View Full Version : Hey how do i Start a yard

Korran Horn
Oct 26th, 2001, 04:35:36 PM
hey im new here and i need some help i couldn't find anything in the faqs and i need some help startin' a yard so pleez help me yall

Sanis Prent
Oct 28th, 2001, 03:43:49 AM
Hi Corran, I'm Sanis Prent, one of the posters here at SWfans.net as well as a moderator of the fleet RP shipyard forum. First off, I'd like to apologize for the previous distractions in the thread. We all can sometimes go off on strange tangents (myself included).

As far as shipyards are concerned, there are a few things that you need to do. First, you need to get four other unique characters to form a group with you, so that you total five unique members. By unique, I mean that these count individual people, not one or two people playing five characters.

Once you and your four other members post <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10480>here</a>, your group will become an officially recognized fleet group at SWfans. This will allow you to construct fleets and participate in such RPs, as well as have a shipyard section on the SWfans board.

First, you will need to get a planet. This can be done through an initial RP. As you will only have a handful of personal craft, this is usually in the form of some political rise to power, or some kind of bloodless coup. This will be left to your imagination, just know that you can't take your own homeworld with a star destroyer you don't have the ability to possess.

After you've RPed out your homeworld situation, you can build shipyards. These structures are generically 40 kilometers long, and can house anything within of a lesser length. Keep in mind that the length of 40 km is the maximum size for a shipyard. Construction for the shipyards takes 40 days, and you can have as many as two military yards (for your production) and one customer yard (for purchases from your group.)

From there on, you can build ships at a length of 250 meters per day, per shipyard. This means that if you want to build a star destroyer, you'll have to wait seven days for the main hull to finish building. Include shuttles, fighters, bombers, and other craft...and it can become 10 days or more. Don't overextend yourself, and you should do just fine. The beginning is the toughest part.

If there are any other fleet RP questions, feel free to ask either myself, my colleague Pierce Tondry, or any of the seasoned Fleet RP vets here. They should be eager to provide further information.