View Full Version : AOTC trailer (possible spoilers)

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:55:05 AM
I just read this on the force.net, it describes the first AOTC trailer. Let me warn you that it contains spoilers so if you don't want to read I am going to cover it up for you.

Here's the lowdown on the new Star Wars trailer, not exactly in order, but who can remember such things when only given one opportunity to see it?
Opening Fox logo

Lucasfilm logo

Complete blackness.... you're expecting to be assualted with audio/visual maddness but all you see is black.

Then you hear out of the blackness Darth Vader breathing..

No familiar Star Wars music, no sound effects..

No sound whatsoever, just moving pictures taking us to all the planets of the new saga, and showing us familiar characters and new ones.

Shows Padme with her hair braided...

Padme and Anakin kissing...

A shot of the water planet from a distance, with what looks like 3 Cloud City type structures over the water....(sounds like the cities on Kamino - ed.)

a shot of a rocky planet...(sounds like Geonasis - ed.)

Jango Fett blasting off the ground using his back pack...

a bunch of clone kids with devices attached to their heads at computer terminals...

a shot of Yoda looking over his left shoulder...

a shot of Mace Windu looking puzzled or contemplating something...

Padme and Anakin hugging on Tatooine, probably outside the Lars homestead......

a shot of what looked like Obi-Wan either in a hologram, or actually suspened or hung from something....

a very cool looking sequence of a chase of some sort thru Corusant.

another really cool shot of Slave 1 in space flying out at you firing away with its lasers, in what appeared to be an asteroid field

again there is no sound, just visual eye candy but thats all interupted when there's the familiar sound of 2 lightsabers crashing together and I mean it was really loud.

Then what I remember being the last shot, was of thousands, maybe millions of clone troopers walking up ramps into huge transport ships..

Then the fade in of Episode II: Attack of the Clones the same as we have seen the fade in of Episode I: The Phantom Menace at the end of the first teaser.

It seems as though it was about 1/2 as long as the first trailer, it was really, really short. It will be interesting to see what people think of it since there is no music.

At first this sounds somewhat similar to the teaser shown on the DVD site of starwars.com that just features stills from the movie, but they are actually live moving shots from the movie, just without the sound. Anyway, this sounds like it's the short teaser that may be in front of Monsters Inc. No confirmation on that just yet.

The trailers sounds really cool and I think it backs up theforce.nets theory that there will be three trailers because of the length of this one.

Oct 22nd, 2001, 12:26:58 PM
Sounds really cool. I think you're right - that there will probably be three considering what this one was described to be. Maybe not though - we are getting kinda close now and maybe they will just have two evenly spaced ones, the first one which you've described, and a much more elaborate one. I wonder how ZL538 actually got to have a look at that?! :confused

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 22nd, 2001, 03:53:34 PM
I don't think he saw the complete one I will be shocked if the trailer has no music. I think we will get three sort of (if you believe theforce.net) What I see happening is this short one first just to get us going, and then a different one either just for download or just for DVD rom owners that is unknown at the moment and then a third trailer that will be the equivelant of Trailer A for TPM, I guess there will be a much longer sometime next year. To me at least it looks like they are copying LOTR marketing stragety somewhat or at least it along the same lines as they way they released their trailers.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 23rd, 2001, 04:35:57 PM
Here is confromation of the above rumor. On the force.net there spy came back with this
Our spy saw the teaser at a cast and crew screening of Monsters Inc. for Pixar. At that screening, Steve Jobs got up and introduced the teaser saying that it would be playing with the theatrical run of the film. Just to provide proof they were there, ZL538 recorded Jobs' introduction and the following crowd reaction. You can download it below with a message from our spy to the doubters out there:

Frankly, I find the lack of faith out there disturbing, not only have I seen the trailer, but I can also tell you that the Flannelled One has chosen wisely and has asked to have it debut before an incredible film made by sheer geniuses. This is no Jedi mind trick, listen for yourself!

Here is a link to the audio feed he mentioned
And here is the rest of the story

Before you ask, ZL538 did NOT videotape the teaser itself. They did not want to risk getting caught doing it. We couldn't have posted it anyway.
ZL538's report has also been confirmed by various other sources here and on other sites. Yes, it is highly unusual to have a trailer for another studio attached to a Disney film. It is not their policy. But you can hear from the clip above that it is what they are doing. Expect two more trailers to follow online and with Harry Potter

So its set I guess I will be making plans to see Monsters INC next Saturday after all.

Oct 24th, 2001, 12:28:41 PM
I'll definetly be there. I wanted to see Monsters Inc anyway!