizona has two awesome pitchers and that's the main reason they are so hard to beat. Those guys are good.

Still, they are not very likeable to me. Counsell is a little homo, honestly. He looks extremely gay. If he isn't really gay, I feel sorry for him, but he's just a little moron. There's nothing to like about him and his game is not that good either. His batting sucks. He happens to get lucky here and there, but let's be clear about one thing, I don't like every Yankee either. That Brosius is a WORTHLESS mofo and I hope they get rid of his useless @$$ ASAP. Oh gee he did something useful in game three that helped win. Yes, you are right, but not like other players couldn't have done it. It was his time to deliver and he finally did. That doesn't make up for his TERRIBLE fielding throughout the postseason, AWFUL batting that makes me want to vommit, and the rest of his general stupidity that makes him one of the most disappointing World Series MVP's ever. From Hero to Zero in just a few years. Sad. Very sad.

I love the Yankees other than that mostly, but O'Neill needs to retire. He is no good anymore. He cannot bat anymore, he's too slow. He was a great, great player for the Yankees and he served them very well. He should be commended. I really like him and he's a neat guy, but yes it is his time. :(

Jeter is the king of cool. He's awesome in every way. He's a great player, he has a cool demeanor, both in terms of being cool (in a Wesley Snipes or Jet Li kind of way) and being cool under pressure. Then there is Rivera. THE MAN. He is the greatest closer in the history of baseball I think. He is the greatest postseason closer without a doubt. He is THE MAN! :)

You have seven innings to score on the Yankees. If not, FORGET about it. If you think you're going to score on Rivera, you are stupid. Go to retard school. You don't deserve to be in the MLB if you're that frickin' dumb. Score before the 8th inning or go home and figure out who you're going to pitch in the next game. It's that simple and nobody should kid themselves into believing it's possible to come back from any deficit versus him. Maybe if it is 2-1, like tonight, but 4-1 or 4-0 or something? NO! It is more likely that I would be hit by a meteor in the next five seconds than that Rivera would blow a lead like that. He has only blown one post-season save and I doubt it'll happen again, haha.

Clemens is awesome. Pettitte looks powerful, frightening at the mound, and in control. Whereas Johnson pitches better but looks like a wuss. In fact, he is THE UGLIEST man alive. I cannot stand to see him playing. I don't care about how guys look most of the time but there is a limit to my tolerance. He passes it by a mile. He looks like a turkey on Thanksgiving morning with his head about to be cut off. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but damn, wear a mask or something dude!

I do not actually dislike the Diamondbacks. In fact, I am happy because the only lousy, obnoxious, hated teams like the Indians and the Braves are both gone. I hate them. Both teams just make me mad and Ted Turner, ugg, what a moron. The Braves are my least favorite team in sports, spare the Cowboys and maybe the Lakers are close, but not that bad.

1-10, Arizona is a 7.5 on likability. Yankees are a 10. Great team with a great attitude and nice players (Clemens can be mean, but... he is a good guy at heart). They know how to win. I cannot stand losers. They annoy me. I hate losers, in fact. They waste my time. The Yankees are not losers. They are winners and they know better than any other team in sports history how to dominate their profession. 26 World Series victories. Now that is success.

I get very angry with my own hometown Blazers because they are choke artists. They are literally losers. They don't know how to win when it counts and they obviously don't have enough will to win either. I am sick of watching letdown season after letdown season. The only good thing is that at least the Blazers are consistently a good team. They have made the playoffs more straight years than I believe any other team in basketball. I read that somewhere, anyway, and they are always good...

Just cannot win.

Mu Satach
Oct 31st, 2001, 04:50:09 AM
Usually I know the who, what, when and where of the series... cause one of my favorite things to do is to catch games 4 - 7

Just out of it this year... so now the baseball comments flying around at work are starting to make sense.

As for teams, I've always been partial to the Chicago White Sox for an almost completely femme reason that defies logic sport logic....

I fell in love with the movie Eight Men Out

I say almost because I'm sure if I actually spent anytime really studying the history of the sport and teams and current players I could come up with a respectable non-femme reason for liking them... but I'm not gonna do that... at least not in the near future.

Oct 31st, 2001, 11:14:02 AM
Some of my earliest baseball memories are of watching Reggie take the Dodgers deep three times on three pitches. So I guess my loyalties are obvious.

Clemens came up huge last night. If they Yankees had lost the series would have been over. Now comes the decision baseball fans will be talking for years; Pitching Schilling on 3 days rest. Frankly, I glad Brenly is pitching Schilling tonight. I'd rather face him on 3 days rest than 4. Schilling will probably handle a short rest better than Johnson, but I still think it only helps the Yankee hitters. If the Yankees can get past Schilling tonight then they may not even see him again in a game 7. Brenly is taking a gamble that could backfire and turn the series in New York's favor. You have to admire his guts.

El Duque V. Schilling on 3 days rest!! El Duque has come up huge in the playoffs before and has an amazing post season record (8 or 9-1). He's got somethings going for him that Schilling doesn't; he's rested, the Diamondback hitters haven't seen his stuff yet, he only has to pitch 6 or 7 innings to be effective. Brenly NEEDS 8 or 9 innings from Schilling. The Diamondbacks bullpen is no match for the Yankees. If the Yanks can keep it close and get to that middle relief they've got them right where they want them. The middle and late innings are going to be tough for Schilling on 3 days rest. And if he pitces on 3 days rest again in a game seven then he could be out of gas by the fifth inning.

From a fan's standpoint last night's game was a welcome sight. Close games are always so much more entertaining, even if they're low scoring. I can't wait for tonight! GO YANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:13:08 PM
I think Schilling is up for the challenge he didn't pitch that much in game 1 only pitched 101 pitches which is pretty good and I like what the manger is doing because if he pitched him in game 5 they couldn't use him in game 7. I think Arizona has the advantage tonight because Hernadez has been terrible of late, I think he has lost a lot probably because of his age (how old is the guy 36-40?) Also I am rooting for Arizona for 2 reasons, 1 there are lot of players on the Diamonbacks that haven't won ever and have played a long time, Williams, Johnson, Schilling, Finley, Grace, Bell, and Gonzalez and it would be great to see them all win, I guess I also have a biased reason for wanting them to win too, I am a diehard Red Sox fan and I can never never root for the Yankees. For example I can't stand Clemens I consider him a traitor because he said as a Red Sox that he would never play for NY and he goes about and does it, it really made mad. He is really the only player I hate on the team the rest of them I don't care about one way or another.

Oct 31st, 2001, 01:51:12 PM
Go Yankees!!! :)

I am very excited to watch. God, please let them win! Haha. May the Force be with them.

El Duque, THE KING, is actually 9-2 in the postseason after losing his last start. That is still exceptionally good! Some great pitchers (Randy Johnson, Clemens at 6-6) do not have good post-season records.

El Duque is not old dude, that's not why he had a rough season. He had injuries this last season and only was 4-7. He didn't even play that much. He is recovered basically now and he's still one of the greatest pitchers around. He is up to the challenge.

I don't think Mussina will lose another game, either. When he comes in the next time, Yankees will win I don't care who is pitching.

If the Yankees win game 4, the series will be 6 or 7 games Yankees. AZ cannot come back and beat the Yankees at that point I don't believe. They'll be headed back to AZ down 3-2.

Oct 31st, 2001, 03:18:45 PM
I feel for you JMC, but the guy you should be pissed at is Dan Duquette. He's the one who got rid of Clemens because he thought the Rocket was washed up. What has Clemens done since then? He's won 2 Cy Youngs (possibly 3), won a World Seried, and he's 2-0 in World Series games for the Yankees with a 1 hit shut out last year and last night's 1 run 3 hitter. What's next for Dan the Man, is he going to get rid of Pedro because he thinks he's washed up too? You poor Red Sox fans are just cursed. :x

As for Schilling, he's a stud. I've always liked him. But he's never pitched on 3 days rest before. I'm sure the heart is willing, but is the body? Starters on 3 days rest are something like 1-8 in recent years. I still think it would have been wiser for Brenly to have pitched him in game 5 and then Johnson in 6. Brenly's got guts, but if Schilling loses he's going to be second guessed for years.

Doc Milo
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:52:20 PM
Brenly pitching Schilling tonight makes absolutely no sense to me, especially since he said Batista will pitch Game 5. If Batista is going to pitch anyway, why not give Schilling full rest? He is really taking a gamble making this decision -- it also seems like a panic move, something to stop the momentum from changing into the Yankees favor. But that may backfire for a number of reasons.

1. Schilling on three days rest will not be as effective as if he were on full rest. He has never pitched on three days rest before (I believe I heard) in his entire career.

2. Schilling is a homerun pitcher -- he gives up a lot of them. He will be facing, on short rest, the full Yankees line-up because in Yankee Stadium they get to use the DH

3. It's colder weather than he is used to. Yes, he's been with the Phillies before, but not this year, and when was the last time the Phillies played in October. He might not warm up as well.

4. The stats about pitchers on three days rest are against him -- not that that really means much -- something like pitchers that come back to throw on three days rest since 1995 are 1-9 with a 9 + ERA, and last an average of 3 1/3 innings.

But, anyway, as a Yankees fan, I'd much rather face Schilling on 3 days rest than on full rest. Brenly, I think, is making a mistake. Sure, he might look good if the Yankees lose tonight, and then win the next two, and he has Schilling for a game seven. But that scenario is pretty slim. The way I look at it, if he went with Batista tonight, and the Yankees win, he then has Schilling and Johnson on full rest, and the Yanks may not even force a game seven. But if the Yankees win tonight, then win tomorrow, they more than likely win the series agains Johnson in game six, as they will have the momentum and psychological edge. And even if they don't, they will have proven that they can beat Schilling on three days rest, who will be doing the same thing in a game seven, and will probably be even less effective the second time around trying to pitch on short rest. If the Yanks lose tonight, they probably don't make it to a game seven anyway, because even if they win game 5, I don't think they beat Johnson in an elimination game.

So, this move makes no sense to me. But as a Yankees fan, I think it is good for my team that this move is being made. It gives the Yankees a better chance of beating Schilling. And lets face it, in order for the Yanks to win the series, they will have to beat Schilling or Johnson at least once.

The only way this move makes any sense is if they weren't going to pitch Batista at all, and go with a three man rotation for the series. Thus they would be going for the jugular with Johnson in game five, Anderson again in game six, and Schilling again in game seven. But since Brenly said Batista would pitch game five, pitching Schilling on three days rest makes no sense, and only gives the Yankees a few edges -- one being facing Schilling on short rest, the other a psychological edge, because it looks like Brenly is panicking even though he is up two games to one.

Oct 31st, 2001, 07:48:04 PM
I agree, Brenly could be making a mistake that could cost him his job. I think that if the d-backs do pull this off, then Schilling and Johnson should get all of the rings. And they should share MVP honors, again, assuming they win. I watch this Arizona team, and they don't strike me as a champion team. 2 dominating pitchers, and some timely defense & hitting by Williams & sub .200 hitters like Danny Bautista.

Figrin D'an
Oct 31st, 2001, 10:10:05 PM
The D'Backs are better than a lot of people think. Yes, the big superstars of the team are Schilling and Johnson, one of the best pitching duos around. However, keep in mind that they were also the best defensive team in the National League this year, and their lineup more than just Matt Williams. Reggie Sanders has a pretty good bat, Luis Gonzalez would have walked away with the MVP this year if not for Barry Bonds, Mark Grace is a consistent .310 hitter (and also had the most hits in the 1990's, I might add), Steve Finley swings a good bat. The rest of the pitching staff isn't too bad, either. They went toe-to-toe with two of the other best staffs in baseball (Atlanta and St. Louis) and beat both of them.

Anyway... Game 4 is probably going to decide this series. The D'Backs can't let the Yankees tie the series and take back the momentum if the expect to win the series.

But... we shall see. :)

Oct 31st, 2001, 11:21:34 PM
Looks right now like the Yankees will lose.

Well, they have won three in a row before against a good team, Oakland, but it's too optimistic to hope probably.

Schilling and Randy Johnson are just so good. They make the D'Backs the better team IN THIS SERIES possibly. Yankees are still the best team in baseball and even if AZ wins it doesn't convince me of anything except that in these games, the D'Backs were better. Normally, you don't have pitching like this every game from a few pitchers.

Nov 1st, 2001, 12:07:35 AM
I've watched my share of baseball and let me tell you this;


I don't care if they do go on and lose this series. They've shown me enough heart and courage to last me a lifetime. I'll never forget this team. I'll be telling my grandkids about what Tino Martinez and Derek Jeter did tonight.
:crack :crack :crack :crack :crack :crack :crack :crack :crack


Figrin D'an
Nov 1st, 2001, 12:17:01 AM
Don't get me wrong, the Yankees are an incredible team, and Martinez and Jeter came up big when they needed to... but, can their be a bigger way to choke than how Kim did tonight? He gets the first five batters he faces, 4 by strikeout, then gives up single and a game-tying homerun with two outs... then gives up the game-winning homerun in the next inning with two outs.

But... the Yankees always seem to find a way...

Anyway... despite that Arizona lost the game, I think it was evident that Brenly's decision to give Schilling the start tonight was the right one. Schilling pitched extremely well, giving up only one run on four hits and one walk. It will be interesting now, if the series goes seven games, how Schilling will pitch again on short rest. He's a gamer, that's for sure... got to give him credit for that.

Nov 1st, 2001, 01:03:34 AM
Not only are you right about Schilling, but let's take it a step further and say WHY not leave him in for 8 and 9 if he is doing so well? He was fine! Let him pitch, I say...

That decision turned out to suck, whether or not he'd have given up runs is questionable but he couldn't have sucked harder than Kim did. That loser! LOL.

Oh man, Jedieb, HOW ABOUT THEM YANKEES!!! :)

You are right, never give up on the Yankees. I was getting all ready to go to dinner, combed my hair real fast, put my wallet in my pocket, my cell phone in the other, and I was just ready to leave but I figured I'd watch the final half-inning. I literally errupted when Tino homered! The landlady heard me, haha, but that's ok she was awake and all. I was like, "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Wow.

What a game!!! These Yankees are the most amazing bunch of guys in sports.

Haha, Rivera got the win. Does that seem odd to anyone else or only me? of course, it is statistically sound -- you can figure it out and indeed that's correct, but I mean... he pitched one inning! LOL. What a nice win to have indeed.

So, I guess it's like El Duque went out when the game was tied, so he was not in line for a win -- that would be impossible. Stanton went in and gave up the tie, so therefore he was in line for the loss. However, Kim gave up two runs to tie, then a third to put him in the loss category and because Rivera came in with a tie at the top of the 10th and left with a win, he gets the W. Haha, that is pretty wacky!!

Nov 1st, 2001, 01:06:07 AM
NOW I know how it is to be a Lakers fan.

Remember the Blazers vs. the Lakers in the Western Conference Finals two years ago? Blazers up by 15 with a quarter left? I was obviously going for the Blazers and they SOMEHOW managed to snatch defeat from the hands of victory.

I am sorry but that still hurts. I literally want to throw up when I think about it and my logical mind cannot believe any team could blow a 15 point lead with a quarter left. It was like from The Matrix where Neo said, "No. No, that's not possible" or Luke in ESB, hehe.

You know, I'm not one to talk to myself, but I was sitting at my computer and I mumbled, "****, yeah like they're going to score two runs on one out. Ah well, good dynasty." Haha, man and I was wrong!

Doc Milo
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:00:51 AM
I'm still not so sure Brenly's decision to put Schilling in there was the right one, regardless of how Schilling pitched -- and that is because of the outcome of the game. Put it this way, if Batista had picthed, the D-backs might have had the same outcome, but would now be looking forward to Schilling on full rest and Johnson on full rest. Instead, they are looking at Batista versus the Yankees #1 starter (last outing aside) for most of the last month of the season, and throughout most of the post season, Mussina. Then a rematch of Pettite/Johnson. Of course, then they have Schilling for a seventh game, if it goes that far -- but he'll be on short rest again. He might be just as dominant again, but there is also the chance that going twice on short rest might take just enough of a toll off him to lose a slight edge in a game seven -- like he might not have the stamina to go late into the game being as dominant as he was. I know, someone might say, "he just proved he can do it." But he proved he can do it once, not twice in a row.

My point is, they'd still be tied 2-2 at worst, and have fully rested Schilling and Johnson to look forward to. I still think it was a mistake -- but only because they were going to pitch Batista anyway.

And no, NEVER count the Yankees out. I made that mistake in the Oakland series. I said to myself, "Well, I can't complain, they've won 4 of the last 5." Even tonight, I made the mistake again. After Kim struck out the side in the 8th, I thought it was over. I guess I've learned my lesson.

Nov 1st, 2001, 03:26:25 AM
This happens so many times where we count a team out, even OUR OWN TEAM, and they come back and do something amazing, but we never learn from it. It's always, "Well that was last time... it won't happen again." At least, that is how I am. I don't jump off the bandwagon, so to speak, but I like to be a realist. Maybe I should be more of an optimist with the Yankees.

There is this great article I just read that says the only thing that would scare the Yankees is being down 4 games to none with no games to play, LOL! I'd say that's about right.

How can they act like they are actually going to win? It's amazing! Anyone should just realize that if you're down 3-1 in the ninth with two outs the game is OVER. Haha, well, or not.

This hasn't happened in 73 years I think according to the AP. Most people on earth now weren't even born then. In fact, the parents of the current Yankees were probably not even born. lol.

BUT once in a blue moon, which it was a blue moon (the first in 38 years on Halloween), a team can pull a miracle victory like that ;)

I agree with Doc here to a certain degree because if you have to pitch this BaDista or whatever (lol), then you may as well have pitched him in game 4.

There is at least, AT LEAST, an 80% chance the Yankees win game 5. This retard is absolutely no match for Mussina in my opinion. Oh man is Mussina ticked at his last game. He's not going to have two bad games in a row I don't believe, so Yankees go back to warm, sunny AZ with a 3-2 lead and Pettitte pitches the lights out in game 6 as Johnson screws up and shows he is mortal, Yankees win four straight -- games and Series'.

Nov 1st, 2001, 10:03:25 AM
I'm almost drooling at what a game 7 could mean for baseball. If the series goes that far we'd be looking at one of te greatest pitching match ups in World Series history; Schilling V. Clemens!!!!! Two future Hall of Famers squaring off against each other in a game seven. Both of them pitcihng against each other in seasons in which they either won the Cy Young or were strong candidates to win it. Schilling in the middle of one of the most dominant streches of post season pitching in history. The Rocket at age 39 reaching back for more. As much as I'd love to see the Yankees win the next two games and end it in 6, I can only imagine what that kind of a game 7 could mean for baseball. Will it elevate baseball back to where it once was in the American sports landscape? No, of couse not, but it will remind why this game use to be America's past time.

In retrospect, it looks like he made the rigt call by starting Schilling. Schilling pitched far better than I thought he would. Putting Kim in seemed like the right move as well. How could you possibly think that your dominant closer would blow a 2 run lead? It certainly looked like the right decision when he struck out the side in the 8th. Kim was one pitch away from making Brenly look like a genius. But the Yankees keep doing things that only a screenwriter could imagine.

Tonight we'll see if Mussina can respond with the same kind of big game he came up with against Oakland. Then we're looking at a rematch of Petite and Johnson. This has been the most fun I've had watching baseball playoffs since I was a kid. :crack

Nov 1st, 2001, 10:22:14 AM
Yeah - I think that Brenly made the right call yesterday with the pitching. Schilling gave 7 good innings and only allowed one run, and he still had some steam left in him when he left.

Once the Yanks had one man on in the ninth, my wife is like "now all we need is for someone to hit a home run and we're all set..." Lo and Behold, Tino Martinez stepped up. That in itself would have made it an awesome game, but Jeter finishing the job in the next inning was just incredible.

You know that if the Yankees go on to win the series (and heck, even if they don't), this game will likely be remembered like Bobby Thompson's "Shot" and Kirk Gibson's homer as one of the great post-season moments in baseball history.

Funny too, my Dad had a real early morning the next day, and told me that he wasn't going to watch the game, because he gets all excited and then can't sleep well. He said he'd probably only watch the ninth inning... Well, sorry Dad, there wen't your night's sleep! :lol

Doc Milo
Nov 1st, 2001, 02:51:52 PM
My question now about Schilling is this: Did Brenly pull him because he thought he was tired, because he was on three days rest? I guess put more simply is this: If Schilling were on full rest, would Brenly have let him finish the game. Schilling, throughout the post-season, in tight games, has been giving complete game efforts. So, if Brenly pulled Schilling because he didn't think Schilling could finish the game, then doesn't that mean that Schilling being on three days rest did, indeed, help cause their defeat yesterday, no matter how well he pitched up to that point?

The other possibility I see is that Brenly took Schilling out looking toward a game seven. But you don't manage a World Series in which your team is winning 2 games to 1 and leading in the game 3-1 with an eye toward a possible game seven.

And like I said, because of the outcome, wouldn't AZ be more comfortable going into games five and six with Schilling and Johnson on full rest tied 2-2?

I'm sorry. But I thought it was a mistake to pitch Schilling in game four before last night while AZ was up in the series, and regardless of how well he pitched, I still think it was a mistake. If they were going to go with a three man rotation, that's one thing. But as long as they're going with a fourth starter, it's still a mistake IMO.

Nov 1st, 2001, 04:03:59 PM
I think Brenly is a pretty bad manager to be honest. Torre is the master and always seems to make these "hunch" calls that end up being awesome, but Brenly doesn't impress me much.

I hope that the Yankees win not only because I'm a fan but also because I want the best TEAM to win, not the team with the best two pitchers. All the D'Backs have is two awesome starting pitchers. They have a lousy bullpen versus the Yankees almost unstoppable bullpen (ignoring Stanton's BS last night), then they have stupid players like Cousell who is a total moron, plus a bunch of other average players who happen to be able to get the job done against most teams because of the great pitching. However, when they pitch anyone but Schilling or Johnson, it's game over versus a decent team unless they're really lucky.

Nov 1st, 2001, 04:49:23 PM
I'm hoping that the Yankees win, because I want to see Jeter get the series MVP. That guy has come through in the clutch so many times for the Yanks that he really deserves it. Heck, even if the Yankees lose, he should be awarded the MVP (can that even happen?)

Nov 1st, 2001, 05:52:32 PM
Well Jedieb...like I mentioned in the other thread....this is a greatt series...but it's no match for that '91 series. :) THAT was great baseball...and HIGH drama...every night.

Nov 1st, 2001, 06:05:50 PM

Yankees will when series. I sware (and you shouldnt sware) but I called what would happen at the end , in the 7th ining.just didnt know what players.

Nov 1st, 2001, 10:19:25 PM
Was the 91 Series the one in which Morris pitched that amazing 10 inning shut out against the Braves (Glavine?)? The Braves had just come off that amazing series against the Pirates right? If I remember right those were pretty amazing playoffs. And that last game was a nail biter. Morris was a bull dog and pitched one of the greatest WS games ever.

Right now the Yanks are down 2-0 in the 6th, but have a man on. Must go now!

Nov 1st, 2001, 10:28:48 PM
Damnit the Yanks are hitting like a bunch of girls!!! They've still got 3 innings but this is frustrating as hell. Bautista is pitching well but not THAT well. Justice needs to be benched. It's not just that he's striking out, it's that he looks awkward and confused at the plate. There's no way Torre can let him take his next at bat. Dust off Knoblauc and get his butt in the DH. Back to the game...

Nov 1st, 2001, 10:58:44 PM
Justice is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the hell could he have swung on a 3-0 breaking ball in the dirt!!! Luckily Bautista walked him on a full count. Here comes Brosius....

Popped up to right field. At least Knoblauch is finally in the game for Justice. 6 more outs, six more chances to make history again.>_<

Nov 1st, 2001, 11:24:32 PM
Williams just blooped a ball off of the shortstop Womack's glove. 2 outs, runners at first and third, go ahead run at the plate. LET'S GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!:crack :crack :crack :crack

Nov 1st, 2001, 11:28:30 PM
D'OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:( :( :(

Nov 1st, 2001, 11:49:14 PM

Nov 1st, 2001, 11:50:25 PM
WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!?!

LOL. There is a God.

The Yankees just made a believer out of me. I'm going to Church Sunday! Haha


Nov 1st, 2001, 11:52:55 PM
Oh man, the D'Backs couldn't GIVE Kim away now. That guy is WORTHLESS!

Man, SCREW Babe Ruth, Kim is the best YANKEE EVER!!!

LOL. Holy cow was that tight. I am not believing this. Someone wake me up.

Figrin D'an
Nov 1st, 2001, 11:54:36 PM
Absolutely surreal... that's all I can say... absolutely surreal...

No matter the outcome in extra innings.... I've never seen anything like this before... wow.

I'm not a Yankees fan, but as a baseball fan, I can say that was incredible...

Nov 1st, 2001, 11:57:40 PM
Good God, is this now not the greatest World Series ever? No matter what happens next, has a series ever had back to back thrillers like this?!?!?!? :crack

Figrin D'an
Nov 1st, 2001, 11:59:32 PM
And now Jeter gets to lead of the bottom of the tenth....

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:00:14 AM
Here we go, bottom of the 10th and Jeter is leading off!!!!!!:crack :crack :crack

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:00:32 AM
Nothing can compete with this. If the D'Backs win, it's equally as amazing because you cannot take away the fact that the Yankees hit a two-run homer with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth!

LOL. Man now Jeter is leading off. This is really going to be awesome if the Yankees can pull this off.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:01:56 AM
I have to apologize to Yankee fans around the world. I wasn't wearing my lucky Yankees cap for the first 8 innings. I put it on just before Brosius went to the plate. (I'M TOTALLY SERIOUS!) Here comes Jeter....

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:07:22 AM
1-2-3 inning and we're off to the 11th. |I

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:09:06 AM
This is going to be interesting. Thank god it's at home for the Yankees.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:17:30 AM
Are you freakin' kiddin' me?!!!!????????? RIVERA PITCHED HIMSELF OUT OF A BASES LOADED JAM WITH 1 OUT IN THE BOTTOM OF THE 11TH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to need a crash cart and room at the ER if this keeps going!!!!!

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:17:48 AM
Made it through bases loaded! Amazing job. Bases loaded with one out, too. This is incredible.

WHO says baseball isn't exciting? This is SUPER exciting!

If Yankees win this game, then AZ wins game 6, couldn't you honestly say this is maybe one of the best three World Series' ever?!

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:28:14 AM
And we're off to the 12th. I've got to get up in 5 hours and help get the kids dressed and then head off for work. I'm too old for this. |I :zzz

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:35:27 AM
I have class at noon tomorrow. I hope this is over before then ;)

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:43:51 AM
Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today
I want to be a part of it - New York, New York
These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray
Right through the very heart of it - New York, New York

I want to wake up in a city, that doesn't sleep
And find I'm king of the hill - top of the heap

These little town blues, are melting away
I'm gonna make a brand new start of it - in old New York
If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you - New York, New York

New York, New York
I want to wake up in a city, that never sleeps
To find I'm a number one, head of the list,
Cream of the crop at the top of the heap.

These little town blues, are melting away
I'm gonna make a brand new start of it - in old New York
If I can make it there, I'm gonna make it anywhere
It's up to you - New York, New York


Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:45:37 AM
This is THE GREATEST World Series ever!

Wow. This is frickin' unbelievable.


Who the hell gets the MVP when you have a game-tying two-run homer by Tino last time, a game-winning run by Jeter, a game-saving catch by Spencer in game 3, another catch and homer by Spencer in game 4, a game-tying, two-run homer by Brosius, a bunt by Brosius to put a runner in scoring position, Soriano a game-winning RBI, Rivera a game-saving performance in the 11th, Mussina two runs allowed in 8 innings, El Duque with one run in 7 innings. MAN, this is amazing.

This TEAM is a hero! LOL

Figrin D'an
Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:54:05 AM
I'm still in awe of Brosius' home run in the ninth... they did it again. Somehow, they did it again...

Brenly better hope that Johnson can go the distance in Game 6 or the D'Backs are in trouble. Their bullpen has been horrible the past three games. A team will never, of course, place blame on one person for screwing up... but it has to be in the back of every D'Back players mind that if Kim hadn't choked two nights in a row, the Series would be over and they'd be heading back to Phoenix as champions.

Game 6: Johnson v. Pettite
Game 7: Schilling v. Clemons

Should be a good way to finish... :)

Nov 2nd, 2001, 01:21:25 AM
Which got buried in the Game 5 hoopla stuff on the thread. That was a great game though. :) It's starting to rival the '91 series....

Yes Jedieb the series between the Twins and the Braves was the one where Jack Morris went against John Smoltz in one of the all-time pitching duels in WS history. The fact that it was GAME 7 made it even more dramatic. The fact that both teams loaded the bases in the late innings(Twins in the 7th Braves in the 8th)but neither could score made it even better. The fact that it was decided in the 10th inning made it even better. :)

But who could forget Kirby Puckett's walk off homeruun in Game 6 that forced the deciding game??
Or The Braves miraculous come from behind victories in Games 3 and 4. Game 3 was decided in the 12th if I remember on a play at the plate. WOW!! That was so dramatic because if the Braves had lost there they would have been down 3-0. Then the next night it went extra's again...and the Braves won.

Game 2 was decided on a homerun in the 7th by Knoblock(who was rookie back then) if I remember correctly that stood up(Final: Twins 2 Braves 1).

Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:12:59 AM
Any series with the Braves is not even in contention for being one of the best ever unless the Braves get their butts kicked. lol.

Hey guys, I know who the World Series MVP is already! Yes, yes, I know you are thinking how could I know that?

Well, here goes... drum roll please.

The World Series MVP, after the Yankees beat the Diamondbacks, is going to be... KIM!!!

That is correct, it will be the first time ever that the MVP award was given to the losing team, but not because the losing team had the best player; instead, because the losing team had the player that played the best for the winning team!

I can see the discussion on the air now.

"Well, this is quite an unusual event. Kim has won the MVP award for the Yankees, even while wearing an Arizona jersey. Apparently, they have decided that Kim won two games for the Yankees, which is more of a contribution than any actual Yankees player made."

"Yes, it is quite interesting. You are right about this, they have chosen Kim because of his outstanding pitching in games 4 and 5 that helped the Yankees win the World Series. While Mussina had a great game, El Duque had one great game, nobody can deny that Kim did the most good as a pitcher for the Yankees."

"Congratulations to Kim and his family for this great honor."

"Yes, they should be very proud. He has made history so many times this past week, first by blowing a two-run lead in the ninth, which was the first time in history anyone for the Diamondbacks has done that in the World Series. It is also the first time that has happened in 73 years. Then the very next night, he made history again! What an amazing Yanke... err, what an amazing D'Backs player."

Actually, I hear that Steinbrener (sp?) paid Kim $2 million and signed him for the post-season, but somehow Arizona didn't know that and pitched him anyway. *shrug* Ah well.

Doc Milo
Nov 2nd, 2001, 03:04:28 AM
Jon, you forgot Soriano's game-saving catch off of Reggie Sanders' ball in the 11th, with the bases loaded.

I wish I was online while the game was on, but I was at work. The game was on and I got to watch it, though. I can not believe what I saw! It was just unbelievable. Before yesterday, coming back from two runs in the ninth inning has only happened twice in WS history, and it happens twice in two days? Unbelievable!

They played John Sterling's call (WABC Yankees' announcer) of the homer on the MSG postgame report. "Swung on and hit to deep left! That ball is HIGH, IT IS FAR, IT.......IS GONE! I DON"T BELIEVE IT! AGAIN, DEJA VU!" (I think he was going for Yogi Berra's "It's deja-vu all over again," but messed it up.)

I agree with Jedieb's earlier remarks. Batista pitched well, but not that well. The Yankees were not being patient enough with him. I got the impression that if they would have just played within their game of patience at the plate, Batista would have walked the ballpark in the early innings.

Prediction I heard on the radio: Game six. Johnson is pitching a 1 hit shutout into the top of the ninth inning. No DH, Brosius is up, batting 8th ahead of the pitcher. Two outs. Brosius, in classic 12 pitch at-bat draws a walk. Torre says, "Hey, Sojo, get up there for the pitcher." Louis Sojo walks to the plate and hits a homer off the foul pole on the first pitch.

Now, would anyone be surprised by that?

Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:27:58 AM
Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Yankees trailed by 17 runs with two outs in the ninth and two strikes to Justice, who has totally sucked, and then all of the sudden he rips a home run followed by 16 straight at-bats of home runs by Yankees to force a 10th inning and then through 25 more innings the score remained the same until finally both teams had exhausted their starting pitchers for the entire series as well as every other pitcher and the D'Backs pitched Brenly and Jeter homered, hitting the ball out of the park and killing a bird on the way to falling on an old guys head who then has a heart attack and dies.

No, I mean, of course I wouldn't be surprised ;)

"Jon, you forgot Soriano's game-saving catch off of Reggie Sanders' ball in the 11th, with the bases loaded."

Nah, I didn't forget. I just didn't mention that, haha, too many amazing things to say. That catch was quite remarkable. Is anyone with me in saying that once this guy, Soriano, works out his rookie mistakes and gains some more experience his going to be a truly great player? I think he's already quite good (walk-off homer vs. Seattle, game-winning RBI, game-saving catch, etc). That guy is really going to be nice for the Yankees to have into the future...

Nov 2nd, 2001, 10:07:49 AM
Soriano was awesome last game. I was on the edge of my seat and when he made that awesome catch I was totally up and yelling "Oh Yeah!!!" Once that ball was hit I was like "Oh Cr@p, might as well turn off the TV", and then he dove and got it. Unbelievable... But then to top it off, he pulls out with the clutch hit to bring Knoblauch home and win the game. This is certainly one series that will go down in my memory as one of the best I've seen. As a Mets fan, I don't think I'll ever see one better than the 1986 series when the curse of the Babe came down upon Bill Buckner, but this is shaping up to be very close to that one...

Nov 2nd, 2001, 10:43:26 AM
I don't think I've ever seen a team in any sport pull off magic like this. I couldn't believe I was seeing it. The only other time in my life is when my montreal canadiens won 11 consecutive suddden death overtime games in the playoffs en route to winning the cup. This run by the Yankees is truly remarkable...

Nov 2nd, 2001, 10:50:46 AM
It wasn't all Buckner's fault ya know! If I remember right, the game was already tied by then. Clemens had been yanked and the bullpen let him down. But you are correct about the Bambino's curse. Anybody want to prove they're a brave man? Go to a game at Fenway with a Bucky Dent for President poster. Man I loved that late 70's Yankee team!

CMJ, you're bringing back alot of memories to this foggy old mind! Smoltz did pitch an AMAZING game against Morris. That was also back when the Braves were a team you could root for. They were young, scrappy, and they didn't have that Championship Choker Mentality that the 90's would give them and the Bills. They had clutch victories in the division and World Series itself. The future looked bright, but we know the rest of the story. It's easy to mock them now, hell there own fans don't show up for their HOME playoff games. But back then it was a different story.

Did you guys catch Brenly's face after Brosius's HR? He looked completely stunned! I actually feel pity for Kim. That poor kid is only 21 and is going to have this follow him for the rest of his career. Not only that, he's a national hero in Korea, so he's got two countires to deal with. I thought Grace was really classy to come over to him after he gave up the homer, but then again, when isn't Grace classy?

And now for the rumor mill. Rumor has it Schilling is hurt and may not be able to pitch in Game 7. What does this mean? It means Doc is a genius and Yankee fans are lucky he isn't managing the D'backs!

Nov 2nd, 2001, 10:55:52 AM
Yeah - I feel bad for Kim too, but hey - its part of the game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. You just have to keep your head high. ESPN had a good article about Kim if you're interested...


Nov 2nd, 2001, 11:08:30 AM
That was a great article McBain! Kim is just a baby! You hope he can recover and go to have a solid career. It's one thing to scream at him when he's on my TV screen, but I certainly hope this doesn't destroy his career. And believe me, it can. Some player never recover from moments like these.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 11:28:27 AM
Regardless of how his career moves after this, you know that he will forever be remembered for this, just like Ralph Branca who threw the pitch that Bobby Thomson knocked out of the park to "Win The Pennant!!!"

It is too bad that even though he may go on to have a great career, he will always have this overshadowing his success, so that when people think of him, all they will see is how he failed in this series. I hope he does well, but its gotta be rough. I wonder if a similar situation arises in games 6 or 7 if Brenly will pitch him?

Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:25:32 PM
It would be nice and fitting if Kim played in game 6 and gave up the game-winning, walk-off home run with the score tied in the ninth. For me, that would truly bring closure to the series; oh, and it would certainly bring closure for Kim. To his career, that is! lol

Haha, just kidding. I feel sorry for the poor guy, but man he has no place pitching in a World Series game.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:36:49 PM
The only way Kim can get this stain off his career is to save/win a World Series game. Elway got off the snide, Clemens has done it as well. That's the only thing that will make people forget. Well, they'll never forget, but it's the only way he won't be labled a loser for the rest of his career. He's got to save some World Series games. The sad part is, if he doesn't do it this weekend, he may never get back to the WS.

BTW, Grace had some hilarious statements after last nights game. He said that the Yankees have made a deal with the devil. "It's Zim, Zim made a deal with the devil." (I'm paraphrasing) Yet another reason why Zimmer is one of my favorite FAT guys in sports.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 03:11:50 PM
LOL JonLB - that would be pretty crazy if that happened. I think EB is right, Kim needs to do something pretty heroic in order to wipe this stain away, but still, I think regardless he will be remembered for blowing those two games.

Zimmer cracks me up. I love when they show him and Joe Torre sitting in the dugout. They look like two trolls, just hiding out in the back of the dugout in the shadows, with perpetual frowns on their faces, but the strategies which I'm sure are being formulated behind those masks are great. Both he and Torre really know their baseball and make a great combination.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 06:41:50 PM
Zimmer is one of the all time great characters of the game. He never had overwhelming success as a manager, but he was always well respected and just plain fun to listen to and watch. He's been invaluable to Torre during this run and he did a great job when he stepped in for Torre a couple of years ago when Torre had healt issues. My dad calls him "El Puercito". (The Pig) My dad cracks me up whenever he talks about Zim.

Nov 3rd, 2001, 09:19:24 PM
Well, Game 6 is here and it isn't looking good for the Yankees... Its the 3rd and the D'backs are up 6-0 (probably by the time I finish typing this it will be more...) But if I've learned anything over the years (and especially from the past two games), never count the Yankees out...
When this series started, I was kind of ambivalent as to who I wanted to win, but now I've gotta go with NY.


Nov 3rd, 2001, 09:27:53 PM
Man, looks like I spoke too soon - now it's 12-0 and the D'backs are still up to bat... If the past two games were any indication, the D'backs will put in Kim in the 8'th, and the Yankees will hit three consecutive grand slams to tie it... :)

Nov 3rd, 2001, 10:57:58 PM
I think almost everyone figured the D'Backs would win with Johnson, but now look at tomorrow. It's either a really damaged Schilling at 60% of his capacity or it's a really inferior pitcher, but either way the D'Backs will face one of the greatest of all time: Clemens.

Yankees will win game 7.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2001, 12:55:43 AM
I don't think Schilling is hurt at least from what I have heard, I think some statments were taken out of context. And I don't think Schilling is vastly inferior either I'd say at least they are equals (IMO) at least at this stage of the game, Clemens peak years are behind him (he was at his peak with the Red Sox and then later with the Blue Jays) while Schilling is peaking now, sure Clemens is pretty good for a pitcher who is the decline of his carrer better than 90% of the pitchers in the baseball probablly all except Johnson, Schilling, and Pedro (when he is healthy). That is why I think at least it will be a great game and it will come down to the team who makes the one mistake (an error what ever) Arizona does have one advantage they are home and they should be favored because the home team has won every game and Arizona could win because of that factor. The Twins did it twice, and if I am not mistaken Florida did it to Cleveland a few years back. I am not saying Arizona will win I'm just saying its up the air really anything can happen in 7th game. A great example is the last two games the Yankees played they lost both of them, the first 1960 (they lost to Bill Mazorwoski and the Pirates in one the greatest 7 games ever) the other to the Cardinals in 1964 mostly due to the pitching of the great Bob Gibson.

One last think I want to add I am curious where this serious will go in baseball history, I'd say its similar to Cleveland vs Florida in 97 (most of the games were close and low scoring) I don't think its the best ever I still think that belongs to 1975 which was incredible I just wish I could have been able to watch that one (I was born that year interestingly enough) Of course being a Red Sox fan I am biased about that one but it has been called the best every by Baseball historians and the home run by Carlton Fisk that one game 6 for Boston has been called the greatest moment in sports captured on TV by several publications. It also doesn't hurt that one of the best teams, if not best team of all time the Big Red Machine with 4 hall of famers and one should be hall of famer on it (Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, Tony Perez, Sparky Anderson, and Pete Rose) but I think it was the closeness of the games, just about every game was close and not to mention game 6 which went back and forth several times before it was decided by Fisk, this series is similar but it just seem like 75 was even better, but that is just my opinion somebody could pick the 60 world series because of Mazwroski's HR or the 85 series between KC and STL which went 7, or I guess this one if you wanted to even though I think its too early to do so some time needs to pass before you can look at something like that (that is the historian in me talking) But who knows where this will be viewed 10 years from now its really hard to say.

Nov 4th, 2001, 01:51:52 AM
I never said that Schilling was vastly inferior to Clemens. I said EITHER it would be a vastly inferior pitcher, i.e. Anderson for the D'Backs, OR it would be a damaged Schilling.

Pitchers are like rechargable batteries. They are of varying strengths, but when used up, they need to charge again. Four days rest is basically a fully charged battery, maybe 95% charged at worst. Three days rest is probably a 70% charged battery. Three days rest, then three days rest again is only a 55% charged battery, let's say.

So, the question is, would you rather have that type of Schilling or put in an inexperienced pitcher? I guess I have to agree with Brenly that you go with your ace for as many innings as you can get.

I am no visionary. I cannot tell you if Schilling will go out there, get 7 innings, only allow one or two runs, and end up being awesome. But I can tell you odds say he will go out there, give up four runs, and only make it through the fifth or something. I mean, you are talking about a guy who (NO RUMOR) said himself he was not doing well and felt that if he pitched a game 7 it could result in a career-damaging injury. I read that just yesterday, so it's no rumor. I think he is feeling good enough to go now, but it's a risky decision.

To be honest, what the D'Backs have done from my perspective is fight as hard as they can and give 100%, but then save nothing for game 7. They have nothing left to give I don't think. The Yankees are kind of circling for the kill and they're quite patient. So, they are not devastated by this game 6 loss because they know it means JACK! They win game 7 and that's it. Who cares about game 6? It didn't matter worth beans if the Yankees won anyway. They're all veterans except Soriano and they know that. Plus, Soriano doesn't care either. He's a great player.

AND, I agree with you, Schilling is a better pitcher than Clemens now. VERY barely, though. Do remember that Clemens won almost every game he played in the regular season. I mean, the guy had one of his best years ever. He is NOT over the hill and he's not past his prime. This is still his prime. Any guy who can go out there and win 20 games is still very much in his prime.

Schilling is a better pitcher, so is Johnson, than any Yankees starter, but the Yankees four starters are WAY better than the Diamondback's four starters, which is why even if AZ wins I am still going to say the same thing: it isn't a team, it's two aces.

Here are the times the D'Backs won so far:


Next game: Schilling.

If they win that, it only proves they can win with Schilling and Johnson. NO other pitcher has won a game for them this series.

Anyway, though, there is too much talk and too many boasts involved before any game happens. I am just simply going to say that if I were a Yankee, I would be very happy having Schilling pitching again on three days rest because I know immediately that I will be ready with my best stuff at the plate and he will not be able to handle me as well this time, especially as the innings wear on and he begins to tire.

Rivera is full strength, too, so he can and will pitch two innings if needed. That means Clemens needs 7 if he can go that far, but if he can do 6 I think that would be fine probably.

It'll be one heck of a game.

I think this could be one of the three to five greatest World Series' ever, still depending on how it ends tomorrow.

IF it is the ninth inning, two outs, and the Yankees are down by three and Derek Jeter pounds a grand slam home run into the stands, then I think I would call it one of the one to three best ever, haha.

Nov 4th, 2001, 04:47:26 AM
This is funny...

From ESPN.com:

It got so bad that Yankees manager Joe Torre considered bringing in a position player to pitch for the first time in World Series history.

“(Paul) O’Neill volunteered. I know (Luis) Sojo has been volunteering all year,” Torre said. “It would have come to that, possibly, if (Scott) Brosius had not popped up to end that one inning, because I have to pinch-hit for (Randy) Choate and I didn’t want to do pitch (Mike) Stanton for more than two innings. As much as you hate to do that in postseason play, I would rather do that than using someone from the bullpen.”

That would have been SWEET!!! Dangit, I wish they would have done that.


“It was take one for the team,” Torre said about leaving Witasick in for the punishment. “We didn’t have to play it like it was the seventh game. We still have tomorrow to deal with, and in my mind, you fall behind five, six, seven (runs) -- I would rather keep all of those people for tomorrow’s game and have him suck one up for the club.”

Nov 4th, 2001, 08:37:41 AM
If the Yankees want to win game 7, they'd better start getting some offense going. They have really won on some lucky hits, not a consistently good offense. True the D'backs pitching has been pretty good with Johnson and Schilling, but the Yankees just haven't been hitting. I guess my wish came true though - at the beginning of this, I just hoped for an exciting seried... Looks that way to me so far (although I would have preferred game 6 to be more of a game and not a blowout)

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:04:33 AM
Wow, what a beating! The D'Backs have outscored the Yankees by 25-3(or 28-3, can't remember) at home while the Yanks have won their each of their home games by a single run. The only thing that's kept the Yankees in the series is their experience and and clutch hitting. The only positive about last night is that it set the stage for the kind of ending this series deserved; a game 7.

I said this earlier, could we have gotten a better match up than Shilling V. Clemens? Schilling is the most dominating pitcher in the post season right now. Clemens is one of the most dominating pitchers in the history of baseball. Either one of them is capable of stepping onto the mound tonight and striking out 10+ while allowing 1-3 hits. You couldn't have asked for anything better. Clemens would seem to have the edge. While Schilling has been more dominant, he is now coming off his second start with only 3 days rest. While his arm has improved, it's not in as good shape sa it was in his last start. He's already admitted that it was much more sore the day after his first start in the series. You add in his comments about being "gassed" in the seventh inning and you have to think that physically he just simply isn't going to be up to par with his previous starts of this post season. He'll be pitching on heart and guts tonight, both of which he has plenty. Clemens has the benefit of being well rested, and his hamstring, while not 100%, should still be able to carry him through a good solid 7 innings.

And there lies the difference between these two ball clubs. Clemens only has to go 7, but Schilling has to feel he has to go the distance. I wonder if Brenly will regret not pullling Johnson early to save him for an inning or two tonight. When the score was 12-0 yesterday Johnson had only thrown around 40 pitches. He could have easily come out tonight and thrown an inning of relief if needed. The Yankee closers have given New York a chance to win every close game they've been in, while the D'Back closers have.. well they've done the exact same thing. They've given the Yankees a chance to win every close game. Listen to me right now, if the game is close tonight, Brenly will not hesitate to march Kim right back out to the mound. He's stubborn and loyal enough to do it. And you've got to think the Yanks' eyes will light up if they see Kim on the mound at ANY point in the game.

Make no mistake, Schilling has been the BEST pitcher in this post season. No other pitcher, not Johnson, Clemens, or Mussina, has shown the stamina or pitches to even be in the position to pitch 3 games in this series. He will be in the hall of fame, of that there is no doubt. Saying that, I believe that Clemens will reach back and pitch a gem tonight. Schilling will give it everything he has, but I just don't know if his body will be ABLE to respond. Clemens's body has betrayed him this post season, but I think his hammy can carry him where he needs to go.

So let's sit back and enjoy tonight. Game 7 of one of the best World Series baseball has ever had. We can nitpick about which other series was better later. This is history tonight. Savor it because it may years before you see another one like it.

Nov 4th, 2001, 04:55:25 PM
Amen brother eb, hehe.

I give Clemens the edge for sure. He is rested and ready to go. Plus, the only game the Yankees didn't win through a miracle, the only game they really truly won, was game 3 where he pitched a three-hit, one-run shutout I believe.

This is going to be ONE HELL OF A GAME! :)

See here is the thing... you know, it's just like me, but I left my damn research paper until today to do, and I have no research. So I have to go to the library on campus, not that bad, but it closes at midnight. So... I guess I hope I can get that crap now before the game starts, then if not I'll go back at 8:30 or so, but hmm... it's going to be interesting.

Nov 4th, 2001, 07:45:07 PM
Well here we go. We're only a few minutes away from the start of the game. I got my 15 year old ragged out Yankee shirt. (Yes, I'm stretching it out a bit.) My sweat stained Yankee hat and the kids have been put to bed with ear plugs. Let the game begin!

Nov 4th, 2001, 09:04:14 PM
We're through 3 innings and both pitchers are delivering. Clemens has great velocity and movement, but he's been struggling with his control a bit. His defense has let him down a bit as well. Nevertheless, he's got 6 K's though 3. Schilling has faced 9 and with the help of great defense retired all 9. He's kept his pitch count down which is also helping him. The Yankee hitters are swinging early in the count but they really have no choice. They can't take the chance of letting Schilling get ahead in the count on the possibility that they may wear him out. They're are hitting him hard, but not hard enough. Jeter's up, gotta go.

Nov 4th, 2001, 09:23:38 PM
8 K's for Clemens through four. That's incredible!!

Nov 4th, 2001, 09:30:51 PM
He has called two strikes in the fifth that weren't strikes whatsoever. I mean, not even two inches from being strikes. Not even close.

Both times the announcer said, "a strike... according to home plate umpire ..." Yeah, right! Awful calls.

Nov 4th, 2001, 09:42:10 PM
I can't believe Spencer swung on 3-0! That's a hitter's best count, but he should have worked the count! That was still the Yankee's best inning because they made Schilling throw a lot of pitches. I think he's starting to tire a bit. But the Yankees still can't get any runners on. Clemens is still going strong and the hamstring is showing no signs of soreness. If only he were getting better defense! He's headed towards double digit strikeouts and we're looking at another classic.

If Schilling wins tonight he's the MVP. If the Yankees win a close one then it may go to Rivera. If the game winning run is provided by Brosius or Martinez they may get the nod. If the Yankees win it's going to be tough to pick an MVP.

Nov 4th, 2001, 09:45:52 PM
I forgot Soriano, he's a candidate as well.

Nov 4th, 2001, 09:51:56 PM
Damn, Schilling is in a groove now. Clemens just needs to hang in there for another inning or two. The Yankees will coming around for only their 3rd at bats because Schilling has faced the minimum, but these next innings will be there best chance to do damage. Well, unless Kim gets thrown out there. I bet anything Brenly will be stubborn enough to refuse Johnson's offer to pitch and throw Kim out there anyway.

Nov 4th, 2001, 10:01:01 PM
Son of Sith, I think MaCarver might have been right. It did look like Clemens thought Bautista was going to bunt. Luckily Jeter made a great throw (finally some great Yankee defense) and minimized the damage. Now it's time for the Yankees to respond. Here we go again, late into the game and down a run. Never give up, never surrender!

Nov 4th, 2001, 10:16:05 PM
Man I hate being down. I HATE my team being down. Just makes me nervous. Tied is ok...

So, it's 1-1 now. I still think the Yankees just blew a bit of an opportunity to take a 2-1 or 3-1 lead. This was the key inning and AZ also minimized damage.

The KEY inning is that ONE inning where the starter is getting tired and starts giving hits. It might be only one or two ours, or three outs even, but you have to hit them hard in that ONE inning because you cannot rely on hitting the relievers, unless it's Kim. Then you can rely on a few homers at least. ;)

So... I am curious to see who goes in and what happens with the pitching here now. Schilling must be done, surely. Clemens should be done in another inning at max. I hope to see Rivera for two innings and I want to see two shutout, awesome innings with three strikeouts, only one hit, and one walk (both coming in different innings, so no runners on 2nd, hehe).

Then, I want to see a Yankees HR in the 9th to win, basically. Top of the ninth, so no walk off of course, but... with Rivera, may as well call it one.

Nov 4th, 2001, 10:18:15 PM
Martinez tied it up again!!!!!
1-1, bottom of the 7th. Why is Schilling hitting? Because Brenly is scared of his own bullpen. He's going to ride Schilling til he drops and it will probably be the D'Backs undoing. He's practically giving Clemens a free out. I can gaurantee you Clemens won't be hitting again. At least I'd pinch hit for him in the 8th.

Nov 4th, 2001, 10:21:42 PM
They're taking Clemens out now I think. This would be a good move...

Nov 4th, 2001, 10:44:45 PM
IN YOUR FACE BRENLY! Brenly was so scared of his bull pen that he hung Schilling out to dry. I have a custom of watching the WS and talking to my Dad on the phone. He's a big national league fan and he loves Schilling. Schilling didn't really deserve to lose like this. Brenly deserves all the criticism he gets. Now after gettng the righty out Batista is making way for Johnson to pitch to O'Neal. Why is Johnson is there? Because Brenly is terrified of his bullpen. I hope O'Neal lights him up.

Rivera is coming in for the Yankees next inning. Lights out boys.

Nov 4th, 2001, 10:50:38 PM
Yankees are still the best team. D'Backs just have two great pitchers, congrats to them.

Hell of a series, just hope next time the best team does win.

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:24:00 PM
Well, I was pulling for the Yankees, but the D'backs beat them fair and square. What an exciting game - the pitching duel was great.
Congratulations Diamondbacks...

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:24:09 PM
Well, they earned it. The D'Backs went up against the best the Yanks had to offer and this time they responded. Those last few innings have to elevate this series to a special place in baseball history. So many little things went against both teams. Rivera making yet another Yankee error. A bloop single that with a normal defense in place would have been an easy play for Jeter. Soriano digging an 0-2 slider practically out of the ground for the go ahead home run. I can't believe this game, this whole series. The Yanks just ran out of magic. Congrats to Arizona.

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:30:50 PM
I'm too down to watch the post game coverage but I imagine they gave Schilling the MVP. Well, did they?

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:34:28 PM
Hey, whoever you were pulling for, just know that we've all been witness to one of the best world series EVER. Has anyone here ever seen anything like that? I sure have not.

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:40:03 PM
Yes! The Diamondbacks won! Woooohoohoo!!!

Now, even though I am a major Red Sox fan, I will not gloat or say the Yankees suck or anything. They're a good team; they just weren't good enough this time.

Congratulations, Arizona, you deserve it.

World Series 2001 co-MVPs: Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling. Way to go, guys!

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:46:04 PM
Johnson deserves to be the co-MVP for what he did tonight. Coming in and getting 4 outs after throwing 104 pitches the night before is remarkable. I didn't think he could do it. But damn RH, doesn't it make you a little sick to see ANOTHER expansion team bring home a series? I guess the opponent softened the blow, but I can't see how Cubs or Red Soxs fans can stomach the Marlins or the D'Backs.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2001, 11:51:57 PM
I think Johnson and Schilling both deserved co MVP's. Second I want to say I am also a diehard Red Sox fn and some of us I am sure will gloat, but I am not that kind of person, I would only gloat if the Red Sox beat the Yankees in the playoffs ;) " As far as the an expansion team winning no I don't feel mad because the sox played awful this year (even though they had a lot of injuries but I am not about to use that as an argument) so they don't deserve a chance at the World Series. Interesting you bring up the Marlins Jedieb there are rumors circulating that Baseball is going to eliminate two teams next year and the Marlins are one of the contenders, the other two are the Twins, Devil Rays and the Expos. Now I would not miss the Expos a bit and they don't deserve to stay there if they can't even get more than 5,000 fans games, but the Twins and Marlins? Both teams played well this year and the Twins had their best attendance in years. So I guess if you pulled two teams pull the crappy Devil Rays and Expos I think baseball can live with out them.

Nov 5th, 2001, 12:20:50 AM
I agree about the Expos and the Devil Rays. They're both pretty bad teams, and there's no point in keeping them around anymore.

About expansion teams winning...it doesn't really bother me that much. Especially this time around. I like the D'backs, and I like Arizona (the state), so I was behind them 100% during the World Series. And the Marlins won back when I wasn't really into the MLB as much as I am now, so I didn't really care about that.

As for the Red Sox, I have to agree with Carr that they played pretty poorly for a good part of this year. For the first 3/4 or so of the season they were doing pretty good, but with all the injuries (not making excuses or anything) and Dan Duquette firing Jimy Williams at a crucial point in the season, everything finally started to unravel from there. I was kinda hoping that this would be the year where the Red Sox would make it into the playoffs without having to worry about the Yankees, but alas, it was not to be. :\

Speaking of Dan Duquette, he has got to be one of the worst General Managers I've ever seen. He makes terrible decisions, tries to run the show himself even though he doesn't know what the heck he's doing, and he is so smug and so sure of himself that...ugh! It's just sickening. I can not wait for the new ownership to get here (word is a bid has been placed, it should be any week now), hopefully they'll fire Duquette and get the Sox back on track.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 5th, 2001, 12:35:16 AM
I agree with you about Duquette. Actually until recently I defended the guy but he made just too many bad moves this season and actually going back to the end of last. If the rumor is correct though Charles Dolan will probably be the new owner. The part owner of Ny Knicks and the full owner of MSN he will be a real owner for a change. Then it looks like he will bring in Brian Sebean(sp) the Giants GM who is a native New Englander. after that who knows, I figure they will fire Kerrigan and either hire Alou or Schowalter both good mangers. As far as additions to the team there are some rumors that Boston may get Mo Vaughn back (the Angels despertaly want to trade him) I think it depends on how healthy he is. Still just to finally get a owner who has some kind of control will be a great think Boston has not had a real ownere since Yawkee died and that has been 10-15 years.

Doc Milo
Nov 5th, 2001, 12:39:48 AM
I have to offer my congratulations to the D'backs as well. Despite the incredible come-backs by the Yankees in games 4 and 5, I'd have to admit that the D'backs outplayed the Yankees in every game, save game three. The D'backs pitchers -- all of them except for Kim and Lopez -- really did well. Anderson and Batista, I believe were helped slightly by the Yankees total offensive funk, but they still pitched very well in their own right (the Yanks won both their starts, but they pitched well regarless); if the Yankees were going well offensively, I don't believe those two starters would have pitched as well, though.

But I'll take nothing away from the Diamondbacks. They didn't let the two devestating losses in games 4 and 5 get to them. They came right back out and played hard, and showed a lot of heart. They're a very good team, and the way they played, they deserve to be World Champs.

And believe me, those words do not fall easily from my lips (or leak easily from my fingertips to the keyboard.) My heart is breaking, but I have to admit that the D'backs deserved it. And -- does it make sense for a die-hard Yankees fan to be happy for some of those players over there? Depsite the fact that they won, I find it very hard to hate the Arizona Diamondbacks. They seem like a good bunch of guys who left everything they had out on that field, and still reached into the well for just enough to become champs.

So, congratulations Snakes -- you deserve to be proud.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 5th, 2001, 12:48:55 AM
Nice Doc your remarks do justice to Yankee fans (some fans of their teams get mad and start blaming) at least you do apprecitate that the Diamondbacks did a great job in this series. I am also happy for them mostly because of the players on the team who have never won like Johnson, Williams, Grace, etc I just loved watching them celebrate and cry it was such a great moment. Also the Yankees have nothing to be ashamed of they got to the World Series which is an accomplishment in itself, coming in I thought Seattle was going to win it all, and second they had won three world series in a row which is still and incredible feat too.

Nov 5th, 2001, 02:51:28 AM
They can kiss my butt. I don't have any respect for them and I don't think they are a very good team. I think Schilling is a great pitcher and I like him, I think Johnson is a great pitcher but I don't like him. He's too ugly, too, and I cannot stand looking at him or Counsell (who is a total homo).

I like Batista, the pitcher, the dude who played game 5. He's awesome, not as a pitcher really, but he's a cool guy. He's an economics major (tight!) and he's an author himself, so he's cool in my book. An EDUCATED baseball player who can write well too! Wow, he's the man.

I'm happy for him. That is it. The rest of those guys can kiss my fat hairy behind. Ok it's not hairy or fat, but still...

Go Yankees. They will win again soon...

They were just outplayed, but they are still the World Champions. They are the best team around. AZ cannot take that away, they can only pretend to be better. They haven't convinced me of jack.

Nov 5th, 2001, 08:59:44 AM
I have to agree with Doc. The D'Backs outplayed the Yankees for much of the series. The Yankees showed the heart and grit of champions, but the D'Backs consistently outpitched and outhit the Yankees. Their defense was better as well. Last night Finley and Counsel killed the Yankees. They each made plays that took runners out of scoring position and saved a couple of runs. While the Yankees had defensive miscues from Clemens, Maritinez, Brosius, Jeter, and Rivera. They're are a lot of veterans on the D'Backs that I feel good for, particularly Schilling and Grace. But like Doc, I'm heartbroken. I can't stand to listen to the radio or read the sports page. I'll take the classy route and give the D'Backs credit. This was a series to remember.

Nov 5th, 2001, 09:04:08 AM
WOW!! I was sooooo wrong :( Glad I didnt have money on the game:rollin

Nov 5th, 2001, 10:19:23 AM
Yep, I have to say the Diamondbacks certainly did outplay the Yankees, but I don't really think either team played that well. The Diamondback's major strength was their two pitchers, Johnson and Schilling. Without the two of them, the Yankees probably would have swept the series. And the Yankees, their offense was just terrible. They got very lucky in games 4 and 5 with those home runs, but they never really put together a consistent offensive drive at any point during the series. And both teams had their share of errors and misplays.

Despite all of that, the matchup was pretty even and I thoroughly enjoyed watching this series - it will probably go down as one of the better one's I've ever seen.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 5th, 2001, 02:35:32 PM
Jedieb you and Doc are gracious fans (I'm not going to comment on Jonathan's comments because it might just start a fight) This year Arizona are world champs as far as next year who knows that will be determine through free agency and trades also if they eliminate two teams who ever pics the best players of those teams might come out on top too like who ever gets Guerreor(sp).

Doc Milo
Nov 5th, 2001, 03:45:53 PM
Yeah. Next year, who knows what's going to happen. This year is the end of an era, as far as the Yankees are concerned. The talk around here is that there are going to be major changes on the Yankees next year -- but knowing Steinbrenner, the Yanks will still be in competition for the Series title. Cashman and Torre, it is rumored, have extenstions already worked out, just awaiting the final wording of the contracts to be approved by both sides.

But on the field, the Yankees may just lose all four corner slots (Right Field, Left Field, Third Base, and First Base.) Paul O'Neill is retiring, Brosius and Martinez are free agents, and Knoblauch is a free agent, as well -- although that's difficult to say because there has been a rumor that Knoblauch had signed a secret extension before the year started. Regardless of whether he did or not, I don't think he'll be a Yankee next year. Orlando Hernandez is elligible for arbitration, so the Yankees have to measure whether or not he has anything left, or if this year was just one of those injury plagued years and he's worth resigning. The Yankees are in control of that one because El Duque can't go anywhere unless the Yanks refuse to offer arbitration, and the Yankees will most likely win any arbitration case with him if they do offer it to him.

Now, I believe the Yanks should resign Tino. Give either the Left- or Rightfield job to Shane Spencer, and go out an sign a big bat for the other outfield position. Third base will be tricky. If the Marlins and the Expos are contracted out, perhaps they can draft Mike Lowell back, but I doubt that. Drew Hanson, minorleague third baseman, is not ready for the big leagues yet, so if Brosius doesn't demand too much, the smart move may be to resign him. Although they can go the trade route and try to pry someone like Scott Rolen away from the Phillies (they have a personality conflict between him and the manger there...) If they do give Spencer one of the outfield jobs, they will have to go out and try to sign a DH -- Justice has another year on his contract, and this year has been injury plagued for him as well, but it would be wise to not plan on Justice being the same player he was in 2000 for them.

Pitching wise, they still have Clemens, Pettitte, and Mussina as the big 1-2-3 in their rotation. El Duque may be back as number four, and I believe they can do worse than resigning Hitchcock as their number 5. Hitchcock pitched well in the Series, and he has been coming back from surgery. If he can return to pre-surgery form, he can be a very effective number 5 guy. I don't think they need to go out and get a starter, just resign what they already have -- they also have some minor league talent like Ted Lily who I think will only be better as he gains major league experience.

They do need to concentrate on their pen. They have Mendoza, Stanton and Rivera -- but they need to get some effective set-up men that can keep a 5-0 game close enough for them to stage a comeback in the late innings. Witasick and Wholers are most probably gone.

It all depends on how they decide to go, but there just may be a lot of new faces on the Yankees next year. I would keep Tino, but what if they can get a Giambi? There is a very good chance for a lot of moves to be made this off-season. And if there are, the Yankees may need a year or so to get the chemistry working just right... (That's one reason I'm in favor of resigning Tino and Brosius, and just going after one big bat for the outfield, and one for DH, and giving Shane Spencer a chance in the other OF position.)

Nov 6th, 2001, 03:16:51 PM
I think there's a good chance they may go after Giambi. Even if they don't, I don't expect Giambi to be back in Oakland next year. I'm anxious to see who picks up Gonzalez. I think he could put a club like the Cubs into the playoffs. But is Chicago willing to put up the cash? He's spurned the Yankees before so I doubt he'd head to New York. Regardless of what happens, this Yankee team is going to look very different next year.