View Full Version : Grasp of Power: Part I

Lord Redd
Oct 14th, 2001, 10:40:58 AM
TAP....TAP......TAP...... The rapping of a pen on the edge of a desk almost to the point of a relaxing annoyance. He did it day in and day out as the paper stack on his desk got taller and taller. He hated working behind a desk and as soon as he could get out he would. However, he kept these thoughts to himself because there was no telling who he could trust. He had no friends and this desk job on Coruscant was a far cry from a blue collar farming job on his desert homeworld. Nevertheless, he wasted his life away processing paperwork and struggling to support himself and he hated it.</p>

From time to time he would flip a paper or two and scribble some form of nothingness on them to pass time and look busy. It was all he had to keep himself sane, and then it was back to the deep daydreaming and pen tapping. Sometimes he wished he was more like his father. He was a great Admiral who helped deliver his people and thwart the Empires hopes at conquering his world. His father wouldn't be caught dead behind a desk. But it was different nowadays, The galaxy's military powers were more in an arms race than a fight for living space. They wanted ships, more ships and bigger ships than their enemies. If his father ever taught him one thing while he was young, it was bigger ships only make bigger explosions when their destroyed. He would then always say that brainpower always overcomes firepower. He missed his father, to the point that he couldn't stay on his homeworld. His father died for that floating pile of dust and he hated it for that.</p>

The bell tolled to signal the change of shifts. This came at the most perfect time everyday and had the same thrill as finding 2 liters of water in the desert. It brought on the two things that took his mind off of his miserable life: Drinks and Dreams. He would head to the nearest Cantina load up on Correlian whiskey and be fast asleep about an hour or two later. He got up from his seat, scanned his ID card and left out of the backdoor into the alley as he did everyday.</p>

The alley was at a dark greyish point just enough to see five meters ahead. He did it the same everyday, Watch out the first trashcans where the rats were and never look at the bums as you passed them. Just follow the light at the end of the alley and turn right when you get there. But today was different for some reason. First there were noises. The were confusing at first. It grew louder and louder. It sounded like whispers and a group of children laughing. It was coming from everywhere. He heard footsteps scurry behind him, but saw nothing as he turned his head to look. The laughter only got louder as he looked as if to taunt him. He hated being teased and this seemed like some form of demented teasing. He yelled out, "Alright you kids, thats enough playing, I have someplace to go." The noise stopped with this statement and he turned to continue his trip, but the light at the end of the alley was gone and the alley grew to blackness. He looked back in the other direction as if he was just confused to where he was facing, but there was just blackness. The voices answered back to him, "You've got somewhere to go, but your getting nowhere silly." This metaphor was both true for his current situation and also for his life. He wanted to go places, but his deskjob was getting him nowhere. " The Darkness calls to you, it can take you anywhere you want to go. It did for your father." This startled him, but it also made him think at the same time. He yelled back "My Father?" The voices didn't respond all he heard was laughter which seemed to taunt him as if he asked a stupid question. It grew louder and louder and louder until he sprung up in a deep sweat from his nightmare safe at home in his bed. It was just a dream, but it seemed so real............</p>

OOC: for now this is kinda closed so I can set up my storyline, but further along it will become open to all. Anyone who thinks they want to participate can email me bonz316@msn.com or can IM me: FeemurS and we can discuss their role in this RP..........</p>

Lord Redd
Oct 16th, 2001, 06:14:49 PM
After bathing and consuming his high protein breakfast bar he was ready to leave for work. He put his boots hat and coat on and was out the front door. Above, Coruscant was alive, if you could say as much seeing that there was no plantlife at all. The speaders and shuttles sped about in every direction both above and below him. The air had it's usual smell of smog and metal all about. This was another thing he hated about coruscant.
Back home he was in touch with nature, or at least the very few plants and sand creatures that made it up. He never imagined rotting his life away on a pile of nuts and bolts at a deadend job and up to his neck in paperwork. But he did grow to accept his situation overtime, it could be alot worse.</p>

His daily routine had embedded itself into him as if it were a string of programming in a protocol droids memory back. He walked the same way to work everyday. He would pass the local cantina where he usually wasted his money killing braincells the night before and pass the alley he took home to his office buildings front entrance. His drinking buddies were usually laying on the ground in a drunken mess after they ran out of credits and the bartender kicked them out. Everyday they would heckle him as he walked pass for leaving early. They would claim that he missed some miraculous event or other, but it was usually some form of drunken illusion that got the best of them. They Called out to him as usual today, but this time with a slightly different message. " Heyyyyyee Cyyyyyyyssstine, Whuuuaaaatttt happppeennneedd to ya last niiiighhht. Weee haddd a blassst." This didn't register to him, he thought he did go to the Cantina, but the night was all a blur. Then he heard a whisper "The Darkside". He shook this off, thought quickly and answered. " I was feeling kinda sick, I headed straight home after work." "Yooouuu miiissseesssdd a goooddd tiiimmmeee maaannnn", one responded in a upset manner. "Well, I'll be by tonight, you can count on it", He said as he turned and continued his journey to work.</p>

He felt wierd, he knew something was wrong. He never missed a night at the Cantina. It was the only thing he had to keep him going. He entered his building through the glass double doors and instantly felt the heat from the buildings climate control. He took his coat off and propped it over his right arm and held his hat in his hand as he headed for the turbolift to the second floor. He felt it was a waste of power and time taking the turbolift to the second floor, but if there were also stairs that led to the second floor, he would still probably take the lift.</p>

The lift was crowded today as usual. Everyone indicated their floor as they entered and most usually went well past the second floor. This usually ment Cystine would have to work his way from the back of the lift to get out, but it didn't bother him much. Once he was out it was the long walk past the cubicles, past the people working on CPUs and past the offices to his room in the back of the building where paperwork was waiting.</p>

He walked the long trip with his head down, never looking up to see the smirks of anyone looking his way. They knew he worked in the backroom. Anyone as young as he was that walked past the cubicles was headed for the back. He entered his office punched in, and put his coat and hat on the wrack in the corner before sitting at his desk for a long day of pen tapping and paper flipping.</p>

Lord Redd
Oct 27th, 2001, 07:32:45 PM
The day passed rather quickly which was really unusual. He had even forgotten to go on break. Nevertheless, he was never one to ponder in such a situation. He grabbed his jacket and hat and headed out the back for the alley. As he exited the building, he remembered his dream and the whispers that seemed to haunt him all day. He could still hear them. As he walked down the alley, he avoided the rats and tried to avoid the bums, but one got to his feet as he passed. The bum seemed to move faster and faster behind him. He did what any normal person would do, run. He ran faster and faster panting like a dog and sweating greatly. As he rounded the corner, he hunched over to catch his breath thinking he lost the bum, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.</p>

"Why do you run from the darkness child", a scratchy voice came from a small man behind him said. " It has chosen you for a very special reason, it will have you one way or another." He turned to aknowledge the voice, and it was the bum that had chased him. "What is this darkness" He asked the stranger. " The Darkness is everywhere and Nowhere, it is alive, but it is also death. It is power, more power than you could ever imagine. And it calls for you and only you. You have a chance to feel it's true power Gravon."" How did you know my name?", Gravon replied full of shock and confusion. "I know alot about you, the darkness knows you. That is why you will go straight home and go to sleep. You will recieve your instructions tonight, in your dreams.................."</p>