View Full Version : Is there a fav SW film poll that ESB can lose?

Oct 16th, 2001, 07:52:57 PM
I started a thread about favorite OT films at the new SW.com message boards and ESB beat ANH and ROTJ by an almost 2 to 1 margin. Today I found a poll at TVGuide.com:

Same thing there, only this one includes TPM. Despite being only a few years old TPM comes in at last place with just over 11% of the vote, about half of ANH's 3rd place total and 1/4 of ESB's. Once the dust has settled years from now, will ANY other SW film be able to consistently top ESB?

Champion of the Force
Oct 16th, 2001, 08:19:06 PM
We'll have to wait and see how the other 2 SW films turn out first. :)

I think the reason why ESB is commonly reagrded as the best of the films is because - for me at least - it incoporates all the good stuff from the others as well as having it's own personal charm, making it far more interesting.

Oct 16th, 2001, 09:46:27 PM
I think people like that it ended on a down note. Hopefully, EpIII will be similar or better.

Oct 17th, 2001, 04:17:28 AM
Even Lucas says EPI is a "meet the gang" style movie. ANH would have been, if they hadnt had to make a movie that sold. ESB worked because of ANH and ROTJ. Individually, Id say TPM was better. For action, ROTJ was better. But the best made SW movie would be ESB

Oct 17th, 2001, 08:47:39 AM
I'd say the best stand alone SW movie is ANH. It's the only one that was made to stand by itself. It didn't have to set anything up (TPM), tie up any loose ends (ROTJ), answer any cliffhangers (ROTJ), and there were no cliffhangers (ESB). Even though Vader escapes at the end of ANH, all that does is leave the possibility for a sequel. It's not a ESB cliffhanger ending.

I think that both EP2 & EP3 have the potential to fit quite nicely in SW lore. The action and dark tone that inevitably awaits us would suggest that we've got Empire type movies ahead of us. They could still dissapoint, but I'd like to think that Lucas will deliver. However, I still see TPM coming out at the bottom of polls like this years from now. I think that there's too much action ahead for EP2 & EP3 to dissapoint.

Doc Milo
Oct 17th, 2001, 02:19:02 PM
Jedieb: Is there a fav SW film poll that ESB can lose?

Here's my question, Jedieb: How does the poll have to be structured? Because on my site, I have a poll in which ESB is currently in second place. But it is ahead of all the other films. You see, the reason for that is I put a fifth option: "I don't judge SW films against each other." That option has gotten 50% of the vote, ESB 23%, RotJ 13%, and TPM and ANH are tied at 7% each. (There aren't that many votes, though... With a bigger sample, I'm sure ANH would probably come out on top of TPM and maybe take over RotJ. But would ESB over take "I don't judge SW films against each other"?)

here's a link to the page with the poll if anyone wants to go vote...


Oct 17th, 2001, 02:47:03 PM
note though, thta when it is a favourite overall film poll, ANH beats ESB

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 17th, 2001, 05:49:04 PM
I think TPM's numbers could get better over the years depending on how people view the next two, they could come to realize what TPM's role was. Personally my favorite is ESB, with ROTJ, TPM just about tied and ANH my least favorite(As I said before I have just seen it too many times)

Oct 17th, 2001, 06:22:52 PM
reaper, just how is favorite overall different from favorite? I'd like to see the poll you're referring to. I just don't see the difference between the two. Are you referring to how ANH tends to get more recognition than any other SW film in critical or general movie polls/lists(ex: AFI Top 100)? I'd agree with you there. ANH does tend to get mentioned more often than the other films. I think in part because it was the first, and the one made to stand on its own.

Doc, telling people they can be nice and not choose one is a cop out! Choose or die I say!!!!!! ;) Not choosing any one film over another is very tempting, but can any one HONESTLY say they like all 4 SW films equally? There's got to be one that comes out slightly ahead of anohter by even the narrowest of margins. Maybe you liked Jar Jar better than Wicket, or Tie Fighters better than Droid Fighters. Everything can't be equal across the board can it? That's like asking a parent to choose their favorite child. Oh, we'll tell you we love them all the same, but inside we're saying:
"I love them both, but if the boy comes home hammered at 3AM again he's out the door!" ;) ;) ;)