View Full Version : For those who think that Star Wars fans need to "get a life"...

Oct 17th, 2001, 11:11:06 AM

7 pages (and counting) on whether or not the TPM dvd has 'disappointing' sound, or the best sound ever on a dvd.


But then they'd prolly think Box Office discussions are pretty lame too. ;)

Champion of the Force
Oct 17th, 2001, 06:57:31 PM
But then they'd prolly think Box Office discussions are pretty lame too.
Possible reference to that topic on the TPM forum at TFN correct? ;)

Oct 17th, 2001, 09:48:41 PM
That is truly amazing. They have NO LIVES AT ALL!

Every critic and real DVD fan agrees that TPM has reference-quality sound and of course it's better than the LD sound, jeez. How stupid do they come. Let those morons waste their words over there, whatever. Some people truly are never happy. One of the best audio tracks on any DVD and they're angry.

Ask FoxDVD here, he'll tell you the sound is awesome too and he has about 600 DVDs... plus the TPM LD.