View Full Version : TPM commentary

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 25th, 2001, 05:37:47 PM
Today I finally watched the commentary by Lucas etc and it was great. They gave a lot of info that I didn't no and helped to explain some of the things they did. One thing that I thought was very cool was in the scene when Padme came out and told everybody she was the Queen, Lucas said that Qui-Gon knew it all along and had been toying with her on Tatooine. I had always thought that was case but now we know it is fact because it comes from the Lucas. Second as I was watching the pod race and that new scene where Anakin fixes the cable that has fallen off the pod. Call me crazy but it looks like to me that Anakin uses the force to bring the cable in on to his hydrospaner or what ever that is he is holding. Has anybody else noticed this.

Oct 25th, 2001, 06:09:08 PM
It looked to me as if the hydrospanner was magnetized. The Force may have helped Anakin, but I don't know if attracting the coupling with the Force was something he was consciously capable of. Qui-Gon's reaction at the swamp certainly backed Lucas' statement, but I thought that Obi-Wan still looked surprised. In retrospect, it does seem as if Qui-Gon had been taunting Padme on Tatooine. But Obi-Wan and Padme never interacted enough for us to get the feel that Obi-Wan also knew she was the queen.

Overall I thought the commentary was great. It was pretty neat to see that Sebulba had been left out of one Pod Race scene. You could spot some of the more difficult shots and what went into them. It's definitely worth a second or third viewing.

Oct 25th, 2001, 06:23:40 PM
Maybe the force does help, but the bar Anakin uses is indeed a magnet, you can catch that tidbit in the making of part on disc 2.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 25th, 2001, 07:16:09 PM
I wasn't really sure I first thought it was a magnet but then I thought it was perhaps the force I guess it could have been a combination of the two like he was using the force without even knowing he was. As far as Padme goes I am not sure about Obi-Wan, Lucas said both of them but you are right that Obi-Wan barely saw Padme, unless this happened in scenes we did not see. Another possiblity is that Qui-Gon told Obi-Wan that she was the Queen, that would make some sense but it would just be assumtion since we never see them talk on the issue.

Oct 30th, 2001, 10:10:59 AM
To me it looked simply like a magnet. The way that it was attracted and how it stuck to the tool Anakin used did not seem like he was using the Force. As for it being hydrospanners, weren't they a little smaller? I don't know, I'll have to watch TESB again.

I thought that them leaving out Sebulba in that one podrace scene was really funny. Not so much that they left him out, but that I don't think anybody around here noticed that. I could be wrong, but with all the conversations flying around here nitpicking every little detail, I don't recall ever seeing anyone having caught that one. I wonder if there are any other ones out there that we haven't picked up on...

I also thought that it was really interesting how they used that crew member (John Knoll, I think, is that right?) in a cameo as the pilot getting shot down in the droid control ship attack.

All in all, I thought that the commentary was really good, though I actually only watched about 3/4 of it, so I need to go back and watch the rest.