View Full Version : Operation: Wayward Son

Khendon Sevon
Oct 19th, 2001, 05:37:30 PM
Thousands of years ago, a warlord in the Karia sector spoke these words; “The metal of a man may not be tested by his weight, nor his mind… but singularly by his actions.” This quote floated around in Imerix’s head as he finished debriefing the crack squad of troopers set at his disposal. Three shuttles entered hyperspace, each with civilian markers and identification. Imerix wore a cross around his neck, the metal slightly tarnished, but still full of luster, he always kept it close to his heart. Contained within the cross was a vial of a green liquid, death in a bottle, the breath of angels, a neurotoxin.

Each shuttle held a commando team like the womb of a mother, providing all of the life necessities and guarding them from harm, but soon they would be put into a harsh world, and they would probably never return. As the hours slowly faded by, each man pondered his own life, weighing the good of the Empire over their own lives, prepared to surrender their souls to the devil to defend it.

As the shuttle Imerix was on came out of hyperspace, the hold within which the commandos were in went dark, all except for a single ever vigil light, emanating through every man’s soul, piercing down to their cores, readying them for the hard times ahead. The shuttle was now in enemy territory, if the men were found and caught, they would be killed as spies.

The shuttle entered Kamaar’s space, flying towards the planet. “Make ready men, our time is here, show them, and show them well, blood shall run, and angels fell… but this shall ensure the ever lasting hold of the Empire we strive to serve, make ready… make ready and well.”

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 19th, 2001, 06:12:34 PM
The Super Star Destroyer mk. III known as the notorious Pandemonium emerged from Hyperspace at the edge of the Brita Kajarro system, disturbing the quietness of space. Following it's lead, an armada of warships emerged from Hyperspace. All of the ships began to assort themselves in a blockade formation, yet they were not advancing toward the system.

Among the warships were a total number of two SSDs, (including the Pandemonium) six ISDs, nine VSDs, sixty FCLFs, four MC-90's, five MC-80s, seven ESCs, twenty one QBCs, six CGUs, one CC, and lastly, five Imperial pickets. Quite a large fleet, considering it was not the only one to be arriving at Brita Kajarro that day. Aboard each ship, large and small the Imperial anthem blazed loud enough for each officer to hear it. Most were in a saluted formation, save the TIE pilots who were tinkering with their starships. A battle would occur today, not just one but many. A battle that had been proposed long ago, but was always pushed back due to various implications. The time for attack had come, and there would be no more waiting.

The pickets began to spread out to each edge of the system, creating a star if connected by some imaginary line. As ordered, the Fire class Light Frigates headed toward their designated Star Destroyer. The Super Star Destroyer Barad-Dur had taken the lead of the pack. It still did not move forward. The captain of the ship was waiting for his orders to be finalized. That moment would come as soon as the anthem finished.


<center>Unbreakable Empire of mighty worlds,
The New Order has welded forver to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Empire commands!

Sing to the Empire, home of the free,
Bulwark of humankind, in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Palpatine, the stength of the people,
To the Empire's great triumph, lead us on!

Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great Palpatine did lead.
To a righteous cause he raised up our people,
Inspired them to labour and valourous deed.

Sing to the Empire, home of the free,
Bulwark of humankind, in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Palpatine, the stength of the people,
To the Empire's great triumph, lead us on!

In the vict'ry of the New Order's deathless ideal,
We see the future of our dear land.
And to her fluttering dark and mighty banner,
Selflessly true we always shall stand!

Sing to the Empire, home of the free,
Bulwark of humankind, in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Palpatine, the stength of the people,
To the Empire's great triumph, lead us on! </center>


The anthem finally finished, triumphantly. A young deck officer raced toward Captain Asyl, a human in his late forties. The deck officer had an excited, though he tried to surpress it, look on his face. This was probably his first major battle. Battles did not occur much these days. That fact alone was a shame.

"Sir!" The Deck Officer saluted. "We are beginning to track numerous mines surrounding the route to the planet. What are your orders?"

"I want the forward batteries, as well as those attached to the belly of the ship to clear us a path toward the planet. If any ships are detected, report to me immediately. The Grand Admiral would want to know right away." The Captain spoke in a rapid fire voice, but with great dignity and pride to be a true Imperial. "This splinter will be plucked from the Empire's side once and for all today."

"Yes sir." The deck officer saluted and went to complete his orders. Today would be the busiest day of his life.

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 20th, 2001, 09:14:50 PM
Fena: Hold position, while the second battle group begins clearing operations.

(The bridge of the VSD Parragas II came alive in a symphony of action and words, seemingly creating a tangible pulse. Captain Fena analyzed the situation. Currently, Thrawn's battle group held control over Brita Kajarro space...holding sway over all action to be taking place. Fena's task force, the Gator Navy, prepared to execute their mission. Once the defensive mines and enemy fleet positions had been engaged, the Remnant stronghold would be free to attack.

Fena adjusted his uniform, making sure that he was regulation-standard.)

Fena: Alert commands on the escort carriers...prepare for bombing runs. Have the Pervasive and the Venom standby for defensive bombardment. Initiate full sensor sweeps of the planet. Any defensive countermeausures must be dealt with quickly.

(The Parragas II and her support ships moved forward in a vanguard position, flanked by elements of Thrawn's second battle group, which quickly began to destroy the mines blocking access to the planet. Soon, Fena would unleash his forces on the planet, and crush any opposition)

Telan Desaria
Oct 22nd, 2001, 06:09:23 AM

SSD3 Achilles-Flagship
*ISD II Thrasher
*Carrack Cruiser Eudaemon
*Carrack Cruiser Termagant
*CSG Commination
*CSG Dark Hand
*CSG Direption III
FCLF Fire (UC)
YT-5700 57-355
YT-5700 57-366

Command Destroyer Escort Squadron I
*ISD II Thrasher (Reserve Flagship)
*ISD I Vehemance
*Carrack Cruiser Shadow Warrior
*Carrack Cruiser Edacity
*Corellian Gunship Avidity
*Corellian Gunship Asperity
*Corellian Gunship Excoriate

SD Group One:
ISD2 Inquisitor
IP I-140
ISC2 Strike-6
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 1

SD Group Two:
ISD2 Supplant
VSD3 Exocron
IP I-141
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 2

SD Group Three:
ISD2 Disdainful
IP I-142
INT Dissolution
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 3

SD Group Four:
ISD2 Furious
-VSD3 Maruader
IP I-143
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
HS Fictitious
LF Lancer 4

SD Group Five:
ISD2 Reprehensible
VSD3 Vol Kanst
IP I-144
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 5

SD Group Six:
ISD2 Felonious
VSD3 Ryloth
IP I-145
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 6

SD Group Seven:
ISD2 Raze
VSD3 Gamorr
IP I-146
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 7

SD Group Eight:
ISD2 Fealty
IP I-147
NEBG Wishbone IV
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 8

SD Group Nine:
ISD2 Loyalist
VSD3 Yag'Dhul
IP I-148
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 9

SD Group Ten:
ISD2 Pride of Delteon
VSD3 Sith Glory
IP I-149
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
LF Lancer 10

Reserve Deployment Group:
ISD2 Remorseless
ISD2 Obtruder II
VSD3 Derra IV
VSD3 Rodia
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
FCLF Fire (UC)
HS Spurious
HS Apocryphal
GMT Beast IV
LF Lancer 11
YT-5700 57-299
YT-5700 57-300
YT-5700 57-311
YT-5700 57-322
YT-5700 57-333
YT-5700 57-344
IP I-050

IC/ TRaveling through hyperspace, Desaria ran through every calculation and simulation he could make in his head, for he was given the task of reducing the Imperial Remnant's capital. Bastion.

" Two minutes until real space reversion," reported the helmsman, jarring Desaria from his thought. He couldn't bear the images of Destroyer against Destroyer, trooper against trooper, from his mind. The horrible battle that awaited.

" Captain Gerion, out me through to all ships," Desaria said, standing from his command chair and walking aft along the catwalk.

" Aye sir," he replied, then nodded when he had patched the Fleet Admiral through. The grey uniformed officer stood there, a pillar of Imperial traditional and excellence.

" This is Fleet Admiral Desaria. Today, we go into battle. Today, we battle our brothers. Many of the men with whom we war will have formerly fought along our sides. It is against these men that we must fight, and fight victoriously in the name of our Empire. But when we fight, we must fight with no malice in our hearts, no antipathy in our blades. When the dust and debris has cleared from the field of honor, we must welcome our brethren Imperials back into the stage of galactic events, for they will rise with back to command the stars and the galaxy to our rightful place as masters of the heavens!!!"

A mighty roar came over the bridge as the men cheered and yelled, then settled as the timer counted down to zero. V Division reverted to realspace above Bastion...

As per the predetermined attack plan, the ships of the Thyferra Sector Fleet's V Division fanned out along Bastion's primary exit vectors, effectively sealing off the Remnant capitalworld.

" Sir, we've detected a planetary shield, a few turbolasers, and some mines,"

"Prepare to engage..." Desaria walked forward to his command chair and readied himself for battle...

Radon Monty
Oct 22nd, 2001, 03:20:54 PM
"Lieutenant, pull us out of hyperspace on the edge of the system."
"Yes, sir."
The ships exited hyperspace, and immediately warning klaxons began to sound.
"What is it?"
"Unidentified ships have just exited hyperspace! They are heading for the planet!"
"Complete scan please."
Radon read the list of ships and sat back.
"All ships about face."
"Yes, sir!"
The ship turned around.
"Send the Admiral a warning message. Tell him we are in a lot of trouble."
"Yes, sir!"

Admiral Lebron
Oct 22nd, 2001, 04:46:30 PM
The Admiral sat in his office at Kamaar, a look of grave danger on his face. The enemy had struck in two different positions. Bastion and at Brita-Kajarro. One an important personell spot, the other useful for it's raw materials.

"Leuiteniant, order that the fleets close the borders." Lebron ordered, he knew he should do that as a first, he continued, "And check any ship and crew landing in the last week. Also, Contact Captain Tomahawk and the New Republic Command."
"Aye Captain." Responded a soldier as he ran out.

The Imperial Remnant had been gathering at Kamaar, for an upcoming campaign, although, now it would be on hold. Mostly everything was at Kamaar, small flotilla's were left throughout the rest of the Remnant while waiting for defense units to be constructed and sent out.

He was keeping in touch with his planets with Holo-net transmitions, for their quick-speeds and near unjammable ways. Sadly, they could be easily acessed. He took a look at a holo-cam as he was soon to begin his transmittion, to his people.

"Good evening. Citizens of the Imperial Remnant, we are under attack. Earlier today, at Brita-Kajarro and Bastion two massive task forces have exited hyperspace. For those at Bastion, you will most likely soon be back under Alliance control. We will not give up, we will not surrender, they can crush our fleets, but they will never crush our spirits.

Imperial Law is currently taking effect across Imperial Space. No one will be leaving planets or landing on them. Gencore shields are up, ground-based weapons are begining to charge. Planetary Flotillas, including gunships are awaiting engagement.

Fighter pilots, soldiers, and reserve forces are all called to active duty. They will have to invade us by land to crush us!

There, we shall show them how good technology can get. We are superior in fighter and ship technology. Our strategists are as good as theirs, they just have more ships, no fear, two of our allies are soon to act in our favor. To whomever of the Galactic Empire is listening, be afraid, not of me, not of my fleets. But of our spirit, and determination. Let it begin."

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 22nd, 2001, 07:10:54 PM
Thrawn was amused at the speech he had just heard Lebron deliver over the Remnant holonet channel. He sipped his wine slowly, while listening tentatively to every word the Admiral uttered. By his nervous glances, and the small line of persperation forming above his Imperial cap, Thrawn could easily tell the Admiral was afraid, contradictory to what he stated in his speech. Then came the part where he threatened the Galactic Empire. A small smile creased the side of his blue lips as he replayed the words in his head. This Admiral was not a bad speaker, but petty words would not save him from superiority. Thrawn knew, as probably most of the Remnant knew that their occupation of Kamaar, Bastion, Brita Kajarro and the other planets in their possession would soon end.

"Orders sir?" Captain Larynx asked, containing his well hidden excitement.

"Yes, the orders. Has the first flotilla initiated in a blockade around Brita Kajarro?" Thrawn inquired, before issuing the proper orders.

"Yes sir, as you requested! The minimal mines that surrounded the planet were quickly destroyed by TIE executors at far range. From our data readout, this planet is protected by two level two GenCore shields." The Captain explained, unsurprised at the low grade shields that protected their planet.

"Captain, I believe you know what to do. As we quickly do away with their planetary shields, order Captain Fena to begin launching his ground troops and assaulting the planet." Thrawn pointed to the planet. "I want the shields down in approximately two and a half minutes. Can you make this happen, Captain Larynx?"

"Sir, I will do whatever I can to make that happen." Larynx saluted the Grand Admiral.

Thrawn gave him a slight nod, and turned to stare out of the viewport again. He closed his eyes momentarily, but his ears still absorbed the familiar sounds around him. Captain Larynx was on the comm channel, issuing orders to each ship present. The sensor computers were bleeping each time they received new tactical data. Outside of the bridge, in the halls of the Super Star Destroyer, stormtrooper squads marched back and forth preparing for the battle ahead.

"Open fire." Thrawn opened his eyes, as soon as Larynx shouted the word, a few meters away. The viewscreen was filled with a haze of green lights, as all 26 Capital ships, along with the smaller frigates began to open fire on the planetary shields. Thrawn took a few steps back and sat peacefully in his chair, taking long and meaningful sips of the liquid he preferred so much. This picture before him was better then any painting that had been drawn, or any statue that had been sculpted. It was the art of war.

The shields wavered as the 80+ ships ranging from both Star Destroyer to frigate pounded them with turbolaser fire. Four squadrons of TIE bombers flew back and forth, dropping bombs on the shields, aiding in the assault. Thrawn's eyes focused on the world below, beneath the wavering shield. Soon, they would experience a momentum shift in power, but at least they would be rid of that foolish Lebron human as a leader. The Galactic Empire was much more capable of managing systems then a splinter group, struggling to supply their planets with food.

Soon, we will ensure all ties to The Imperial Remnant are cut off for good. They will not be able to manage for their remaining planets, and Lebron will be driven out of power. Thrawn nodded to himself, agreeing with his thoughts. In battle, everything seemed crystal clear.

Admiral Lebron
Oct 22nd, 2001, 07:25:18 PM
The Brita-Kajarro garrison gave little warning as they returned fire. Roughly 40 missles shot up into the atmosphere along with several dozen blue beams lanced out from the planet. Hitting the closest star destroyers and red laser fire, hitting smaller frigates and gunships.

The small fleet of Brita-Kajarro had pulled back, accepting orders from Admiral Lebron, who decided Kajarro was lost in the brute strike. The planet was destined to be lost, but will be recaputured later.

Although not exactly defensless, the 40 double turbolaser cannons and three dozen or so ion cannons and half a dozen octet launchers, began pounding back. Like all wars, the first battles were always lost to the defender.

Khendon Sevon
Oct 22nd, 2001, 07:40:45 PM
The cold, harsh colors of hyperspace slowly faded into the pinpricks of white, glistening, full of luster lights of realspace. A division arrived from Coruscant with the following ships: 1 SSD, 10 star destroyer groups, and a reserve unit. The craft Khendon was aboard was part of the First Tactical, on loan from the Guild Sector, consisting of the following:

Tactical Unit One
GSD Black Star
IlSD Soul Raker
FAF Hand of Fate
FAF Silencer
FAF Messanger
FAF Final Journey
FAF Heshian
FAF Pillager
FAF Dark Rider

Tactical Unit Two
GSD Wicken
IlSD Black Rift
FAF Twisted Soul
FAF Savage
FAF War Horse
FAF Dying Queen
FAF War Lord
FAF New Loss
FAF Anarchy's Child

Tactical Unit Three
GSD Death Advocate
IlSD Lost Soul
FAF Twice Scorned
FAF Devastator
FAF Animal In Disguise
FAF Blood Star
FAF War Relic

Tactical Unit Four
GSD Nightmare
IlSD Bleeding Hallow
FAF Lost Dream
FAF Empty Pride
FAF Demon
FAF Last Word
FAF Parallel Existance
FAF Poison Elixir

Tactical Unit Five
GSD Curse
IlSD Judgment
FAF War Path
FAF Abyss
FAF War Oath
FAF Vivid Murder
FAF Final Number
FAF Savage Intent

The Tactical Fleet’s high-powered automated systems began to calculate targeting solutions at the speed of light. Mass Cannon shafts opened up and automatically ammunition was pushed forward into the barrels. Bays opened and out popped several squadrons of elite TIE Executioner MK2 fighters, pilots manipulating the optical targeting systems of the advanced HUD AI to max efficiency. The Defensive Banks opened now as well, each unit moving outwards and activating. The advanced computers of the Guild class Star Destroyers, Illustrious class Star Destroyers, and Fast Attack Frigates came to life, patching system to system, linking ship to ship.

All Khendon really had to do was hit a button and the entire ship would fire, but this was not optimum, and Khendon wished optimum. The Mass Cannons established target locks and prepared to fire. A total of five squadrons of TIE Executioner Mk2s had been launched, along with 9 TIE Swarmer squadrons. One fourth of the TIE Devil squadrons had been ordered to launch, as well, and were preparing to form up.

Khendon now looked over to his Tactical Advisor and Fleet Coordination officers. “Have the Coruscant division form into two wedge shapes, order First Tactical to run escort at three intervals, forward and both sides, per wedge. Lock all Defensive Banks to provide maximum fire coverage. Prepare to fire all weapons systems.

“Comm, lock onto the frequency being used by Lebron’s command ship, send the following message: ‘You have two minutes to stand down, If you do not disengage your weapons systems and shielding, I will obliterate your fleet, and detain you aboard my command ship, Guild Star Destroyer Black Star, end communiqué.”

Khendon’s face showed everything, he was not in the mood for stupidity on part of his opponent, destruction was what now faced Lebron.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 22nd, 2001, 08:03:39 PM
Meanwhile at Brita Kajarro...

Captain Larynx quickly passed his subordinates, while making his way toward the Grand Admiral. Thrawn was seated comfortably in his command chair, fingertips connected on each hand, watching the battle. He hadn't taken his eyes off of it since the Empire began to launch an assault on Brita Kajarro's shields. Five TIE bombers flew back and forth dropping bombs on the shields. The bombers that had been shot down by the Imperial Remnant's defensive planetary guns lost control, and smashed into the shields creating small explosions.

"Yes, Captain?" Thrawn asked, keeping both eyes on the battle before him.

Larynx quickly responded in a rapid fire voice, "Sir, I am happy to report that the shields will be out momentarily. Our bomber and executor squadrons will sweep in low and destroy the planetary gun emplacements."

"And what of Captain Fena?" Thrawn asked, finally turning to stare at the Captain. His red eyes bore into the human's eyes. Larynx shifted his eyes nervously, as if he suspected Thrawn's eyes to spew blaster fire at him.

"I have personally relayed the orders to Captain Fena's flagship. He has confirmed receiving the orders, and was quite glad to finally get to partake in the action." Thrawn smiled at that last comment that Larynx made. Captain Fena was a loyal Imperial with many ups and downs in his career. He was a competant man that could get things down.

"Planetary shields have been knocked out sir!" One of the Deck officers cried from the lower bridge, behind a computer console.

"Deck Officer Dryker, contain yourself!" Larynx snapped, recognizing the young deck officer with ease.

"Captain, it is perfectly normal for a human being to feel excitement when something is done in their favor. Yes I agree that shouting like that is not needed in the navy, that can be reserved for the Rebellion. Although others tend to respond better if they are met with respect, even if they are subordinates." Thrawn explained.

"Understood Admiral." Larynx responded, faintly smiling. It was a forced smile, and Thrawn was probably aware of that. Larynx might have been a bit rude, but he was loyal, that much was evident. "It seems Captain Fena is beginning to prepare his ground force army." Larynx observed, pointing to the far left area of the viewscreen.

"Have the TIE squadrons begun their attack on the planetary defenses?" Thrawn asked.

After checking with an ensign, Larynx responded less then a minute after the question was asked. "Yes sir, I have confirmations that they've begun their descent toward the planet. Anything they miss, our commandos will take care of. As you may know, Captain Fena is quite thorough in his work."

"That he is, Captain Larynx."

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 22nd, 2001, 08:48:34 PM
<center>OOC: Gator Navy Flotilla
VSD3 Parragas II-Flagship

INT2 Pervasive

ISC2 Venom

ESC Demonic
ESC Domino
ESC Galland
ESC Rickenbacker
ESC Yeager
ESC Goring
ESC Mekong

QBC Carrier I
QBC Carrier II
QBC Carrier III
QBC Carrier IV
QBC Carrier V
QBC Carrier VI
QBC Carrier VII
QBC Carrier VIII
QBC Carrier IX
QBC Carrier X
QBC Carrier XI
QBC Carrier XII
QBC Carrier XIII
QBC Carrier XIV
QBC Carrier XV
QBC Carrier XVI
QBC Carrier XVII
QBC Wabash
QBC Yangtze
QBC Yalu

CGU Lucifer
CGU Evanescent
CGU Transitory
CGU Sentry
CGU Effortless
CGU Lance

CC Zara

(The reflexive defensive fire from the planet was to be expected.)

Fena: All commands, shields to full frontal. Prepare for interference.

(The Gator Navy flotilla assembled for orbital entry, preparing to insert once the shields around the planet fell. The Corellian corvette and gunships stayed close to the assembling Quasar-Fire class bulk cruisers, packed with their payloads of F-7 landing brick atmospheric entry modules. At the forefront, the Parragas set all insertion waypoints, with Pervasive and Venom holding the line further aft.)

Lieutenant Prather: Captain Fena, incoming marks at zero nine five mark two. Unknown warheads. Count, many.

(Fena stepped to a tactical monitor, its blue glow blinking on his face)

Fena: First flotilla is signaling engagement priority. All ships, evasive pattern Gamma Blue.

(Fena braced against a bulkhead as the deck of the Parragas shifted slightly. The entire Gator flotilla began to disperse, jamming all conventional subspace tracking tags. Meanwhile, adjacent warships from Thrawn's first flotilla opened up with intercepting bombardments, spearing several missiles in mid flight. The warheads spread wide, some missing their mark, but some striking a few capital ships, hammering their shields.)

Prather: Captain! The Venom's azimuth is veering into a mark!

Fena: Signal for reverse evasives!

Prather: Too late!

(The warhead slammed into the strike cruiser port-side, evaporating the vessel's shielding and causing extensive hull and systems damage. Engines, shields, weapons, were all disabled or destroyed. The ship began sparking and flaming in isolated positions, adrift.)

Fena: Open a channel to first flotilla.

Ensign Vand: Open, sir.

Fena: Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Venom has been struck by a large warhead, and is dead in space. Her main systems have been disabled. We are proceeding unabated, request covering fire.

(The transmission was cut, just as the shielding around Brita-Kajarro flickered and vanished under the concentrated assault. Fena glanced over to his flight commander, Tavas.)

Fena: Commander, signal the carriers. TIE Devils and Scimitars on first-strike offensives. Coordinate with first flotilla against the fixed turbolaser defenses.

Tavas: Yes sir.

Fena: General Laans...

(A heavyset man nodded curtly)

Laans: Our forces are ready to deploy. I await clear skies.

(Fena nodded)

Fena: Soon enough, you'll have them. Commander Vendel?

Vendel: Orders, sir?

Fena: Bombardment. Chaff and Gamma radiation screen. Interference to ionosphere. Depth, 40,000 kilometers. Give our runners something to run through. Turbolaser command is clear for open-target assault until chaff is deployed.

Vendel: Understood

(As the dozens of squadrons of TIE Devils and Scimitar bombers deployed, the Parragas II opened up with a barrage of chaff torpedoes and turbolaser bursts. The turbolaser fire mingled with first flotilla's scathing assault on the fixed defensive positions, destroying them as quickly as they could be targeted. In the meantime, the chaff salvos sped on their way, detonating in a field just short of the planet, spewing ionized metallic fibers and gamma radiation, sure to wreak havoc on anti-starfighter countermeasures as the TIE's began their initial runs. Behind them, the QBC's and their F7's began to approach)

Wolfgang Schreiger
Oct 22nd, 2001, 09:12:25 PM
<center>OOC: Colonies Sector: Divisions 1 and 2 (Minus UCs)

Destroyer Division One:

Flagship-SSD3 Ulysses

SD Group One:
ISD2 St.Valery
YT-5700 57-1o
QHC Quintus 1

SD Group Two:
ISD2 Bulverhythe
FCLF Vex 1
FCLF Vex 2
FCLF Vex 3
FCLF Vex 4
FCLF Vex 5
FCLF Vex 6
YT-5700 57-2o
QHC Quintus 2

SD Group Three:
ISD2 Pevensey
FCLF Vex 7
FCLF Vex 8
FCLF Vex 9
FCLF Vex 10
FCLF Vex 11
FCLF Vex 12
FCLF Vex 13
YT-5700 57-3o
QHC Quintus 3

SD Group Four:
ISD2 Coronius
FCLF Vex 14
FCLF Vex 15
FCLF Vex 16
FCLF Vex 17
FCLF Vex 18
FCLF Vex 19
FCLF Vex 20
YT-5700 57-4o
QHC Quintus 4

SD Group Five:
ISD2 Orrin
FCLF Vex 21
FCLF Vex 22
FCLF Vex 23
FCLF Vex 24
FCLF Vex 25
FCLF Vex 26
FCLF Vex 27
YT-5700 57-5o
QHC Quintus 5

SD Group Six:
ISD2 Ares
FCLF Vex 28
FCLF Vex 29
FCLF Vex 30
FCLF Vex 31
FCLF Vex 32
FCLF Vex 33
FCLF Vex 34
YT-5700 57-6o
QHC Quintus 6

Reserve Deployment Group:
ISD2 Hidden Refuge
VSD3 Victous Triamous
VSD3 Copperhead
VSD3 Snake
VSD3 Golem
VSD3 Violator
AC Abolisher-6
HCLC Hammer IX
HCLC Hammer X
YT-5700 57-20o
YT-5700 57-21o
YT-5700 57-22o
YT-5700 57-23o
YT-5700 57-24o
YT-5700 57-25o
QHC Quintus 20
QHC Quintus 21
QHC Quintus 22
QHC Quintus 23
QHC Quintus 24
QHC Quintus 25

Division Two

Flagship: SSD Time

SD Group One:
ISD2 Saboteur
FCLF Vex 35
FCLF Vex 36
FCLF Vex 37
FCLF Vex 38
FCLF Vex 39
FCLF Vex 40
FCLF Vex 41
YT-5700 57-7o
QHC Quintus 7

SD Group Two:
ISD2 Retrevator II
FCLF Vex 42
FCLF Vex 43
FCLF Vex 44
FCLF Vex 45
FCLF Vex 46
FCLF Vex 47
FCLF Vex 48
YT-5700 57-8o
QHC Quintus 8

SD Group Three:
ISD2 Reverberator II
FCLF Vex 49
FCLF Vex 50
FCLF Vex 51
FCLF Vex 52
FCLF Vex 53
FCLF Vex 54
FCLF Vex 55
YT-5700 57-9o
QHC Quintus 9

SD Group Four:
ISD2 Purificator II
FCLF Vex 56
FCLF Vex 57
FCLF Vex 58
FCLF Vex 59
FCLF Vex 60
YT-5700 57-10o
QHC Quintus 10

SD Group Five:
ISD2 Outlaw
YT-5700 57-11o
QHC Quintus 11

SD Group Six:
ISD2 Era
YT-5700 57-12o
QHC Quintus 12

Reserve Deployment Group:
ISD2 Zues
VSD3 Victoriator
VSD3 Starkaniator
VSD3 Unafstacator
VSD3 Invidious II
VSD3 Invistrious
ISC2 Strike-8
HCLC Hammer XI
YT-5700 57-26o
YT-5700 57-27o
YT-5700 57-28o
YT-5700 57-29o
YT-5700 57-30o
YT-5700 57-31o
QHC Quintus 26
QHC Quintus 27
QHC Quintus 28
QHC Quintus 29
QHC Quintus 30
QHC Quintus 31

Interim Diktat Wolfgang Schreiger smirked confidently as the starlines shortened, heralding the drop into realspace. Kamaar, the symbol of the Remnant's Rebellion, would be utterly crushed, and burned away under the Empire's might. Of course, parades would come afterwards, jubilant celebrations of liberation. The populus would likely erect statues in their savior's name. All in all, Schreiger enjoyed the possibility. He turned to his Admiral, Zev.

Admiral, open a channel to all commands.

Zev: Channel open.

Schreiger grinned, buffing a large medal on his command uniform with the sleeve of his jacket

This is your Diktat...soon, we will commense the destruction of the Imperial Remnant. The freedom of our imperial compatriots is important.

The Diktat took a breath

Now, bring me the traitor, Lebron. Alive, if possible. Dead...just as good.

Telan Desaria
Oct 23rd, 2001, 05:34:22 AM
The Achilles sat at the Center of the Imperial blockade of Bastion, the formation making slow progress as it inched forward towards the screen of mines that the Remnant had set up around his target.

" Captain Gerion. Range to target?"

" One minute-maximum effective range," the grey-haired and extremely efficient officer replied. Desaria would have to remember to note that in his after action report.

" Launch fighter squadrons. Commence precision fire. Eliminate those mines."

" Aye sir!"

A torrent of fire swept from the sides of the craft of the Vth Thyferran Division, and into the Remnant's defense. A wall of neon energy pulsed forth from the Imperial armada, wiping hundreds of the mines each second of the fierce fusilade. The numbers on the screens of eager, battle-yearning technicians began to scroll down, and the fire slowed.

" Send in fighter wave Alpha-"

Deployed fighters from the massed armada screamed forward towards the defenses of Bastion, throwing up a wall of fire as they went, mimicking their larger compatriots in the Fleet. They clashed with the mines and began dwarfing their number... and reducing them as effectively as years of training could. However, casualties could be expected. Missiles layed low several bombers, lasers felled some unfortunate TIE Devils-though their losses were not felt, since their pilots were mere droids.

" Would you count the enemy mines, Captain Gerion?" Desaria asked, stroking his chin he had miticulously shaved the morning of the attack-he believed rigidly the Imperial Manual of Arms.

" One hundred seventy-eight and falling, sir. Our losses, about ninety Devils lost, ten Bombers, and a dozens other TIEs. No capital ships as yet harmed as we're at maximum range and beyond the mines' ability to reach."

" Excellent. Recall the fighters. Send in Wave Beta and prepare bombardment of the planetary shield. May whatever god they believe in help them."

Desaria turned away from the spectre of the battle, knowing that there were millions of Imperial citizens on the planet below, millions that he might have served with. Possibly even commanded when he was a Rear Admiral under Palpatine's Empire. He couldn't bare the thought of killing them. But he knew where his loyalty lay. He was an Admiral of the Empire. He would do his duty...

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria

Major Jancarius Stefanisky
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:35:52 AM
OOC: Post to be edited to correct format later, invalidated by board authorties.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:44:26 AM
Major, you destroyed 2 ISDs, and disabled 2 VSD's uncontested, in one post, with fighters. Please edit your post accordingly, as this is quite illegal.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 23rd, 2001, 01:46:49 PM
OOC: Not to mention the fact that the SSD is in the middle of the first flotilla. The missile boats would have a snowball's chance on Tatooine to actually get near it, let alone do some damage. As you'll note, it takes 4 posts to destroy a Star Destroyer. While a Super Star Destroyer would have enough firepower to destroy a missile boat in one post, considering it's enormity. Post ignored. I mean, can you imagine 20 star destroyers, EACH protected by 3 FIRE CLASS LIGHT FRIGATES (60 each) would allow missile boats near them? And you seem to have easily dropped hundreds of bombs on extremely strong shields, are you insane? And this is only mentioning the Star Destroyers. I haven't even begun to name the Mon Calamari cruisers that are blockading the planet as well. Also the TIE squadrons that are circling around the ships!Post ignored, as I said before. Think again.

"Grand Admiral, sir." Larynx caught the blue skinned alien's attention. "I suggest that we send two squads of TIE executors to assist Captain Fena."

"I believe that is not necessary at all. Although I suggest that you dispatch Black Death squadron. They alone can aid the Captain in his ground assault." Thrawn replied coolly.

Oddly enough, Larynx seemed quite uneasy with Thrawn's order. His expression darkened, as he began to speak in protest, "Sir they are new. This mission is vital to the Empire. We need experienced TIE pilots...."

"They are ready." Thrawn's voice had both confidence and firmness. Only a fool would defy his orders after he put it so clearly, what he wanted done.

Black Death Squadron was a group of pilots that Thrawn had personally hired and trained through many simulator packages. They hadn't been on any real missions, but the simulator scores were quite remarkable. Surely not the best the Empire had ever seen, but impressive nonetheless. The whole squadron flew TIE Executioners mk. II. Thrawn had used his personal credit account to purchase each fighter. They weren't cheap, but Thrawn knew that they were worth the cause.

"As ordered...." Larynx saluted Thrawn and backed away.

The Grand Admiral stared out at the viewport. Brita Kajarro was soon going to belong to the Galactic Empire. As each world would soon enough. Lebron's fleet would be crushed and trapped, no matter how long it took. Each Imperial soldier was determined and quite excited to prove their might against the foolish splinter group that actually considered themselves an Empire. Thrawn imagined that acting Diktat Schreiger was probably requesting Lebron's head on a platter.

And to think this would all have worked out properly if the splinter group subjected their miniscule forces to us. Oh well, I do enjoy doing things the hard way. Thrawn mused in silence.

Radon Monty
Oct 23rd, 2001, 05:32:08 PM
"All ships to Delta Blue Defense," Radon said.
As his ships switched into formation he watched the Major begin his assault.
"Comm, give me a link to the Major."
"Yes, sir."
As the Ensign pulled it up he prepared himself.
"Major, this is Moff Mont. If you want to be effective I suggest you pull out and hook up with me. I have a strategy of attack. You may not like it, but I think it will work."

"Send it, Comm."
"Yes, sir."
"All ships to Diamondhead Attack formation."
He watched the ships move again and waited for a reply from the Major.:mad

Major Jancarius Stefanisky
Oct 25th, 2001, 10:52:13 AM
OOC: If someone could give me their AIM, this is my first battle here, and the rules were never really explained to me.

Also, GAT, I think you misunderstand my perspective and my post. The missile boats came out of hyperspace directly behind your bridge. The Hammerheads came out of hyperspace immediatly behind your ImpStars. As my perspective of space combat is solely based on the XWing, TIE Fighter, and X/TIE games, the destruction of those ships would be quite plausible using that strategy, and under the rules that apply to those games. Since diffrent rules obviously apply here, if someone would email me all rules regarding space combat at RUN_FOR_YOUR_LIVES@hotmail.com. Oh and I didn't kill your SSD anyway, just blew the shield generators up.

Sarin Vorran
Oct 25th, 2001, 10:55:51 AM
Commander Vorran sat upon the rbdieg of his command ship, watching as the defenders of Kamaar engaged The Imperial attackers. Defeat is not an option. It is not now, and it never was...I was at Calamarai. I stayed with the Emperor's true hiers. How many of them did...?

" Captain," said an officer from the port crew pit, using the traditional title for the commander of a warship. " The enemy Fleet is moving towards us."

" Excellent. We are far too small to stop them. But we can prick just enough so it hurts. All ships Task Force Tempest:


Task Force Tempest:

ISD Akon
ASD Termagant
CRC Guyver
2 Radon Pickets

10 TIE Avenger squadrons-one bomber squadron

IC...Delta Arrow formation..."

The ships of Task Force Tempest fell into a tried formation with the Akon at the center, with the pickets on either side, the Corvette and one gunship off the bow, the Termagant aft and the remaining two gunships off her aft ion engines. The fighters were dispersed about in a loose cloud, deployed in flights of three.

" Captain, we are in formation. Target assessment has created a battle map and is ready to display. All men ready."

A holographic projection sprang to life above the port crew pit. Now Vorran could operate with wisdom, and with wisdom came victory. " Set a course...for the nearest VSD..."

Khendon Sevon
Oct 25th, 2001, 02:52:23 PM
Sensors sprang to life as sirens tolled the last life of the opponent, “Sir, hostile SD group approaching wedge one, orders?” Khendon hit several buttons and readouts of the battlefield were visible via a monitor in front of him.

“Fighter Control, command all fighters to stay within the range of our Defensive Banks, set 60% priority to incoming missiles. Weapons, lock upon the ASD Termagant, fire 20% of our Mass Cannons along with a salvo from half of each craft’s turbolasers, that’s roughly enough to cause the amount of damage I’m looking for…” Khendon’s words trailed off as he smiled and gave a nod.

Fifty two mass cannons leveled off at the attacking ASD, they had been loaded upon exit of hyperspace and were ready to fire. As the smile faded from Khendon’s lips, the ships released the barrage of precision munitions, each leaving a light ion trail as they approached the enemy ship.

A total of 104 rounds were fired off at the ship, the computers directed 20 to the engines, 20 to the bridge, 20 to the generators, and spread the rest across a wide vector. As the deadly weapons approached their targets, their plasma tips began to heat up, and explosive cores started to compress, the shape charges ready to lash out. The weapons went hot and boosters ignited, pushing them at a startling rate towards the opposing ship.

As this all happened, turbolasers from all over the Coruscant fleet and First Tactical rang out, moving quickly towards the one, concentrated target.

“Open Comm., all other vessels that approach the fleet shall be met with equal force, end. Weapons, reload exhausted Mass Cannons, increase coolant circulation.”

(OOC: for information on Mass Cannons go here... clickeroonie (http://pub24.ezboard.com/fgalacticmilitaryalliancefrm2.showMessage?topicID= 121.topic)

Radon Monty
Oct 25th, 2001, 04:52:17 PM
Radon watched as his ASD was pounded. It lost its shields and suffered some hull damage.
"Ensign, order the LT. Commander to retreat."
"Yes, sir."
He watched as the ensign relayed the message. A few moments later an acknowledgement came. The LT. Commander pulled back slowly. Radon hoped the enemy would not follow.

OOC: Sarrin we have been advise not to attack. Just follow along with this post.:(

Khendon Sevon
Oct 25th, 2001, 05:03:54 PM
(OOC: Shall I list the amount of ways that make your post errored or shall I just say it is and ignore it? I'll ignore it, maybe before you post you should contact me via aim and let me know your intent so I can tell you if it's legal. My aim is Ietib)

Admiral Lebron
Oct 25th, 2001, 05:10:08 PM
(OOC: He can't AIM. He got in a fight, and is banned from his home computer.)

Sarin Vorran
Oct 26th, 2001, 09:44:37 AM
Commander watched the cannonade blech forth from the Imperial formation, rocking his Aurora, class Star Destroyer. It was a new ship of the line, a brilliant invention, and one that would day take its place along side the Imperialc-lass Destroyers in Fleets across the galaxy, But today, it had gotten a bloody nose. Its shields were downed by the barrage, and only her reinforced armor, comparable to an Imperial II, would hold off a salvo and allow her to survive.

" Damage report from Captain Teshanna. Two hundred, seven reported missing. Starboard gundecks section fifteen through twenty-one damaged heavily. He requests orders."

Vorran mulled for a moment. " Our orders are to retreat. We have no choice. I would have liked to beat them up a little, but orders are orders. When we are told to fight, we will. All ships, reverse engines. Tell Termagant to get his auxiallay shields up as soon as possible. The gunships are to use the Aurora's targeting computers to pick off any missiles incoming to prevent any further damage..."

Task Tempest headed back towards Kamaar

Telan Desaria
Oct 27th, 2001, 12:26:57 PM
With the destruction of the planetary defense mine at the loss of some fighters-which were replaceable in the eyes of the Empire-Admiral Desaria prepared his Fleet for the invasion of the planet itself.

" All interdiction pickets-activate Immobilizer arrays. All other ships, when within maximum range of Bastion-commence bombardment of the planetary shields!"

" Aye sir!" replied Captain Gerion, straightening his tunic and dispatching the appropriate orders. The Thyferra Sector Fleet, V Division, moved forward, kilometer by kilometer, until it was within maximum effective range. This way, the planetary turbolasers that could do severe damage to his precious ships from below would be greatly reduced in their potency. But so would the fusilade the Imperials would dish out.

" Bring all guns to bear. Commence firing!" yelled Gerion, all to eager for Desaria, sick at the thought of fighting his former brothers. But duty was duty. The guns fired and lasers pulsed. Torpedoes and missiles shot from the armada of warships, making the seconds-long journey towards the green-and-white globe of Bastion and slamming into the shield.

The defensive sphere could not stand much pounding, and according to the Achilles' Tactical Officer, she had another hour to live.

" General Tscheel. Prepare your troops. We will land as soon as the shield comes down. I want those turbolasers taken over first, then the major cities. Call on the Fleet for fire support. You'll have TIEs for flight support all the way."

" As ordered, Fleet Admiral." The young General saluted and spun on his heel, marching aft. Desaria watched him, hoping that he and many of his men would not die in the coming attack.

How many of the enemy would...

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet
Inspector General of the Destroyerate

Sarin Vorran
Oct 29th, 2001, 11:52:10 AM
The Akon and its accompanying force withdrew to just beyond the maximum effective range of the Imperial armada. The way to Kamaar was now open.

" Send the following transmission to Umaro. Requesting orders vis-a-vis Imperial attack. Are we to let them invade?"

-Commander Sarin Vorran

Telan Desaria
Oct 29th, 2001, 11:58:43 AM
The Achilles and the Imperial fleet which surrounded it pounded Bastion with all of their might, lossing slavo after salvo of missile and laser alike at the all but defenseless planet. With the planetary defense mines destroyed, the sheilds were now the targets of withering cannonades of Imperial fire. It would not be long before the iron cracked under the weight of Imperial pressure. Aboard his flagship, Fleet Admiral Desaria played over the speakers of his bridge Corellian composer Antelli Vorshello's 84th Symphony, its driving rhythms and pulsating beats symbolizing the war taking place outside the Achilles. It tarnsported the Admiral to a time when brother would not have to fight brother, back to a time when the Empire was not divided. Before stpudidty reigned.

" Analysts report wo minutes until penetration of the shield, Admiral," said Captain Gerion, raising his voice over the din of the music.

" Excellent," Admiral Dsearia replied, waving his hand in perfect time with the music, as if he were linked with it on another plane of existance. It disturbed Captain gerion that he could be detached and run a battle-ut then again, all great leaders have bee eccentric.

Beyond the transpristeel viewports of the Super-class Star Destroyer's bridger, the array of warships continued to hammer the green and white spehere of Bastion. Then, without warning, the slowly shrinkinh shield began to give way. The Imperial-class Destroyers and VSDs let losse andother salvo, this one only partially deflected by the shield array. Some neon spears lanced into the atmosphere and sizzled towards targets at which they were aimed. A planearty turbolase5r, which has fired only three shots and moderately damaged a Fire-class Light Frigate, was raised to the ground, as were most of its compatriots as shots from above converged locations from above. A TIE hanagar, deep within a mountain side, was rocked with the impact of a comcussion missile defilade from an orbiting Victory III-class Star Destroyer.

" Admiral! We have reports from a dozen ships from across the division! Shots are getting through the shields. Sveeral targets have been destroyed! All across the spehere, the planet-wide array is afiling!" reported the tactical operations officer, a young Coruscant-native.

" Cease-fire. I have no wish to incur civilian casualties. All ships are to launch Transport Wave Alpha. Assault Wave Support I is to launch immediately and accompany drop ships to the surface. I want full cooperation between service branches on this landing. Understood? General Tscheel?" Fleet Admiral Desaria turned his command chair about, only ceasing his incessant foot taping long enough to rotate his position.

" As ordered, Admiral."

" Excellent. Good hunting. This world shound fall unsctahed, and the Imperial Banner will fly free once again..."

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet
Inspector General of the Destroyerate

Major Jancarius Stefanisky
Oct 29th, 2001, 07:50:02 PM
OOC: I'm back. Give me your AIM

Admiral Lebron
Oct 29th, 2001, 08:47:06 PM
OOC: Janc! You is off the mission! Comply now or face court martial!

Telan Desaria
Oct 30th, 2001, 08:28:35 AM
The Gencore shields were dying, fast enough to allow a landing, but slowly enough to make it hazardous. The V Thyferra Division continued to pound the shield, shrinking it continuously, making it smaller and smaller every minute that went by for the transports that would descend towards the planet.

From the Imperial armada came a swarm of small craft, shuttle and drop ships, each carrying the Empire's most lethal weapons-its troops. Stormtroopers, Fleet troopers, hovertanks, anti-tank sleds, tank droids, and all sorts of combat machines that Empire had concocted over the previous months and formed up into the Seond and Third Assault Armies.

The transports, looking a like a swarm of insects at night, silhoutted against the stars and grey warships that were mercilessly shelling the helpless planet below, moved forward and began their descent. TIE fighters of all kinds, who would escort them down and act as mobile support platofmrs, fell into formation around the ships and joined the mini-flotilla.

One of the planetary turbolasers had survived the orbital bombardment, and fired into the mass of ships, which was spread out to protect against such mischance. The enormous bolt collided with one luckless Raptor transport and careened towards Bastion. A VSD above maneuvered into psotion above and let loose a cannonade of concussion missiles whjich eliminated the last of the turbolasers, leaving only whatever garrison bastion could must against the two hundred thousand ground troops Fleet Admiral Desaria was landing.

The transports landed near Bastion's capital city, where the Astoria Sector Moff resided. The Third Assault Army quickly set up into corps and begn to spead out and gain a foothold on the ground, the TIEs covering their every move, the Dsetroyers and frigates covering theirs'. The Second Assault Army began a mechanized march towards a coastal city which they knew would fall post haste.

Glory would belong to the Empire. It was only a matter of time...

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet
Inspector General of the Destroyerate

Sarin Vorran
Nov 1st, 2001, 01:39:46 PM
OOC-waiting for orders...

Telan Desaria
Nov 1st, 2001, 05:56:51 PM
The mechanized and armored army of the Galactic Empire surrounded their assigned cities, besieging the capital of bastion itself. Now the cities of importance on Bastion were cut off from the ground, as the Imperial Navy cut them off from above.

General Tscheel, a young and eager officer of no more than three plus a dozen years, ordered two corps of his Second Army to begin a laborous assault on Bastionstadt itself. Seventy-thousand men, half stormtroopers and half Fleet troopers, disgorged themselves from their trnasports and made their way into the depth of the city, shooing civilians from their wake. The defenders, police and a few scant garrisoning TIE pilots who had no craft to fly, armed with repeating blasters, met them in houses that had to be flushed out. The attackers were ready, and fought with tenacity that was unbridled in its ferocity.

Up and down Bastion's main continental mass, the Empire's troops fought and liberated the four main cities after hours of hard and rigorous combat. IT was very tough, but victory was inevitable due to the mass of troops used, the supporting TIEs, and the orbiting warships that were raining death and destruction upon every defensive position as soon as it was formed.

When the last redoubt was stormed, and the Imperial Banner raised in victory, the Imperial soldiers turned to their captured human prizes, their heads down in shame, and gave them remarks of praise for having fought the good fight, having battled bravely, and been the best combatants they knew how to be.

The men of the Second and Third Imperial Assault Armies knew that the road to reconstruction would he long, but with Bastion captured, from the ground and in space, the Empire could begin anew. The first step had been taken.

" Give me a fleet channel, Captain Gerion," Admiral Desaria said. " You have fought well. Both us and the enemy have fough for our ideas, but now is the time to put aside our malices and propoganda and realize that the men we have conquered or our brothers. The planet below us is now part of the Empire. May it forever stay there."

The bridge crew applauded, and Desaria stood, and walked aft...

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet
Inspector General, Thyferra Sector Fleet

Wolfgang Schreiger
Nov 1st, 2001, 06:56:56 PM
Interim Diktat Schreiger impatiently drummed his fingers across the armwrests of his command chair. The brief flash of a firefight could be seen at the periphery of Kamaar's entrance orbitals. Tactical had indicated that a Remnant flotilla had engaged an element of Moff Sevon's expeditionary fleet. The engagement was brief, and the Remnant flotilla began withdrawing quickly. Schreiger's jovial face soured, as he turned to Admiral Zev

Don't tell me we came all the way from the Colonies Sector for this. How remarkably pathetic. Open a channel to Moff Sevon.

A comm officer complied quickly.

Moff Sevon, this is Schreiger. Report on your engagement.

Captain Joachim Fena
Nov 1st, 2001, 07:12:26 PM
(While Thrawn's forces continued to pummel both the defensive batteries and the shielding of Brita-Kajarro, Gator Navy's close air support also began to assault, bombarding the shielding on the planet furiously, hoping to quickly open a window for the insertion troops. The loss of one shield reactor would create a hemispheric window that could be used to insert troops into a target zone. As the scimitar bombers mixed ranks with Thrawn's black death squadron, the fleets continued to pummel the orbital shielding. After a ten minute dedicated assault, the southern hemisphere reactor flickered briefly in a running cycle, signalling its imminent collapse.

The fleets intensified forward firepower to speed the collapse, while the dropship-laden Quasar Fire Bulk Cruisers kept in slow formation, inserting into the sensor-blind approach zone. For five minutes, they would be flying on visuals alone, until the shielding gave way and they exited their protection zone.)

Khendon Sevon
Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:57:09 PM
“Sir, message coming in from Diktat Schreiger,” said one of the many staff aboard the GSD Black Star.

“Patch it to my display,” said Khendon in response and the officer quickly keyed in commands and the Diktat’s hologram appeared. Schreiger requested an update on the situation and Khendon thought for a moment. In response he said, “An enemy force advanced and was fired up by one salvo which quickly turned their craft away from the conflict. I am preparing to fire upon the space mine field now, and was about to give orders to do so,” Khendon looked over to the fire control officer and nodded confirmation.

All ships in the First Tactical and Coruscant division fired upon computer allocated targets, laying waste to a good portion of the field as a second salvo charged up. Khendon quickly looked to his second and gave a slight movement of his head, motioning for him to take over the battle while he discussed the happening with Schreiger.

Khendon’s second quickly ordered the mobilization of all fighter-bombers and bombers, preparing the computers for tactical analysis and target allotment.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 2nd, 2001, 03:23:21 PM
The Admiral, spun on his heel, turing from the conflict, soon to errupt into a war. He smiled.
"Hmm.. Order the D's to be fired immeadiatly, launch all fighters, and push the fleet right into the enemy." He said casually, as if it were a drill.
"Yes Sir!" The crewman said with intensity.

The entire fleet, lurched forward in one big movement, all heading towards the enemy fleet, shields up and guns charged. From the bigger ships, fighters spewed out like bee's from a hive. It was an awe-inspiring fleet action, enines flaring up in unison, each ships, keeping in a straight line, their wavy formation, kept shape.

From the more massive ships, fighters spewed out, heading backwards, then off, half heading to the mine- fields or to the platforms that surronded the planet, the other half, fell into postion with the fleet.

In the bays of every ship that them, in stead of their shuttles, sat missles. 5 per every shuttle. These, were being brought onto hover sleds, and transported from their spot in the bay, to the edges of it, each missles, deadly enough to destroy frigates, with their shields fully up and armor brand new. The Imperial Fleet began it's counterstrike.

Khendon Sevon
Nov 2nd, 2001, 03:53:36 PM
“Sir, enemy advancing and launching fighters!” Khendon’s head turned quickly to his tactical display.

“Send the signal, now!” As these words left Khendon’s mouth, the communication’s officer quickly sent the signal.

“Drop… now! Now! Go!”

Several seconds later, the First Guild Division came out of hyperspace on the opposite side of the planet, Erebus in the center of the sphere of craft. As soon as the Erebus was out of hyperspace, its powerful Enigma weapons began to charge; soon they would be ready to fire. Both the Guild division and Coruscant division now brought up gravity well generators, inhibiting movement through hyperspace, the fight was finally becoming interesting.

Four divisions and one tactical fleet now stood on the doorstep of Kamaar, the mighty Erebus was ready to sweep its dark arms around the planet, and bring it to its knees, nothing could stop the Empire now, nothing.

“Comm., lock communications with Diktat Schreiger. Diktat, if you would not mind, move to one of the flanks of the opponent, that way we will incase him in crossfire. I’ll command a portion of the Guild Division to make its way towards the rear of the enemy and cross a three way fire pattern.

“Fleet Command, make it so.”

Wolfgang Schreiger
Nov 2nd, 2001, 05:24:07 PM
Schreiger wasted little time, snapping his fingers in the direction of the comm officer.

Alert Second Division Command, and have their forces position across the Remnant battlefleet's starboard flank, and batter their salient inwards toward the centerline. Disperse Interdiction Pickets, and keep the coverage thick.

The six battle groups and reserve detatchment of second division trundled towards the Remnant line, fanning wide upon reaching its starboard end. With Lebron's forces positioned in a linear formation, his salient flanks would be extremely vulnerable, forcing his lines inward on themselves. As the division approached, warheads and turbolasers opened up in an intermittent hailstorm, as an isolated ISD on the line was targeted with the brunt of the assault. Squadrons of TIE Devils screamed around the flank assault, pinning down what limited support could be drawn to Lebron's exposed defensive position. Unlike Lebron's vessels, which were charging forward in an abreast line, Schreiger's second division could cap around the end of the row, focusing their firepower entirely on 2 or 3 vessels, where perhaps only 5 vessels of the Remnant were in a position to fire back defensively. The quick offensive caught the ISD by suprise, its shields buckling under the quick and concentrated salvo.

Back onboard the Ulysses, Schreiger watched the formation with bemusement.

He has the strategic sense of a flock of peasants armed with rocks and sharp sticks. His linear front offers equal forward firepower, but his ranks are thin and his flanks are practically defenseless.

Schreiger glanced back at Admiral Zev, as if to see if he was taking notes on his speech.

Divide and conquer, good Admiral. Form up first division for a full warhead bombardment...

Schreiger places his finger along a spot on the real-time battle screen, about 1/3rd of the way down from Lebron's scrambling starboard flank.

...here. Dumb-fire. Synchronous launch. Spread of three kilometer radius, close formation. If any ship on his line is stupid enough to hold their formation, I want it dissolved into nanite fodder.

Zev nodded, gesturing for tactical to begin the bombardment preparations. Schreiger continued.

Continue duration for two minutes, then form up division for a line breech, engines full forward, shields 150% forward. Launch fighters to suppress small-scale naval interference. Once fighters are away...chaff spread, three kilometer radius, and five kilometers foreships of the line. By the time they can get a weapon's lock on our advance, we'll close to killing range.

Zev nodded Excellent, Diktat.

First division began their assault on Lebron's line, with all six battle groups and reserve element launching a concentrated warhead salvo at a general position on Lebron's line. As the salvo fired, superiority squadrons of TIE Devils deployed, ready to cover the advance of the division. It would be about five minutes before they reached the line, and in two minutes, the warhead salvo would cease, and the chaff screen would be deployed in first division's axis of advance, covering the salient advance from precise ranged bombardments.

Sarin Vorran
Nov 3rd, 2001, 12:56:05 PM
Almost overnight, Sarin Vorran had received promotion, decoration, and command of half of the Imperial Remnant. He now sta in Command of the First and Second Assault Armadas, and Third Reserve Armada as he had renamed them. He was now a Rear Admiral, and would fight and die for a cause he believed in. Far from stupid, but not a genius, he a simple officer with one mission-victory or death.

His forces: http://pub54.ezboard.com/fserpentfleetfrm1.showMessage?topicID=58.topic

many ships strong, but nowhere near as strong as his attackers needed to be used wisely in order to attain any measure of success from thw ashes of the certain defeat that masses of enemy ships on Remnant soil presented.

While Admiral Lebron lead his Fifth through Tenth Fleets in an attack against the front of what had been identified as the Coolonies Sector Fleet, the Guild Fleet exited hyperspace and engaged his flank. The enemy had engaged his immoblizer globes, so Admiral Vorran would never make it in time to save Admiral Lebron. But he could bite what had been identified as the Colonies Sector Fleet as it made its way towards Admiral Lebron's concentration to join the fray.

Aboard the mk III Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tanji, Admiral Vorran stood and accessed the situation as his ships lurched forward from orbit around Kamaar, themselves no longer made to be sitting targets. " First and Second Fleets, commense attack, echeloned, delta formation, Third, behind us. Launch fighters and bombers. One flight of fighters to protect every bomber. Prepare to engage."

A chorus of acknowledgements came from the crew pits and aft command corridor. Slowly the fleet fell into formation and the fighters and bombers disgorged themselves from their berths in the steel beasts in which they rode.

However, the man who led tehir prey was no fool. He saw Admiral Vorran coming. He turned his ships to port because he had his shields to 150% forward and prepared to meet the onlsaught. But he wasn't ready to meet the combined mass of fighters and ships, the precision firing, and pinpoint bombing that the Remnant gunners and pilots hand quickly learned under Admiral Vorran. He was an innovative tactician, and battle was where his mind worked best.

Massive volleys of fire were exchanges between the two fleets as the behemoths moved within range, the long lance gunners firing first, then the concussion missile batteries, then the heavy turbolasers, then quadlaser turrets, and so on. When the word as given, the TIEs sped away from under the protective umbrella of fire and made runs against the Imperial ships, droping kilotons of heavy ordance upon their hulls. Explosions rocked their hulls, jetting molten durasteel into space where shields began to fail. But the Remnant was getting a bloody nose at such close range, too. The question was, who would give first...They had a small fleet in reserve

-Rear Admiral Sarin Vorran

Khendon Sevon
Nov 3rd, 2001, 09:12:15 PM
The Erebus continued its charging, soon it would be ready to fire, soon. Khendon smiled as groups 1-6 of the Guild Division came from the open side of Lebron’s fleet, beginning to acquire target locks. “Lock onto ISD Akron, ISDII Mamzer, and ISDIII Tanji, fire 60% of our Mass Cannons at these targets in divisions of 20%, if you need the math, it’s 306 projectiles. One second before the launch, fire off 70% of our Turbolasers and 10% of our Ion Cannons at these targets. Understood?” An officer nodded, giving a thumbs up signal, “Fire!”

Thousands of shots of energy rang out, each heading towards the computer assigned targets of either rhte Akron, Mamzer, or Tanji. A second later, with computer efficiency, the Mass Cannons opened up on the enemy, firing their precision munitions at computer assigned locations on the opponent’s ships, including the bride, generator, and engines.

On the other side of Kamaar, star destroyer groups 7-12 began firing upon the planets shields with all weapons at their disposal, Ion Cannons, Turbolasers, and bombs lashed out. Fighters sprang from the mouths of the mighty creatures, running over the shield and dropping bombs with the precision only seen in the Galactic Empire, this war would be over soon.

Lord Gue
Nov 5th, 2001, 11:21:15 AM
OOC: I only feel it my responsibility to point out that this thread 'here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10859)' is happening at the same time as this one, that is all

Sarin Vorran
Nov 5th, 2001, 02:24:28 PM
Admiral Vorran's eyes went wide as his cryptanalyst read aloud his enemy's orders thast had been intercepted. 306 mass cannon projectiles! His ships would barely be able withstand such a bombardment.

" All ISDs-shields, full forward! All other ships, lock onto the mass cannon projectiles with all anti-missile octets and quadlasers."

No sooner had he read his orders and they had been implimented than the Imperial warships fired. 306 mass cannon projectiles spewed forth towards the Remnant Destroyers. As they sped through the void of gunfire and through the expansive battle, Admiral Vorran had a tactical epiphany. " All VSDs, fire missiles at the following coordinates-" Vorran rambled off some numbers in the path of the mass cannon projectiles. " The explosion and flechettes should veer some off course."

The cannon projectiles continued on, nearing the Remnant Fleet, and the rest of the warships fired as many weapons into the swarm as they could, picking off individual tracks, dropping their number to 250. Then the VSDs fired, their missiles flying straight and true, and exploded ahead of the projectiles, creating an iradescent cloud of fire and metal in the middle of the battle, between the Remnant and Imperial warships. A few dozen missiles were destroyed, but 190 still flew on to their course.

" May God help us-" Before Vorran could finish his sentance, the projectiles hit the Tanji, rocking the SD, jaring men from their seats and tossing crewers about as if they were toys. The shields held at some spots, and fell in others, forcing tons of durasteel into space. The Mamzer and Akon fared no better, and would, for the remainder of the battle, be no more than floating battle platforms. But they had survived.

" All hands not essential to the operation of the ship-head to the Termagant."

The battle would go on, Vorran thought as he walked aft towards the landing bay, past burnt out terminals.

As the shuttle made its way out of the Tanji , he could see the full devastation the Imperials' fusilade had wrought. A Scylla Frigate, three Corellian corvettes, a Corellian gunship, and an Abolisher cruiser had all been reduced to floating hulks in space bu the turbolaser barrage that had preceeded the mass cannon wave. The Scylla had broken into two distinct pieces, and was spewing forth debris into the vacuum of space.

" Sir, we're getting a message from Akon. They're dead forward of section twenty-four. All guns useless in those sections. Mamzer is holding her own, though. Another wave like that and all three ISDs'll be gone, sir."

Vorran gritted his teeth. He would make them pay. The shuttle came to dock in the Termagant, his new flagship, and he raced to the bridge. All would be made right. He hoped...

Khendon Sevon
Nov 5th, 2001, 04:49:05 PM
(OOC: you didn't read about the mass cannons, did you? They go through shields using A.L.F. Matrix technology; Also, what about the thousands of blasts of turbolaser energy and ion energy pointed at the entire fleet?)

Sanis Prent
Nov 5th, 2001, 05:10:06 PM
OOC: Not to mention the concentrated dumb-fire warhead salvo that is supposed to keep such a frontal assault from even being engaged on the CSF 1st division. A volley with that kind of concentration would vape several capital ships foolish enough to hold their course.

Sarin Vorran
Nov 6th, 2001, 09:53:24 AM
OOC-I have made the appropriate changes. I think you will be pleased.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 6th, 2001, 12:23:14 PM
The Admiral turned away, looking out at the gory battle. "All Ships! Push Forward! Take away non-essential systems power and put it to shields. All capitals, converge all your fire power on the following targets." The Admiral nodded to a communications officer, who sent a list of small frigates and cruisers to everyship." All starfighters, make yourselves useful and attack those damned cannons! Aim for their bridges and attack in packs of three. "

The Kamaar fleet continued to shoot forward,accepting and carrying out every order which the Admiral spoke. The Armada pulling a manuver which looked a lot like an Ackbar slash. This fight was far from over.

Khendon Sevon
Nov 10th, 2001, 09:43:43 PM
As the Kamaar defensive fleet pushed towards the Coruscant fleet, Khendon let his head fall, “Fire it, get it over with.”

From the rear formation of enemy craft emitted five brilliant blue streaks of energy, each hitting an ISD in the Remnant fleet. The blue energy blazed and collided, a brilliant explosion reaching across the vastness of space, causing all onlookers to turn their heads. The Erebus had fired, and it was charging once again.

“Fire all of our turbolasers, now! Free fire mode! Fire mass cannons as well, concentrate fire on all remaining capital class craft!”

The loud guns of the super star destroyers and star destroyers, along with a mix of smaller craft, opened fire upon the approaching Kamaar fleet. Several of the Coruscant ships were hit by turbolaser fire, but most was absorbed by the overlapping shields of craft, all projectiles being stopped by the defensive fire from the defensive banks that were onboard the First Tactical fleet’s craft.


craft hit:
Imperator Star Destroyer Scream
Imperator Star Destroyer Scream III
Imperator Star Destroyer Scream IV
Imperator Star Destroyer Behali
Imperator Star Destroyer Swaili
if any of these are not in this location, let me know.)

Sarin Vorran
Nov 12th, 2001, 01:46:17 PM
Admiral Lebron ordered an attack, and an attack he would get. No matter the cost, victory would be attained. At least, they would stall the defeat of the once-proud Imperial Remnant to their offshoot Empire.

Perhaps it is better to go down in a blaze of glory then to wade away an old man in the limelight of life...Vorran thought, now on the bridge of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Hayes

" Message to Commodore Vaalt and Commodore Gerion, commanders of Assault Armada 1 and Reserve Armada III. Commence Plan Gamma!"

At the sound of his voice, the communications officers in the aft control corridor and the crew pit sent uncrackable coded mesages to the other two Fleet commanders, giving them Admiral Vorran's instructions. Until now, Assault Fleets I and II had been next to each other with the Third Reserve Armada in the rear, sending its fighters forward as a screen while the front line fighters ran bombing missions against the enemies. At the relaying of Admiral Vorran's orders, Fleet I on the left moved further down the enemy flank, and the Second Fleet moved further right. The Third Reserve Fleet moved up and assumed position in the middle, a wealth of new and, with the exception of the scared and battered but fighting Akon fresh warships.

All the ships fired a concerted salvo into the Imperial front line, vaporizing whole squadrons of fighters as they left their bays. One of their Fire-class Friagtes began to role over, its dshields failing. The Remant was making a comeback.

OOC-Edited to include the name of new flagship. Termagant IS out of commission. I thank you for pointing out my error. I had forgotten our previous engagement.

Khendon Sevon
Nov 12th, 2001, 04:20:35 PM
(OOC: That's it! If you insist on posting incorrect information I shall correct you, yet again.

The Termagant is out of commission due to the bombardment put upon it, further more, you've already ordered your ships to retreat, this wasn't like it was a year ago, in this battle it was only maybe half an hour ago, therefore, I believe it would take at least an order to move forward and a long wait to reach any of our ships. Also, over four divisions surround you! That means we have someone on either side of you! Fire is coming in from all directions.

If you attacked the group ahead of you, my division, you are heavily in error, fighters are within the Defensive Bank range, therefore you would have to launch an energy attack at close range to hit ANY of them, this would open you to attack from our mass of over 100 ships! Not to mention, it would open you for rear assault, and on your flanks from over another 300 ships!

I am truly sorry to make another OOC comment here! Please, if you wish to respond, my aim is 'ietib' and my email is 'andrew@bewildrocks.com'

Radon Monty
Nov 12th, 2001, 08:50:16 PM
Receiving the orders from the Admiral had no effect on him. In fact, he completely ignored them.
"All ships hold your positions."
He did nothing in response. His ships stayed on the edge of the system, not attempting to attack. He had a bigger responsibility.

Sarin Vorran
Nov 13th, 2001, 01:44:56 PM
OOC-Khendon, your defensive banks may be mauling my fighters and bombers, but they are not depleting them completly. Some are gtting through. And take into account the fact that I am pushing my ships to point blank range. I'm not calling this the calvalcade of broadsides for no reason. You're taking just as many casualties as me, here. So far, you've lost only one FCLF. Now, you lose another...

IC/Admiral Vorran was painfully aware of the fact that he was hemmed in on all sides by his enemy, and the fact that his ship rolled every minute from the impact of concussion missiles of long lance torpedoes reminded him if he would forget. It was time to prepare a plan, even if his Admiral in Command was not ready to accept the inevitable. Vorran was willing to fight to the death for the cause of Home Defense, but he was not willing to sacrifice the lives of his men.

" Gunnery Liaison Officer-Have all VSDs load concussion missiles and lock on the Interdiction pickets of the enemy Star Destroyer Groups in the Imperial Division ahead of us."

" As ordered, Admiral," the middle Aged lieutenant replied, resigned. He could see that Admiral Vorran was preparing the way for a retreat if one was ordered. Each Victory-class SD had 80 concussion missile launchers. There were four VSDs-that meant there would be 320 concussion missiles headings towards four IP frigates.

" Fire on my command..."

The tension built on the bridge of the Hayes...

" Fire!!!"

A wave of missiles were let loose into the enemy fleet, accompanied by normal inetnse firing of turbolasers, quad turbolasers, laser cannons, missiles, and the like. On the missile drove, faster and faster until they hit the wall of fire on the defensive banks that the enemy fleet could throw up in their path. Over half their number was eliminated, grand masses of explosions filling the sky as the swarm made its rocketed journey towards the small pickets. 156 missiles remainded, and veered off towards the four assigned pickets. No more defensive banks in their path, they hit.

Amidships, aft, and fore, they detonated, brilliantly. Each small ship rocked with the explosion, barely able to stand the pressure. Two could not. Their defensive screens failed under the weight of the onslaught and the ships began to roll. Disabled, they fell from formation. The third was severly damaged, unable to continue its picketing duties. The fourth was hit so hard that she was began leaking atmosphere. Two errant missile found their mark, and finished her off in a bright conflagration.

Vorran gritted his teeth and awaited the Imperials' wrath in return...

Khendon Sevon
Nov 13th, 2001, 04:51:45 PM
(OOC: You have an utter disregard for me, do you not? The Defensive Banks, which are placed in strategic positions, provide 360 computer linked fire, this means if you’re behind them, they can continue. You only attacked my debate over the defensive banks, what about the rest? I do thank you for editing the termigant, but their is still more that needs to be discussed. Do you think you’d be able to get your limited ships that make it past the defensive banks without the laser cannons on the larger ships behind them firing? I don’t think so. I am ignoring both of your posts until the errors I have stated in both my posts are addressed.


Sarin Vorran
Nov 14th, 2001, 01:43:17 PM
OOC-Moff Sevon, I have no contempt for you. We merely misunderstand each other. Please disregard my fighters' push into your defensive bank range. Consider them convering my capital ships and picking off your Mass Cannon projectiles and missiles and torpedoes as they come into our field of fire. I apologize for any inconvenience. But my destrucand incapacitation of your four IP frigates was quite legitmate.

And, unfortunately, given my current setting and crisis, emailing or aiming you would be impossible. For at least the near future.

-Rear Admiral Sarin Vorran

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Nov 21st, 2001, 05:33:14 PM
OOC: This post is dedicated to all those who think the war is over, especially Lord Gue :evil :lol :mneh >D/IC

It had been almost a day since the Grand Admiral had arrived at Brita Kajarro and began to sow the seeds of the Imperial Remnant's destruction. Since then much had happened in Imperial Remnant space, a battle had begun that would no doubt leave its mark. The Imperial Remnant's fleet had been trapped at Kamaar and was being ravaged by the Galactic Empire's uber forces. The Grand Admiral had viewed some of the battle from GNN, which was supposedly covering most of the battle.

Although Kamaar was not the only planet that had been targeted. Bastion and Brita Kajarro were now part of the Galactic Empire. Grand Admiral Thrawn had personally insured the swift victory at Brita Kajarro while Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria had conquered Bastion and destroyed the Imperial Remnant forces there. Not as ruthless, Thrawn allowed the soldiers that surrendered to leave the system freely. Those who were unruly met an honorless death, which is what many of them deserved. The Grand Admiral had personally executed ground commanders brought before him. One had even tried to spit in his face, had Thrawn not anticipated the action and side stepped to avoid it. That man had been placed in the air lock and jettisoned into space with the other trash. It only took him a few moments to freeze to death in the vast coldness of space.

Since the conquer of Brita Kajarro, Grand Admiral Thrawn had already begun to prepare for the next step toward victory...

"Ahhh-tennnnn-tion!" The field commander had a loud militant voice that yearned for order. Each Grim Trooper officer payed him a brief look of respect and snapped into order. They formed a long line along the briefing room aboard the Super Star Destroyer Pandemoneum. Each soldier had been specially trained to use the Grim Trooper in all terrains and combat areas. The Empire had put a large amount into funding to see this project get under way and it had all payed off in the end. The Grim Trooper suits were large, ruthless and intimidating.

"Now look here," The field commander continued, amplifying his voice, despite the fact all were paying attention, "Today you are walking into a warzone. Anyone not in possession of a Grim Trooper mobile suit IS AN ENEMY. Unless you can determine otherwise of course. The Grand Admiral has ordered us to stay away from civilians, but you may open fire if they interfere. I want that planet ridded of Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers, Sandtroopers and even Raintroopers if such a thing was ever invented. You've all been through the simulator runs, and you know what to do. Anyone who fails to complete their unique mission criteria will pay the conseqeunces...Is that clear?!"

The soldiers and officers signified a "yes" by pumping their fists into the air and cheering. Each was filled with a zest that made them feel invincible. The field commander knew that such would not be the case on this planet. This world would not be an easy planet to seize. Yes, the Empire had also targeted...


"Yaga Minor, sir." Captain Larynx beamed with pride. Evidentily this was his birthplace. He longed to see it in Imperial hands again...True Imperial hands.

"Yes, I understand you are from Yaga Minor. Does it bother you Captain, that your world is going to taste war...Yet again?" Grand Admiral Thrawn asked coolly. The fleet had just emerged from outside of the system and now approached the planet. Fighter squadrons had been assigned to standby, and each weapon was charged. Luckily enough, none of Thrawn's ships had experienced any significant damage at Brita Kajarro.

"No, Sir. I am overjoyed to participate in the cleansing of this planet. If war is the only way we can obtain it, then war I say." Larynx turned to give Thrawn a serious look and nodded curtly.

The Grand Admiral returned a neatly creased smile, betraying no other facial emotions. An officer walked up to his side and made a signal with his hands. Thrawn observed the signal and nodded slightly, giving the officer his approval.

"It seems there is a small minefield orbiting this planet, an insufficient number really." Thrawn began, keeping his gentlemanly composure. "I have ordered two squads of TIE Executioners to sweep across the minefield and destroy them all at point blank range."

"Excellent choice, sir." Larynx nodded.

"Yes...It will be excellent when the Imperial Remnant suffers from our mighty Grim Troopers."

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Nov 24th, 2001, 07:12:19 PM
The Imperial Star Destroyer mk. II Borgul was having a hard time dealing with the snubfighters that Yaga Minor's defence force had launched. The Captain had ordered forward shields to their maximum and the deployment of three Executioner squadrons. Many failed to realize that snubfighter squadrons could in fact do damage. Of course, once the fighters had been deployed, the tides quickly turned. The Imperial Remnant starfighters seemed to be aware of their impending doom and hopelessly flung their ships at the Imperial Star Destroyer. Only one managed to penetrate the turbolaser defences and crashed into starboard turbolaser deck 19, killing three. The breach was going to take some time to patch up, but security maintenance had locked down the area, insuring no one else would suffer.

While Borgul was bsuy eradicating the starfighter threat, Pandemonium and the other capital ships in the first flotilla had focused their firepower elsewhere. Yaga Minor was covered in a Gencore class II shield that disabled any of the Galactic Empire's ships from crossing that shield and making their way on to the planet. The Grand Admiral had ordered the destruction of the shield. That goal could only be obtained if the shield was constantly bombarded with firepower.

From the Pandemonium's main hatch, four TIE bomber squadrons exited at top speed. The sluggish TIE bombers proved terrible in snubfighter dog fights but were useful for such invasions, and destroying planetary defenses. Grand Admiral Thrawn had ordered the production of two TIE bomber squadrons to add to the two that were berthed in the Pandemonium's might hull. The pilots he had chosen for this job were ruthless, men who could get the job done.

Thrawn was not prejudiced against females and non-humans. He himself was an alien, unlike every other member from his crew. Thrawn only had one female human on his staff. Captain Merka of the Lidless Eye had joined the Empire seven years after Palpatine's demise. Admiral Daala promoted her to deck officer. It was not long until Merka had transferred to Pellaeon's forces. Then Thrawn himself had requested her transfer to his starfleet shortly after his return. Similar to many of his other decisions, his reasons behind this transfer remained unknown and therefore a mystery.


"This is Squadron Leader of Bomber Squadron one twenty three, all squadrons power down to attack speed." Squadron Leader Tach announced through his comlink unit. Just beyond the viewport he watched as two flight groups assumed attack speed at his side, while his own flight group trailed behind. The other three squadrons had been put under his command by Grand Admiral Thrawn. This was more then enough reason for Tach to do his best and assist the Galactic Empire in a swift victory.

The planet of Yaga Minor filled most of the TIE bombers' viewports as they darted across the vast region of space. The shields glowed an eerie transparent color each time they were hit with a turbolaser from the mighty capital ships. Tach and his squadron-mates knew that this siege would soon be over. Thier bombs would punch holes in the shields large enough for the troop transports to pass through.

"Target in range.....Now. Bombs away boys." Tach angled his targeting box at the shield and the enormous planet below. It only took a few seconds for the box to correspond and turn red. Tach pressed the trigger with both hands, releasing the bombs that would bring destruction to his shield. The other 47 TIE bombers released their bombs as well, and angled upward for another pass. Tach allowed himself a small chuckle of satisfaction. Grand Admiral Thrawn himself would be pleased...


"Captain Larynx, have you ever observed a planet from way up high? Have you ever studied the different colors that seemingly swirl together to create a planetary surface?"

"I can't say I have, Admiral sir." Larynx responded to the blue being beside him.

"Of course you haven't. Your concerns only involve war and victory." Thrawn turned his command chair to face Larynx who stood over him. Larynx stared back down at the Admiral, unsure of what to say. Finally he just gave Thrawn a slight nod, indicating he was correct. "Captain Larynx, do you know why I chose you for this position, in Captain Renthal's abscense?"

"No sir, I do not."

"I chose you, because you are a level headed human being. Unlike others, you know what your goals are, and you aren't preoccupied with other matters. One might say you are on task twenty three hours a day. Such a quality is admirable and is useful during these situations. But," Thrawn hesitated for a moment, "Do not discount the fact that there is more to life then war and victory."

Larynx nodded once again, and responded with silence. That silence was broken from the emergence of a deck officer. It was evident that he bore good tidings, due to the smile that had formed on his face. The officer stood before Larynx and saluted him. He turned to Thrawn and did the same, in the exact same Imperial manner. The Grand Admiral gave the deck officer a nod, urging him to speak his news.

"Sir, their shields will be down momentarily. The field commanders have loaded their troops onto carriers and they are ready to be deployed as soon as permitted." The officer explained.

"Well, it seems that we will see the Grim Troopers in action sooner then we thought. Wine, anyone?" The Grand Admiral asked, glancing back and forth at the Captain and his deck officer.

Telan Desaria
Dec 3rd, 2001, 11:18:04 AM
Deep with the depths of the mighty Super Star Destroyer Achilles, Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria was following a long standard tradition held in the navies across the galaxy-dinner with his officers. The Cheif Gunnery officer, a Lieutenant Commander from Balmorra was present, so were the " Coruscant triplets"-three brothers who all held the rank of Commander, one being the cheif Navigator, another the head quartermaster, the other the Fleet liaison officer. General Tscheel was present, donning his brown uniform in the sea of dark green Fleet officers. Colonel Arinner, the commanding TIE pilot on board was proudly sporting his unit patches on his shoulders.

The officers were seated arouns a oval-shaped table, with one vaccant seat at the head for Admiral Desaria who was determined to make a grand entrance. The officers bantered back and forth, exchanging stories of war and victory, and most recently tales of the Battle of Bastion, over which the Fifth Division now orbited, the vanquished planet below.

Fleet Admiral Desaria finally arrived with two Fleet troopers presaging his entrance. They each turned away from each other and presented the Admiral in their wake. He donned an immaculate white uniform with gold epaulettes and a single gold shoulder cord looping under his right arm, separating his attire from that of the Grand Admiral's.

" Atten-hut!" called Captain Vosst, the newly arrived commander of the Achilles, her former captain on extended leave.

The cadre of officers rose to their feet, the sound of their heels clicking on the steel decking resounding off the black walls of the officer's mess. " Good evening gentlemen. At ease."

They sat. Server droids brought forth plates of Corellian ham and Thyferran brandy for the men to eat and drink. Despite the alien integration polocies adopted by the Imperial Navy, none had risen high in the ranks on the Achilles. Old hatreds die hardthe Admiral thought, sipping his drink and looing over the top of his glass at the assembled officers.

" Gentlemen," he said, putting down his brandy. " We have received orders from the Diktat. He has commended us in our glorious victory and lauded our accomplishments. PLease send my praise to the men under you. It is also my privilege to award allparticpants in the Battle of Bastion the Thyferran Cross of Valor."

There was a polite applause. " I have also received further orders from the Diktat, Lord Viscera. We are to withdraw to The Thyferra Sector and leave a garrison on our newly conquered planet. So, the Escort Command Star Destroyer Group and SD Group 1 will be forming the First Defense Command, based here on Bastion and staying behind when we depart. The Achilles' 38,000 ground troops will be landing on the plnaet also, as will the troops stationed aboard the FDC. We will be replenished when we return to Thyferra. Any questions?"

There were none. Captain Vosst stood. " To Fleet Admiral Desaria. The Scourge of the Fleet."
the rest of the officers joined him in raising their glasses. The Admiral, taken aback, slowly stood.

" I'm no Thrawn, But thank you. For the Glory of the Empire!!!"

They all toasted to that, and enjoyed their meal...then departed for Thyferra, leaving behind their garrison and a few fallen heroes.