View Full Version : 48 hours!

Pierce Tondry
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:41:27 PM
I'm gone for 48 hours and look at the mess!


Well, at least I don't have any of the stigma regarding this garbage sticking to me, and I did get to talk to Varlon about the Fleet Rules. Hopefully I won't get as sloppy a treatment as you guys should something require me to take action.

Oct 29th, 2001, 04:43:28 PM
In many ways, I wish I hadn't been around for this mess either. Try to do the right thing in your opinion and then a few of the people with chips on their shoulders revolt. Oh joy, but such is life as an Admin.

Glad to hear you spoke with Varlon. :)

Pierce Tondry
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:50:00 PM
So am I. :) It brings me one step closer to defeating the arguments that could be brought up against my unfairness.

Firebird is on my list, as is Khendon Sevon. I waited around for most of Saturday, but Varlon was the only one I saw. I don't know if I have all of Firebird's AIM names, though, so he may have been online and I just didn't see him. I know I don't have the one in the convo Ogre posted.

Sunday, I just couldn't be on. Too much to do, what with my car out of commission and all. |I

Don't worry guys. We'll beat this stuff.

Sanis Prent
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:54:07 PM

There ya go buddy....

Pierce Tondry
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:56:14 PM
Doesn't do me any good right now, but later I'll be able to add it to my AIM list. I'm at school at the moment and am simply burning time before class.

Oct 30th, 2001, 01:38:56 AM
Well, at least I don't have any of the stigma regarding this garbage sticking to meWant to bet money on that?

I was talking to someone earlier (I'll not say who, as they asked me not to mention their name). Basically, this person feels that someone is made a SWFans admin/mod based strictly on personal relationships with the Admins (ie, "Hey buddy, can you make me a mod? Thanks!"). Although I don't know how this person came by the information, they pointed out that almost all of the Admins/Mods have access to Dale's Study (and the promotion of Sanis and Tondry seems to have reinforced this notion). This seems to be what's lead to the assumption that we operate as some sort of clique.

Champion of the Force
Oct 30th, 2001, 01:58:10 AM
How have you all be going about appointing mods recently Have you been holding nomination threads and the like or merely choosing them on whim?

Champion of the Force
Oct 30th, 2001, 02:50:11 AM
Well Jedah has just posted his huge essay on his problems - it's clear now, this is against the administration of this board (though I guess you all knew that already :)).

Reaper is leading a nice little counter offensive though, which is sweet.

I should probably take this opportunity to point out that I probably won't be consdering Figrin, Hart or Reaper for the mod job in the SW section after this (I haven't yet gotten down to decding who will get the job yet, but they were in running at least). Since they all are major RP figures it would probably be construed that it was an underhanded deal to get them into RP moderating. Stupid I know, but everyone is clearly paranoid about this.

Besides, posters like Reaper are what I call 'admin buddies' who serve us best amongst the general poster population - it keeps some support for us there. :)

Oct 30th, 2001, 09:32:05 AM
How have you all be going about appointing mods recently Have you been holding nomination threads and the like or merely choosing them on whim?

We haven't been holding nomination threads and Nup pointed out a very good reason why in his response to Jedah. We also have not been appointing them on a whim. DT and I discussed who we thought would make the best choices, came to some agreements, then contacted said individuals to find out if they were willing to perform the duties.

I actually think Figrin would make an excellent moderator, but can understand if you would rather not consider him because of his RP connections.

Oct 30th, 2001, 11:50:46 AM
Gah... I still haven't gotten to sleep. I'm quite literally bleary-eyed right now. I''m gonna zonk out for a few hours and hope this doesn't become even more of a mess by the time I wake up.

I hope my post in the OOC thread was appropriate.

Champion of the Force
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:22:28 PM
I see. I see no actual fault in that method, except that it can appear to be a 'closed door' method which has obviously fueled Jedah's and Firebird's suspicions about it all.

That's why I prefer to do it like the way I'm appointing the SW mods now - hold a nomination process but reserve final judgement on the appointment. Keeps both the posters and myself happy. :)

PS. That's how I appointed DT, yourself, Nup and Delirion were appointed BTW.

Sanis Prent
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:38:39 PM
This seems like a veiled bitch to get one of their constituents into the staff. As diplomatic as it would be, we really can't put a mod to a vote now. If Dara volunteered and got enough support, and we opted for a similarly-popular candidate, they'd eat us for lunch on accusations of partiality and favoritism |I

Oct 30th, 2001, 05:40:19 PM
Yep, thats what Rama is crying about over at TSE, his being overlooked. He thinks seniority should be the deciding factor. :x

Champion of the Force
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:50:22 PM
I'd like to see that happen.

I've already called out Jedah regarding his comment about how these issues have been around 'for over a year now'. Since I was head admin 12 months ago, I'd be very interested to see if he had something bad to say about the way I was running the show.

With the exception of revoking the personal pics in December, my record is as solid as rock as far as I'm aware of.

Unfortunately I can't help you guys much in the current situation because most of the events alluded to occured after I had quit as admin and thus have no knowledge of. I do my best to pick out points that I either know about (eg. editing Ogre's post) or could involve me (admin actions a year ago) but apart from that I'm a bit tied down. :(

Oct 30th, 2001, 05:55:21 PM
The "outside" perspective is a good one to have working as one of the staff. :)

Champion of the Force
Oct 30th, 2001, 06:07:04 PM

I kind of hope Jedah does call me on it - he's clearly using the 'essay' style of debate (otherwise known as 'blah blahs') I used to love to use to bewilder posters, so I wouldn't mind going toe to toe with him on that one.