View Full Version : I seek someone to challenge me

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 14th, 2001, 11:58:39 PM
But not in physical violence. I seek one to contend, mind on mind, with words, about the nature of the Force.

Who has the wisdom and the knowledge to do so? Step forward, so I may evaluate if you indeed possess what you claim. Come forth and accept if you dare to contend with me!

Darth Bhaal
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:22:30 AM
Are all Jedi so charmingly pompous?

:: The voice came from a man clad in a combat suit, whose face was hidden beneath a balaclava ::

Careful, fool...ego is the sneakiest of weapons, and the blade always points towards you.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:45:51 AM
:: The Jedi almost laughed. Almost::

"Pompous? Ego? Is it ego I issue a challenge, or is it self confidence, knowing that I can best any Dark Sider Physically and also in the Force? Is ego, which can also said to be arrogance, the appropriate term in this case, or is it simply I am self assured of who I am and what I know? There is a difference and it is the Sith who fail to see that difference, time and time again. How else would you explain how ones like Maul and Palpatine make critical errors, fatal ones? That their foes were better? Or they had egos and were arrogant in their power?

So.... you would contend with me. I hope you have wisdom and knowledge, for I will be a stern test in this unusual challenge"

Darth Bhaal
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:59:32 AM
Your pedestal is high, and shaky...and you know so pitifully little, of the Force, and more acutely of your opponent. You cite the failures of Maul and Palpatine, and I shall cite the failures of Jinn, Kenobi, Mundi, Windu, Koon, Gallia...

....why I could cite all the thousands swallowed up in the Purge. Your two examples against my two thousand? But don't worry. I would be foolish to simplify such a metaphysical struggle into such plebian statistics.

:: Poisonous laughter echoed ::

No, Jedi...I do believe you revel in falsehoods, in hollow comforts, and in assumptions.

Much as you childishly assume that such a confrontation with a being such as I would be...shall we say...platonic?

Oh but play your games...run your foolish maze, little mouse. Once I have defeated you utterly in the mental realm...you will know the other face of the coin I play.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2001, 01:30:34 AM
"It si you you is presuming if you think I do not cite Maul and Palpatine with care. Jinn and other Jedi, they did not have the cusp of victorym, they had not tasted the sweetness of success, then by their own ego and arrogance, threw it away, to be felled by what.... a Padawan who was already defeated and and a half dead machine. Palpatine mustered great forces, showed his power and was felled by his own creation. Such arrogance and ego, is not a Jedi.

It is true Jedi fail - but we do not do so with the short sightedness that a Maul or a Palpatine did. That is the error of the Dark Side - you are too consumed, too blind to see a misstep. Time and time again... Maul, Kun, Palpatine.... Victory foiled by their own blindness. It would seem to me THEY asumed they had won.

Who is it that revels in assumptions now? You assume that their failures matches other's defeat. You assume this is but a game... when this is the purest challenge one can have. One where a Dark Sider cant win, for their knowledge is but a shadow of what the Light side has. Just a mere imitation. "

Darth Bhaal
Oct 15th, 2001, 01:49:15 AM
I find it amusing indeed that this fallen, half-machine padawan annihilated all but one of your pathetic ilk.

It is true that you do not fail in the sense of short-sightedness. Your failure is complete in the long term.

What is this...victory...that the Jedi seek?

Perpetuation. Continuation. Endless conflict.

For a thousand generations, the Sith existed in shadow, their progeny whom followed Darth Bane produced two examples per generation. In these thousand generations, the Jedi ranks became bloated, yet through their lethargy, they could not quell this dark uprising.

Could not?

Or would not.

:: The laughter increased ::

You see...you are trapped in the paradox of Milton's Archangel! I...I can pursue all manner of purpose worthy of my Force-given divinity. You, however, exist only to...how do they say..."bring balance". To counteract this contagion...but never to truly wipe it out.

After all...what universe would allow such perversions as Jedi to exist without a reason?

This revelation is painful? Think of it not. Self-preservation is a primary motivation of animal life. And Jedi only follow this modus operandi by default.

They have not evolved.

They have not become Sith...but they shall.

Or like animals...shall perish.

Oct 21st, 2001, 05:40:48 PM
*The Sith Lord watches the exchange, he wonders why this is a war of words.*

Strange really, He thinks to himself, Everyone can speak words, but yet thats all they are. It is ones actions that change the galaxy, not some pointless rabble.

Darth Bhaal
Oct 23rd, 2001, 03:09:19 PM
:: Lord Firebird's inner musings ring inside Bhaal's own twisted mind...distracting him. Bhaal turns slightly to the Lord, wagging his index finger back and forth as if to say "No, No, No" ::

Wait your turn.

Oct 23rd, 2001, 10:53:57 PM
*Lord Firebird's face does not change expression, instead he speaks through the Force to Darth Baal.*
I will not interfere....for now

Oct 25th, 2001, 02:32:02 PM
*Waits, as the Sith and Jedi sit there watching eachother.*


Keerrourri Feessaarro
Oct 25th, 2001, 06:12:23 PM
OOC: Marcus is taking a month off, if you didn't know.