View Full Version : Just a note

Oct 14th, 2001, 07:49:24 AM
I apparently still have access to this forum, sinced I granted my lurker name here Mod abilities. If you want, feel free to remove those whenever you get a chance. I don't really intend to use them under this name, anyway.

Currently, work is keeping me very, very busy. If I get a little more free time, and you guys (for whatever reasons) need another helping hand in the future, I'd be willing to. The way things are now, I barely have time to get online anymore. But as it stands, I think Ogre does an admirable job of running the place.

Anyway... I'll be around.

Oct 14th, 2001, 11:29:44 AM
Yep, Q still has mod abilities(I missed that before, just looked at the admin group) and I don’t intend to remove them. You did make the arrangements for the software and hosting for this board and are still a part of the staff, even if you don’t want to be. I won’t burden you with any responsibilities, but I will view you as such.

Thanks for the compliments and I will strive to uphold the ideals that SWFans has stood for as long as I have known about it. I take pride in this place and its continued prosperity.

You take it easy and have fun using the forums as you find time and the responsibilities will be covered as best they can be.

There is one thing that I do need to talk to you about, or more like have you talk to Tera-byte for me about.

I have been looking over their webpages and found out that they do allow a form of telent access to the servers and need to see if you can make arrangements with them to enable our SSH(the secure form of telnet the allow) to our MySQL database server, so I can begin and try to regularly make back up copies of our database. I think I will require root access, but you don’t really need to push for that as I doubt they will give it. I’ll take any access because any access will at least give me read rights, which should give me the ability to back up our databases and not have to count entirely on them for such things, thus providing a much better sense of peace of mind. There is no rush on this, but I did want to ask you about it, so we could try to get the wheels in motion.

Thanks for everything in the past, now, and in advance. :)

Oct 14th, 2001, 11:46:13 AM
As soon as I'm finished with what I'm doing right now, I'll e-mail them about that. :)

And I had various reasons for removing my admin powers, most of which I've explained. Yes, I'm sure I could have stayed a mod, but there's really no need to have 5 different moderators for a group who is generally very well behaved. I wasn't trying to escape my responsibilities, or anything like that.

Also, I haven't been around much, so I may have just missed it, but... I haven't noticed any real amount of downtime on the board lately. Knock on wood, but has this been the case?

Oct 14th, 2001, 11:48:47 AM
There have been only a couple small periods of downtime, very minor. I have been optimizing the database, closing the site for about 5 miutes or so while doing so, about every two days in the wee ehours of the morn when no one is around. All in all things have gone rather well for a week and a half or so straight.

:: raps knuckles on the same spot o lumber. ::

Oct 14th, 2001, 11:51:35 AM
BTW: I didn't mean to make it out as if you were avoiding responsibility, just stating that you have no obligations but you will continue to have access to this forum and have those abilities should you require them for anytihing.

Oct 14th, 2001, 12:08:57 PM
Yeah, I know. :) Just stating that anyway. I have no problems with responsibility. Aside from the reasons I discussed, one other reason why I don't really want to be an admin is that I often get accused of being a "power monger", or something along those lines. So I try not to really wield power unless absolutely necessary.