View Full Version : Hey Darth23 - Your 80's show request is tomorrow night

Mu Satach
Oct 30th, 2001, 06:46:36 PM
I've got selections from

*drum roll*

Breakfast Club,
Pretty in Pink,
Sixteen Candles,
Say Anything, &
Somekind of Wonderful

but I've never seen Valley Girl so are there any particular songs you want?

Oct 30th, 2001, 07:02:03 PM
Not sure exactly what's up here, but I just had to throw my $0.02 in and ask where Weird Science is on that list??? One of my favorites of the cheesy 80's genre... Bill Paxton as Chet stole the show for me. And how could you forget that swanky theme music from Oingo Boingo?!

Mu Satach
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:26:39 AM
I produce my own show at my college radio station (http://www.kute.org) called the Cinema Sound Lounge. Each week I play a different sound track or do a compilation from similar movies.

Several months back Darth requested a John Hugh's 80's night and it's taken me a while to pull together the my picks along with everything else I do.

To include Weird Science I'd need some time to get the song list off of the film because off hand the only one I know is the Oingo Boingo song.

Oct 31st, 2001, 03:47:20 AM

I was going to send you an mp3 CD.

Important Valley Girl songs:

Party:(New Wavey)
Gary Myrick - She Talks in Stereo
Sparks - Angst in My Pants
Felony - The Fanatic
***Payolas - Eyes of a Stranger
***Men At Work - Who Can It Now

Punk Club: (indie-punky)
Pat Travers - I La La Love You
The Plimsouls - Everywhere at Once.
***The Plimsouls - Million Miles Away
***The Plimsouls - Oldest Story in the World

Josie Cotton - School is In
***Josie Cotton - He Could Be The One

***Modern English - I Melt With You

Misc songs:
The Flirts - Don't Put Another Dime In The Jukebox
Bonnie Hayes - Girls Like Me
Sparks - Eaten by the Monster of Love

The ***s are the most important songs in the movie.

I have a list of the songs from the two soundtracks here (http://www.freenet.tlh.fl.us/~alanwoot/Soundtracks5.txt) - some of the more famous songs (Toni Basil, Culture Club) weren't actually in the movie. :p

Anyway, all those songs are on Morpheus (so I hear) and will eb there through tomorrow at least.

Mu Satach
Oct 31st, 2001, 04:57:54 AM
Ahh kewl... I've grabbed some of those just on a whim...

I mean how can I not grab "Angst in my Pants" when tomorrow nights show is "80's Teen Angst" :D

the ads on Morpheous annoy me... though I hear XoloX is kinda groovy if you've got a high speed connection... I hear... :rolleyes

Thanks for *** marking the important ones... I'll see about getting as many of those as possible. :cat

Oct 31st, 2001, 11:36:40 AM
Morpheus' ads?

I just had to fight off like 5 XoloX ads with a stick. >D

I'll check it oot. :)

Oct 31st, 2001, 11:54:12 AM
Looks like it maxes out at 12k/sec.

Mu Satach
Oct 31st, 2001, 07:19:39 PM
*bursts into tears...*

I miss Napster!!!
