View Full Version : Admin request

Gav Mortis
Oct 22nd, 2001, 09:57:21 AM
If it's not too much trouble, whenever you have the time - would you be able to move this thread (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3935.topic) into the Roleplaying forum here.

Thanks. :)

Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:01:37 AM
Its already here. The search feature works well.


Gav Mortis
Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:05:58 AM
Thanks. :)

Bloody hell! Is there anything these forums DON'T have!?!? :eek

Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:07:49 AM
If you find something they don't have, let me know and it shall be added. :p :)

Gav Mortis
Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:13:05 AM
Have we got an espresso maker - if so, I need directions.

We could get a Hagen Daaz Bar! :p

Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:20:03 AM
Concessions are in the Cafeteria. :p

Gav Mortis
Oct 22nd, 2001, 11:03:08 AM

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 24th, 2001, 05:06:18 PM
There should be a cafetieria forum, in the Roleplaying section.
Just think, a place where poeople are IC, but lighthearted like the OOC forum, where people discuss OOC topics IC, and have a bite to eat.

Seth Darkserpent
Oct 24th, 2001, 07:52:38 PM
We have places like that. They're called Rama's Corner and Yog's Bar and Grill.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 25th, 2001, 09:35:19 AM
Ron san wa baka desu....

Oct 25th, 2001, 09:57:32 AM
Hai soo desu :p

Oct 25th, 2001, 04:15:39 PM
Originally posted by Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Ron san wa baka desu....

I'm just curious, but what does that mean? I can make out "baka" (stupid or idiot), but that's it....

Oct 25th, 2001, 04:37:12 PM
she said she loved you

Oct 25th, 2001, 08:50:15 PM
Suuuuuuure she did. :p

Oct 25th, 2001, 09:04:31 PM

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:49:13 PM
Its the face of retarded happiness: :p

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 26th, 2001, 08:43:35 AM
I mean here.
There might be a few people who don't go to TSE r GJO boards, so would not get to go to those places.
And i have found that Rama's Corner has a lot of Regular roleplaying, with still just some discussing RL things IC.

Champion of the Force
Oct 26th, 2001, 11:03:14 PM
Why not just start a thread in here or in Roleplaying titled 'Cantina - IC only' or something for that purpose?

I don't think it's very practical to dedicate an entire forum to the idea at this point in time, especially considering posting is down at the moment.

If it gains huge support, then we can look at adding a dedicated forum for it at a later date. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 27th, 2001, 12:45:31 AM

idea=thumbs down

Go to GJO or TSE. Or wherever. We don't need one MORE place here.

Sanis Prent
Oct 27th, 2001, 05:29:17 PM
Hush up, tubby! :lol

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 27th, 2001, 07:58:55 PM
TSE and GJO's Bars are not neutral territories.

Arcan IV has some very nasty things that you would avoid like the plague if you were Imperial, like the NRSF.

I always forget where Rama's is, but it certainly isn't neutral territory either. I think that it would be interesting to have a truly nuetral ground.

Oct 27th, 2001, 11:43:50 PM
Originally posted by Tasha Kozkis
I think that it would be interesting to have a truly nuetral ground. I don't think SWFans is the place for it, though. There was enough argument before about "Neutral Grounds". In the scope of things, it doesn't really make sense to have a place where Sith and Jedi alike kick back and have a drink together.

Moreover, the "casual" RPs can still be done on the battlegrounds. Eg: A character is sitting at one of the random bars in the Galaxy. Another character walks in and begins conversing.

(Edited because I left out "think" in my first sentence :x Even Q makes mistakes at 2am in the morning, after a day's work.)

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 28th, 2001, 12:46:39 AM

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 28th, 2001, 02:17:30 AM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Hush up, tubby! :lol

:rant Watch out who you call TUBBY. >D

Sanis Prent
Oct 28th, 2001, 03:22:23 AM
(pokes belly)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 28th, 2001, 05:41:05 PM
:mad :rant :shootin *breaks his finger*

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 28th, 2001, 07:52:30 PM
At least he isn't pushing meh big tummy :lol

Oct 28th, 2001, 07:54:53 PM
Yeah, another Cantina would be a problem. And we don't really need it.