View Full Version : Graflex Reborn.com gone

paul n
Oct 16th, 2001, 05:23:48 PM
Well here's a big surprise, Graflex Reborn apears to be completely gone. Graflexreborn.com is gone, not just the content, but name. I get a "Can't find..." mesage when I try and go there. How lame is that (not surprising though).

Hmmm, Classics Reborn is still there. I wonder for how much longer??

Where's Jim Fowler?? This would be a great time for his "Icons...Icons...Icons..." . ;)

~Paul :shootin

Oct 16th, 2001, 11:41:39 PM
Yeah, there's a big shocker. :rolleyes

I just feel bad for all the anticipating LIS people.

Oct 17th, 2001, 08:31:29 AM
They have stolen so much money from their customers that it just isn't funny anymore. In Phoenix alone he has ripped of three of us for $40 each, that just on one order!! Just imagine how much money they have stolen.

We are currently trying to get our money back thru PayPal, but it does not look promising. PayPal does not seem to give a crap and is happy to help crooks steal from people. If the PayPal thing does fall thru, we may try to get enough people who have been ripped of together to start a class action suit again GR. I will keep you posted.

thomas ;(

paul n
Oct 17th, 2001, 09:04:26 AM
I'm trying to get my money back through Pay Pal too, but I'm not holding my breath.

~Paul :shootin

Oct 17th, 2001, 11:02:22 AM
Well ClassicsReborn is still there. Maybe the server that the GR website is on is having problems.

paul n
Oct 17th, 2001, 11:48:33 AM
I really doubt it, there's been no news on GR for months and both Graflexreborn.com and MPPreborn.com are gone without a trace. Also if I remember correctly the CR splash page had links to both GR and MPPR and they're gone now.

Even if they did reappear would you really want to trust them with your money? I've been waiting for a damn clamp for over a year and I just want my money back now (which I really doubt will happen).

~Paul :shootin

Oct 17th, 2001, 03:41:16 PM
I just left them a nice post on there EZboard:rolleyes

paul n
Oct 17th, 2001, 04:41:12 PM

Too bad they'll probably never read it!

here's a link to the post:


~Paul :shootin

Oct 17th, 2001, 06:04:37 PM
I know right........:lol

Oct 19th, 2001, 04:54:32 AM
Ahh, I hadn't realised that they'd taken the links from CR down as well. Well, I truly hope you do get something out of it.

As to your question, no, I wouldn't trust them with a single penny of my money. The last contact I had with them was them asking me if I wanted to order anymore clamps. I knew exactly how long it had taken me to get my last order (only about 4 months, I was lucky. They were 'in stock' :b). Fortunately this was about the time Larry had announced the GFX project. I went with him, and they're at least as good as the GR ones. 1/3 of the price as well...

paul n
Oct 19th, 2001, 09:40:09 AM
Yeah, I can't wait for Larry to offer the clamps to every one, it's the last external part I need for my Obi-Wan saber. Then all I have to do is design a core to assemble the parts around and I'm done! Woooo Hoooo!

:shootin GR

:D Larry:D

~Paul :wings

Nov 7th, 2001, 03:44:07 PM
So I guess we can officially make the GR shorthand stand for "Good Riddance"
