View Full Version : After seeing Band of Brothers...

Oct 15th, 2001, 04:42:25 PM
Do you think a TV series set in the SW universe would work?

Oct 15th, 2001, 05:56:34 PM
I don't know... My gut instinct is no.

I think that the SW movies are something really special. George Lucas has invested a lot of time, money, and energy into making them what they are today. I also think that he has stayed true to what his initial vision is, and not compromised his creations due to studio execs and ratings.

I just get the impression that if SW were to move into the television arena, it would change. The push for better ratings, and the workings of TV executives, would IMHO cheapen what Star Wars is all about and bastardize it into no-thought-required television humdrum...

That said, though, if it was done properly it might not be bad - look at Star Trek. I think that is one of the more successful and thought-stimulating shows out there.

Anyway, that's my two cents for today...

Oct 15th, 2001, 06:13:23 PM
If it were to be done anywhere HBO would be the perfect place. They'd have a good budget to work with and you wouldn't have the ratings pressure that you'd have on broadcast TV. The other bonus would be time. With HBO you're not under the pressure of putting out a weekly show. HBO does having an impressive track record when it comes to MAJOR Hollywood talent. Many times, washed up actors with fading B.O. power run to TV (Chuck Norris, Don Johnson, Richard Dryfus, Tom Selleck, etc.). But HBO has worked with Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg in their prime. HBO must be doing something right to get that kind of talent to work with them. So if SW were to have a TV future, HBO would be a much better home than say The Family Channel or ABC (both are networks Lucasfilm has worked with in the past).

Oct 16th, 2001, 09:44:26 PM
I would want it to be tastefully done, but deep inside I don't want it to happen at all. It would cheapen the value of the movies.