View Full Version : NBA season opens and MJ returns

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 30th, 2001, 12:47:31 PM
Well today opens the NBA Season or what should be better called the start of the Lakers run at a 3 peat. Also Jordan returns but for the lowly Wizards. I am sure there will be a lot of press about it but the Wizards will still stink because the second best player on the team is Richard Hamilton, while a good player, is no superstar. Also Jordan is 38 and will not be able to carry this team. Sure he will have his 40 point games every now and then but then he will have games where he really struggles. I have no clue why he came back, unless he is after the scoring title, he will not win a NBA Title with this team, hey I doubt they will even make the playoffs this season. As far as the NBA title I think the Lakers will dominate this year and probably win their third straight title. The only thing that could stop them is if Kobe and Shaq start bickering again, if they don't they have enough weapons and they even added 3-point specialist Mitch Richmond who will help against the zones teams will surly throw at them.

As far as the rest of the league here are some of the other contenders:
Toronto: added Oligiwon(sp) and has the best player in the game Vince Carter, they should win the east but probably get killed by the Lakers
Philidelphia: they are basically the same team except for adding Derrick Coleman(what) which will probably hurt the team. The guy is a whiner who only hurts the teams he plays for so with him Philly will probably only win the Atlantic Division and fade in the playoff
Orlando: gets Hill back and should be a dangerous team with Mcgrady but still missing a couple of pieces to get to the next level
Milawukee: has a good high scorring team but they have no center and unless the new rules really help them I don't see them advancing to the finals.
Sacramento: Now this is really the only threat to Lakers, if they things fall apart between Kobe and Shaq then the Kings will win their first NBA Title
Indiana: after going through a transition year they should get better this year. They are young but still dangerous with the duo of Miller and Rose, they could make it back to the Finals if all the pieces fall together.
San Antonio: They have the twin towers but that didn't help them last year as the Lakers rolled over them
Utah: How much longer before Stockton and Malone will retire?

That is basically it of the contenders my prediction is LA vs Toronto with the Lakers win in 5, to me they are just too good.

Oct 30th, 2001, 02:46:02 PM
Orlando: gets Hill back and should be a dangerous team with Mcgrady but still missing a couple of pieces to get to the next level

I heard yesterday that the Magic added Patrick Ewing to their roster in the off season. That could make a Magic/Lakers final very interesting. Ewing can't stop Shaq, but he could slow him down a bit and force Shaq to move away from the basket to defend Ewing's perimter game.

BTW, I'll be watching the other NYC sporting event tonight, Game 3 of the World Series. I can always catch up on Jordan's highlights on ESPN. If he scores 40 they'll probably ship the game over to ESPN Classic.

Oct 30th, 2001, 02:58:31 PM
So Ewing ended up with the Magic. Having grown up in NY and being somewhat of a Knicks fan, I was kinda sad to see him leave the Knicks, but I was never sure where he ended up. I agree with you EB, I would heavily favor Shaq in that matchup, but Ewing will make it interesting - he's still got some kick left in him (when he isn't injured, that is :mad )

As for the Yankees, I'll be watching and hoping they come back. Growing up I was definitely a Mets fan, but I don't mind the Yankees either - I think they have a great club. I'm kinda torn, in a way I want the Yankees to win as a NY-er, but on the other hand, they've won so many times that it would be nice to see someone else get a chance. And hey, the Diamondbacks have been playing well the first two games: if they win, it is because they deserve it (although the Yankees did give them a bit of a hand in game 1.)

Figrin D'an
Oct 30th, 2001, 03:31:04 PM
I think a healthy Michael Jordan will translate into about 15-20 more wins this season than last for the Wizards. They MIGHT (and I emphasize MIGHT) get the #8 seed in the East if they play well as a team and some other teams slip up. That's alot to expect though from such a young team...

The West is bascially the race for second best... is there anyone who honestly believes that any team can challenge the Lakers? The only thing that LA doesn't have, and that still separates them from the Bulls teams of the 90's, is total team chemistry. Yet, that has not stopped them from winning back-to-back titles and posting a 15-1 mark in the playoffs last season. If Phil Jackson can get the team to completely gel, the have a chance to do what the Bill Russell-led Celtics did many years ago...

In the East, the race is closer, but I think it will come down to the Orlando Magic and the Milwaukee Bucks. Right now, based on just paper stats, I'd say the Bucks have the advantage because of their high-powered offense. The addition of Anthony Mason gives them a legitimate power forward and a fifth scoring threat to go along with Allen, Cassel, Robinson and Thomas. Granted, they still lack a solid center, but a line-up that features any four of those players that I mentioned on the floor at one time is pretty impressive. Toronto will be good as well and will be right in the thick of the race. I really don't think Philadelphia is going the be the same team as they were last year. Iverson is still beat up after last season, George Lynch is gone, and Derrick Coleman is a temper-tantrum waiting to happen.

I'd say a Lakers/Bucks final, with Phil Jackson getting his third three-peat as a head coach...