View Full Version : Ties that bind(closed RP)

Lord DarkStar
Oct 17th, 2001, 04:21:24 PM
DarkStar stood on the bridge of the SSD Dominator and looked out at the planet below. It would do nicely. He turned to admiral Sandrax,

"Take the Dominator around the other side of the star out of sensor range and keep it hidden"

Sandrax turned and began preparing the ship

"Oh and one more thing Sandrax"

He half turned

"Wait till I am on the planet's surface and then send the message"

Sandrax bowed and DarkStar nodded then turned on his heels and began the long trek to the hangar bay where his shuttle was berthed.

Some time later the shuttle touched down on the desert planet's surface. DarkStar emurged, looked up and watched the Dominator disappear away from the planet. DarkStar smiled wanly to himself

"Soon, very soon"

He muttered and bored the shuttle to await his guests

Lord Sabre
Oct 18th, 2001, 02:38:44 PM
Sabre's shuttle comes out of hyperspace above the desert planet. Sabre looks out of the viewscreen, expecting to see a capital ship of some kind in orbit around the planet. When he sees nothing he is disappointed. He turns the shuttle down towards the surface. As he clears the atmosphere he detects the second shuttle already on the surface, where the message said it would be. He headed towards it and brought the shuttle down, less than a hundred yards from the other shuttle. Sabre stepped out of the shuttle, his lightsabre in hand, he was not entirely at ease here. He moved slowly towards the shuttle but stopped when the hatch opened and the sillowet of a man appeared in the doorway.


Said an emmotionless voice


Sabre gripped his weapon harder and advanced wearily towards the figure and the shuttle. This would hopefully answer many of his questions

Lord DarkStar
Oct 20th, 2001, 03:31:43 PM
DarkStar stepped inside the shuttle and moved over to the other side of the room, he had noticed the weapon in Sabre's hand, and having only just resurected himself he saw no reason to take chances with his body.

Sabre entered slowly, glancing nervously around for any sign of treachery. Sabre turned his Force sense towards DarkStar and felt something inside him, small but growing slowly, gaining strength and gaining speed. Sabre probed deeper and felt an icy hand of fear close around his heart. He lowered his weapon in suprise and looked at DarkStar, who had still made no move.

"What is...is that?"

Sabre stammered

"The price I paid for my resurection, when it reaches it's full strength even Jedi Masters will feel it, the weak of will will be driven mad by it,"

Sabre looked at the man before him in horror

"You will be a plague upon the universe"

An ironic smile slid up the left side of DarkStar's face

"Indeed I shall...but that is not what I summonded you here to talk about"

Sabre tensed at the word summoned, although he knew it was true. He could no more have resisted the temptation to come than he could have killed every member of TSE in single combat.

Sabre smiled

"So what did you Summon me here to discuss?"

DarkStar's half smile disappears

"Your past. You afterall have no memories beyond 'waking up' outside the TSE headquarters. I...as perhaps you might have already guessed, am you father, of a sort. I genetically engineered you from my cells, the medichlorines I have stollen from various beings...and the cells from another, but I will come to her later"

Sabre looked DarkStar straight in the eye

"I knew you were my father...but what sort of father abbandons his child to fend for themselves?"

The words are accusing, the tone angry. These how ever do not appear to bother DarkStar at all

"Fend for yourself? I think not, where do you think your weapons, or credits and your ship came from? I made sure you would be well looked after"

DarkStar turns and takes a data pad from the table, with a flick of the wrist he sends it flying through the air at frightning speed. Almost without thought Sabre's hand lashes out and catches it

"Read it"

With that DarkStar folds his arms across his chest and waits

Lord Sabre
Oct 27th, 2001, 02:31:49 PM
Sabre raised the datapad so he could read it and keep and eye on DarkStar at the same time. He scaned the file:

File 110457
Security clearance required : Omega gold
Project title : Lord Sabre
Project goal : Replacement body for Lord Dagger
Procedure : Cells from Lord Dagger and .....(unknown, suplied by Commander Dagger) genetically enhanced and bred with medichlorines
Project outcome : Apparently normal human male, 6'0", green eyes, black hair, high medichlorine count, implanted data storage.
Classification : Sucess

File ends

More goes on to explain the exact sciences and proceedure, only one more part catches Sabre's attention

Additional instructions : Prepare account 10million credits, supply transport and arm with twin lightsabres
Instructions from : Supreme commander Lord Dagger, Death Guard

Sabre looks up at DarkStar

"I see, but tell me, who was my mother?"

Lord DarkStar
Oct 28th, 2001, 04:10:54 PM
DarkStar took the datapad from Sabre and placed it back onto the table. He looked up at Sabre.

"Your mother...well, that is a secret that some would kill to discover, my wife for one"

The faintest hint of a smile creapt up the side of his face and then was gone.

"I will not tell you of your mother, that will come at another time, when it needs to be known. As for the rest...well, you have no fear of me coming for your body, i no longer need it. I have 'other' plans now. You can keep the credits, the ship and the weapons, and you will always have a place where ever I am my son"

Sabre stared at him

"I have to know who my mother is!"

Sabre was blasted again the side of the shuttle by an invisible force. DarkStar didn't even flich

"You need to know what I say you need to know, that is all. I just gave you your life, do not test my patience."

DarkStar motioned for towards the door. Sabre stood shakily and began to make for it

"Oh one more thing son...activation code, level 2: Terra"

Sabre suddenly felt as though a flood gate had been opened, his mind was filled with images and knowledge, his head felt like it was going to explode there was so much knowledge there. It was the accumulation of DarkStar's memories 500 years worth, it was vast beyond comprehention and there was something else, Sabre could feel the Force more now, it was stronger in him somehow. He stumbled out of the door and back towards his ship. No sooner was he clear than the shuttle took off. The massive form of and SSD appeared in oribit and the shuttle headed towards it. When the shuttle boarded the SSD left, leaving Sabre alone with his thoughts. He boarded his shuttle and began the long ride back to TSE with he thoughts and he new knowledge