View Full Version : Jedi Unite !!!
Champion of the Force
Oct 13th, 2001, 10:21:57 PM
Sith - butt out. :p
:: goes to a hill on the battleground, and plants a big huge flag on top with 'JEDI RULE' written on it ::
Here we shall make our stand against all that is evil and unjust yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah ...
Oct 14th, 2001, 12:03:31 AM
This is odd, being in the OOC forum, and from a retired player. :p
Plants his American flag and kicks back with a cold beer to watch.
Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2001, 12:05:22 AM
Being a damned mercenary scumbag...I shall drink whiskey and eat doughnuts.
Morgan Evanar
Oct 14th, 2001, 01:11:00 AM
God I'm hungry *sneaks and steals a dougnught from Sanis, who will be none-the wiser- for several minutes*
Oct 14th, 2001, 01:12:40 AM
(creates a 750 foot high flag and plants in on top of the other ones)
Luuke Skywalker
Oct 14th, 2001, 01:14:49 AM
The outcast looks in through the window at the happy go lucky Jedi as the rain beats down upon him in an unforgiving and merciless manner. With a trembling lip and a tear in his eye he walks away alone into the dark to feast upon the bodies of rats and discarded food rations in the alleys once more.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 14th, 2001, 01:16:57 AM
mew? verrrjy odd....
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 14th, 2001, 02:44:24 AM
What, a Jedi party!? wait...they have FOOD! *hungry pregnant woman stomach growls*
Champion of the Force
Oct 14th, 2001, 04:29:35 AM
That's retired JEDI player to you, Mr SWFans.Net. :p
:: gets big broom ::
Get off our hill you damn Sith! :rant
:: begins sweeping everyone off ::
Oct 14th, 2001, 08:32:51 AM
*eats some food behind the Jedi flag*
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:01:20 AM
<-- Orders One thousand StormTroopers to go get him some yummy food for his tummy!
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:21:46 AM
A low rumbling gradually grows in volume, shaking the hill and everone on it, as suddenly 250 million red-armored felinoids come charging forward in every direction...
<font size=70>FOOOOOOOOOOD!!!! </font>
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:35:37 AM
<-- orders his Stormtroopers to form a British Cube, and defend the food!
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 14th, 2001, 10:09:00 AM
LOL...Stormtroopers can't fight Ewoks, much less a quarter of a billion aliens with claws, fangs, 4x strength and 2x speed.
Stormies on the half shell! :cat :cat :cat
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 11:53:38 AM
They can shoot? That's al they are doing is shreding your charging kittens with blasters.
:shootin:shootin:shootin :cat:cat:cat =
Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2001, 02:35:15 PM
What, you think Cizerack are unarmed...or unarmored for that matter?
Not to mention...250 million of them.
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 02:52:54 PM
Refer to the little diagram!
Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2001, 02:54:47 PM
Your scatterbrained logic needs tinkering.
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 02:56:13 PM
Then it wouldn't be scatterbrained would it?
Oct 14th, 2001, 04:27:27 PM
Has the ability to close all this and in effect destroy/trap everyone here.
Dons his hat that reads "God Mode Defined"
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 05:21:59 PM
Ack! >_<
Champion of the Force
Oct 14th, 2001, 06:30:50 PM
Side note: I find it somewhat ironic that a thread with the purpose of uniting the Jedi has attracted everyone BUT the Jedi. :\
Oh well.
:: summons huge Force blast which wipes away the invading forces ::
Force Master Hunter
Oct 14th, 2001, 07:00:35 PM
:: Runs in, with Frying Pan::
Sorry! Had some panning of Sith to do! Meesa here now!!
Champion of the Force
Oct 14th, 2001, 07:18:00 PM
:: acciendentally blasts off SWFans.Net ::
Arrrggghhh!!!! Save the forum!
:: runs off to get back SWFans.Net ::
Oct 14th, 2001, 07:20:49 PM
Puts hands on hips and taps foot.
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 14th, 2001, 07:21:47 PM
*Dresses up in a ReaperFett costume*
I'm a Jedi :)
Oct 14th, 2001, 07:33:19 PM
*smacks away the Reaper-lookalike with a rafter as he walks in*
Sup? I'm here.
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 07:51:08 PM
<-- takes out his youghurt costume from when he was 10 and acts like the SWFans Yog.
Morgan Evanar
Oct 14th, 2001, 08:14:39 PM
*owns the fake Yog with his friend Desert Eagle, .5-0
Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 14th, 2001, 08:18:03 PM
*Runs to the top, and rips up the Jedi flag, then plants one with a smiling Darth Vader mask on a red background where it used to be, then uses the force to steal all of the jelly doughnuts.*
You can have the others, I only like jelly.:cat :D
Seth Darkserpent
Oct 14th, 2001, 08:19:10 PM
A....smiling....Darth Vader? O_o
Newsflash, he wears a mask :)
Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 14th, 2001, 08:32:49 PM
I ment the mouth triangle thing was in a smile shape:mneh
Seth Darkserpent
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:03:24 PM
That'd be an entirely different mask :)
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:11:07 PM
Stop arguing about the mask!
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:16:15 PM
Uh-oh :o
Force Master Hunter
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:32:45 PM
Somehow, Darth Vader smiling is just plain wrong
:: Rips out flag, purs petrol on it, burns to ashes and replants Jedi flag, before taking out Frying Pan of Death and...
:: Mhalbert flys through the air, with the greatest of ease, smashing though trapese, tied to the trees::
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:34:22 PM
<--- snickers!
Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:47:18 PM
(A white-hot glowing sphere flies out of nowhere and impales Lebron through his posterior sphincter, accelerating him into the stratosphere like some unholy bottle rocket. The sphere detonates, and Lebron-like confetti floats back to earth, where it is re-assembled by the world's best proctologist.
Results may vary ;) Inflatable donut is advised :lol )
Admiral Lebron
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:48:30 PM
WOW! Again! Again!
Force Master Hunter
Oct 14th, 2001, 10:34:25 PM
:: Looks up at the Imperial firing upwards, like a rocket::
Wow.... I havent seen the FORCE ENEMA done on anyone in a long time......
Oct 15th, 2001, 09:22:09 AM
"I've never seen it done, but I've heard horror stories of it...."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:09:04 PM
OOC: twas used on me and I think wuss boy too.....
IC: *sneaks in, steals some food then runs off*
Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 15th, 2001, 05:15:35 PM
All right, I guess the dif mask was a bit much.
*Put's a flag with the regular Vader mask on it in the spot where the old one stood.*:evil
Novi Paran
Oct 15th, 2001, 07:47:29 PM
Plants a hundred and fifty live detonators somewhere in this thread, passes a box of donuts and requisitions it.
"Oh darn, there is no jellies left."
Jets out there before the cizeracks notice the box is gone!
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