View Full Version : Imerix learns about life.

Oct 20th, 2001, 02:35:50 PM
The clouds moved across the sky as herds of sheep slowly trudging across the crystal blue sky. Each was distinct and original, like snowflakes, none were alike. The sun slowly came into the picture, melting into the perfect scene with a myriad of colors, an ever-continuing gradient. The attack craft lifted off the ground, followed by two escort fighters, and moved over the hunter green canopy of xynaplex trees.

As the small force moved forwards, small explosions emitted near them, they looked liked dust balls, and sounded like fireworks, but in actually were flak. On the ground, anti-air turrets trained on the caravan of three, firing relentlessly at the small targets, trying to fell them.

The main attack craft dodged right, nearly escaping a salvo from a fast tracking turret. The two escort craft moved lower, wings skimming several of the higher branches as they released small orbs that hit the ground and bounced. As the craft moved away from the drop brilliant fireballs formed from the cluster bombs that had been dropped along with napalm, destroying one of the anti-air nests.

The three craft moved on as the fire stopped. Six craft approached from nine o’clock high, diving towards the small formation of craft, releasing bursts of red energy that crashed upon the shields of the attack craft, weakening them. A turret activated firing shot after shot into the pursuers, downing one of them in a brilliant flash of fire mixed with blue smoke. The two escort craft, yet again, broke off, but this time to leave the craft, heading back for their launch points to ready for their next run of the gauntlet.

The attack craft landed in a clearing, small rose like flowers lining the area. As the bays opened a figure clad in armor stepped out and breathed heavily as two squads of black clad stormtroopers filed out from the shuttle, awaiting orders.