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Oct 24th, 2001, 04:28:13 PM
from TF.N:

Third Episode I DVD Disc Rumored
Wed, Oct 24, 01 06:12:56 PM EDT

Obi-Wan69 sends in this news item. From today's Dark Horizons' update:

"Also, rumors have it that there may be another Star Wars DVD coming. Fan response to the extras on the second DVD disc of "the Phantom Menace" has been great but many are wishing Lucas had kept in some scenes hinted at in the audio commentary or briefly glimpsed in the "making of" documentaries (such as more of the lightsaber duel). Also, the main "making of" documentary's early cut ran four hours, leaving tons of left behind footage. Now, rumors are starting that Lucasfilm may release a "supplemental" DVD disc, packed with more extras, including more commericals, more scenes and maybe even a section on the media coverage of the film. No official word yet but if it happens, it would be the first time a DVD has been released packed with nothing but extras. Would be cool, if it goes through."
A third disc would indeed be very cool. It's great to see such positive reaction over the DVD and hope Lucasfilm takes notice of its popularity.

I hope this is true :)

Oct 24th, 2001, 04:47:04 PM
That would be very cool, but I think I could wait a few years until *maybe* a box set of all 6 movies is released. Nevertheless, if it came out, I'd buy it. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 24th, 2001, 10:54:34 PM
I hope that is true it would be so cool and I would buy it too if it came out.

Oct 30th, 2001, 10:14:25 AM
I don't know if I'd rush out on that one. I guess it depends on what is actually on it, and how much they are selling it for. I think you are right JMK, though, if they do come out with it, it will probably be included in a larger box to be released later.

Oct 30th, 2001, 02:06:02 PM
The whole rumor has been debunked now anyway. It's a moot point. No 3rd disc for us...not yet...ah well.