View Full Version : Alone in the Dark

Severen Morkonis
Oct 22nd, 2001, 08:05:04 PM
Sieken sat in in his TIE Interceptor, "The Ravens Claw" his eyes wide awak and alert like an eagel waiting for his prey, his TIE sat in the middle of an open feald the grass was about long enough to reach up to the TIEs underside, the only shimmer of life was the lights that gleamed in the light mist from a distant town...

'Man Sanis where the hell are you...you and you damn fasionably late entrances!' he mutterd loadly to himself his anger grew more and more over this man, his sercastic grins and uncontrolibly stupid smart ass comments angerd Sieken beyonde belefe...but still Sanis and him were old.....aqantences as we say.....Sieken gre even more inpatient as he looked at his watch...Quater past 2 in the morn and we have to cross country and do our mission....were gonna be late..thought sieken..were gonna be late..

Sieken looked down apon his black camo gear as if he was some shadow in the mist...a killer that could emerge from the depth of darkness strike and vansih into thin air....his old NR days in the specel forces told him how to...

Sieken chuckled to himself a slight bit...imagining what Sanis would be dressed in for the ocassion...pronoly a Hawien shirt with a mexican hat and a cigar knowing that man..., Sieken leaned back as his TIE stood in darkness...

Sanis Prent
Oct 23rd, 2001, 12:33:09 PM
(The early morning dew clung to the grass like stim crystals on a string, their cool damp touch was chill on my skin as I ran through the field. In the distance, the TIE stood out amongst the green, angular and dark, a metallic sliver in the flesh of the earth. I'd slipped away from the hangar without too much attention. Sasseeri had returned to her vessel, taking care of some managerial matter. As long as she stayed away from Coruscant and Saarrreeaa, respectively, I could breathe a little easier. The game I was playing was shakier than a 55 level game of Jenga over a fault line. A mere whisper would crash it all down around me.

Thats why I hesitated to go with Sieken on this run. It needed to be done, sure enough...but I couldn't risk taking my eyes off my employer for a second. Here's to a gamble, I guess. Hopefully, Saarrreeaa was up to the task of delaying her good Aunt.

With a quiet rustling of grass, I made it to the TIE. Sieken was already there, and it looked like I had kept him waiting.)

Sorry bout the delay...sticky situation.

Hope your TIE's a two-seater, else we're gonna need better accomodations. Layla's still in dry-dock, and I'm not gonna use a star ferry. I don't want a passenger manifest pointing anywhere near me.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 23rd, 2001, 04:36:51 PM
' Aww crap the calvelry has arrived' said sieken looking away sercasticly almost sneering...

Turning towards Sanis, Sieken put on a fake grin and nodded

'Ahh Sanis ole buddy ole pal...short time no see...so....you got me all in the middle of this open fiald for what a Picnic?? good old cup-o-tea with a scon with jam?..its cold,its wet and im sure not staying for desert...so whats the plan boyo?'

He said looking down to his H.U.D. pointing out the outside tempreture....1 degree freezing weather, Sanis was ether as useral making fun of sieken, or he was beaing seroise...of course Sieken was no fool...but Sanis has a trick up his sleeve...something fishy...something fiandish...Sanis never called Sieken alone unless it was for his choosen subject....

...Sieken shook his head and once again looked up to Sanis lighting a cigrette....Sieken coughed....'Do you have to?'

Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2001, 12:15:11 AM
(I glanced at Sieken through a screen of exhaled smoke. He'd either woken up on the wrong side of the bed, or gotten a Kowakian Monkey Lizard stuck where the sun didn't shine...and lo and behold, not a proctologist to be seen on Arcan IV. Not that we'd ever been close. My association with the freelance gun-for-hire was relatively cozy compared to the first impression. He'd done a little exploratory decorating at my old apartment. It wasn't appreciated.

Now I was offering him a job...the second of such that I'd given him. I figured he was too busy rolling around in the mundane to grasp the metaphysical. That was alright, too. Credits have a way of helping people find that ray of sunshine that enlightenment couldn't bring em.)

Simmer down, pal...you're freezing your ass off for 200,000 credits. After that, you can fry your buns on sun-parched Jundland Wastes sand in an all-expense paid vacation to Tattooine, for all I care. You'll be in the green, so lets cut the chatter.

(I tossed him a datapad)

Its all there, but in short...seems there's a senator from Kolvi that's starting some right-wing movement to clamp down on outer-rim trade, by raising tarriffs. He says its to balance import costs, but its just another ploy to strangle the stim trade on the Rim.

So...I've been tossed this proposition from several angles. The Hutts, Black Sun, a few other mafia guilds operating cartels that are under fire here. The consensus is that Senator Jand has overstayed his welcome in office. I courted the contract to the highest bidder, and so we're in the game for a 400,000 score. Senator Jand's attending a summit on Kuat in two days, but I've got other ideas for him.

(I paused, flicking away the head of ash that had accumulated on the tip of my smoke like a Hoth snowdrift)

So, here we are. I told you I don't run chump jobs. You provide the guns and transportation, I provide the credentials, connections, and accomodations. We're booked at a five star resort, under legit aliases.

(I flipped him another datapad, with a professionally-doctored holo-ID)

Even if they got the tip off, It would take them five days to run a check on it.

(I tossed my cigarette into the grass, running a hand through my hair)

Well, that about covers all corners on this.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 26th, 2001, 05:45:22 PM
A hand ran down siekens face, wipeing away the sleep dust in his eyes, Sieken sighed thinking on the deal, looking at the fake ID and the chip in his lap...

'Provide the guns you say?' Sieken chuckeld ' I have provided myself the weapons of operation in this situation... i dont trust Hutt tech and i certainly dont work with the Suns equiptment ether, both about as realiable as a un-serviced YT2500'

Sieken contemplated the proposal a few times over and over in his head, the whole ordeal must have taken a minuted or two to think about...Sanis looked edgy, talking sharpe and with no sercastic comments??..something was wrong..Sieken grinned...

'You get me in the facility....you provide me a way out...im a Sniper/Infiltrator not a stratgist...i want the records to the fake ID scrapped after the shooting and i dont want no crappy sercastic comments ether on this mission ..keep it to yourself...'

Sieken surprised himself with that last comment...Sanis was a tough guy, but since after he met the guy to pay up for the damages..he hadent been afraid of the guy...Sieken had anough ties to string the guy up for a few things anyway if he had to....so they were even on the field...Sieken liked Sanis but the feelings were not mutural...

'So why me Sanis...why not the bloody Cat...or another one of your gun-running nutters...finaly rearlised you need my help huh?...or this another sercastic move from the professor of Sercasem from Consurant Universty? IE YOU.

Sanis Prent
Oct 27th, 2001, 05:39:39 PM
Like you said, you're a sniper and an infiltrator. Best combination for the work at hand. You're a hired gun, and thats what the doctor ordered. Cut the crap and speculations.

(I was getting a little tired of the tongue-in-cheek runaround, and it was showing)

I hired you because you're good enough to do the job. Don't read anything into that. You'll come out of the frying pan with your ass smelling like roses, and breezing away on a credit gravy train. I figure aside from bringing this job opportunity and dropping it in your lap, the only other thing you're owed is the 200 thousand credits...after we're over and done with. Any jobs after that are anybody's guess.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 27th, 2001, 06:19:15 PM
Sieken was getting to the big shot Sanis and he knew it..Sieken smiled as the rain began to lightly fall apon the two men stading chatting like normal in the middle of the darkest field you could imagin..

'Alright pal, you got a deal...jump in man'

Sanis Prent
Oct 29th, 2001, 08:22:38 PM
(The TIE cockpit had been modified to contain environmental regulators, as well as enlarged for another person to enter. Nevertheless, it was a tighter squeeze than two Gamorreans making love in an escape pod. My knees were tucked to my chest, and breathing became a labor from the lack of space. Somehow, we wedged in. In the back of my mind, I hoped Sieken would take his cut and invest in a roomier mode of transportation.

I locked down my securing harness, and nodded to my partner.)

Ready when you are...just take it easy on the banking and maneuvering.

Severen Morkonis
Nov 10th, 2001, 09:20:18 PM
'What you want? a leather arm chair and a mini-bar?, why dont you just go right along and hire your own stewardess at the same time??...5 star service huh?' Sieken loved Sanis and there little niggles at eathother...it all started on that day he payed the guys bills off...

Sieken Raised the Slats and punched the engins up to 70% throttle, the engines light scream blasted off into a roar as the TIE lightly lifted off the ground...Sieken loved the feeling of slight waitlessness as its first moments of take off..

'ETA around 7 hours 25 minutes, ,oh Sanis' he waited till sanis looked up uncomfotbly before carrying on 'your gonna get one hell of a cramp back there..trust me'

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 12th, 2001, 12:38:36 AM
I should be waiting on Kuat, not sitting here on this godforsaken planet, the black haired man thought as he sat watching the TIE Interceptor take off. While it was night, the man still had sunglasses on. It was his trademark. As was the cigar. Smoke filtered around his body, as he ran a hand through his short hair.

A scowl was on his face as he started the drives to his ship. Designed after the Motley Crow of Kyle Katarn fame, his own ship was named Flying Dutchman after the famed Hyperball running back. He brushed dust off of his leather jacket, then slid the ship out of the hangar bay.

Follow the other bounty hunter, he said. Should be simple he said. Feh, wasn't told this was a Force User I was following. Makes the job even easier. Yeah right.

The ship followed Kasstra's as it left the planet. The Dutchman went into hyperspace two minutes before Kasstra did.

Since he's going back to my planet...I might as well leave early.

Aurelias Kazaar, the ship's pilot, was pissed. But that wasn't new for him. He was always pissed.

Time to take care of business....Dammit. Kazaar had let his cigar go out. Relighting it, he pressed the button allowing the Dutchman entry into hyperspace.

Here goes nothing..you owe me.

Sanis Prent
Nov 15th, 2001, 03:01:32 PM
(I tried to make the best of the trip, and caught a little shuteye as Sieken did the flying. Between the lack of room and the chill in the air from the meager life support system of the craft, it was uncomfortable at best. Having my knees up at my ears was bad, but I guess they kept my ears safe from frostbite. I reached into my jacket, taking two gulps from my flask of bourbon, hoping the booze would do what the environmental regulators wouldn't.

I checked my chronometer...still two more hours. Seconds seemed to slip lazily, like drops of water off an icicle. My brain was a soup of impatience, insomnia, and discomfort. I laid my head against my legs, and made the best of it. My eyes closed slowly...and when they opened again, we were there.

I blinked the frost and sleep out of my eyes, kicking Sieken's seat forward once he disembarked, and slowly climbed out of the TIE. He'd docked at a port on the outskirts, which was good. The fake credentials and flight plan wouldn't be picked up by the small-time portmasters. I stood for a moment, unmoving...smoking a stim while the pins and needles feeling in my legs went away, along with the buzzing numbness in my extremeties. I glanced at the chronometer again...way ahead of schedule. We had enough time to spare, and check into the hotel.)

Severen Morkonis
Nov 16th, 2001, 02:06:25 AM
As useral Sieken was a pain in the butt, the pass-port control were about as effiant as my grandmars old cooking.

'Mr.Jake Tanner welcome to' the man slumped with drunkness' The city..your ship will be (BURP!) well looked after...'

I looked at the man, his eyes red and he bottle of JD sloshing about in the glass container, his hair looked like a bass broom..why in the blue hell was this guy hired?, he looked about as work experienced as a mongoose, cheap labour i guessed, I pushed the man with one finger and the guy passed out on the floor...the drink spilling onto the concrete.

I turned to sanis and smiled, the guy was up against the TIE and looked like a bulldozer had run the guy down...

'Umm sanis..you cool..or you need a helping hand?'

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 29th, 2001, 05:46:32 PM
"Aww...c'mon the flight werent that bad."

Kazaar heard Kasstra's smirk from the five feet away from where he stood in the crowded landing bay on Kuat. Slipping a small metal flask from his jacket pocket, he took a swig of the tart alcohol then sauntered up to the two travellers.

He bumped into Prent rather hard, then stumbling, mummered a quick, "Sorry. 'Scuse me," before blending back into the crowd.

About a hundred feet out, Aurelias stopped, pulling a small cigarre out of his pocket along with a small, handheld piece of technology. Pressing a button on the pad, he watched as the tracking device sprung to life, a clear *blip!* coming from where he'd dropped it in Prent's coat.

Got you, you son of a Hutt. he thought. Kazaar smirked, then slipped into a bar for a drink. He needed one.

Sanis Prent
Dec 14th, 2001, 06:18:37 AM
(I worked the numbness and stiffness out of my joints, glancing up as the warm sunlight drove the chill off my skin.)

Yeah, just fine.

(Tossing away my stim, I gazed toward the city)

Look, make sure they get her berthed up, I'm gonna get a speeder rental.

(I walked to the nearby rental shop, bumping into a man with expensive liquor on his breath. I stopped, and eyed him closely, pausing for a moment.)

Hey, watch it, buddy.

(I kept on going to the rental stand. Everything was going as planned so far.)

Severen Morkonis
Dec 16th, 2001, 06:56:27 PM
The crowed in the spaceport had turned into little more than a hand full of people as I made my way to the berthing stand, as i reached the que a woman very pretty looking 5'9 shoulder length blonde hair, that was tied tight back answered my call to the buzzer at the desk without a doubt my eyes shone.Her blue uniform with gold trimming showed a tag "Hannah".

'Hi Hannah' I said hoping she wouldn't see my (please come with me) look as i handed her my Berth Ticket

' Hello sir welcome to the Gerhard Information desk, how may i help you?' she said i think noticing my look.

' Yeah can you get number (i looked at the ticket) 46 berthed for me please' i gave a nervous grin at the woman.

'Of course sir it will be done, have a nice vacation'
It would have been a hellava' nice vacation with her in the hotel room

I gave her a quick smile then turned towards the Burger bar and made my way to get something to eat...Sanis however could buy his own...