View Full Version : bah...

Oct 12th, 2001, 10:26:53 PM
i couldn't find a rant forum in time:

the abcs of my life

-crap @ school
-dog wont leave me alone
-every guy at school hates me except this one who i think is stalking me....
-fulkerson, my english teacher, thinks i'm an :angel . that's scary
-guy problems
-having a major reports due.. like.. yesterday and still procrastinating about it...
-i should be :zzz
-kill the cheerleaders
-mely is my name... life is a sucky game
-nothing is fair. ya know?
-only my friends think i'm a prep
-peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on stale bread from school... yuckies
-quiet time=nonexistant
-reading hold no joy anymore
-squirrels talk to me....
-tell my history teacher to SHUT UP!!!
-u have no idea of the >D O_o :smokin :x ...
-voices of dead squirrels are my friends...
-why oh why oh why
-x-b/fs r a pain in the @$$
-young enough to live... old enough to die

i'm done :crack