View Full Version : My answer's to Jes' questions.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 10th, 2001, 11:24:09 AM
This is what I was going to post in reply to Jeseth, but I figured I'd post here and see if I had things right first. What does everybody think?

Jes: I don't think I'm qualified to answer anything regarding the NR since I'm not familiar with their stuff yet, but there are other things you posted about that I think I can respond to.

I disagree with this, merely on the principle that in a day a construction facility can probably easily build over 100 fighters, and most large ships need to be loaded with over 1,000 to have a "full compliment" of fighters on board. 5 days for 300 would be more realistic and fair, especially since most fighters in SW are pretty expendable, and cheaply built.

I tend to disagree.

First off, think of what you're asking. Do you really want to be responsible for keeping track of how many tens of thousands of starfighters you have?

Second, are that many really necessary? I mean REALLY necessary, not just "I want them" necessary. The X-Wing novels showed us how a few squads worth of starfighters can put major hurts on whatever they want.

Third, a point Sanis brought up. The 30 fighters in 5 days rule is pretty consistent with the rest of the amended build times. Note: under these rules, you need 20 days or so to build an ISD, so there is no true overriding need for such a heavy fighter load, which relates to point two.

Also, elaborate on customer yards. I've seen (too often) people unfairly using their customer yards to increase their military force. usually it's out of ignorance more than malice, but there should be a clear line drawn.

The concept seems simple to me. There exists, for every group, a yard where they can build small personal ships, vehicles, weapons, etc. for people who come asking for them and who are not part of the group. If I wanted some of the superior shielding technology of the Mon Calamari in my ship, for example, I might pay the NR a visit and request them to make me a ship with such upgrades.

The basic limits on this are as follows: no superior military-grade technology should end up in the hands of those buying ships, because if you were operating realistically you wouldn't sell your best stuff to a stranger anyway. This solves two problems: the problem of whether or not one Independant person can have/own a capital ship like a Victory Star Destroyer or Lancer Frigate (answer: NO) and what happens to the ship if that person later joins the group the ship was bought from (answer: they keep it, because there was no significance to the ship being in Independant hands in the first place).

Size, capabilities, and so on do need to be defined, but seeing as how even we mods get lazy... well, we'll do it later. :)

Complete loss of the right to roleplay with fleets seems excessive, as does the losing of a yard because frankly, someone's OOC actions have no IC impact on their capacity to build. Why not just suspend said person/group from fleet roleplaying the second time around, and the exponentially double their suspension time with each offense?

Something strikes me as being bad about this idea, but I can't put my finger on it at the moment. I'll let you know if I do, but until then there's no reason it can't be considered.

Edit: Redoing post with the added info- and wouldn't you know it, as soon as I rechecked the Rules proposal, I saw where it was mentioned that starfighters didn't come with the ships? :/

Oct 10th, 2001, 11:34:56 AM
Third, I was under the impression that capital ships with room for fighter compliments would come with those filled at the ends of their construction time. Let me recheck the rules and see if that's mentioned- if it isn't, I think some discussion may be necessary. If it is, or if it isn't and the rules are revised to include it, it potentially solves your complaint.

(This isn't mentioned- what do people think?)

That was mentioned in the proposed rules I believe and mentioned that they were not included. Other than that, I see nothing wrong with your post. It is clear and logical and if there is something wrong in there, I don't see it, but then I am a little sleep deprived at the moment so I could have missed it.

Sanis Prent
Oct 10th, 2001, 11:38:39 AM
The 30 fighters in 5 days rule is pretty consistent with the rest of the amended build times. Note: under these rules, you need 20 days or so to build an ISD, so there is no true overriding need for such a heavy fighter load.

Also...fighters have not been counted in fleet construction. You build those separately.

The customer yards bit seems fair to me, although we need to outline the capabilities, size, and such for this in the rules.

I think suspensions sound like a good idea.

Force Master Hunter
Oct 10th, 2001, 05:58:17 PM
Yep, looks good to me.

I'll answer the NR bit.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 11th, 2001, 03:11:36 PM
*Goes to post this stuff.*