View Full Version : Jedi on the hunt...(Open Challenge)

Oct 18th, 2001, 05:33:42 AM
Alpha slips through the shadows, not making a sound. He had tracked a darksider through the dark alleyways of Nar Shadda, in the mid levels. Making his way through the muck, and ignoring the slime, and unidentifiable substances dripping from overhead, the Jedi Knight had oen goal in mind. To finally track down this darksider.

I might even have fun doing it, Alpha thinks to himself, tripping on a pipe, but regaining his balance quickly.

Soon enough, the Jedi catches up to his prey, and says, in a calm, dangerous sounding voice, "There you are! Defend yourself. I want to have some fun here."

Grabbing his lightsabre hilt from his belt, Alpha smiles coldly, and ignites his sabre with a hiss, instead of the normal sound. A pure black blade shoots out of the metal cylinder hilt, the blade not giving any light off at all. His armor flows and changes, turning into light hand to hand combat armor.

"Let's do this!"

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 18th, 2001, 11:00:32 AM
Heh... hehehe

* Slayn stood very closely resembling a shadow. His stillness bore no token to his power. He had seen alpha before and knew very well that alpha was stronger then himself. He had a good chance of wining absolutely no problem keeping up. His stillness was broken as he held out his double saber. Upon ignition black blades almost identical to alphas but casting a haze of white light around the darkness appeared. He spoke out in the voice of a child gone mad; filled with sweet malice. *

I see we have the same taste... this is eternity.

* The moments before a fight were the best. Slayn's power was aroused by the begining of a fight and soon his aora was consuming all of alphas awareness. A surge of fear and hate was sent to alpha through the force. Slayn bolted foward leading with the left side of his saber sweeping left and the right side swung around after it ,all stricking toward alpha's midsection. *

Oct 19th, 2001, 05:55:12 PM
Alpha shakes off the fear surge, and sees the sabre coming up. The Jedi jumps bacwards, the sabre hitting nothing but air. Alpha quickly comes in, and slashes upwards, his sabre hard to distinguish from the shadows. Only Slayn's attunement to the Force allowed him to tell where the sabre was. Forgetting for a second the Sith's second blade, Alpha nearly gets slashed up, but quickly jumps back, coming back with a leg sweep that knocks Slayn to the ground, tghe Sith splashing in some kind of slimey liquid.

"Nice weapon, I'm suprised at the color though..."

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 19th, 2001, 10:02:05 PM
* Slayn fell to the floor and as alpha was speaking he roled back and stood. Calling his saber back to hand it was ignited again. He took an aggressive stance his saber infront and began to speak.*

Indeed... very rare crystals.

Oct 20th, 2001, 05:27:14 AM
"As were mine...."

Alpha quickly steps in, slashing left, and then feinting a right slash, and comes in high. Slayn uses both of his blades to excellent effect in blocking the attacks, but is unprepared for the side snap kick impacting against the Sith's chest, throwing him back a bit.

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 20th, 2001, 10:55:29 AM
* Slayn was very much off guard and stumbled back. If not for his grip on the force he would have fallen. He swung his right arm and agarbage compactor was heralded from the left toward alpha. Slayn leap to the air in a force aided jump. He held his saber redy to strike as he flew at alpha just a second behind the large compactor . *

Oct 20th, 2001, 07:02:36 PM
Alpha quickly focuses his built up energy into his plasma receptors, and then into his dischargers in his hands, firing a silver blast of plasma into the garbage compacter. The machine disentigrates (sp?), and the Jedi, his plasma resources drained, runs to meet Slayn, igniting a second, white, lightsabre, and blocks the black blade of Slayn's top half of his sabre with his own black blade, his white sabre ready to block the bottom half of the light staff.

"Nice try. Let's try this again, shall we?"

Alpha throws Slayn backwards with the Force, and swings his white sabre, aiming for the Sith's chest...

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 21st, 2001, 07:01:31 PM
* Slayn slid the right side out to block. As the sabers clashed he spun it around leading with the left side. The attack was blocked with the dark saber. Turning his torso as he came out of the strike a sidekick was sent and landed on alpha. Hitting his chest he was sent back no more than a meter. Slayn began to work himself into alphas mind. This was hard enough on one so strongt without the fighting. As he fought his way in he back steped and swung his saber around to send a viscous strike upward acros Alpha's torso. *

Oct 22nd, 2001, 05:44:04 PM
Alpha brings his sabres up to block, and the air is filled with the smell of ozone as the blades clash. Alpha knocks Slayn backwards a bit, and then, aiming carefully, slices through one side of the lightsabre emitter, the Sith's sabre sputtering, and leaving only one blade. Alpha smiles, and slashes downward, his mental defenses taking care of Slayn's mental attacks.

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 22nd, 2001, 09:21:46 PM
* Slayn could feel himself beeing worked out of alphas mind. He had for some time now been practicing illusion and had gotten quite good for a novice. He then took all of his anger and forced it out. He hadn't been able to gain strong acsees into the mind of this jedi though the little he did would suffice. Alpha's arms became heavy and ached. Slayn bolted foward with a Slash left to alpha's right arm and used his force poweres to nock the saber in his left away. *

Oct 23rd, 2001, 04:26:56 PM
Alpha quickly jumps back, but is still deeply scored by the blade, his right arm becoming useless for this fight. The Jedi uses the Force to put up his black sabre on his belt, and takes a breath.

"So now it's white vs. Black..."

Alpha jumps back, using the Force to give him an energy boost, and slashes downward, the white blade colliding with Slayn's blocking black blade with a brilliant flash. Alpha grits his teeth as the two combatents push against each other, trying to find an advantage. Tiring of it, Alpha axe kicks the Sith, knocking him into a wall.

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 23rd, 2001, 08:22:23 PM
* Slayn was shoved against the wall His body shocked bye the force of impact. He swung his blade across horizontally toward Alpha's chest. He separated his mind and began to pull his force power together. A large rod lifted and flew at alpha's back. Slayn hoped the saber strike would destract him. HE spoke to alpha in a voice that was unmistakably mad. *

The light created darkness... and is consumed by it.

Oct 24th, 2001, 06:11:08 PM
Alpha blocks the sabre, but is slammed by the rod, it hitting the padded hand to hand armor, and jarring the JEdi. He uses the Force to steady himself, and then to push the Sith away. Alpha runs to Slayn, and slashes down...

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 24th, 2001, 09:33:18 PM
* Slayn blocks with the remaining half of his saber. Both jedi and sith push in a lock of there blades. The blades flash and shake against one another. Slayn continued to strugle in alpha's mind. Creating the pain in his back and arms. As alpha was one arm short Slayn began to over power him. A knee was sent into alpha's floating rib. As his body jerked Slayn jerked his saber up and left smacking alpha in the head with the hilt. Sending his body back slightly. Slayn folowed this with another slash from left to right.*

Oct 25th, 2001, 04:08:25 PM
Alpha hisses in pain, and quickly rolls out of the way of the incoming slash, Slayn's blade spraking against the pavement. Alpha gets back to his feet, and recalls his sabre. As the Sith gets back up, Alpha slashes downward, a blow that was quickly deflected, and follows up with a side kick, knocking the Sith into a pipe that was jutting out of a wall. As the Sith hits the pipe, he is filled with intense pain...

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 25th, 2001, 08:03:43 PM
* Pain was somthing this sith wasn't used to. Any time he had pain brought apon him. It was met with a surge of power witch was quite normal for anyone. Fear crept into slayn's face for the first time in this fight. His composuer had been broken and his chance of wining too may have be forsaken. Strugling to regain his composure slayn quickly step on the pipe and jump to the wall. Kicking off the wall with one foot and turning his body. He rebounded into a flying side kick striking alpha firmly on the sternum. Landing on the flor he rushed alpha agian with a saber strike coming down. *

Oct 26th, 2001, 04:52:05 AM
Alpha, not having time to rell his sabre, grabs the other one from his belt and quickly ignites it, catching Slayn's attack at the last moment. Alpha sweeps the Sith's feet out form under him, making Slayn fall, and giving the Jedi time to get back up. As the Sith gets to his feet, Alpha slashes left, then stabs, both attacks blocked. He follows through with a double slash, and a quick stab, the slashes were blocked, but the stab hits Slayn just above his left knee. Alpha smiles at the smell of burnt meat...

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 26th, 2001, 03:08:17 PM
* Slayn let out a horrific scream witch could be herd all the way to the lowwer levels. *

Eaaarrrrrra !!

* With that scream the sith's energy surged. It was almost to much for Slayn to hold in. The force surged through his body with the pain everything around him lifted to the air. Alpha went along with everything els. The jedi was sent a godd 3m in the air. His saber suddenly was ignited in air. It was flying towards him as a spear. It would be stoped by the jedi's own force power. *

Oct 26th, 2001, 11:37:03 PM
Alpha manages to stop the sabre, and catch it, but is slammed hard into a wall, the material of it cracking at the pressure, and so does two of Alpha's ribs. Getting up, Alpha calls on the Force in full, opening himself up to it, his presence in the Force becoming a blinding white light. The Jedi uses the Force to raise a chunk of building material, and flings it towards Slayn. As the Sith blocks the chunk, Alpha, ignoring the pain from his wounds, jumps towards the Sith, slashign down with his sabre. Slayn manages to block it, but not before Alpha snap kicks him under the chin, throwing the Sith backwards.

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 27th, 2001, 09:50:23 PM
* Slayn, still in raged and realing from the blow spins his body around and slashes horizontally into alphas midsection. Slayn then pulled intestine out of the wound using the force. Slayn strugling to stand on his wounded leg took a defensive position with his saber in frot as a strong guard. *

Oct 28th, 2001, 01:20:53 AM
ALpha gasps in pain, and quickly uses the Force to mend the damage to his intestine, and then cauterizes the wound with his sabre blade, shunting the pain away. Getting back to his feet, the Jedi charges his remaining plasma energy, and launches it at Slayn. The Sith barely manages to dodge it, the energy giving Slayn's skin what appears to be a sunburn. As Slayn tries to regain his footing, Alpha reaches into a small pouch, and throws a shuriken. As the Jedi's weapon launches, Alpha uses the Force to keep Slayn off balance. The sharp weapon imbeds itself into Slayn's sabre arm, right into the shoulder. The Jedi grins at his success with a weapon he had used only a few times.

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 28th, 2001, 05:45:43 PM
* Slayn pulled the small star out of his shoulder using the force. The small projectile floated in front of the sith. He laugh maniacally and spoke. *

Heh hehe hahaha... You would use a toy against me ? I grow weary of this engagement. You've proven yourself as an advesary.

* Slayn was an excellent fighter and was skilled with melee. He wouldn't throw the shuriken as his arm was now damadged. He chose to then use the force in this assult. The small star still floating in front of Slayn then bolted off. Alpha was expecting a retreat not an atack. The weapon lightly cut across his neck and opened his carotid artery. It wasn't enough to kill him or drop his blood pressure instantly. If not kept under control by his force power and attended to quickly Alpha was risking his health. Neither of the men were in fighting condition. Slayn's posture unchanged he awaited Alphas actions. *

Oct 29th, 2001, 08:12:58 PM
Alpha quickly and effieciantly cauterizes his wound, preventing further blood loss. The Jedi breathes out a sigh, and looks straight in the Sith's eyes.

"What do you say we call this a tie? It's obvious that we are both of equal skill at the moment..."

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 29th, 2001, 10:11:36 PM
* The sith places eternity back on his belt and stares at the blood surronding alpha. Slayn then speaks to him ominously. *

Indeed... Blood is such a beautiful color...

* He steps back into a shadow and to alpha's amazement he seem to disappear. A clearly mad laughter could be herd throughout the floor. *

Heh hehe hahaha ha...

Oct 29th, 2001, 11:41:38 PM
ALpha shakes his head in amazement. A Sith that was really insane. He had never faced one like this before. Making his way up to a landing platform, the Jedi gets into a Miy'Til fighter, and takes off, heading for the DFV Tolaria...And home...