View Full Version : Mending Fences, Making Alliances (Interlude): The Spar

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2001, 12:37:25 AM
Admiral Taylor Millard stood in the recreation room of the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior. Sith Knight; Dark Jedi- but more importantly-an Admiral in the Imperial Navy. No, he had not accepted an assignment with the Galactic Military...no correction...The Galactic Empire.

A name change still wouldn't have me join them. But the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the memories of his return still bothered him. Clone or not, Thrawn possessed the same intellect as he had when Millard served under him many years prior. It is good to see him again. It might be enough for me to join TGE again. Might.

Taylor walked around the blue mat of the sparring room. It was a medium sized room, about as wide wide as an officer's quarters and twice the height. It was a bit lighter than most rooms with the glowrods keeping it lit through most of the day.

Taylor wore a grey, baggy tunic with black pants. His feet were bare, something he hadn't had to do when he was trained in the ways of the Force by Seth Darkserpent.

But I've got a more challenging task today. Ignoring the Force and fighting by my own wits. It was something he'd attempted to do before, failing miserably. He'd beaten Tomar fairly well, but it was still frustrating he'd used the Force. But Millard also knew Tomar's fighting abilities fairly well too.

This would be a challenge, he'd seen his opponent in battle before, but only when she was shooting blasters. Hand to hand, he hadn't seen her fight.

He closed his mind to the Force, feeling cut off from the universe. Although he could access it with a drop of a datapad, but he wanted this to be different. Plus, it would plan for the future.

This will be her send off to Bonhelious. A final test. Once this is complete- then she'll meet the rest of the forces.

Right now, the Superior was en route from the Kreikiv Vitiku Sector towards Corellia. Reports from around the galaxy said something called IMPLEMENT was attacking various sections of the galaxy. The Sith Order ships had departed days prior, to protect their assets on Corellia.

A noise brought Millard out of his musing. He watched as the red haired beauty entered the recreation area. They were alone, icy, green eyes meeting cold, blue ones. Millard smiled a small grin, his brown eyebrows lowering.

"Welcome...Serena," he said, slowly with a bit of harshness to it. Not too much Taylor he cautioned.

"For the next few hours there are no ranks, no command. Only you and I, battling."

He crossed the mat to the steel cabinent near Serena.

"You do look lovely this afternoon," he kept the smile on his face, "Since, I requested the spar, you get to choose the method in which we fight. Knives, swords, or hand to hand?"

He backed away a few feet,

"Your choice, and I give my honor as an Imperial Admiral, I will not use the Force to defeat or hinder you in any way."

He awaited her decision, ready for anything.

Serena Laran
Oct 12th, 2001, 12:58:14 AM
Serena Laran entered the recreation room, and sat down on a narrow bench to remove her shoes. The Admiral had requested a spar, for what purpose... she had yet to find out. She set her light canvas shoes inside the cabinet, pausing to look over the choice of weapons.

Laran stepped back, folding the bench into the wall. "I chose hand to hand." Her long red hair was braided and bound to her head, and she wore loose trousers and a tunic with a soft belt. She walked to the middle of the blue mat. "Shall we, Millard?" Her eyes reflected the coolness of her spirit. This combat would be highly irregular, yet worthwhile for them both. It gave her opportunity to gauge him as a person. And vice versa.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2001, 01:09:14 AM
Millard stared back at Serena Laran, "Yes Laran. Let's begin."

The two faced each other, sizing each other up. Millard struck first, his left leg swining up towards the head of the TGE Liason. As he suspected, she blocked it with ease, sending her own punch towards Millard's face. Off balance, Taylor grabbed her right arm, throwing her forward.

They both collided with the plastic of the mat, each leaping to their feet. This time Serena attacked, a punch to Taylor's midriff. He allowed it to contact with his stomach, then twisted her arm behind her.

In her ear he whispered, "Come on Laran, fight! Bring out your frustration towards me."

He pushed her forward to the mat.

"Bring it on, Laran."

Taylor swung his right leg towards her ribcage, seeing how she would react.

Serena Laran
Oct 12th, 2001, 01:22:19 AM
Serena blocked the kick with her left forearm, and kicked out with her right leg, aiming for his chest. Millard manged to block, and she immediately kicked again, beating his arm back against his ribcage. As he grabbed for her foot on an anticipated third kick, she switched her center of gravity, and kicked up her left foot, only to be blocked again.

Laran fell back a little, sweating all ready, and he spun around to catch her with a sweep kick. She managed to jump over it, landing off balance, and stumbling to the side of him. Taylor pivoted to follow her, and she let him punch at her, grabbing his fist in her hand (which jolted her) and turning around it, stepping up and around the side of his arm arriving behind him, their backs together.

She grabbed her own fist, thrusting an elbow into his kidney area, and hooking her foot around his ankle.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2001, 01:46:14 AM
Pain shot through Millard's arm, but he ignored it. His back arched sending even more pain. He scowled, knowing he could choke her with his mind, using the Force. But he wouldn't allow it.

That would be cheating, and I refuse to cheat.

If he rotated right, he'd tear his rotator cuff. Although he could use the Force to withdraw the pain, again, that would be cheating.

Instead, he brought his free leg forward then kicked the back of her knee. The each fell to the mat, clunking their heads together. Millard saw stars and felt more pain in his right arm. If his shoulder separated, he ignored it, inhibiting some pain of his own, in an elbow to Serena's neck.

They separated again, but Millard grabbed her right leg. Quickly, he got to his feet, turning the Captain on her stomach, and pulled her below him. He leaned back, stretching the muscles in Laran's leg and back.

Nice move, Serena. But I know a few submission moves as well.

Serena Laran
Oct 12th, 2001, 02:02:36 AM
She yelped as he nearly pulled her leg off, and settled his weight on the small of her back. Serena bent her left leg and kicked back, trying to hit him in the face. She connected, but didn't know where. He pulled harder.

I'm not going out this quickly. Laran gathered herself, and then kicked again, wincing in pain as he pulled more, then suddenly let go. She threw her body to the side, sending him to the mat again. They were about the same height, although he had a little more weight than she. The red headed woman scrambled over him, lifting her fist and aiming for his nose.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2001, 02:17:23 AM
Millard blocked, slapping her fist away. But then Laran's left hand collided with his eye. His head flew sidesways, stunning him briefly.

His own right hand came up, but he didn't pull his punch. He felt a connection with something- or someone, and the pressure on his body was lifted.

Taylor staggered to his feet, feeling something trickle down his head. His left eye was swelling, and his right shoulder hurt immensely.

Going to spend more than a few hours in the medlab.

He waited for Laran to get to her feet, her face looking a bit woozy. With a leap, Millard tackled her, pressing his entire weight into her as he laid atop her.

He grinned then put more weight into her. Laran slammed her open palms into both of Millard's ears. Taylor winced, rolling off of the red haired captain.

As the two made it to their feet again, Taylor made a grab for her hair. He connected, pulling towards the ground. A punch to the chest and Serena lay on the ground again.

Millard wiped his face of sweat and smiled.

Gotcha, for now. Excellent work, Captain. Let's hope you continue to fight this well.

Serena Laran
Oct 12th, 2001, 02:40:16 AM
She coughed, gagging as she gasped for air, her scalp aching from where he had yanked on her hair. Laran rolled away from him and got to her feet, her head ringing from the blow on the ground. Millard stood in front of her, and she faked a move to the right, drawing him out, and then kicking him hard in the waist with her left leg.

She pivoted around, then leapt up to kick at his head with her right foot. The admiral blocked, sending her falling backwards to end up on one knee on the mat. He advanced as she got to her feet again, and they exchanged punches until she grabbed his wrist and arm, turning against him and flipping him over her hip. Millard landed flat on his back, the wind knocked out of him.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2001, 02:53:25 AM
I refuse to use the Force. I refuse to use the Force echoed through his brain as Millard gapsed for air. He stared up at Laran, pleased with what he saw.

"Ouch," he allowed escape his lips, "Good job."

His hand shot up, suddenly, gripping her belt. Using his weight, (and ignoring pain) he pulled her towards the mat, delighted to hear the yelp as Serena's body hit the floor.

Again they got to their feet, both a bit worse for wear. Millard felt blood on his face, pain in his arm and right knee. Laran had bruises on her neck and appeared to have some swelling on her face.

But both of their eyes contained a fury; a refusal to be beaten. Cold blue and icy green bore into each other, as the bodies collided in a mass of punches and kicks.

Millard's right fist found Laran's stomach, but she anticipated it rolling away and sending an elbow into his back. A sweep kick and Taylor stared up at the ceiling again. A foot came down to stomp on Millard's injured eye, but he rolled away and sent his left leg into Laran's knee again.

As she fell, he caught her then lifted her, both of their backs facing each other.

Millard brought a right fist up towards her head in a quick roundhouse punch. Serena blocked it, then took a jab just below her ribcage, As she doubled over, Millard grabbed her preparing a hip toss.

Serena Laran
Oct 19th, 2001, 12:24:13 AM
She was tossed over his hip, landing hard on her back. Serena gasped for air, and then kicked his legs out from under him, sending him to the mat as well. She got to her feet, struggling to maintain her balance, and kicking him in the head as he tried to get up.

He fell back again, but thrust his leg out, catching her ankle and pulling her leg out from under her. Laran went down to the mat again, and she rolled away from Taylor, as he moved to try and pin her. She grabbed a handful of his hair and smacked his face into the mat.

Taylor Millard
Oct 19th, 2001, 12:48:07 AM
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Taylor chided himself as his head bounced off the mat. He was woozy now, feeling his 45 years of age. His cold blue eyes seemed to have melted a bit, losing their sharpness. Although he knew he had a black eye forming, Millard was unsure how badly damaged his face was. His ears rang, and his left eye he could barely see out of.

Yet he refused to use the Force, keeping with his own wits and skills. His shoulders ached but were still usable. His legs felt healthy enough.

Millard pushed hard against the mat, feeling his head strike against Laran's as he got some breathing space between the two. He staggared to his feet, glaring at the TGE Liason with one eye.

He punched at her, every one of them blocked by the younger female. With a rage, Millard grabbed her by the tunic, using his superior strength to pull her in the air. As Serena passed over his head, Millard's back gave way. They both hit the ground awkwardly. Taylor felt the pain in his back, and his arm.

The Imperial Admiral got to his feet first, but took a kick to the midsection. Another came, but Millard caught it. As Laran spun to kick his head, Taylor pushed her foot backwards the kick missing.

Taylor sent his own kick to her face, took two punches to the chest, then brought his right fist towards Laran (on the mat) looking to end the fight in a knockout.

Serena Laran
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:18:31 AM
She rolled to the side barely fast enough, his fist grazing her cheek and smashing her ear. Her head rang, but as she rolled she brought her right arm up, catching it around his neck and rolling him over as well.

Serena was half on top of him, her arm tight around his neck as she laid her left forearm on his throat to cut off the air supply to his lungs. Her blood was hot, and she had almost forgotten where she was in the heat of the spar. She grunted, a drop of sweat falling from her face to his as her green eyes blazed through the slits they had narrowed into.

Taylor Millard
Oct 19th, 2001, 02:23:02 AM
Millard stared back, the air running from his lungs. He glared with his one eye. He saw determination on Laran's face and anger...and something else he couldn't place.

He was pinned for now, and thus he relaxed his muscles. Then, as her grip relaxed with her readjustment, his hands came up grabbing her throat.

It was simple now, he could use the Force and choke her out. Take over her brain and destroy her. But Taylor liked Laran, she was a good officer (even if she was with Viscera).

Their eyes met again...blue and green. Coldness and Ice.

If he was wrong it didn't matter. She was on her way to Bonheloius anyway, he thought as they both held their grips on each other's throats.

Thrawn wouldn't approve, but Taylor wasn't Thrawn. Nor was he under his command anymore. He was Taylor Millard, Imperial Admiral, Dark Jedi, and Sith Knight. But most importantly...he was an Imperial.

Imperials never surrendered. Only when their wasn't an end did they decided to retreat, they never lost.

With a grunt he let go of her throat. Then, grabbing her hands, he pulled them away from his throat. He breathed in fresh air, their faces together as they stared at each other. They were literally on top of each other, their eyes still holding more intensity than normal.

If he did what his body told him to do, the spar would end with her walking out. If he did what his mind told him to do, he would win the spar but also lose war. He refused to use the Force in this battle.

Regardless of this... he thought as their eyes met again, She is going to Bonhelious once we reach Corellia.

With a rage of fury. Millard surged forward, his hands on her throat again. Even with his back hurting, he slammed her on the ground, their eyes meeting again. He stared at her, then smiled, his eyes blazing.

"Tell me something, Serena. Would you ever say to me, stop."

The Blue and Green met again. Coldness and Ice.

"If you loved me you'd stop."

Serena Laran
Oct 19th, 2001, 10:51:51 PM
Serena gasped for air, her hands tugging at Millard's stronger grip around her throat. "Would you ever ask me...if you loved me you'd stop." Her ears registered the sound as her vision narrowed, blackness surrounding her.

With her last ounces of strength, she brought her knee up, hitting Taylor in the groin. He groaned and released her, rolling to the side as she rolled the other way, gasping and choking for air. Laran coughed, supporting herself on her hands, her lips almost touching the mat as she drew in ragged breaths.

Millard was regaining control of himself, and slowly getting to his feet, obviously in some amount of pain. She looked up at him, his last words echoing in her mind. "Would I ever ask that?"

She got to her feet, pushing up on her knees for support. "I wouldn't. You are my superior officer. There are several protocols against it." In spite of her words he was surprised to see her wink. "And I am capable of taking care of myself." She walked to the locker, and pulled her shoes out, replacing them on her feet. Serena left the sparring room without another look, her back straight.

As soon as the doors closed behind her, she allowed herself to relax, her muscles aching and protesting their rough usage. An hour in the sonic shower should help loosen me back up. She got to her quarters as quickly as possible, and fell backwards onto her bed.

What were you thinking Serena? Winking at the man. Ridiculous. It had been a whim. Laran didn't act on her whims. It was highly irregular. She had respect for this former Imperial, or Imperial still. The jury was out on that one. The Admiral had a certain undeniable charm.

But she had walls in place that a few words were not about to shake. And no upstart Admiral was about to get around them. She shakily got to her feet, her body exhausted, and walked into the 'fresher.

Taylor Millard
Oct 19th, 2001, 11:46:48 PM
As the doors closed behind Laran's back, Millard collapsed back on the blue mat. His ragged muscles hurt, and he was bleeding. Plus, he groin ached like he'd been struck by a pipe, not a foot from a woman. In spite of this- he laughed.

What were you thinking, asking her 'If you loved me you'd stop'? Sounds like something out of a holovid. he shook his head, chiding himself.

He had to admit, Laran was cute, in an icy sort of way. Reminded him of Ysanne Isard of Imperial Intel. But there was something else to Captain Laran. Something he still couldn't place.

But she is under my command. The only reason why the Tomar/Jaranda relationship works is because Jaranda's non-military. Laran is military, as am I. Hmmph, I wonder...

Taylor forced himself to his feet, walking across the blue mat. It crunched under his weight, as he exitted the exercise room. He strode down the corridor, back to his quarters.

As he enterred, he saw a message awaited him. It was Tomar.

"We will be coming out of hyperspace soon, Admiral. About 3 hours. See you on the bridge."

Millard stepped into the refresher with one single thought. How is it, Tomar does it? I'll never figure it out.

Two Hours Later

Admiral Taylor Millard marched down the halls of the Superior. He turned a corridor towards the quarters he seeked. He stood before the door, debating what he should do.

He felt...nervous...something he hadn't felt in a long time. Of course, what comes next was even more difficult.

He rang the chime to the door.

"Captain Laran. It is Admiral Millard. I would like to speak if you. If you will allow me. I wish..." He paused. Was this the right thing? Part of his mind said it was, the other part was still uncertain. No matter.

"I wish to apologize."