View Full Version : Wow

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 13th, 2001, 10:37:25 PM
It has been a wild day in college Football, three teams may have had their national title hopes destroyed, and there was a flurry of upsets. First the big news Florida loses to Auburn, that is a huge shock, in a way but I am glad and not completely surprised. I have been saying that they were/are way overrated but I did not see an upset this soon I thought they lose later to either South Carolina or Tennessee. Speaking of the Gamecocks they got beat today as well to Arkansas and I think their hopes for the Rose Bowl are just about gone as well. Washington hopes were probably dashed today to but to the undefeated bruins of UCLA whose running back Foster rushed for 301 yards:wow. Not to mention the other upsets, Ohio State lost to Wisconsin, Texas Tech beat Kansas State, Washington State beat Stanford and Colarado beat Texas A&M.

So now there are 6 undefeated teams with a shot at the Rose Bowl Oklahoma, Miami, Nebraska, Oregon, UCLA, and Virginia Tech. Now this would be a problem half these teams will be elimanted because Nebraska plays Oklahoma in two weeks, Oregon and UCLA play early November, and Miami plays Va Tech on Dec 1st. All of these games will decide who is left standing. I still think it will be Oklahoma vs Miami and Oklahoma will again win the national title but hey I could be wrong.

Oct 13th, 2001, 10:59:25 PM
another amazing day of College ball...my own rankings


but in truth, OU is number one because I am from Oklahoma..but I think it will be

3:UCLA or Nebraska

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 13th, 2001, 11:13:08 PM
this my top 5
4 Nebraska
5 VA Tech
6 Oregon (had to do it since they are still undefeated)
but it will probably be
3 like you said UCLA or Nebrask
4 UCLA or Nebraska
5 VA Tech

Oct 14th, 2001, 01:14:58 AM
I would care, except for the fact that FSU (FLORIDA STATE) is having a horrible year.


Figrin D'an
Oct 14th, 2001, 01:49:21 AM
Agreed, a most interesting day of college football. I watched the entire Florida/Auburn game... it was a hell of a game, one of the best of the season thus far. If Florida had one weakness coming into the season, it was their running game. Auburn dominated the line of scrimage and made the Gators completely one-dimensional on offense... even for a passing attack as good as Florida has, not having any kind of running game allowed the Auburn defense to play nickel and dime coverage on almost every play. Hence, Grossman got picked off 3 times. -37 yards rushing in the game for Florida.... ouch. I wouldn't want to be on the team playing Florida next... Georgia could be in for a long day on the 27th. Auburn controls it's own destiny in the SEC West now... if Florida wins out, the SEC championship game could be a rematch between the Gators and Tigers.

UCLA really impressed me today. The Washington defense is pretty solid, especially on the D-line... and DeShaun Foster made them look like a practice squad team, putting up 300+ yards rushing. I usually don't like to make Heisman trophy picks, because I think it is the most overhyped award in the history of sports, but Foster is the clear-cut favorite, IMO. If UCLA can get through the Pac-10 unscathed, they'll being playing at home for the national title (even if there are more than two undefeated teams at the end of the season).

If there are three undefeated teams (from major conferences) at the end of the season, the one from the Big East will be left out of the Rose Bowl (being either Miami or Virginia Tech). They just won't have the S.O.S. rating to claim a spot over the Big 12 champ or the Pac-10 champ. If that happens... the BCS will be in serious trouble. It has managed to narrowly escape major controversy in each of it's first three years... we'll see if it can be so lucky again this time around.

As for some of the other games:

Washington State/Stanford was a fun game... a couple of pretty good offenses just plain trying to outscore each other. I really don't consider the Cougar win an upset, though. Yeah, Stanford was ranked and Washington State was not, but I think the Cougars really have shown more explosiveness thus far. They'll upset at least one of the big Pac-10 powers this year. (The only thing I'm getting sick of is hearing over and over how ESPN's Kirk Herbstreet picked the Cougars as a surprise team... look, he made a great pick, and it shows that he really knows college football well... I commend him, but the entire country doesn't need to be reminded of it every during every halftime and postgame report... I think we get the idea by now.)

Wisconsin beating Ohio State in Columbus just shows how wide-open the Big Ten is this year. There is no dominant team, no favorite... every team has a weakness somewhere that can be exploited. Michigan controls it's own destiny at this point, but it's still early... anything could happen. A 6-2 record will probably be enough to win the conference, and I won't be surprised if several teams tie for the conference title again.

Colorado and Nebraska on a collision-course in the Big 12 North... maybe that rivalry will finally become interesting again... (probably not, but one can always hope....)

Okay, now for my rant of the week: I love how the experts declare that Chris Simms is 'back' after he and Texas beat the snot out of an obviously overmatched Oklahoma State team... look, the kid has potential, but he's playing with one of the best WR corps in the country and has piled up the stats against weak opponents thus far. In their one real test, the Longhorns got spanked and Simms was virtually useless. Part of that is because the Oklahoma defense is just that good, but still... 100 yards passing and 4 INTS running what is supposed to be one of the best offenses in the country? Whatever... I rarely question the personel decisions made by head coaches, but let's be realistic here... Simms has yet (between his starts last season and this season) to prove that he can play big in a big game... against the better teams, he has looked sub-par at best... meanwhile, you have the former Big-12 Offensive Player of the Year sitting on the bench behind him, a QB that has much more big game experience than Simms and that has proven he can step up in the big games against the best teams... now, I'm not saying that Simms should have been pulled in the Red River shootout, nor am I saying that Simms should be benched in the middle of the season in favor of Major Applewhite. That could potentially do far more damage than good at this point. All I'm saying is that Mack Brown and Texas were/are expected to win THIS year... with all of the talent and experience that the Longhorns have, they have no excuses anymore. Given those expectations, it seems that one would want the most important position on the field to be filled with experience and a proven winner, not a young player that still needs a lot of development. When you have the former, why insist on giving the latter the starting job?

'k... I'm done....

Good day of college football, even if my team lost. :)

Oct 14th, 2001, 10:10:30 PM

1. Oklahoma
3. Nebraska
4. Oregon
5. Miami
6. Virginia Tech
7. Fresno State
8. Michigan
9. Texas
10. Florida

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 14th, 2001, 11:13:03 PM
Is that the actual BCS standing or are you just guessing. I think that might be close Miami could be a little higher either 3 or 4 depending on how some of the papers vote.

Oct 15th, 2001, 12:07:58 AM
ESPN used the formula that the BCS will use, and did that. They claim it is what the BCS will come out with this week....

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:26:04 AM
Oh okay, If Oklahoma or Nebraska, UCLA or Oregon, and VA Tech or Miami stay unbeated the BCS might finally have a bit of contraversity because it will be Big 12 vs Pac 10. I hope that is the case because I still think we need a playoff system.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 21st, 2001, 03:40:51 PM
Well this weekend was almost as wild. Two more teams title hopes were destroyed. Oregon (sorry Jon) and Fresno State, if they even had any. UCLA crushed Cal, Oklahoma won and played okay, they could have played better. Nebraska had some trouble with Texas Tech and the rest of the top 5 were idle. The first BCS poll comes out tomorrow and I think Oklahoma will be #1 with UCLA #2 followed by Nebraska, Miami, and VA Tech. Now the road gets tough for UCLA becasue they have to play at Stanford, at Washington State who is undefeated, and then home against Oregon after that it gets easier but those three games will not be easy. If they can win those three they should be playing for the national title. But the bigger game is Oklahoma vs Nebraska which is huge but I still think OU will win and they will be tough to beat the rest of the way. Personally I think UCLA and OU are the best two teams and if they played in the Rose Bowl it would be one of the best games ever played there.

Oct 22nd, 2001, 01:16:31 PM
Oklahoma vs Nebraska will be an interesting match up because the possibility exists that they may play each other twice this season. Imagine if each one gets the sweet revenge of knocking the other out of the title game. How much longer must we suffer before we get a 4 or 8 team playoff?

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 22nd, 2001, 03:44:50 PM
I agree with you there, I think we need a playoff system. What I am hoping happens this year to make them realize this is Oklahoma/Nebraska (won't matter here either way) and UCLA go undefeate and then meet in the Rose Bowl and then either Miami or Va Tech go undefeated setting up some contraversy (I guess if Maryland goes undefeated it could help too). With that scenerio maybe they will wake up and realize that they need to put a playoff system in. What would I would like to see is an 8 team playoff and then the way you pick who gets in is by Conference winners and maybe a wild card or two. Right now there are 6 major conferences (seven if you count the Wac) Big-12, Pac-10, SEC, ACC, Big East, and Big-10. So you have at least 6 conference winners, maybe seven then at least a wildcard team or two (how you would figure that out I am not sure at them moment.) The problem is the Bowls have made college football rich, now luckily a lot of the bowls are starting to lose money esepcially the lower ones (probably because nobody watches them). Hopefully if this trend continues the league will be forced to go to a network and take money for playoff, similar to NCAA tournament. Unfortunately this could take a few years.

Oct 24th, 2001, 02:22:58 AM
Oregon is one of the best teams around too. They should still be ranked just about as highly, stupid retards. Losing that game proves nothing. It just proves their defense sucked hard that game and through a few unusual situations (two blocked punts IN A ROW) they managed to snatch defeat from the hands of victory! LOL

Oct 24th, 2001, 07:47:54 AM
I would go with the major polls or the BCS computer rankings to dtermine the tpo 8. Some derserving schools will still get left out each year, but it's better to have legitimate #7 or #8 school left out in the cold than a legit #1 or #2. Eight teams gives you the flexibility to make sure the top 4 schools get a chance. I wouldn't use conference champs because congrences rarely match up evenly. The Big 10 champ may really be much weaker than the Big East or Pac 10 runner ups (I'm just picking conferences out of a hat here). Polls and rankings should still be used, it's just the number of teams that needs to change. The major bowls can then rotate rounds of playoff games.