View Full Version : Snow White sells 1 million dvds first day

Oct 11th, 2001, 11:03:03 AM

We should note.....That this is actual sales, and not shipped. (Titanic tried to trick us when it came out on dvd saying 1 million sold, when it was 1 million shipped...it seems Snow White shipped 4.5 million..but sold 1 milllion on the first day)

Now, 1 million in one day would be amazing even for a VHS...this is really good, though I am not sure if it will catch the 5.5 million record holder, Gladiator.

Oct 11th, 2001, 11:31:16 AM
That's pretty impressive for a first day release. I don't know if it can surpass Gladiator, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did eventually. There are a lot of "kiddie" sales Snow White is going to have access to that movies like Gladiator don't. I wouldn't be surprised to see school libraries and daycares across the U.S. stock the DVD before they stop selling it in 2002. Plus, the number of DVD players keeps increasing every year.

Oct 11th, 2001, 12:54:34 PM
Also, Disney gave away a free dvd from a list, when you bought the dvd at any Disney store, or at places like Costco...and every place else, you also get the free dvd, but have to mail in your proof of purchase to get it..I am sure that really sold a lot more then normal. I know a lot of guys at dvdtalk bought 6-8 copies, to sell on ebay, and got the other dvds for their kids, to fill out their Disney collection...

I got Snow White and Fantasia 2000 both for 18 bucks, with free shipping and no tax from Costco.com

Oct 11th, 2001, 01:12:24 PM
I think the difference is the audience. Snow WHite etc appeals to all ages. Gladiator is a lot more niche (Still not worked out why I bought the damn DVD, only watched it twice :))

Oct 11th, 2001, 07:24:37 PM
Disney can smell the money! They're going to limit their classic titles to just a couple of years at a time, and only a few movies at a time so they don't oversaturate the market. If they pace it right they're looking at a solid decade of DVD hits.

Oct 11th, 2001, 07:32:22 PM
Can you blame them? It isnt as if the customer misses out either. Staggered release = more time to keep up. I look at what DVDs I want now, and it is stupidly high. Simply because I suddenly found a lot of films I want, all released. I wont get them all due to this

Oct 11th, 2001, 07:41:04 PM
From a business standpoint, Disney can't lose. They have a ton of sales data to work with with all of their VHS releases. They've learned from their mistakes, too many titles at once will overwhelm consumers and kill the demand for your product. They've got a HUGE library to choose from but it would be foolish to release them all at once. The Snow White limited release strategy is a solid one. I'd do the same thing. All that money...

Oct 11th, 2001, 10:32:25 PM
Damn, who knew Mickey Mouse would be so smart?

Oct 12th, 2001, 02:28:29 AM
I've only seen all of my DVD's about one or zero times, but they were still worth owning to me. It's not like I'd want to rent something every time I want to see it. I want to have them there to see.

I've watched The Matrix about five times on DVD, gotten great use of that for the $11.94 I paid (800.com), then I guess Road Trip a few times, but most everything just once, or no times.

Lord Exar Kun
Oct 12th, 2001, 08:30:25 AM
I dont know if anyone mentioned it, but Disney always releases their movies on a LIMITED basis.

This is what increases the collectibility of their product.
My wife owns an original copy The Little Mermiad from it's original release, not the re-release, and even though it is opened and has been watched about a dozen times, it has been appraised at worth over $250.00.

She had her entire Disney movie collection appraised about two years ago and as told since she has all of the first prints of the movies, her movies are worth almost $7500.00.

Usually Disney will run a print for between 30 to 90 days and SHIP product for the same amount of time.
I believe the run was for 37 days for the Snow White DVD.
After that time, no new copies will be pressed and the shipments from Disney will cease. Whatever is on the shleves will be the last of the stock.

I am also going to go out a limb and say, since I did not notice anyone else comment on it, but the Snow White DVD is pretty awesome. The interactive features are cutting edge and in my opinion, is probably the most thorough and entertaining DVD my family has ever purchased to date. This includes such titles as Fight Club, The Matrix, Terminator 2, Mummy Ultimate Edition and about 70 other movies.
There is a lot of extra stuff added to this set and the entire DVD looks so crisp and clean, Disney definitely set a new standard with this DVD.

Oct 12th, 2001, 11:17:04 AM
My wife owns an original copy dfrom it's original release, not the re-release, and even though it is opened and has been watched about a dozen times, it has been appraised at worth over $250.00.

are you talking about the VHS or DVD? I know both do not sell more then 20 bucks at any auction house.

Also, Snow WHite on DVD will be made till early 2002. That will be Jan or Feb.

Oct 12th, 2001, 11:56:12 AM
No Fox, you don't KNOW, because it depends on the auctioner. Boba Fett models can go for 200-1000 I ehar

Oct 12th, 2001, 01:00:58 PM
No Fox, you don't KNOW, because it depends on the auctioner. Boba Fett models can go for 200-1000 I ehar

yes i do KNOW...because I have watched the vaule of this tape drop like a bomb. I guess he is talking about the first VHS copy, the one that was recalled, because of the case, and that you can pick up a copy sealed for the 30-40 buck range on ebay right now...and they have copies up all the time.

Oct 12th, 2001, 01:45:14 PM
Ebay is a POS when dealing with rare things. You dont know what youll get until you get it. Id say +40% just for the fact you are seeing it in person

Oct 12th, 2001, 02:29:27 PM
I have no doubt that Exar's wife's collection was appraised so high. But an appraisal and what the market will bear aren't always the same. I f you put that tape up for auction on ebay and described it just as Exar did you probably wouldn't get as high a price as the appraised one. Fox has been watching what the market will bear so I'd go with his price. I don't have a sense for used VHS tapes, but there are a lot of SW toys that I could easily aprraise either by site, or with a bit of research. I can tell that I often find prices in toy magazines that are way out of scale with the market will bear. Collectibles are like that. The vintage A-Wing that was worth $600 in 95 is now down to $200-$300. The blockbuster Yoda that may have sold for over $1,500 in 99 will now only fetch $200 on ebay. Somebody could appraise your EP2 colletion at $100 and you'd be lucky to get half that when you sell it. Why? Because the guy used retail prices to come up with his appraisal figure. The problem with that is many of those figures can be found for $2 at TRU. Aprraisals are great for insurance companies, but you can't count on them to put money in your pocket.

Oct 12th, 2001, 03:22:13 PM
If my Jennifer Love Hewitt site was appraised, I bet they'd find it is worth about $5,000 or something. In reality, I think it's worth maybe $1,500. I doubt I'd sell it for less than $2,000, but I doubt anyone buy it for more than $1,500 either, so the point is, appraisals just aren't that meaningful.

Take a site such as the one I'm looking to buy now. Sometimes, newsletter subscribers are valued at $1 each. This is not at uncommon. In fact, Suite101.com PAID me $1 for every person I got to join up to 50, then $1.50 for each person after, and finally $2 per person after 100! So using $1 per person, the newsletter on this site alone is worth $160,000. Then the site and its traffic could probably be valued at another $150,000 or so anyway. So is the site worth more than $300,000? No, because nobody would pay that. People care more about what it's making, which is $3,000 to $5,000 monthly and therefore the site is probably worth more like $50,000, though even so, I am buying it at $25,000 and nobody will be able to outbid me because the demand for Websites at this time is simply too low, even though the site is a great business venture.

Seriously, appraisals aren't regarded too highly usually...

Lord Exar Kun
Oct 12th, 2001, 03:24:56 PM
My wife never tried to sell it. After a terrible scare with our basement flooding, and most of my vintage comic book collection being destroyed, my wife wanted to have her Disney collection appraised and insured.

I also have to point out the fact that this was either atwo or three years ago.
I know it was prior to the huge explosion of DVD sales and DVD players being priced lower. I want to say it was probably early '99, maybe even late '98.

I do not know the particulars with her video, but I do know the appraiser was quite excited to see that video and mentioned that my wife should make sure she does not let this out of her collection. With that in mind, then what you mentioned about a recalled box might be the case. Again, I am not as versed with Disney variations as I am with general action figures and collectibles of that sort.

As far as Snow White being produced until early 2002, I believe you. My source was not one of my nomral sources and number 37 sounded a little bizarre. I sort of figured Disney would run a longer printing on this to get their "Platinum Collection" out and get it seen by the masses.
Sounds like from what you said, they are going to go back up to the 90 day pressing or maybe, and it is unusual for Disney, a 120-day pressing.

Oct 12th, 2001, 04:15:50 PM
Before the DVD market, you could have gotten a lot of money for that tape, but when the DVD hit, people not knowing what they had started to get rid of the tape at garage sales, and places like Ebay..it killed the Disney vhs market...and even tapes that have yet to hit dvd, have fallen in value...

I was not saying that your tape was not worth much to be a turd, but it might have seemed that way. I know it is not worth that much because I had a copy myself a while back, and saw the value drop like crazy when word of Disney making DVDs hit. I was able to get rid of it for 125 (this was a sealed copy as well) at a local baseball card shop that was owned by an older couple that had no idea of DVD, and were using older values. They thought they got a great deal, and I could see her smile of "haha...the fool" as I gave her the tape. About a week later I had a phone call from her, but never returned it.

Disney wants to keep Snow White through the Christmas season, and I expect it might pass Gladiator as the best selling dvd, at near 6 million...and I expect stores like Walmart might buy another 1-2 million alone to back-stock for the next few years. They have learned from the past.

Oct 12th, 2001, 06:08:41 PM
That's hilarious Fox! LOL :)

Mu Satach
Oct 12th, 2001, 06:23:18 PM
And then there was that unfortunate incident involving Mortimer Snerd and the Lolli Gang.


It just broke my heart.

Oct 13th, 2001, 12:44:56 PM
Sounds to me Exar that you got your wife's collection appraised at just the right time, before the DVD market exploded. You may want to wait awhile before getting it done today. I'd recommend that anyone with a large SW or DVD collection to get it appraised somehow. A simple videotape of your collection may be enough to get it insured under your homeowner's policy. You never know when a floor or fire may ruin thousands of dollars of memories. Now all I have to do is get off my butt and follow my own advice! :D

Oct 16th, 2001, 12:59:46 AM
Are there any good net sources for dvd sales figures?

What's the number one seller right now? Does anyoen know how mant units TPM shipped? Are there any predictions on how many it will sell?

Oct 16th, 2001, 11:36:04 AM
Are there any good net sources for dvd sales figures?

no...and most important is people still use the older numbers at times when talking about the best selling dvds. In America, Gladiator is number 1 with over 5.5 million sold. World Wide, Matrix was number 1 before the summer, but many felt at the rate Gladiator was selling, it would also be number 1 WW....

There are list with weekly sales and yearly sales ranks at www.dvdfile.com