View Full Version : What are your AOTC Trailer A plans?

Oct 15th, 2001, 07:20:43 PM
It looks like the trailer will be attached to Monsters Inc. on 11/2 and available for download 11/9. I'm assuming FOX will air it sometime in November. Entertainment Tonight and the other rags are sure to show it as well. I'm planning on catching the Saturday matinee with my son (that'll save me one adult ticket and the price of a baby sitter). How does everyone else plan to see the trailer?

Oct 15th, 2001, 07:30:37 PM
The 9th is for DVD ROMers. So, I need to heist the website, and make off with a copy, as my ROM stuff no worksa

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 15th, 2001, 11:45:29 PM
I'm sure anybody will be able to download it. If they put on the second why would they wait to download it on the 9th? I'm just wondering why Lucas is going this route unless he wants people to see in the movie theater first instead of seeing on the computer which does make sense. Probably I will watch it on Access Hollywood first last time they got it the TPM trailer the day before it hit the street so I bet they will do the same thing this time. Then I will probably go to see Monsters INC with my nephew that weekend to catch the trailer again.

Champion of the Force
Oct 16th, 2001, 01:04:21 AM
I'm going to try and avoid it like the plague for as long as I can.

I managed to avoid any Episode 1 stuff until around March/April 99, so here's hoping I can last another month or 2 this time. :)

Oct 16th, 2001, 01:17:27 AM
Eh, I honestly don't care if I get any spoilers for Episode 2. Heck, I'm supposed to know everything already, right?

Oct 16th, 2001, 01:44:59 AM
Im only going to watch he trailer once. I doubt I can avoid it all, so best to get it over with.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 16th, 2001, 01:50:55 AM
I watched both trailers hundreds of times and it didn't spoil me a bit of course that is just me. I'm sure I will probably tape the trailer off of Access Hollywood so I can watch it hundreds of times.

Oct 16th, 2001, 09:08:48 AM
Yeah - I'm going to watch for it on E! or something and tape it. That's how I actually caught the Ep. 1 trailer for the first time, although I did catch it in the theaters a few times afterwards.

Monsters Inc. doesn't look too bad though - I might go see it considering the added bonus of the trailer...

Oct 16th, 2001, 10:37:49 AM
It took til my third watiching to realise they killed off Qui Gon. If I dont get that fae, I might be ok

Oct 17th, 2001, 10:56:18 PM
Here's a tip: Don't buy the soundtrack before the movie comes out. I bought the Ep1 Soundtrack a few weeks beforehand. One of the tracks was called "Qui Gon's Funeral". :\

Oct 18th, 2001, 07:46:45 AM
Originally posted by Q
Here's a tip: Don't buy the soundtrack before the movie comes out. I bought the Ep1 Soundtrack a few weeks beforehand. One of the tracks was called "Qui Gon's Funeral". :\
I remember reading about people getting burned by the soundtrack listing. When I bought toys I made sure not to read any of the character descriptions until after I saw the movie. Names are one thing, but charcter bios give away details I don't want to know.

Oct 18th, 2001, 09:25:45 AM
Yeah - I got burned by the soundtrack. Between the tracks "Qui-Gon's Noble End" and "Qui-Gon's Funeral", it pretty much gave that part of the story away... However, I have to say that if the soundtrack for AOTC comes out before the movie, I'll probably get that one too - I just hope they don't give away too much...

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 18th, 2001, 04:49:50 PM
I just read this on theforce.net

We heard this a while ago, and simply didn't believe it. We believe it now, and here's the scoop:
Trailer A: Monsters, Inc. - There is a trailer with Monsters, Inc. Your spies thus far have hit this right on the head. Look for this on the release date, the first few days of November However, it is the short teaser trailer, which shows some great stuff but is just the beginning.
Trailer B: Internet Download - There is a second trailer that will be available for download starting November 9th. We're not sure if it will be just with the DVD-ROM but we do know that that is true, at least initially. I would expect the full site to get it next though, so they can break the record download numbers. This is the favorite of the trailers so far amongst people that know.

Trailer C: Harry Potter - This is the long form trailer, and will premiere attached to Harry Potter. Why not capture the audience that fits perfectly the demographic that Lucasfilm is targeting this Thanksgiving. Also, since ILM did much of the work in HP, it only makes sense to showcase more of their amazing work. November 16th here in the US, no idea of the international schedule.

Look for a big boost in theater results for these films which were already going to be successful. Look for trailers A, B and C very soon this fall. You heard it here first.

All I can say is cool, but how real does everybody think it is? Mostly it is a lot different from TPM (there were only two trailers and one came out around April). Still, it could be that Lucas is trying to surprise this time by getting the trailers out early and showing them now. If it is true I guess I better get ready to see both Monsters INC and Harry Potter and I am sure glad I have a DVD rom.

Champion of the Force
Oct 18th, 2001, 07:56:13 PM
And I'm going to go and see those 2 movies too. :\

When it plays I guess I'll have to put my head down, close my eyes and cuff my ears and think about Leia in her slave outfit. :D

Oct 18th, 2001, 09:31:58 PM
I can't wait to feel the same way I did when I saw the TPM trailer for the first time. Does it seem to you guys that 2 and a half years have gone by? It certainly doesn't seem like that long to me...

Oct 18th, 2001, 09:59:38 PM
I wasn't really planning on seeing Harry Potter. I may just download that trailer and hope it plays with LOTR. If this is legit info it is a departure from TPM. Three trailers in such a short does seem like a stretch, even if they are just variations of one basic trailer.

Oct 18th, 2001, 10:54:58 PM
I was never interested in the Harry Potter books, despite the fact that everyone I knew raved about them. The movie does look sort of interesting, though. I'll probably go see it.