View Full Version : Dangerous Liasons

Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Oct 21st, 2001, 11:07:03 AM
I've been looking for an Original Sin, one with a twist and a bit of a spin. Since I've done all the old ones cause they've all been done in, now I'm just searching and I'm gone with the wind, endlessly searching for the Original Sin.


Night Fall.

The day's commerce has not begun to slow down. Even after night fall the people of this planet do not stop their journeys. No they keep on with their meaningless lives, not awear to what happens around them in the shadows, the seceret wars that plague their world, a war that threatens to spill out into their worlds at any given time.

Above it all one man stands, looking down at it all, wishing that he could be one of those people, an insignifcant thing. He wishes that he wasn't just someone's tool, he wishes that he had a free will of his own, wishes that he hadn't given it all up for the truth about who he really is. He wishes for a time so long ago that was perhaps the greatest period of his life, but relaizes that he can never can have it. He screwed it up, he couldn't play by the good guy's rules, he wouldn't play by the bad guy's rules, he was forced to be a wander, to go from place to place, trying to make a difference. There on the road he met a woman he loved that love spurned a child that would never be born. The woman he loved was killed by the man who created him. he in turn killed the man that created him. With no where to go, he stayed with the organization that made him, and know works as an operative for them, hoping that in some way he makes a difference. Hoping that one day he will break free and find the peace that he craves. Hoping that he can live his live as Lance Casey.

A hover car begins to land behind him. Casey turns around and waits for the doors to open, but he already knows who it is. Colonel Austin, project manager for Operation Casey. He is one of the men responsible for the creation of Casey 24 years earlier, but denies that he had any involvement with the recently deceased project managers abduction and murder of Casey's girlfriend, but Casey will never entirely believe that.

Austin: Where the hell have you been? We have been trying to reach you for the past 3 hours and have gotten no response. You are to check in with us everytime you are called, not when you feel like it.

Casey: Back off Austin, I have had a hard day and don't feel like listening to any of you crap right now.

Austin: I don't care if you've had bad day, you belong to us and we control what you do, so you report to us when we want you too.

Casey: Slag off.

Austin: Listen I don't like you, I never did, even when you were a fetus in a test tube I didn't liek ya. You aren't natural and you sure as hell ain't human.

Casey: I am more of a man then you will ever be.

Austin: I'd watch it if I were you, or you may just end up like your girlfriend.

Casey turns around and rudhes towards Austin. He grabs him by the collar and lifts him into the air.

Casey: You listen to me Austin. I am done with it, no more Operation Casey, no more department controling me.

Casey thows Austin onto the ground. He walks over to the edge and peers over the side. He looks back at Austin.

Casey: And as far as I'm concerned, you and the people that created me are on borrowed time, because I'm coming for you all, and you will feel my pain.

Casey jumps up onto the ledge and falls off of it. He lands on his hover motorcycle and begins to speed off. Austin get's up and takes out a communicator.

Austin: He took the bait. Now it's time to let out Kaine. The other one? Naw, save it for later, just in case.

to be continued...