View Full Version : O_o

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:11:07 AM
Hey, the background to the Sith Style is like one of those 3-D picture posters...weird....

Only there's no hidden picture. But if you look at it with your eyes unfocused... woooooooooo..... *passes out*

Lady Vader
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:35:38 AM
Good. I was afraid I'd have to hit you over the head with the handle of my whip to knock you out. :rolleyes

Sanis Prent
Oct 30th, 2001, 11:54:52 AM
Oh don't mind her. She can't throw a punch to save her life. She's aaaall talk :p

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 30th, 2001, 01:48:35 PM
Hey! I can too. I'd put Arya against Sanis any day of the week. Even today. Wait... *checks calendar* maybe not today...

Sanis Prent
Oct 30th, 2001, 01:50:01 PM
LOL....yer wee tiny!

Oct 30th, 2001, 01:50:37 PM
Originally posted by Arya Ravenwing
Hey, the background to the Sith Style is like one of those 3-D picture posters...weird....

Only there's no hidden picture. But if you look at it with your eyes unfocused... woooooooooo..... *passes out* Uh oh, my plot is unraveling.

Taylor Millard
Oct 30th, 2001, 02:26:33 PM
Oh Sanis, last I checked Arya had a gun and you have...what...charm? I think she's more powerful this time. ;)

Oct 30th, 2001, 03:48:10 PM
I'd put Arya against Sanis any day of the week
So would he :)

Sanis Prent
Oct 30th, 2001, 04:57:50 PM
Oh Sanis, last I checked Arya had a gun and you have...what...charm? I think she's more powerful this time.

I have a gun as well. The deciding factor is that I can fire from the hip...accurately ;) :smokin

Taylor Millard
Oct 30th, 2001, 06:02:59 PM
I did NOT want to hear that. >_< Goes back to Night Court.

Lady Vader
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:08:13 AM


I'm with Taylor on that one. Oy! :x

Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:10:11 AM
Bang Bang :smokin

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:18:58 AM
You shoot from the hip? Thats a strange place to...um...er...well...That is to say that I didn't think that...

Oh heck, here goes. I didn't think that the male anatomy [CENSORED FOR EXTREME CONTENT--SMALL CHILDREN SHOULD LEAVE THE ROOM]!!! I mean, is that really possible anyway?

Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:23:57 AM
Figuratively speaking, yes :) Wanna test the physics? :)

Taylor Millard
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:25:46 AM
>_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_<

Why am I even reading this!?!

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:44:38 AM
Figuratively speaking :)....when it snows on Honolulu, Sanis. :)

Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:57:19 AM
I hear that volcanic ash often settles slowly to the ground, in a snow-like manner.

Do you know how many volcanoes are around Hawaii? :)

Taylor Millard
Oct 31st, 2001, 02:24:48 AM
Oh so now you're gonna throw ash balls instead of snow balls?!? And Ashmen in stead of Snowmen? Gimme a break. :rolleyes :p

Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2001, 02:32:05 AM
No, nonsense.

(Pokes Arya with an "Ashsicle") ;)

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 31st, 2001, 02:38:39 AM
*grabs it and wrenches it away from him* :D

Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2001, 02:40:58 AM
My what firm hands you have.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 31st, 2001, 02:55:52 AM
I wish I could say the same. O_o

Taylor Millard
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:44:46 AM
>_< GIves up and goes to sleep :zzz

Oct 31st, 2001, 07:42:15 AM
Why did I even read this entire thread?!

Master Yoghurt
Oct 31st, 2001, 09:44:51 AM
Originally posted by Arya Ravenwing
Hey, the background to the Sith Style is like one of those 3-D picture posters...weird....

Only there's no hidden picture. But if you look at it with your eyes unfocused... woooooooooo..... *passes out*

What, you have not seen Jabba singing karaoke and C3P0 doing the riverdance yet..? It is all hidden in there. Try to look harder ;)

Sanis Prent
Oct 31st, 2001, 09:50:47 AM
Wait, I see it!

Its a....sailboat!

Dyne Darkforce
Oct 31st, 2001, 11:26:39 AM
Originally posted by Taylor Millard

Why am I even reading this!?!

Because it has some humorous content, perhaps? Curiosity got the best of you maybe? :p :lol

Eh, we need some laughing around here lately anyway. :rollin

Taylor Millard
Oct 31st, 2001, 11:46:31 AM
NO! It's not funny at all! I refuse to laugh!!! SERIOUSLY I REFUSE...to....:lol :lol aw crap...:)

Dyne Darkforce
Oct 31st, 2001, 11:50:31 AM
Told you, didnt I? :smokin :cool



....Well, it was the reason why I read through anyway. :lol

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:08:58 PM

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 31st, 2001, 05:26:31 PM
I didn't see Jabba! I saw Greedo giving me the finger! :mad

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 31st, 2001, 05:52:32 PM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt

What, you have not seen Jabba singing karaoke and C3P0 doing the riverdance yet..? It is all hidden in there. Try to look harder ;)

Originally posted by Arya Ravenwing
I didn't see Jabba! I saw Greedo giving me the finger! :mad

What have you been smoking/snorting/eating/drinking/injecting and where can I get some?:crack :lol :p

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 31st, 2001, 07:17:10 PM
*laughs remembering what happened later with the sailboat* :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 1st, 2001, 01:33:02 AM
*cries, remembering what happened later with Greedo and his finger*

Nov 1st, 2001, 06:34:27 AM
*cries, remembering what happened later with Greedo and his finger*

I believe this is where Sanis appears with a witty retort :)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 11:41:34 AM

Gitane Van Derveld
Nov 1st, 2001, 08:03:25 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Wait, I see it!

Its a....sailboat!

Aww Hell... :lol Out of boredom, I watched Mallrats today and Sanis reminded me of it.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 11:57:28 AM
You saw it too!? DAMMIT!!! Everyone can see this thing but me... But today's my day - I brought a sandwich and a soda, I'm gonna see this thing if I have to go blind trying... :lol

Lady Vader
Nov 4th, 2001, 03:13:29 AM
Uh... I don't see Jabba, or 3P0, or Greedo with his infamous finger.

But I do have a question on the image I do see... Could someone explain to me what that Jawa is doing to that bantha, and why??? It just looks... wrong. >_<


*Crosses eyes.*

Maybe I'm just tired and seeing things. :x

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 4th, 2001, 03:25:24 AM
...I see dead people.

Taylor Millard
Nov 4th, 2001, 03:27:15 AM
Gee so do I...and they're laughing at me. Why're they laughing at me!?! Why WHY! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Sanis Prent
Nov 4th, 2001, 03:13:30 PM
I see naked people, every day, every night...all around me. They're everywhere.

And the worst part is...they don't even know they're naked! :eek :uhoh :uhoh

Nov 4th, 2001, 03:36:31 PM
I dont see people. Just clothes walking round

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:18:37 PM
Originally posted by Taylor Millard
Gee so do I...and they're laughing at me. Why're they laughing at me!?! Why WHY! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Originally posted by Sanis Prent
I see naked people, every day, every night...all around me. They're everywhere.

And the worst part is...they don't even know they're naked! :eek :uhoh :uhoh

Originally posted by ReaperFett
I dont see people. Just clothes walking round

What have you been smoking/snorting/eating/drinking/injecting and where can I get some?:crack :lol :p

Sanis Prent
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:25:50 PM
Its the Amazing Johnathan's magic powder.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Nov 4th, 2001, 05:31:31 PM
No! It's Paint Thinner! PAINT THINNER!

:smokin :crack :rollin

Lady Vader
Nov 5th, 2001, 01:37:27 AM

*Shudders at the mention of paint thinner.* :uhoh

Stay away from me!!! :shootin

Or I'll eat ya!!! :cat

*Disapears.* :ghost

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 5th, 2001, 01:47:16 AM
:lol What was it Sanis said?
I see naked people. :lol

Sanis Prent
Nov 5th, 2001, 03:54:21 AM
You'll eat me huh?

:smokin @ LV

Promise? :cat :cat :cat

Taylor Millard
Nov 5th, 2001, 04:26:13 PM
Oww...brain ache...SANIS!!!! >_<

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 5th, 2001, 06:53:57 PM
baka.... :cat

Lady Vader
Nov 6th, 2001, 07:00:46 AM
Well, Sanis dear, only if you insist. >D :cat :smokin

But, wouldn't it make more sense if you ate me? :mischief :angel

:lol @ Taylor! Is Sanis too much for you? :p :crack

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Nov 6th, 2001, 11:59:10 AM
:o :eek :mischief :smokin ^_^; :mneh

check, please! :)

Nov 6th, 2001, 12:52:25 PM
I agree with Seer....


Taylor Millard
Nov 6th, 2001, 12:54:01 PM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
Well, Sanis dear, only if you insist. >D :cat :smokin

But, wouldn't it make more sense if you ate me? :mischief :angel

:lol @ Taylor! Is Sanis too much for you? :p :crack


I think I got a WWII test in 30 minutes and I'm busy reading stories about...umm...what does this classify as anyway? N/m. I'm still laughing as it is.


Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 7th, 2001, 01:22:20 AM

Um....Anyway...back to what you were doing. Wait, I started this thread. :mischief

*tiptoes through the tulips*

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 7th, 2001, 04:56:13 AM
*zones on the Imperial style background* I see Palpatine and a royal guard in this one... *passes out*

Lady Vader
Nov 7th, 2001, 05:26:50 AM

Well, I for one see a normal background with my eyes. But in my min'ds eye I see something verrrrry different. But you don't want to know what that is. I'm in one of those moods. Good moods. Yes, VERY good moods. So, no, I can't say what my mind's eye sees cause there are minors present. :mischief

BTW, Jubei, with you posting your response as Jubei, it just seemed... odd. But, glad it was enjoyable... or whatever. :lol

I'm gonna shut up now cause I'm starting to hallucinate. :crack

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 7th, 2001, 01:29:25 PM
baka..... :mneh :cat

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 8th, 2001, 02:21:14 AM
What does baka mean? Am I the only person who doesn't know?? :uhoh

Taylor Millard
Nov 8th, 2001, 02:39:53 AM
I don't think I WANT to know. >_< :mneh

Nov 8th, 2001, 02:48:55 AM


Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 8th, 2001, 03:02:03 AM
Originally posted by Firebird1

You know, unless you really think I'm stupid, don't call me it, okay? Really pisses me off. And when I get mad...PEOPLE DIE! >D :shootin

Taylor Millard
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:01:12 AM
Gah! Ducks underneath the hail of bullets.

C',mon this is reminding me of what I did this afternoon. Or followed atleast.

Serena Laran
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:16:49 AM
Hey, at least I'm just shooting at him, not hijacking a truck and catching it on fire.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 11:22:23 AM
hehe....I thought everyone knew what baka meant by now......:lol

Taylor Millard
Nov 8th, 2001, 12:47:25 PM
Originally posted by Serena Laran
Hey, at least I'm just shooting at him, not hijacking a truck and catching it on fire.

Tell that to the guy who's in the hospital right now. What an idiot. Stealing a Mack Truck, then leading police on an hour and a half chase. Whatta moron.

And I still don't know what 'baka' means. But then I've got a WWII test in 35 minutes...:rolleyes

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 12:55:57 PM
baka basically is stupid or idiot.....

Nov 8th, 2001, 03:41:30 PM
Ghitfur is a far better word

Sanis Prent
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:04:24 PM

Nov 8th, 2001, 04:13:02 PM

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 9th, 2001, 12:48:28 AM



Gerald Tarrant
Nov 9th, 2001, 01:08:41 AM

Nov 9th, 2001, 03:25:50 AM

Morgan Evanar
Nov 9th, 2001, 10:55:27 AM

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Nov 9th, 2001, 12:08:02 PM

Taylor Millard
Nov 9th, 2001, 11:32:54 PM

Lady Vader
Nov 10th, 2001, 07:01:36 PM
If that's what baka means, then I say "Humph". :mad

*Jots down a few names.*

Thank you. When I'm famous I'll make it a point not to like you.


Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 11th, 2001, 01:12:32 AM
See! I *knew* I wasn't the only one who didn't know what it meant!

Right? :huh