View Full Version : The new RPF board is almost finished

Oct 15th, 2001, 11:37:32 PM
Niki just e-mailed me and told me that the new RPF board is almost finished, and that they're just ironing out the wrinkles right now. This, combined with the fact that there seems to be a lot of confusion with the posters as to which board will be the "official" RPF, leads me to believe that we need to make a decision as to what we're going to do soon.

Are we going to make the current RPF forum a link to the new board? It looks similar enough that I think the transition would be fairly smooth. However, I think the requirement of having to register at each board seperately is going to alienate some posters.

At any rate, it seems to me that having two places for Replica Props isn't going to turn out well.

ALSO, while I have everyone's attention: If you're an admin of a group board (GJO, TSE, TSO, etc) and you haven't done so already, it would probably be wise to change any links at your board from the Ezboard to here. I know the GJO links still point to the old board.

Force Master Hunter
Oct 16th, 2001, 12:33:06 AM
Ah bugger, GJO link is wrong? I'll have to fix

Oct 16th, 2001, 12:44:54 AM
I am of the opinion that we should probably keep at least one open Props forum here in the eventuality that we possibly do pick up our own "new" regulars who are into that kind of thing, as well as having links to the new board that they are creating.

I could change the current off topic forum link in the current Props board to a link to their board and the description to reflect what it truely is, while we could combine the two Props Archives into the Replica Props forum and make our front page a little smaller.

This is only my opinion though and I am very willing to listen, weigh, and consider all other sides of this issue.

As for links, I think I covered the 10 or 12 boards I have admin rights at, within the first week.

Oct 16th, 2001, 12:56:23 AM
Well, their board isn't offically open yet. They just gave me a link so I could check it out. But it looks like it's going to be opening very, very soon.

What you suggested sounds like a good idea. I think we should try that out.

Love the new Avatar, btw.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 16th, 2001, 09:49:44 AM
yeah that avatar is amazing when I first saw it in OOC. Yes yes, most linkies have been updated to the new url for swfans =) thanks to a certain ... admin :p

Champion of the Force
Oct 16th, 2001, 06:06:21 PM
Forgive me if I'm reapeating anything here - I'm in the middle of a Director class and don't have much time. Here's what I think:

1. Merge all the RPF forums into one 'Replica Props' forum.

2. Put this single 'Replica Props' forum into the Star Wars cateogry underneath Collecting.

3. Do one of the following:

a) Change the link so that when one clicks on the forum name they get taken straight to the new RPF board.

b) Let people access the forum, but have it closed to prevent further posting. Have a link up the top of the forum to the new RPF board.

c) Leave the forum open, and have a link somewhere (either on the main board page or in the forum itself) leading to the new RPF forum.

I personally advocate 3. c), since some have expressed interest in remaining at SWFans.

Hope that all makes sense - gotta run. :)

Oct 20th, 2001, 01:22:18 PM
Seeing that we haven't been getting much in the way of Replica Proper traffic. I went ahead with as much of option 3c as I could for right now. We can either place a link in the description or in the forum itself once they get the other board ready.

One slight problem with merging the forums. It appears I lost all the stuff from the other forums by moving them into the Replica Props Category instead of the actual forum. :x :o

Oct 20th, 2001, 03:58:24 PM
One possible good thing about it....Losing nearly 16,000 threads is bound to make our database a little smaller.

Champion of the Force
Oct 20th, 2001, 09:54:52 PM
I was wondering why our main page was looking a bit small. :)

Shouldn't be any major drama over the thread loss - the RPF generally survives on more immediate day to day traffic and posting as opposed to an archive of information.

Oct 25th, 2001, 04:37:38 PM
Should we change the description for that forum?

Champion of the Force
Oct 25th, 2001, 06:01:01 PM
I don't care. I probably would leave it until the RPF finally moves to their new board (from what I've read recently, that won't be for at least another 2 weeks).

Oct 25th, 2001, 06:39:08 PM
Sounds like a plan.