View Full Version : History Long Forgotten

Nathanial K'cansce
Oct 16th, 2001, 03:28:50 PM
What to do, what to do...

More importantly, where to go?

*Echoing footsteps reverberated in the empty hall of the living quarters at TSE. Others will still at the Council room that Snack had just left, outside training their apprentices, or out in the galaxy implementing fear into those who are weak. Oh, to be out there striking terror and fear in the hearts of Jedi and the like. But there was no time to be doing that.

It had been roughly four or more months since his last fight with the Jedi, one Jedi Council Member and Knight, Nichos Marr. Snack had received an ass kicking at the hands of that Jedi, and since has been training with his Master and his own apprentices. Not to mention the Garqi Mission, where he and at that time, his only apprentice, Poreon, played a key role in the total take over. But that was long ago. Poreon has taken an apprentice of his own, and Snack with four other Disciples. They took up a bulk of his time.

Maybe it was the lessons he gave to each of his apprentices, or maybe it was the beating he received from his master, Ogre Mal Pannis, but something knocked loose an inner calling in the Dark Knight. One which told the man to renounce his title "Sith Knight". One which told him to learn more about the ancient Dark Arts and culture of the once vast Sith race... those Sith which occupied the time frame of the Great Sith Wars and the Golden Age of the Sith. It was that calling which brought him to the Council Room to begin with, to ask permission from his elders to take his title away, and to search for what he wanted.

And they granted exactly what the Knight wanted. Only thing was figuring out what it was he wanted to accomplish through this.*

I have all night to figure this out...

*He thought out loud to himself. His surroundings became blurred as he lost himself in the depths of thought. When he shook his head out of his dreaming, he found himself at the door to his room. He entered it and quickly lay down on his bed. It would be a long night.*

Nathanial K'cansce
Oct 21st, 2001, 02:07:41 PM
*Long was an understatement. Snack had spent what seemed like six hours laying in his bed, trying to think where he should go. What he should do.

Nothing. He sat up, and gazed at the chronometer. Ok, so it had only been two hours. It felt like six. Yawning, he stretched out his legs and arms, keeping his muscles awake and well. As he swung his feet off the bed, he reached out tapping into the Force. He tried to search for what it was he should be doing, but found only more unanswered questions. Frustration soon filled his soul and mind. Gah! Maybe fresh air would help him. Or some food. Standing, the Dark Knight blinked twice and shook his head, then walked out of his room.

The halls of the Empire were still very quite. Either everyone was still out and about, or they all had retired for the night. In any event, it really did not matter. The echoing of his footsteps filled his ears once more, killing the dreadful silence. Snack hated it, silence, with a passion. He cannot work in pure quietness, nor can he think. Maybe the fresh air wouldn't help.*

Noise... noise.. noise...

*By the time Snack had reached the bottom of the stairwell on the first floor, he made up his mind that he would work on his X-wing prepairing it for the flight to come. Wherever that flight would take him was still up to the Force. Exiting the building housing the dormitories, he began to trek towards the hangar bay.*

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 20th, 2001, 03:15:07 PM
*He had managed to drowsily lean his back against one of the landing feet of his personal X-wing when he finally reached it in the hangar bay. As he scanned the area, he found a toolkit laying under a half assembled TIE-Defender. Noting no one around to work on it at the moment, the Dark Knight called the box over to him through the Force. It lifted a few inches off the ground as Snack "grabbed" onto it, and began to pull it to him at a medium speed. Once it arrived where Snack had perched himself, he set it gently on the ground beside him.

The gentle metallic clank as metal hit metal cause a small smile to escape Snack's dreary persona. It reminded him of the basic Force training exercise he had gave to all of his apprentices at the beginning of their training. Glad that he taught something they would be able to use in the lives later on, Snack opened the kit and fished around for something to bang metal with.

He found a hammer towards the bottom of the kit, and brought it out. Looking it over, he went to pound it against the hull of his X-wing. Just before it dented the ship, Snack stopped and wondered what the hell he was actually doing.*

A paint job...

*Yeah, that was it. A nice paint job. Hand painted too, not industrialized painting. Standing up, Snack ran to the storage area, in search of paint. *





*A solitary voice. It was there after his spar with his Master, Darth Orge. It told him to keep fighting. It kept him alive. But now what did it want? Shrugging it off, the Knight picked up the proper painting tools and headed for his X-wing once more. *

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 24th, 2001, 07:15:34 PM
*It was beautiful, he had to admit. Bright shiny red and black, separated by thin silver racing lines, detailed this brand new looking X-wing. On each side of the nose were the royal blue insignias of The Sith Empire. Smiling full of pride in his newfound hobby, the Dark Knight walked around the ship, admiring his handy work. There was only one thing that had to be done. When he completed his revolution, he reached down and pulled out black paint and a fine brush. Dipping the hairs of the brush into the paint, to wet the bristles, Snack smiled. He brought the brush up, and placed it gently on the red colored hull right underneath the cockpit.

After five minutes of demanding concentration, his name was perfectly scripted onto the side, making this X-wing his own. Well, what people new him by: Darth Snack. Sighing tiredly, he set the paint and brush back into the container and took the container of paint supplies back into the supply room. He returned to his ship, noticing now that his tiredness grew even thicker. Taking two long exhausted blinks, Snack looked up at the crono. It had been five hours since he started. Five hours of mind focusing. Five hours without any phantom voices.

Sitting back down under the nose, his back leaning against the front landing foot, he wondered what everyone else in the Empire was doing. Some were probably just getting back in from a night exersice, other sound asleep. While others were probably just getting up to get an early start at their daily deeds. Whatever the case, it was interesting. Always active, and always busy, was the Empire. An active organization meant a good one. Not only good, strong.*



*Finally, some insight. With the passing of nothing to do anymore, that faint voice rang out loud and clear once more. And this time, it gave something useful. The name of a place, a planet, that Sith Master Jedah Lynch spoke of. It was posed in a question, wondering if Snack had ever heard of or knew about it. A shake of his head to the side and back made it clear that he had no clue. Maybe that was where he should figure out what he was trying to. Which was...

... Not apparent at the moment.*


*His voice dripped with sarcasm and a sense of loss as he spoke to himself. Letting out another sigh, he stood up and climbed up into the cockpit of his X-wing. The busy and active Empire would not miss the Dark Knight if he were to leave for a bit. Maybe a fly around a few planets would do him good. Flipping a switch on the dash, he began the routine preflight checks.*

Master Yurza
Nov 25th, 2001, 10:05:50 PM
::Yurza opened the door to the Empire's hangar and looked around. The young apprentice had been doing some physical exercises and was on his way back to his room when he thought he heard somethingin one of the rooms and he opened the door to the hangar. What he saw was a X-Wing that looked like it had just been recently painted::


::It was extra-ordinary, but he did not know who it belonged to until he saw a familiar name written on it. It was the name of a Kight that he had heard about. He went in to see if he was still in there and to see if he could be of any assistance. He spotted Darth Snack climbing into his cockpit and called out of him::

"Hello. Do you need any help sir?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 26th, 2001, 08:53:47 PM
*The preflight systems check was in order, nothing wrong nor problematic had been caught by the computer. Snack sighed pleasantly as he exited the cockpit and jumped to the floor. He made sure everything else was in order, nothing in his ships way, no stray TIE-Fighter Wings, or paint supplies. Check. Letting out an exaggerated sigh, the Knight began the ascent once more up the ladder to the cockpit. As he began to enter, he felt something through the Force, then a voice seconds later. Dark energy flowed off this person Snack had never met, yet he seemed a tad familiar.*

"Hello. Do you need any help sir?"

*Turning his head to look over his shoulder, Snack almost had to laugh at the question posed.*

Hehe... Help is for the Jedi to offer. One who is of the Dark Essence doesn't ask to help anyone or anything. Instead, they have their own personal goals which they put first, in front of others' well being or their goals.

*Snack smiled as he fittled with some stuff inside the X-Wing's cockpit before stopping what he was doing. He looked at the guy again, this time more closely. Reaching out through the Force, he tapped into the person's mind, acertaining the name. Yurza. The Dark Knight had heard of him form his disciple, Sten. Snack continued to talk.*

However, I am not afraid to ask for help, or to admit I need it. Unfortunately, though, this is not one of those times I require assistance. Unless...

*An evilish smile crossed his face as he thought about what he, himself, was doing.*

Yurza... is it? An apprentice to my fellow Knight, Miryan? How would you like to go on a quest?

Master Yurza
Nov 26th, 2001, 09:46:54 PM
::Yurza shook his head at Snack's reply. Of course it was not the way of the Sith to ask to assist others, but no matter that was only a habbit that he had and it would soon be remedied of. He then turned back to Snack and looked up at him::

"Yes I am Master Yurza, apprentice of Mryan no Trunks. It is a quest you wish me go on is it?"

::Yurza's eyes lit up and he could feel the adrenaline rush through his viens. It had been a long time since he had ventured beyond the Epire's base seeking adventure and he was quite thrilled by the idea. It was very inticing and also the danger and fighting that it might present could be very exciting::

"Yes, a quest would be very nice. It has been a long time since I have been out and it seems that now is the time to venture beyond these gates."

::Yurza could not calm down as he thought about all that might be presented to him. He let a crazy smiole pass through his lips for only a moment before he regained his posture. All the thoughts of what he might need and his personal needs entered his mind. He had enough money and his lightsaber was hanging at his side so he imagined that could manage anything of those natures::

"I am willing to go, but please explain to me what this mission is about unless you wish to keep those things a secret for now. The unknown to me is the greatest quest one can go on."

::He stood there pondering patiently if he would be up to the challenge that would be presented before him. All he could do was pray that he was, but no matter he would make it out alive and victorious::

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 28th, 2001, 06:04:31 PM
That's where all the fun is, in figuring out where we go. At the moment, I haven't a clue. Find your a ship that will suit you, and as soon as your ready, We'll take off. Hopefully by then, I will have some sort of idea as to where we should head.

*Snack nodded his head, then climbed into his cockpit of his freshly painted X-Wing. He was glad that someone else decided to join in on the fun, as this would have been one boring adventure had he taken it alone. Starting the engines, he put his helmet on, and closed the hatch door, encasing him in a sheltered small space. As the engines warmed up, the Knight toggled through different systems he had entered into his NAV Computer. Each one was password protected, with code only he would know. This would save the Empire much trouble, incase his ship was taken hostage.

Yawning, he came upon a familiar planet, one which he had forgotten about in his dilema, yet one which he know a lot about. Cayss. He entered the passwords, and retrieved the Co-ordinates for his home planet. As soon as Yurza was ready, Snack would send him the info and they would be on their way.*

Master Yurza
Nov 28th, 2001, 10:05:05 PM
::Yurza smiled as he raced over to his small A-wing and jumped in. He signaled to Snack that he was ready and waiting. He could hardly contain himself as he thought of all the exciting things that might happen::

"This is going to be awesome," Yurza whispered as he ran the pre-flight check::

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 2nd, 2001, 01:42:32 PM
*Snack caught sight of the signal, and immediately opened up an secret comm chanel with Yurza.*

Our first destination is to my home planet of Cayss. There, we have the possibility of running into one of my hidden apprentices, a Shadow Lord. I hope this is the case, for he may be of some help in guiding us to where we shuold go. If he isn't there, then I will show you around and whatnot. It's a place where I go to get away from it all, to think clearly as to what I am going to do.

*He smiled as he brought up the coordinates once more, and began to enter them to send to his fellow Sith. After pressing the bottun, they were sent.*

Those are the coordinates to my planet. Enter them, and set your craft on auto once we enter hyperspace. See ya in the stars.

*The Dark Knight cut the comm transmission, and began the take off procedure. Clearance was granted by the TSE Docking Bay Staff, allowing Snack to lift off and rocket out of the Bay doors through the ceiling. He accelerated to gain speed, and shot out from the planet's atmosphere. Looking over his shoulder out the view screen, he waited for Yurza's A-wing to catch up.*

Master Yurza
Dec 2nd, 2001, 09:03:43 PM
::Yurza recieved the coorndinates and about two minutes after Snack took off, Yurza was following. He had never been to this planet and he thought it might be nice to start something with a new planet. He caught sight of Snack waiting on him and he gave a signal and then took off into hyperspace and set his A-wing on autopiolit and sat back, drawing in the energies of the Dark Side. Trying to contain his feelings of excitment::

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:31:21 PM
*The A-wing was the first to shoot off into hyperspace. Snack watched it carefully, as it zoomed up behind him, passed him, then went from a solid starfighter into a streak of grey matter to a nothing-point. His gaze fell into the part of the back heavens in which the fighter disappeared into.

Reaching out through the Force, he sent a message to his lost apprentice, Horus.*

Soon, my friend, we will meet once more. I come to visit, to think and to ask for guidance. And I am bringing along another...

*With a bow of his head, the Dark Knight thrust forward the hyperdrive lever, sending his X-Wing into the confines of hyperspace.*

Master Yurza
Dec 7th, 2001, 11:04:17 PM
::Yurza sensed Snack through the Force but paid no heed to it and he sat back. Waiting fro his arrival::

Darth Horus
Dec 27th, 2001, 11:03:08 PM
*Horus recieved the message as he was praticing his saber technique in a small room made for that purpose. Purpose... exactly what his life lacked right now. His life had been so boring latly, the flare and adventure had been lost... his life and child had fled, was it reall his child after all?

Ah, what matter... the time had left him to many thoughts, the rage inside him boiled from inactivity. He had been to both extremes and chosen neither, he was a lord of the Shadows, a rogue who could call himself neither Sith nor Jedi... but now, he found himself in a state of tranquility.

Snack was coming. And with a guest... it must be something urgent, or perhaps that's just what Horus hoped. He would find out soon enough. He left the room to prepare for Snack's arrival*

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 28th, 2001, 12:23:35 AM
*It seemed like an eternity that Snack had gone into a state of mediation. It was a skill he learned as a Jedi; it was practiced in order to help keep one's strength or to regain it while on a long journey. It also allowed the person to emerse subconsciously into the Force and let it flow freely and purely throughout his or her body. A calming technique. It mattered not if it was a Jedi trait, Snack held all of his training sessions, both Light and Dark, close to him. He held what he learned in each even closer.

The Force alerted Snack of their close arrival to their destination. He woke up, opening his eyes feeling very refreshed for getting no sleep the other night. A red light blinked on and off, signaling that he should pull out of hyperspace.*

Yurza, wake up. On my mark, exit hyperspace.


*Snack clipped the comm unit off and pulled forward the hyperdrive lever. He watched out of his view port the gaseous pink and blue twirling clouds dissipate into streaks of white lines, then finally into pinpoints of faint dots called stars. In the middle of his vision hung a small, bluish grey planet: Cayss. Home.*

We're here...

Master Yurza
Dec 28th, 2001, 09:58:42 AM
::Yurza cam out of his trance and caught Snack's message just in time. He flipped the hyperdrive switch just as he got it. He looked into space and saw nothing, save for a planet. This must have been Cayss. The planet Snack was talking about before they came. He then watched Snack's ship and followed it, as he was the only one who knew where to go now::

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 28th, 2001, 11:24:26 PM
*Snack took the controls of his stylin' X-wing, piloting it through the upper atmosphere of Cayss. The grey clouds parted ways as he tried to stabilize his craft. The turbulence in the upper Cayssian sky always trouble the Knight, but it was a small pet peeve that was quickly overshadowed by his true intent for being here.

Upon landing, Snack gathered what he needed and shut his X-wing down. He jumped from the cockpit of the X-wing, landing in a crouching position on the blue-green ankle high grass that swayed with the slight breeze. A gloomy yet beautiful world. Looking over his shoulder tot he left, he watched as Yurza's A-wing touched down and powered off. Yurza soon after exited his craft as well, walking over to Snack.*

Hope it wasn't to much of a bumpy ride for you, Yurza.

"It wasn't."

Snack smirked and laughed, turning his attention and gaze in front of the two.

"Is that it?" Yurza asked, pointing to the medium sized town-city. Its tallest and biggest buildings being owned by Horus were the mining facilities and the solitary construction yard.*


*The two had landed roughly twenty yards away from the city where Horus dwelled, and Snack called home.*


*Snack set off, his black cloak flowing behind him, entering the city limits.*

Master Yurza
Jan 1st, 2002, 12:19:15 AM
::Yurza followed behind Snack and as they entered the city, he let his senses flow outward. He could smell the foods and hear the xcitment about the city. He suddenly wondered as to what kind of planet this was. He did not know if it was spice or transports or smuggling that brought this planet's ecnomic growth and he was curious to know::

"Darth Snack..I have two questions. First, what bring economic growth to this planet? And, second...What is it that we seek here?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 1st, 2002, 05:48:17 PM
It's a self sufficient mining planet, only able to bring in enough money to survive. It's been that way since my 'Father' ran this place. I'm not quite sure what they mine now, but you can ask the answer to question two when we meet him.

*He smirked and looked at Yurza after his confusing remark. the two had stopped just inside the city limits, glancing around as pedestrians looked at him. The city itself was no technological masterpiece, like Coruscant or Theed, but more along the lines of a small desert city found on Tantooine.*

We are here to meet a friend of mine.... more like a younger brother. He usually is one to greet me upon entering the city. We must have caught him at a busy time.

*Shrugging, Snack began walking once more, moving to the stone sidewalks lining the street. *

Master Yurza
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:10:51 PM
::Yurza walked along the sidewalk behind Darth Snack and looked around the place. He could see people of all sorts of backgrounds here. Mercenaries, smugglers, merchants. He would have to remember this place later incase he was in need of any of these people's services. He then caught sight of a weapons shop and made a mental note to visit it later, for he saw a very good looking sword sitting there on display. He would have to check it out and the lady selling ti also. He then turned back to Snack::

"So, where is our destination?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:05:43 PM
Our destination is a house, not too far from where we are. In fact --

*Snack rounded a corner. This road was barren, all except for the small house indented infront of them.*

We're here.

*He smiled, turning to say that to Yurza. Walking to the front door of the house, Snack looked around, everything was so familiar. He knocked twice, and waited for the door to open. Nothing. Knocking a few more times, he received the same results. A tad confused, the Knight reached down to the doorknowb and turned it. Much to his surprise, it was open.*

I doubt he would mind if we let ourselves in.

*Pushing the door in, Snack walked in. The house seemed the same as it was before, maybe a little less cluttered than before, since Malamar and their baby were no longer there. He steped into the living room area, and took a seat in a chair, motioning Yurza to do the same.*

Darth Horus
Jan 13th, 2002, 01:49:11 PM
*With no warning the dim room lights up, and from the same entrence that the two just came walked in Darth Horus, Shadow Jedi Lord and resident controller of Cayss. The planet was once Snack's, but those days were long in the past*

I figured you would come here, predictable as always, former master.

*he smiled and motioned for the two not to stand to greet, perferring them to make themselves comfortable*

Now that we are face to face, i shall get to the point. What brings you back? And, as an aside, who is this one you bring along?

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 13th, 2002, 02:38:07 PM
Predictability is key when one wishes to be found be the one who knows him the best.

*A sly smirk shown through as he retorted back to Horus. He looked at Yurza.*

This is Yurza, a Sith Warrior of the Sith Empire. He wanted to come along and I figured it would do him good to see more of the galaxy and to maybe learn something from our journeys. Heh, he seemed to have been the only one up at the time I decided to come here.

*He leaned back in his chair, feeling right at home. There was no reason not to, since it use to be his home.*

I've returned for a few reasons, the prominent one being I am at a crossroads. I've renounced my Sith title, Horus...

*Snack let those words linger in both Yurza's and Horus's mind. His eyes met with Horus's, his former apprentice, a cold truth in them.*

Chaos Alexander
Jan 13th, 2002, 02:57:10 PM
::A V-wing shot through space. It was slightly modified. Less armor for faster speed. It ripped through Hyperspace. Chaos was heading to Eden today. Somethign was pulling him somewhere else though. Untill he knew where, he had to travel to Eden. Power called to him. Chaos looked what was left of his arm. It was mechanical now. He lost it on Eden. He cut it off himself when fighting a Monster his uncle sent after him. It was the arm, or his life. Few knew what was in that robotic arm. It had a fake skin that few could see through. The Satues of Exar Kun were brokken and reshaped as a skeleton for the arm. That and Force crystals. It allowed him to still feel the Force in that arm in a way. He felt Yurza through the force. He then sent him a message.::

Yurza...where are you....I sence you may need help...lead me to you......send my the coords to where you are....

Master Yurza
Jan 13th, 2002, 11:30:22 PM
::Yurza started at the news Snack had just spoken. He was one of the most renouned Sith Knights of the Empire. Why would he want to leave? Yurza began to sit back when Chaos snet a message to him. he hated to interrupt the two talking, but he wanted to ask if he could give Chaos the coordinates because he did not know if the meeting was to be secret or if in fact his freind could join::

"Lord Snack..a fellow apprentice has snet a message to me requesting my coordinates. I was wondering if I could send them to him or if this meeting was private."

Darth Horus
Jan 16th, 2002, 05:31:47 PM
*Staring in surprise as his fellow force user, for a moment apparently ignoring the apprentice and his remark*

Renounced? Yet you are still aligned with the Empire? *Looking at Yurza for a moment he nodded, as if answering his own question*

Just like you Snack *he laughed for a moment, remembering old times*
Perhaps you could tell me more? What led you to the decision?

*Looking at Yurza* This planet was once Snack's, he knows the coords by heart i'd imagine. *Turning to face his old and current fiend* Your call, i see no problem with it of course. As companions of yours i feel i need not ask if they are...accepting of a Shadow, though just in case i can still prove myself if needed *he winked slightly, to both Sith present*

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 18th, 2002, 04:54:42 PM
*Snack nodded to Yurza.*

Ya sure, send them to him.

*A smile graced the face of the Dark Knight. Horus had always been trying to get Snack to join him in the ways of the Shadow. It worked once, long ago before Snack turned Sith for the second time. The concern from Yurza was apparent after Snack had told them both.*

You say that as if it were a bad thing? Yes, I am still an active member, and very loyal to The Sith Empire.

*He glanced at Yurza, before answering Horus's second question.*

The deciding factor that led me to drop the Sith title was, in part, that I feel I am not a true Sith and am dishonoring that name by attaching it to me. However, the main reason why I am here, again, is that I wish to find out how to be more like the Sith of the Old. Perhaps, you could help me, old friend?

Master Yurza
Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:05:09 PM
::Yurza nodded and sent Chaos the coordinates. HE then turned his attention back to the two talking. He was deeply interested in anceint Sith lore::

Darth Horus
Feb 5th, 2002, 10:48:58 PM
You know as well as I that this planet has it's history with Sith lore, Snack.
*Looking towards Yurza* This planet's previous owner before I and Snack had a bit of interest in it as well. Snack's...

*he paused for a moment and looked back at his friend, hesitant to say the title. He moved on, knowing Snack would continue that thought if he saw fit*

A return to roots and an abandoning of the Sith title! Ah, true and true the same Snack! Let's here it then, what plans do you have? Ideas?

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 10th, 2002, 03:50:36 PM

*Horus trailed off. Snack's eyes were blank as he looked at his long time friend. My Father... he thought to himself. His expression on his face was devoid of any emotion. An almost hatred for that acursed man filled his being. But he calmed himself before giving off to much anger through the Force.

His attention returned to Horus after glancing at Yurza.*

My plans are to find what it truely means to be a Sith of the Old. My master now is one of the New yet embodies what the old is. Our old master taught me nothing of the history of the Sith. What I know is what I searched and found on my own. My knowledge is not complete, but I just know I don't have the right to call myself a Sith...

Master Yurza
Feb 10th, 2002, 10:17:18 PM
::Yurza could feel the anger in Snack, and he was drawn to it. What could cause such a surge of power? How could he control it? Yurza sat back and watched the events s they unfolded before him.

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 11th, 2002, 07:41:01 PM
Yurza, if you want, you can go out and explore the town. Maybe wait for Chaos is he is still coming. I don't want to bore you with family affairs.

*Snack nodded to the Warrior, then stood up. Without looking at Horus, Snack walked out of the room and exited through the back pathway. He walked through another room and then the other, a kitchen area which housed all sorts of food and spices and utensils. He peered out through one of the windows. The sun early yet in its descension from the heavens, shining light on the grounds below. Leaning his fists on the counter top, he pressed his torso down, pushing most of his weight into his fists. Lowering his head, the Dark Knight sighed.

Why was he here? And why was he losing his bearings now? There were many question all running through his head, ones which never showed their faces before. That seemed to be Cayss's theme when Snack visted here. He had questions, came here to his home to help sort out his thoughts, and left with more questions. Why?

Another sigh escaped his lips, feeling the stare of Horus's eyes. Glaning over his shoulder, yet head still lowered, Snack looked at the Shadow Lord and pushed himself away from the counter. Now was not the time to let all of these other worries enter his thoughts.*


*The planet's name was all he spoke. Briskly Snack walked to a door off to the side of the kitchen area. Opening it, he practically jumped down the flight of stairs and walked the short hallway to the closed door. His old room.

Master Yurza
Feb 12th, 2002, 05:12:22 PM
::Yurza watched Snack storm off and then turned and nodded to Horus. He did not want to be caught in the cross fire if anything happened, so he stood and went out te door. He checked his pockets and found the peice of paper scribbled with the directions to the weapons shop they had passed earlier and Yurza walked in that direction::

"Now to see what goodies I can take back home."

Darth Horus
Feb 18th, 2002, 04:41:57 PM
*Following Snack with a light brisk pace he followed, waiting for his friend to stop*

You sent him away on purpose. What was it you just a spoke? A planets name? A city?

*He had his hunch but he knew better then to act on a hunch at this time*

The ways of the Sith.... an interesting study indeed.
*He always had a way of telling what was on his friends mind.. even without words, or when with words, the hidden sayings were much easier to decipher. It was visa-versa as well*

A quest perhaps? Or a search for mere answers? This could have.... ah... wide implications for your future, i'm guessing?

*he finally paused to give his friend a second to collect his thoughts and answer*

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 21st, 2002, 01:06:30 AM
*He stopped in front of his door, placing his left hand above his hand and resting it, palm flat against the old wooden structure. He then lowered his head and leaned forward, placing the front of his forehead gently on the door as well. Letting out a sigh, the Knight spoke to his old friend, unwanted sarcasm filling his every syllable.*

You're powers of deduction cease to amaze me.

*Snack balled up his left hand into a tight fist and pounded it against the door once.*

I came here as a stepping stone. One from which I could make a leap and bound to the larger island. I don't know if that larger island even exsists, yet with this stone, I am that much closer.

*Letting out another sigh, the Sith... Sith. That's what started his life. But he wasn't a Sith. He wasn't a Jedi. Not even a Shadow. He just was.

Turning now to face Horus, Snack's face shown with emotions of rage and sorrow. A sorrow for the glimpse of understanding he was undergoing.*

I don't belong. I want to be a Sith, but I'm not one! Maybe on this sojourn I would have found out how to be one, but how can I find out without knowing what the hell I'm looking for!?

*He shook his head from side to side slowly, lowering it so his eyes could only see the cold grey floor.*

I give him credit for hiding this from me for as long as it was hidden. But he knew that I would find out one day. He knew. And that's where he failed.

*He looked up again, his eyes meeting that of Horus's. Cold rage burned in his pupils, with a hint of fire around the whites staining his eyes. In a fluid motion, Snack turned around and opened the door to his old room. Father ultimately failed. He knew this day would come.. but what were the motives behind all of it? The false teachings, the false wisdom, the false truth... the false name. Who in their right mind would give the name "Snack" for someone to hold as their real one?

Maybe... just maybe Father was in his right mind. Maybe he did know what he was doing. Maybe he knew something that this man didn't. This man, the very man, that walked over to his old cot and sat down, eyes blank, scanning his old room.*

Darth Horus
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:58:24 PM
*Horus studied his old friend's face and gestures, putting them along with his dialogue. Father failed.. identity... just is.. This wasn't to be taken at face value*

You're father was not the most open man alive, when he was, i'll admit. He is no longer with us, you saw the place yourself.

*He tried to control his voice to be in a more soothing tone, but knew his enraged Sith friend would not be swayed by such simple force-inflictions*

If he hid something from you, then you must find it. Plain and simple. In our younger years there wasnt a damned thing that could stop us when we put our minds to something. Why should it be any different now? Was Jedi Snack any different a person then the Sith Snack who was then and is now before me? You are who are you. You are Snack, that life cannot be erased. Perhaps..... you wish to find a deeper title to apply to the life you've lived?

If this is what it will take to sovle your plight, you have my pledge to help in any way possible.