View Full Version : Force of a Demon(Open challenge to a padwan)

Syndell Draclau
Oct 23rd, 2001, 10:08:17 PM
Walking through the woods Syndell looked around for a jedi. She opened up her senses to the force and tried feeling for one. She couldn't detect any near her as of yet.

"Damn jedi where could you be"

Syndell kpet her senses open as she continued to walk through the woods.

OOC:Syndell is in her human form right now. But she can morph into her demon form which is her true form. She is but a deciple so i'd like it if only a padwan would accept this fight.>D

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:30:39 PM
You search, and I am here.

(A voice came from above, as the white-clad monk jumped from a tree branch 25 feet above, landing on the leafy ground without a sound. He stood to his full stature, and bowed to the stranger.)

To what purpose do you seek my presence?

Syndell Draclau
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:38:30 PM
Syndell Looked at the man with emotionless eyes. The wind was a gentle breeze and it blew her black and silver hair about.

"I seek to make a challenge....a fight if want to call it"

Syndell put a hand over her saber but not taking it out yet she studied the man. It was unusual to see a monk in such a place.

"But the question is, are you the one that will accept my challenge"

She waited for his answer.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:44:02 PM
I will not.

(Jubei stood stoic.)

You expend your energies wastefully, in pursuit of your own destruction. No good can come of that which you desire.

Syndell Draclau
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:48:17 PM
Syndell looked at the man with a questioning eyebrow.

"Nothing can come of it....surely you are joking"

She began to pace around the man.

"Power my jedi friend, power is what i desire and power is what i will have"

With one quick angellic movment she took out one of her sabers and ignited it slicing a tree in halfe and using force push to send it falling in the direction of Jubei.

"If you will not fight then you will defend. Either way you will accept my challenge"

OOC:Reply tomorrow, gotta go.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 24th, 2001, 12:08:11 AM
(With grace of a swan, Jubei glided out of the trunk's path as it crashed to the ground.)

What delusion do you face? You search for power, yet do so through a monk of balance? Whatever you think you are searching for, I neither possess it nor know how it can be attained.

Continue your path, and your fruits will be exhaustion, and frustration, not that nebulous concept that your greed searches for.

Save your health and your wits, and leave me be.

Syndell Draclau
Oct 24th, 2001, 06:40:09 PM
Syndell couldn't help but laugh when the monk asked her to leave him be.

"You don't seem to get it monk. You are the one that came to me, so now i shall collect my prize"

Standing in a common attack position she readied her saber infront of her body.

"And that prize is......my victory over YOU!"

Syndell ran at the monk with aid from the force. Reaching to her side she put her left hand over her other saber. Slashing in with the right, she quickly unclipped and ignited her second saber and made a criss cross slash towards his Jubei's mid section.

OOC:Now why did you have to take my challenge. No offense but i have seen you with others and you are very good. But i shall try my best, just don't expect some fancy moves or writing that you do with ease.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 24th, 2001, 08:38:55 PM
(With deft quickness, the monk jumped upwards, his bare feet barely passing above the slashing sabers. Jubei spread his legs wide as he jumped, pressing the soles of his feet firmly against the trunks of two adjacent trees, braking his descent, and keeping him suspended in place. Quickly, Jubei allowed his weight balance to cause his torso to spin downwards, where he delivered a double kidney chop to the Sith. He then braced his hands, dropping to the ground, and giving Syndel a swift kick under her chin as he folded his graceful form into a back handspring, gliding into a swanlike combat stance.)

Syndell Draclau
Oct 25th, 2001, 10:55:11 PM
Stumbling backwards from the kick, Syndell regained her stance. Looking at Jubei, Syndell knew she wouldn't be able to beat him like this. Calling on the darkness of the force she let out a deafening scream that paralyzed Jubei for a moment.

"Now you foolish human, you shall fight me as i really am"

Dark particles began to swhirl around her like a tornado. They soon began to sink into her body, changing it's form, mutating it. In a matter of minutes Syndell had morphed into a demon, her true form.

Standing at an immense 7ft 8 inches tall she looked down at the monk.

"Now you shall feel my wrath"

Picking up a nearby boulder she flew it at the Monk with great accuracy and speed. But secretly using the force she levitated a few medium rocks behind him and to the side of him also sending them in his direction.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:23:22 PM
(He bent like a reed in the wind, his form imitating the graceful swan as the Force filled him. The large boulder was easy enough to avoid, Jubei's torso twisting back and to the side, allowing it to pass over. His instincts detected the rock to his side, and he uncoiled his frame, driving a precise ram's head strike into the stone, obliterating it into dust. He was not quick enough to avert the attack from behind...the stone driving hard into his solar plexus. With a disciplined release of ki-ah, Jubei bore the pain, distributing it through his body as he moved through the strike, falling then rolling forward into a monkey stance. With a twising motion, the monk stretched the afflicted muscles, relieving the contact pain.)

Syndell Draclau
Oct 26th, 2001, 11:06:44 AM
Feeling the pain given off by the monks energy, Syndell rushed in, not giving him anytime to try and heal himself. Slashin virtically with her left hand, She shot her right forward like a spear aiming for his gut area. Her claws where razor sharp and capable of cutting almost anything.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:48:56 PM
(Her motions were fast, powerful, but lacking finesse. Jubei quickly ascertained the situation, catching the demon's overhanded swipe beneath the wrist, capping his other hand over her claws, pressing in, and rolling backwards, using his hand on her wrist as a pressure fulcrum. At the risk of breaking her wrist and shredding ligaments and tendons, the creature was coerced by her own forward momentum, as Jubei rolled back and tossed the demon over and behind him, into a tree. Rising to his feet, Jubei winced where a claw from her right hand had pressed into a gap between one of his ribs, causing a minor flesh wound. Focusing, Jubei controlled his pain receptors, and ceased the minor bleeding.

The monk dropped into a squared stance, one hand tucked at his belt.)