View Full Version : The alternative ending to Ep1: When love blooms on the battlefield

Jedah Lynch
Oct 18th, 2001, 10:57:46 PM
Amazing what you run across on the net if not disturbing 0_o

<center><img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/starwarsdj01.jpg alt="Both wear robes so who wears the pants in this family?"</center>

Oh and extra question, couldnt sleep and ran through age old comic collection and took out Return of the Jedi #2 by Marvel.

In it Luke confronts Obi Wans ghost about not being told the truth of his father. Obi Wan tells Luke what he said was true from a certain point of view. Only then he says "When I first met your father during the clone wars, he was already a great pilot. But what amazed me was how strongly the force was with him. With foolish pride, I took it upon myself to train Anakin in the ways of the Jedi"

Now color me blue(no dont) but that isn't exactly true from what we learned in Ep 1. In ep 1. He of course met Anakin at a much early age from what he says way before the clone wars which is to be in Ep2. Is what he said in the comic what he said in the film version? Either Obi-Wan is bold face liar even in death or thats some truth from a certain point of view, if not bad memory loss. And they said Yoda was going senile;)

Of course can chalk it up to the history being somewhat altered for Ep.1 but oh well. Hell Darth Bane is even mentioned in the HC version of SW:Ep1 adaption at some point so guess its no surprise. But that was a neat nod to those who know the SW legacy if nothing else. :)

Oct 18th, 2001, 11:07:03 PM
Here's another of those inconsistancies: In ANH, C3P0 clearly didn't know of anyone named "Obi Wan", yet he supposedly met him in Ep1. :| I'm sure it could be explained, and perhaps I'm even just misinterpreting the situation. But it's the nitpicks like that which bother me.

Oct 18th, 2001, 11:45:50 PM
When did he meet Obiwan in Ep1 again?

Oct 18th, 2001, 11:49:09 PM
When anakin invites everyone into his house. Unless there was some sort of miracle, I do believe the two had bumped into one another.

Also, I do tend to forget that there were things in the novel which weren't in the movie (like Anakin flat-out telling Amidala that he's going to marry her.... riiiiiiiight. Lame).

Figrin D'an
Oct 19th, 2001, 12:05:12 AM
Ummm.... Threepio never met Obi-Wan... he never saw Obi-Wan or had any contact with him in any way... Threepio was only present in Mos Espa and at the podrace track. Obi-Wan remain on Amidala's ship during the entire Tatooine sequence.

so... unless this is some sort of new scene that is on the DVD, which I haven't seen yet, I'm not sure where you get that Obi-Wan met Threepio during the stop-over on Tattooine...

Oct 19th, 2001, 12:19:51 AM
perhaps I'm even just misinterpreting the situation:o And that's that. I'm pretty sure I was thinking of something else involving C3P0... but I forget now. Ignore that until I remember what I was thinking of.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 19th, 2001, 12:43:56 AM
Omniscient, eh? :cat :cat

Oct 19th, 2001, 12:45:03 AM
Yes... and very, very scatterbrained. :p

I know everything, I just can't remember it all at once.

Serena Laran
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:41:42 AM
Anakin met Obi Wan when Qui Gon sent him running towards the ship on Tattooine, so he could fight Darth Maul. Qui Gon jumps into the ship, and they fly away. He says something almost exactly like: "Obi Wan Kenobi, I'd like you to meet Anakin Skywalker." And Obi says "Pleased to meet ya" or something that means the same thing. Okay, I don't remember exactly. So sue me!

Oct 19th, 2001, 02:32:14 AM

1. They never met.

2. There are millions of protocol droids in the galaxy. Why would he remember a specific one?

And Q, you might be muddling up the argument with R2. But remember, Obi said he doesnt remember OWNING an R2 unit. Not meeting him :)

Oct 19th, 2001, 10:22:38 AM
You've proved useful Fett. Thank you for reminding me. :)

(I was absolutely dead tired yesterday :x)

Oct 19th, 2001, 05:52:10 PM
Geekazoid: For all your SW Querys

Champion of the Force
Oct 19th, 2001, 06:17:52 PM
And Q, you might be muddling up the argument with R2. But remember, Obi said he doesnt remember OWNING an R2 unit. Not meeting him.

:: Luke and Obi-Wan on Dagobah, in a future ROTJ version ::

Obi-Wan: ... and your father, with the help of his astormech droid, blew up the Trade federation ship.

Luke: Like I did when I blew up the Death Star with R2?

Obi-Wan: Yes - in fact, the astromech is the same. Your father had R2 as well.

Luke: WHAT??? R2 - you never told me!

:: kicks R2 ::

R2: :: gives mocking whistle ::

Luke: But I thought you said you never met R2 before?

Obi-Wan: No Luke, I said I never remembered OWNING a droid. I did however know R2.

Luke: You're crazy.

Obi-Wan: And not only that - I knew C-3PO as well. Your father built him.

Luke: What the hell???

Obi-Wan: Oh yes. Your father was quite a little kid. Although his 'Yippees' were a bit off-putting.

Luke: Wait a sec. You mean to tell me that my father, Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, servant of the Emperor, used to say 'Yippee'????

Obi-Wan: Yes.

Luke: Man, this sucks.


Oct 19th, 2001, 06:27:36 PM
LOL! Good one Dav....WAIT! Your name changed again! Jeez, you've had more names than Prince now :)

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 19th, 2001, 06:28:42 PM
I'd doubt Artoo or Threepio remembered any of the stuff in Ep I, II or III. They probably had their memories wiped before finding their way to Tatooine :)

Champion of the Force
Oct 19th, 2001, 06:44:45 PM
But wait, there's more:

:: Luke and Obi-Wan on Dagobah continued ::

Obi-Wan: ... so my master Qui-Gon was killed by this Sith guy called Darth Maul, and in his dying breaths he asked that I traion your father.

Luke: Wait wait wait - you told me on Hoth that Yoda trained you. And that my father was a star pilot you met in the Clone Wars.

Obi-Wan: Well I was in a bit of a hurry on Hoth so I trimmed it up a bit. Saying 'There you'll find Yoda who was jedi Master on the Jedi Council whilst I was a padawan under the training of QUi-Gon Jinn' doesn't roll off the tongue very well. As for your father being a star pilot, well he was, albiet a very very oung one. But i may have mscalculated the Clone Wars by a few years. :thinks ::

Luke: So where is this Qui-Gon. How come he isn't a ghost like you?

Obi-Wan: Oh he is. Just wait here ...

:: Obi-Wan ducks behind a tree, and come back with Qui-Gon ::

Qui-Gon: Hello Luke - I'm Qui-Gon Jinn.

Luke: Ummm, nice to meet you. Sorry for my shock, but I only found out about you 5 secs ago.

:: turns to Obi-Wan ::

Luke: So only Jedi can become ghosts?

Obi-Wan: Not at all. Wait here ...

:: ducks behind tree again, coming back with Jar Jar and the walrus guy from the Cantina ::

Jar Jar: Hewo Lukie!

Luke: What's this?

Obi-Wan: Oh him - he's Jar Jar, an alien my master insisted we bring along with us.

Jar Jar: Mesa Ani's friend!

:: walrus guy farts on Jar Jar ::

Jar Jar: Pewww - yuck yuck.

:: Luke turns up his nose in disgust ::

Luke: Ummm, so what has this guy got to do with my father?

Obi-Wan: He was your father's best friend.

Luke: Oh man, how can I kill my father, now that I know he not only said "Yippee" as a child, built C-3PO, has R2 as his astromech droid, but was also best friend's with a demented creature?

Obi-Wan: Control Luke, you must learn control.


Oct 19th, 2001, 06:50:03 PM
I think somewhere in EP3 we're going to see some scene involving a memory swipe of the droids. It's the only way to explain why Artoo never says this to Luke:
"I've been on this loser dustball of a planet before. In fact, 3-PO and I met here years ago. We saw some stiff talking brat with a bowl cut and your last name win a pod race. We heard he got in a fight with some loser named Greedo. Rumor has it the little twerp sucker punched him and laid him out flat. Later the brat changed the story around and said Greedo swung first, missed, and then got taken down with one punch. As if ANYONE would be stupid enough to believe that!"

Champion of the Force
Oct 19th, 2001, 07:20:28 PM
And there's STILL more:

:: Luke and Obi-Wan on Dagoabh Part 3 ::

Obi-Wan: ... so my master Qui-Gon sent me a copy of your father's blood sample, which after checking was disocvered to contain the highest midichlorian count ever encountered.

Luke: Ok ok, backtrack for a sec. What in hell are midichlorians???

Obi-Wan: ::sigh:: Well I guess it's all out in the open now. Midichlorians are little microids in your blood that help you contact the Force.

Luke: Until now I thought that the Force was 'a mystical energy field created by all living things'. You mean the tell me that now the Force is nothing more than a bunch of bugs?

Obi-Wan: No no - they only help you contact the Force. The mystical field is still there, but the midichlorains help us communicate with it.

Luke: So I probably have a high 'midichlorian' count as you call it, thanks to my Dad?

Qui-Gon: That is correct Luke. Your father's count was even higher than Yoda's.

Luke: So the whole time Yoda was egging me about not being able to lift that X-Wing, I could have really done it thanks to some bugs ...

Obi-Wan: Midichlorians.

Luke: ahem, 'midichlorians' in my blood stream? If I had known that then, I wouldn't have only lifted the starfighter, but also would have tossed the little green dude into the Swamp with the Force. How come no one told me about this?

:: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan shrug ::

Jar Jar: Okey now Lukie? Ani gone bad bad now. Yousa musta kill im!

:: trips over tree root ::

Luke: But how am I going to kill him if he has more bugs than me?

Obi-Wan: Ummm - just use the Force Luke. USE THE FORCE.

Luke: Grrrr....

:: gets into his X-Wing and flies away ::

Qui-Gon: You didn't tell him his mother was a queen, that his father's best friend in childhood was Boba Fett, and that Dagobah is the remains of his mother's home planet?

Obi-Wan: I'm not going to open THAT can of worms now.

:: screen fades out ::



PS. Some of that last stuff is probably incorrect, but I've been avoiding all Episode II spoilers that I could and so I just relied on some of the old rumours. :)

Oct 19th, 2001, 08:55:57 PM
Dave actually did a good job of pointing out a few more inconsistancies regarding Obi Wan which bugged me. It's like, "Damn it, Lucas! Go watch your own movies again before making prequels!"

BTW - If the rumor regarding Dagobah proves to be true, that'll throw even more monkey wrenches into the works. :\

Clive Jerrard
Oct 19th, 2001, 11:04:11 PM
That picture was just disturbing. Too much pink. Retinas are burnt. Can't... see... >_<

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 19th, 2001, 11:42:35 PM

Oct 20th, 2001, 03:37:29 AM
Mort, how do you know he is contraidcting until youve seen them all? Thats like watching the first hour of Titanic and saying "How supid, it didnt sink in that movie!"

And the Dagobah rumour came at the same time as Jet Li for Boba Fett and Natalie Portman nudity. Dont bet on it :)

Jedah Lynch
Oct 20th, 2001, 05:36:18 AM
No Natalie Portman nudity?!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww what will Windu do now?!

What will Windu do?!

<center><img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/Winduwonders.jpg alt="And a Jedi takes the first step towards the perverted side.....">

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 20th, 2001, 06:49:14 AM
*Points at Jedah's picture*


Oct 20th, 2001, 06:56:21 AM
what'll he do? Probably strike down some guys with great vengeance and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurious anger :)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 22nd, 2001, 01:02:04 PM

Oct 22nd, 2001, 01:51:13 PM


Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:46:35 AM

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I SO needed that laugh!!

Oct 23rd, 2001, 10:22:24 AM
the story, the picture or my comment? :)