View Full Version : "From Hell" kind of sucked...

Oct 24th, 2001, 02:25:20 AM
The most disappointing movie I've seen this year probably, not necessary the worst, though. I'd give it two stars. Great cinematography in many parts and I liked the visuals mostly, but it was like a really, really, really lousy version of Sleepy Hollow, which is a four star film to me.

From Hell is truly the movie from hell.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:12:12 PM
Well I guess I will wait for that movie on tape. Still how was the story? Did they even do a believable job on who the Ripper was or was it garbage?

Oct 25th, 2001, 02:30:28 AM
They did add an interesting take on why he killed all of these people, but I didn't particularly like it. The storyline sort of bored me. It was too gory for me, too pointless most of the time. This is too bad because I find the whole "Jack the Ripper" idea pretty eery and cool, I mean cool in a morbid sort of way as a good legend, but one that is true, if you know what I mean.

I would rent From Hell, but just don't rush to theaters to see it. I mean, Bandits was a much better film, not "great," but at least good. I am just trying to decide whether it is 3 stars or 3.5... It's hard.

I want to see The Last Castle really badly.

I am going to review From Hell and some other films soon, so I'll post those on my site. There are a ton of major changes coming to JLB Media. I mean, it's hard to describe even, but there is a significant change to every site and a few being added.

JLBMovies.com will launch soon and that will have the reviews from before when it was JLBMedia.com, but this time it'll have about 35 new reviews plus the old ones will be re-written (I was not as good of a writer then; the old reviews are not as good).

I'll make an announcement about my sites tomorrow when I have some final details worked out.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 25th, 2001, 10:21:39 AM
I heard from somebody else who saw it that it was really gory which doesn't really surprise me since its about Jack the Ripper (he really mutilated a few of those girls) but I guess they might of got too much into the gory from the way you described it. I will probably skip it in theaters and probably just wait for the video. Speaking of horror films is anybody going to see 13 Ghosts? It looks interesting but then again it is made by the same people who did House on Haunted Hill and that was not a great movie at all and very gory. I am wondering if this will be repeat of that one.

Oct 25th, 2001, 11:21:46 AM
wasnt Jack the Ripper the one who could jeap long distances? If so, he only killed one person. If not, Ill shut up

Oct 25th, 2001, 02:12:24 PM
13 Ghosts, haha. Yeah everyone I have talked to says it looks pretty good, but they always say, "Except that it was made by the people who did the House on Haunted Hill." See, that is why you DO NOT put that crap in your advertisements because it just hurts your cause, honestly.

You don't say, "FROM THE MAKERS OF WATERBOY AND LITTLE NICKY!" I mean, what the hell is that going to do other than deter every person who would have seen your movie?!

Oct 25th, 2001, 04:50:42 PM
Just saw a small clip. Can I just say, Johnny Depp's London accent was supoib

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 25th, 2001, 05:05:28 PM
I am not sure who you are talking about Reaper, but Jack the Ripper was the first modern serial killer, he killed 5 prostitutes in White Chapel London in the 1890's. His claim to fame was how he killed them, he mutilated their bodies, tearing them apart (one girl after he was done with her there was much left recognizable). The other big question was who was he. He would toy with the police by sending in notes signed Jack, then is when the papers named him Jack the Ripper. Still he was never caught and the killings mysteriously stopped. There are several plausable supects, one was a British Lord Sir William Gull, a noted surgeon who had been known to be involved with prostitutes. Then there is a member of the royal family (he may have been in the film I have no clue) who was a nut. He too fooled around with prostitutes but he was insane and was later (not long after the last murder) committed. One historian claims that the crown covered up his involvement and that is why we never found out. There is a third suspect a man (I can't remember his name) who jumped off the bridge not long after the last murder.

As far as 13 Ghosts go I agree with you Jon that was a stupid marketing ploy. House on Haunted hill was a gory mess, it wasn't scary just gory and it was remake on a good B movie (it starred the great Vincent Price and was good only because of him the master of horror) this new movie is much the same a remake of another 60's horror film so it might be just as bad.

Oct 25th, 2001, 05:10:49 PM
Well, I read he attacked women, often causing bad scars, but only killed once, when he threw a prostitute into the Thames, which in this area was thick sludge.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 25th, 2001, 05:17:41 PM
As far as I know none of the Ripper's lived, of course this could be some copy cat that did this years later and that would make more sense.

Nov 1st, 2001, 06:17:40 PM
Until the last act...I could not believe how much I dug this film. At times I was giddy in my utter enjoyment of it(and I don't get like that very often). I loved SLEEPY HOLLOW, but I would have to say IMHO this was a superior film(and I don't think they're that similar other than the whole Depp thing). I am anxiously awaiting another voyage(as in I wanna see it again). Films that can grab you and take you to another world are awesome...and this one did that for me.

Nov 1st, 2001, 07:11:46 PM
I didn't find hardly anything redeeming about the film. The setting was kind of nice, good cinematography, and Depp was fine, but the movie was just so boring I honestly wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep except that I remembered I should review it for my Website.

Ah well, what a yawn fest. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though. I still think it's a good deal similar to Sleepy Hollow in that the feeling of the sets and the film is nearly identical. It's like the same Production Designer did both movies or something, hehe.

Nov 1st, 2001, 07:19:56 PM
I really didn't expect much from it. My best friend wanted to see it so off we went(it was kind of a farewell thing as I'm moving out of the state on Saturday). Like i said earlier...I was SHOCKED at how much I dug it.

Hmmm I guess it had similar architecture(Production design)..ubt it was a pretty distinctly different time period, to me anyways.